The Weekly Watch

The US Doesn't Honor the Armistice nor Peace

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No America Just Heaps Arrogant Aggression Toward Any Country That Isn't Its Corporate Tool.

This week alone, when we were supposed to celebrate the end of the war to end all wars, the US instead threatens China, and Russia, and intends to nullify Nicaragua's election. As someone here recently wrote, Nicaragua appears to be Venezuela 2.0. The US claims Ortega arrested his challengers. Funny how that was quite acceptable when Lula was imprisoned while running against CIA favorite Bolsonaro in Brazil. The arrogance and absurdity of declaring our puppets as presidents of other countries is amazing. But perhaps more amazing is the way our colonial powers agree. Over twenty countries recognized Guido as Venezuela's president because the US told them to do so. The US stole (and is stealing) all of Venezuela's profits from their US based company Citgo, and the UK stole their gold holdings banked in London...because we don't recognize their election results despite Jimmy Carter declaring them some of the fairest elections in the world.

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We've lost our way...

Over one hundred years ago the world celebrated peace as a universal principle. The first World War had just ended and nations mourning their dead collectively called for an end to all wars. Armistice Day was born and was designated as “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated.”

After World War II, the U.S. Congress decided to rebrand November 11 as Veterans Day. Honoring the warrior quickly morphed into honoring the military and glorifying war. Armistice Day was flipped from a day for peace into a day for displays of militarism.
Veterans For Peace is calling on everyone to stand up for peace this Armistice Day. More than ever, the world faces a critical moment. Tensions are heightened around the world and the U.S. is engaged militarily in multiple countries, without an end in sight. Here at home we have seen the increasing militarization of our police forces and brutal crackdowns on dissent and people’s uprisings against state power. We must press our government to end reckless military interventions that endanger the entire world. We must build a culture of peace.

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As usual Caity gets it right...
Call It The Department Of Aggression, Not ‘Defense’: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

If you believe the mainstream narrative about any US-targeted nation you will wind up on the wrong side of debates about that nation. This is because the US empire is the single most corrupt and murderous institution on earth and its power is held in place by lies and propaganda.

It’s so obnoxious how the empire destroys entire countries and sows chaos, destruction and poverty around the world and the only mainstream pushback we ever see against any part of this is opposition to the arrival of immigrants who are fleeing that devastation.

Hey remember when it was confirmed that the CIA still plots assassinations of journalists, with a known plan drawn out in 2017 against Julian Assange, and then nothing whatsoever was done about this horrifying fact?

It’s silly to call the US war machine the Department of Defense. The US military doesn’t do “defense”, it does nonstop unprovoked aggression around the world. Defense is what the nations who resist US acts of aggression against them are doing.

All US elections are fraudulent on the national level. None of them ever permit real opposition. It’s a one-party system controlled by plutocratic and military institutions fraudulently disguised as democracy. Shut the fuck up about Latin American elections.

Western civilization is so free and democratic that its rulers allow regular elections to determine which of their puppets will represent them and advance their interests going forward.

All you need to know about Russiagate is that it began with unsubstantiated claims made by the US intelligence cartel and ended in cold war escalations against a nation long targeted by the US intelligence cartel. All the rest was just unethical political and media opportunism.

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Even as Congress moves to increase the Pentagon budget well beyond the astronomical levels proposed by the Biden administration, a new report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has outlined three different ways to cut $1 trillion in Department of Defense spending over the next decade. A rational defense policy could yield far more in the way of reductions, but resistance from the Pentagon, weapons contractors, and their many allies in Congress would be fierce.

The Monroe Doctrine is alive and well...

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The US, EU, and OAS are launching a new coup attempt against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, refusing to recognize its 2021 elections. The Grayzone observed the vote on the ground, and dispels myths aimed at discrediting the process.

Millions of Nicaraguans went to the polls on November 7, 2021, re-electing the leftist Sandinista Front and President Daniel Ortega by a large margin.

The Joe Biden administration refused to recognize the results, however. The United States and its allies in the European Union and the Organization of American States (OAS) have instead launched what essentially amounts to a new coup attempt against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government.

More from Ben Norton

The story of how Nicaragua’s former guerrilla Dora María Téllez and her anti-Sandinista MRS party allied with the right wing and became coup-supporting informants for the US embassy.

Edit to add: The US, EU, and OAS are launching a new coup attempt against Nicaragua’s Sandinista government, refusing to recognize its 2021 elections. The Grayzone's Ben Norton observed the vote on the ground, and filed this report.

More from Caity on Nicaragua.

The US empire—by which I also mean the client states around the world who support its agendas of planetary domination—has no business criticizing governments which are far less powerful, far less destructive, and far less corrupt. Elections throughout this US-centralized power structure are consistently rigged in myriad ways to ensure the survival of the political status quo upon which it is built, and if the mainstream news media existed for the purpose of practicing journalism this is something we would all be acutely aware of.

Until you are living in a nation with real political opposition and real elections, maybe shut the fuck up about places like Nicaragua.

Sadly the US rushes head long into ever more conflict.


There is fear in Russia that the U.S. is egging the Ukraine into a renewed active conflict with its renegade eastern Donbass region and thereby into a war with Russia.

We assess that Moscow is increasingly concerned about U.S. military activity, especially in Europe, and that this increases the potential for unintended Russian escalation.

This month the U.S. Navy has send the guided missile destroyer Porter and the command ship Mount Whitney into the Black Sea. The later is of special interest:

"The region can already be viewed as a potential theater of war. The USS Mount Whitney command ship is known for its visits to trouble spots. It was seen near the coasts of Iraq and Libya, and visited the Black Sea in 2008, when a war broke out in South Ossetia. It sailed to our shores in 2014, too, after Crimea reunited with Russia," [military expert Vladislav Shurygin] added.

At the same time the U.S. is intensifying its aerial reconnaissance activity around the Black Sea:

MOSCOW, November 10. /TASS/. NATO reconnaissance aircraft increased the number of flights near the Russian borders in the Black Sea region over the past 24 hours, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Wednesday.

"Over the past 24 hours, reconnaissance aircraft of NATO countries increased the intensity of flights near the borders of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea region," the ministry said.

Russiagate has been debunked...absolutely and completely, but not by the MSM. Never let go of a good lie to promote war and conflict.

Putin: NATO Doesn't Want To Let Russia Relax; They Should Know That Russians Don't Relax Anyway!

Aaron and Bob Scheer
Aaron's article.

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Vijay Prashad: confrontation or collaboration with China – which road will Europe take? (10 min)
Many other presentations were good

The US administration is attempting to draw Europe into its cold war against China

The most recent summits of both the G7 and NATO in June 2021 unfortunately saw a number European governments accede to the new cold war agenda advanced by US President Joe Biden. The NATO Summit’s communiqué identified China’s rise as a “systemic challenge” and a security threat to the Western military alliance.

The announcement in September that Britain has formed a new anti-China military alliance alongside Australia and the US – AUKUS – represents a further serious escalation of this new cold war against China. This year has also witnessed Britain, France and Germany engaging in provocative and aggressive military gestures by sending warships to the South China Sea.

Meanwhile the US has also been attempting to prevent the signing of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, a major agreement to strengthen economic cooperation between the EU and China.

This new cold war against China is not only against the interests of the people of China, it is also against the interests of the people of Europe.

As the new cold war heats up, China is being increasingly demonised in the mainstream media in both the US and Europe, leading to an alarming rise in anti-China racism and hate crimes directed against people of East and South-East Asian heritage.

On the economic front, for Europe to join in with the US administration’s offensive against China, which is designed to hold back China’s economic development, would be an act of economic self-harm. China is already a major trading partner of most European countries. Any country that follows Washington’s cold war approach will suffer economic damage - losing jobs, trade, investment and access to advanced technologies.

Instead of adopting such cold war positions, what is required is international cooperation to tackle the real threats and problems facing all of humanity. These include defeating the on-going Covid19 pandemic, building an economic recovery and taking the urgent action needed to stop impending climate breakdown. All of these problems require genuine global cooperation to tackle and the new cold war against China represents a real distraction and serious obstacle to solving them.

The biggest threat of all is that the US-led new cold war escalates into a deadly hot war against China – which has the potential to be nothing less than a total catastrophe for all of humanity.

In a new article promoting the CIA’s new mission center focused on China and the need to pour more resources into countering Beijing, Bloomberg also accidentally makes the case that many of the Chinese government’s controversial domestic policies are entirely justified and completely necessary.

Citing anonymous government officials alongside bloodthirsty psychopath John Bolton, the article “China Is Evading U.S. Spies — and the White House Is Worried” argues that “a stronger pivot to China can’t come soon enough” and reminds readers of last year’s House Intelligence Committee report which claimed that “Absent a significant realignment of resources, the U.S. government and intelligence community will fail to achieve the outcomes required to enable continued U.S. competition with China on the global stage.”

But in their efforts to justify the need for greater focus on espionage campaigns in China, the article’s multiple authors explain that the US intelligence cartel has been floundering on that front precisely because of the authoritarian policies which western institutions have been aggressively criticizing China for implementing.


It’s so silly how the US war machine uses the word “defense” to describe the machine by which it inflicts nonstop aggression upon the world. “Department of Defense”. “The defense industry”. The US war machine doesn’t “defend” anything, it attacks relentlessly and maliciously. Defense is what the nations who resist those aggressions are doing. 10 min
subscripted Chinese video of US recon missions over China

Abby nailed Paylowsee at COP26 asking about the MIC and climate chaos. (3.5 min)

Jimmy covered it in his humorous way too.

The Most Important War We Are Losing...

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The Planet

Did you know the insects are vanishing?

They are. Land-dwelling insects like butterflies, ants and grasshoppers are now half as common as they were 75 years ago; that’s why those of you who remember catching fireflies on summer nights as kids don’t see them much anymore, and why car windshields don’t get covered in dead bugs like they used to.

This is a part of the animal kingdom that the rest of the ecosystem is built upon, and it’s undergone a drastic plummet that we’ve personally witnessed in our own lifetimes. If you were a sapient insect watching it happen, you wouldn’t be thinking in terms of a future armageddon, you’d feel that you were currently witnessing it.

People bicker and argue about global warming and what should be done about it and if it even exists, but climate change is only one of the many ways our biosphere is moving toward death. There’s also been a shocking loss of two-thirds of Earth’s wildlife in the last 50 years, ecosystems dying off, forests disappearing, soil becoming rapidly less fertile, mass extinctions, oceans gasping for oxygen and becoming lifeless deserts while continents of plastic form in their waters, and the aforementioned insect apocalypse. The way the debate fixates solely on temperature and carbon levels is like if someone had stage four cancer throughout their body and they were in a coma and their vital signs were dropping and the doctor said death is imminent, and everyone was stuck on arguing over whether or not low blood pressure is necessarily a bad thing.

12 min

Empty promises and weak response to the emergency

Greta gets it right too. More blah, blah, blah (9 min)


So here we are citizens of a war mongering empire bent toward extinction. Most Americans don't want this destructive path, but our nation has been captured by the corporate interest that profit from others misery. The great irony is that if we would cooperate rather than having endless conflict, we might stand a chance at survival. Here's wishing us all peace and happiness in this captured country!

18 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Good morning. It is way past time to re-tool the 50 state military economy into sustainable energy and infrastructure endeavors. This is our best chance at survival.

My concern is the leaders of this global empire will not give up until it is too late. Some disgruntled enemy will inflict major damage towards the US and we the people will suffer.

As someone here says, it doesn't have to be this way.

Thanks for the WW. Hope the back is getting better.

11 users have voted.

question everything

Lookout's picture


Glad to walk without pain! Trying to get my last mowing as winter closes in. Garden is covered as we had a slight freeze last night. Headed back into the 70's next week...

Still need to get a load of manure on the garden. Got some help coming next Friday to assist.

What triggered this piece is this ridiculous notion we can decide which elections we'll recognize and which we will not. Ortega won with over 70% of the vote.

Have a good one!

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

This was from 2018. still meaningful.

The former chief of CIA operations in Russia told the New York Times that the U.S. “absolutely” has rigged foreign elections, and he added, “I hope we keep doing it.”


The U.S. Needs to Face Up to Its Long History of Election Meddling

Also from 2018 ..

The less Americans know about America’s history of electoral interference, the more likely they are to acquiesce to—or even cheer—its return. That’s dangerous because, historically, American meddling has done far more to harm democracy than promote it.

8 users have voted.

question everything

Lookout's picture


interfering with our election. Fortunately that myth has been dispelled. Unfortunately, MSM isn't informing anyone of their epic failure. Shhh!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout Glad you're feeling better.

Your work today is a sensational round-up of where we are in time.

Biggest Bully. World Menace. It has become impossible for me to watch or even read any mainstream news through my cleared vision of who and what the US is. Not a word of what is said seems to be accurate. What is not reported on, or barely mentioned seems to me to be where the news we need resides.

For example, Kaiser Permanente has a tentative agreement with 30,000 striking workers and John Deere has a third tentative agreement with its strikers. The similarity is that both KP and JD attempted to deny the same benefits to new hires that the current employees enjoy. Current workers said No Deal.

The workers at both places stood up FOR the Future.

The NY Times reported this deep into today's paper on the inner left side of the paper, adjacent to the Obituaries.

(For those who do not "speak newspaper" a story's importance to the newspaper is signaled by its positioning in the same way ads in the paper cost more or less depending on their placement: Upper right side and lower right side cost more than any left side page. And Outside edges of either page cost more than Inner side.)

Clearly, the media prefers that we do not hear about strikes and walkouts and any disruption to their profit-making.

10 users have voted.


Lookout's picture


will people in the US hear of worker solidarity and success. Nor will we hear of poverty elimination in China, severe poverty gone in Venezuela, and so on. This is why no good news from socialists countries nor unions will be revealed.

Makes me glad for this community!

All the best and have a lovely Sunday!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@QMS was the original name for the now UpsideDownDay "Department of Defense."

9 users have voted.


QMS's picture

in other words lie to perpetuate illegal maneuvers.

According to information released as part of the findings of the Church Committee, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency supported the kidnapping of the Chilean Army Commander-in-Chief General René Schneider in an attempt to prevent the congressional confirmation of Salvador Allende. The attempt failed and Schneider was shot in the process. He died three days later from his wounds.[21] Thereafter, the U.S. continued a vigorous overt and covert campaign to undermine Allende's Presidency, which may have created the conditions for Allende's overthrow in a violent coup, although the U.S. was not directly implicated in the coup.[22] American official Henry Kissinger was quoted by Newsweek in 1974 saying this about Chile: "I don't see why we have to let a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people".[23]

The arrogance, I tell ya.

7 users have voted.

question everything

So the Washington Post did an article describing the military coup in Sudan. Some commenter suggested we sanction the military leaders. I had to remind him we only sanction geopolitical enemies in the guise of 'democracy.' We don't actually care about democracy. There will be no sanctions on Sudan.

9 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


which attempt to help their own people instead of aiding global corporations exploit their own resources.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout In Lebanon we sanction those we call 'corrupt.' Meaning those we don't like. We leave the corrupt in charge. Like the head of the bank of Lebanon. He does our bidding so he is left alone.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


standard operating procedure...

we sanction those we call 'corrupt.' Meaning those we don't like. We leave the corrupt in charge. Like the head of the bank of Lebanon. He does our bidding so he is left alone.

Good to "see" you today.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

ggersh's picture

Here we go again, Mother Russia is getting to close to our nukes....oh wait our Nukes are in Europe, damn

5 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Lookout's picture


We rush toward our own extinction in these insane ways.

Some of the best scenes ever...

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bisbonian's picture

@Lookout , I was a "SAC Warrior" for eight years, sitting alert for every one of three weeks, ready to launch on a moments notice on a mission very, very much like this one. (So much like this one, that Stanley Kubrick was investigated by the FBI ... or the CIA ... or the Food and Drug Administration, I can't remember.) It was the real deal, ready to launch in moments, nukes on the bombers ready to go, and me with 195,000 pounds of gas to give the bombers along the way.

Every three weeks, we would show up at the Alert Facility, to take over for the crews just coming off of their week. We got the latest news from them, about minor glitches in our respective airplanes, and from the Intel Officer on the position and timing of Russian satellites, new secret codes, and recurrent training in responding to coded messages. It was a busy day, changeover day. Day two was much more laid back...we watched Dr. Strangelove.

9 users have voted.

"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

Lookout's picture


...situation as a young man. Quite the experience.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


may now be superfluous?
The tech has advanced to above the stratospheric levels.
Think lasers from the heavens. Russia, China and the US are
well aware of the advanced capabilities of having a higher
threat above, responsive to lower level threats.
Even the advent of supersonic missiles has made much of
the silos in Montana nothing more than a post apocalypse burp.
What is the point of all this overkill?

thanks for your comment

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question everything

zed2's picture

The so called collapse of the former Soviet Union is often represented a a global victory for capitalism, implying that there was nothing besides assent and affirmation that the corporate centric system we promote is the only way, and "the future" This concept has also been incorporated into international law, as shown by WTO rules that frame the only permissible future state as "progressive liberalization" (The dismantlement of all public services, and their replacement by corporations, and international trade in services - all on a totally commercial basis.

The implication that the entire world has unified behind the neoliberal globalist hegemony - designed to require that countries either become open to huge multinational services corporations, who are expected to divide up thiose services internationally, leading to falling wages and vast efficiencies in supply. Imagine a giant SchoolsCo, taking over schools, WaterCo, cornering the global water services market, and something similar in every other service, is not what the world wants, and many countries, unless they can employ their millions of degreed youth via this system, dont want it. They allowed the WTO GATS treaty to progress only because of these promises, of lots of high perceived value jobs. Which the US promised them allegedly to rescue the Uruguay Round negotiations. But several years later, inDoha in November 2001, they did not reach agreement.

So if we are asserting that communal policies must go, whether its because they save too much money, of because they "distort trade" allowing poor people to get problematic (for liability and legal reasons) rich peoples healthcare ( because the medicolegal "standrd of care" is being chipped away to enforce hierarchy and preerve the difference between rich peoples and poor peoples abbreviate care) for example, public healthcare has a proven track record of making better healthcare available to the poor when it s still present, but the for profit providers assert that makes it impossible for them to make their expected profits. Rules that prevent them from dumping people who pay less are framed as violations of WTO law, especially if they were not existing on the date a document, the understaning ion Commitments in Financial Service came into force, February 26, 1998. Newer regulations are subject to being rolled back, upon demand. (to the WTO)

. But now in order to please the financial services industry, government actions are limited to opnly those which were the practice more than 20 years ago.

All the post 2008 protectionism is supposed to be rolled back. The US keeps promising this and pushing this again and again. Elimination of rules like those standing in the way of the high yields - are supposed to go. Its a matter of principe for our new President, it seems, to end the rules that are seen as keeping the rest of the world out. increasingly only going to be going to the poorest and he rovably destitute, but not to those with any assets whatsoever who will be expected to pay - more often than not, most or all of the undiscounted price. They can only discount prices if governments make sure that it is no better a deal than the least burdensome than necesarty, to ensure the quality of the service. What does that mean? it means exactly what it says. The least burdensome. The government has to not involve itself, unless there is literally no other way to address the issue thats possible. We can allow the very poorest to receive help, but we cannot chanel help to people who could afford services in some other way, and the market is going to expand, I am fairly certain to involve the whole world. This will mean the poorst countries may be brought in to serve the poorest people. (who otherwise cannot afford healthcare), Those who are uninsurable here are often uninsurable because of the cost of healthcare here. Without chganging the system we have here in a way that violates the "reasonable expectations" of foreign INVSTORS we cannot change this. Al we can do is make it legal for insurers to require patients go overseas for care . In fact, according to a WTO official, we already agreed to this in our commitments, even though one of our laws on paper forbids it - that law is such an obvious violation of WTO rules it is aboviously invalid. Similarly, we cant keep foreign service frms workers out of the country by numerical limits, even if they are so succesful hundreds of millions of foreign workers come to live in the foreclosed homes of our workers. They have no entitlement to protectionism.. WTO rules are intentionally dismantling public services, like healthcare and education, as well as infrastructure, of all kinds, at all levels of governments, all around the world. (even Canada's healthcare, Medicare, which is it seems to me the best situated national healthcare system because it is the exclusive delivery method for healthcare in Canada, which avoids the biggest and most destructive trap, unlike the UK, Canada's Medicare is not on Death Row, yet, but it could easily end up in the One careless mistake and they will be in the same mess the NHS will be in starting January 1, in if they simply allowed for profit healthcare or health insurance to be sold there. TISA also requires that. As well as a standstill that permanently locks out Pharmacare. is in danger if they bow to the pressure to pivatize like the UK has. Canda will lose their Medicare just like the UK is likely to lose their NHS post Brexit. It will become a means tested welfare benefit that only the poorest are entitled to. We can bet on that because thats a core tenet of the WTO GATS and our proposed TISA as well. Non profit provision of services are limited to opnly the most dire and urgent situations. If anything defines the new world order and the American policy impact pushed on it that would be it.

US institutions, such as OECD, IMF and World Bank are also demanding it. Claiming they are entitled to this change now. The generous public services of the 20th century are being pushed back and out all around the world, as the mantra is that they are a theft of profits corporations are entitled to. such as for-profit healthcare, education, etc. are framed as industries. Public institutions are the past, and whenever laws are chnged they must be updated to require only for profit interactuions, like building codes whan a building undergoes any kind of work requiring a permit requires it be updated to new codes. This is why often the best thing for politicians to do, the only thing they are allowed to do thats not a disaster for twe the people, because of these rules, is nothing!. Only elect politicians who promise to leave everything that still has any public aspect alone. Otherwise a challenge could arise that stripped people of a needed public service, like education. And many jobs could be lost whenever that happens too. We could be compelled to allow it by the WTO. This is why we're in so much danger, You dont understand it because politicians are misleading you all. Because they dont want to tell people what they have done, and lose the votes of people who need now forbidden kinds of changes, like public healthcare. have now been rejected by the entire planet, which does seem to b ewhat we assert here, thats an exaggeration at best. But people should keep in mind that WTO disputes create new case laws and legal precedent and are locking in deregulation all the time, invisibly and out of sight. Also that the US promised away a great many of the nations better paying jobs in order to reduce the costs and the tendering of the contracts for these jobs is an international bidding process thats based on low bidding so its almost impossible for companies employing American workers to win. (This only applies to jobs in which tax money is involved) SO for example, public schoollsteachers might be importaed, and healthcare for those receiving Federal benefits might go overseas, but private schools and private healthcare will probably (unless its part of the contract) be kept mostly in the US, as long as its not subsidized, its likely not subject to the new world order of for profit everything trade rules)

Also, an Environmental Goods Treaty is in the pipeline which may involve services - that would funnel environmental spending and jobs to less developed countries in a form of affirmative action.

Read up on the LDC Services Waiver.

3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


I mean we're an oligarchy after all. And a damn aggressive war loving one.

Plain and simple, sad to say.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

zed2's picture


Thats all. If you are rich you usually win, if youre poor, you often pay a high price for wanting better.

If a country has oil, we're always overjoyed to intervene, to help the "haves" have more.

If it wasnt for us, things in the world would be very different. We prop up the oligarchies.

Its a subsidy for the richest investors, so their yields are higher.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

4 users have voted.

question everything

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


listing all the sanctions the us is imposing. Quite extensive as I recall.

Your climate chaos cartoon is accurate too.

2014,  Berlin by the artist Isaac Cordal._0.png

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


The amazing thing is that their collectives heads are not under water (yet).
Perhaps they are floating as if in a dream ..


4 users have voted.

question everything

zed2's picture

western media recently.

Hong Kong opened many people's eyes, I think.


We need to support democracy in Taiwan.

We have to be more democratic, and live up to our promise, not sink to the repressive level of the PRC..

1 user has voted.
Lookout's picture


Hong Kong is a CIA false flag.

The US wouldn't know democracy if it bit it in the ass.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

he was disbanding the CIA.
Hmmm...maybe they can get you 6 ways from Sunday.
I can't understand why our allies go along with us, we are so damn inept at foreign policies and conflicts.
I am glad to hear you are getting around a bit better.
Good you have help with the manure spread this weekend.
Thanks for your inspired WW. Always interesting, and today's topic was very informative.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


with his nose deep up Israel's ass. How do we get rid of them, when all parties are pro-war fascists?

We're knee deep in permanent conflict with no escape it seems.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

zed2's picture

Did you ever think about the fact that nuclear bombs and warfare would impact billions of people who had barely ever heard of the US who didn't care one bit about any of the issues we claim to stand for. Or iphones, or Google or Facebook. or Amazon. Or about us.

They just want to live their lives. What gives us any right to influence their lives, possibly destroy all of our planet, and drag them into "our movie".

The same goes for animals, what gives us the right to steal their habitats? Guns? They never signed on to any of this.

Experts say that even a small nuclear war would kill billions, mostly children, from starvation.

I think that for that reason, its absolutely criminal to fight a nuclear war, because the weapons used are too powerful to distinguish combatants (legal to use lethal force against) and noncombatants (not legal to kill) Also, wars making food three or four times more expensive kills billions, especially children. The world needs children. Older people would die in large numbers too because of price increases in food.

All that could happen due to a large volcanic eruption too. The world we are setting up is one where nothing is free, so millions will end up without them. Water, take water, there is a good example, of a resource that is being commoditized, Water (Water is becoming "blue gold") which we may successfully turn into an expensive commodity. Imagine a world where all water consumption is metered using pre-pay water meters, tied to your bank account? Where there is no such thing as a water fountain or even a free to drink mountain stream without a fence protecting it, to drink from? Thats the world we are creating.

3 users have voted.
zed2's picture

@humphrey @lookout

Just say no.

Vote with your feet, move somewhere where criminality is not out of control. Such places still exist.

4 users have voted.
zed2's picture

De-elect them, expose them when they lie, demonstrate against them. But most important, expose truths about their finances.

Especially, when they shamelessly lie to misrepresent the truth expose their sorry ass.

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