The Dose ~ WE 10 NOV 21



All things dosage related for today .. plus some Brazilian music ..

If Fauci said you need another booster every 6 weeks, would you believe him?

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Lookout's picture

Got his 3rd jab and disappeared. Most speculate it is a serious adverse reaction. If so will he recant on mandatory children vaccines?
Gavin Newsom Disappears After Getting Booster (8 min)

TPTB are controlled by big money interests no bout adoubt it.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout yesterday for an interview with a former aide, and appears ok.

He had the J&J shot in the spring, the one supposedly good for 6 months (heh). Then followed it up with a Moderna injection of experimental drugs.

Still a puzzle why being there for his kids for a few hours on Halloween took priority over attending a major climate summit, even remotely. I'm inclined to think he had some vaccine side effects which took 7-10 days to resolve, so there is likely a story being hidden. But he's also not likely at all to stray from his determined vaccine mandate program for K-12 to be implemented early next year.

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CB's picture


2 users have voted.

@CB me.

Also worth noting again that Newsom selected a friendly interviewer, a former aide who could be counted on not to press him with too many uncomfortable follow up questions. That way the Gov gets to tell his story pretty much as scripted, and the whole thing begins to fade away in the news cycle.

Hey, I voted against the Recall, but this one seems suspicious.

5 users have voted.

@Lookout of the unanswered questions and oddities of this story from Kim Iversen. Such questions as If Halloween with the kids had to be done, why not go to the climate conference the next day. Or the day after -- it's still going on in fact. Or why not show up via Zoom as his office said he would do. Newsom's story doesn't hold up here at all.

Iversen thinks Newsom is vulnerable for reelection next year largely bc of his strict pandemic policies and K-12 vaccine mandates for kids. I suspect she is right, and that a reasonably moderate R of a Youngkin nature would make for a difficult opponent.

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QMS's picture

Starting to sound like a broken record, but strongly believe we need to better filter indoor air.

This from a study done in UK ..

We were able to detect airborne SARS-CoV-2 RNA in a repurposed COVID-19 ‘surge ward’ and found that air filtration can remove SARS-CoV-2 RNA below the limit of qPCR detection. SARS-CoV-2 was infrequently detected in the air of a ‘surge ICU’; however, the device retained its ability to reduce microbial bioaerosols. Portable air filtration devices may mitigate the reduced availability of airborne infection isolation facilities when surges of COVID-19 patients overwhelm healthcare resources and improve safety of those at risk of exposure to respiratory pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2.

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question everything

and seem to be weaning myself from mask habituation, at least in some situations. Still masked in crowded indoor situations where I might spend a significant amount of time, but a bit more relaxed for a quick in and out at rest areas and convenience stores.

Part of my shift is having some modest protection conferred from practice of nasal pharyngeal gargle and mouthwash regime of FLCCC, and partly from my understanding of viral load exposure threshold. All of this relaxation supported from having an Ivermectin backstop on hand should I become symptomatic.

In all likelihood, most of us will become infected at some point, assuming the variant parade continues. Having protocols and effective non vaccine treatments which minimize the risk of serious illness or death makes the thought of acquiring a more robust natural immunity at some point a better solution than indefinite jabs, each jab bringing an increased probability of serious side effects.

I’d rather join the herd with natural immunity at some point (of my choosing) than live in fear of both COVID infection and harmful side effects!

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

@QMS The whole spread is through air, and from the beginning, we have been advised to go into well-ventilated rooms.
It is important.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

sounds like we are on a similar path ..

Having protocols and effective non vaccine treatments which minimize the risk

seems like the smartest way to go

enjoy your travels!

8 users have voted.

question everything

ggersh's picture

Why are Doctors losing their licenses, pharmacies won't fill prescriptions over Ivermectin?

Our government just isn't that into us = The Great Reset

7 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

QMS's picture


First - our suppliers are out
Second - the script did not have the proper code
Third - we are saving it for those who need it

All BS, as it turns out. Finally found a friend in the apothecary
"sure, I can fill this!" A bit pricey, but good to have on hand.

I think the drug stores are being pressured by the various
regulating bodies to minimize availability. Too much
competition with the vaccine fantasy. Wink

8 users have voted.

question everything

ggersh's picture


and now it's just on a total downward spiral like

7 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

CB's picture

that video 2 weeks ago.
She refused to be censored: MY STORY: I was fired over my Covid videos

8 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

@CB To say we live in interesting times is being tame.

6 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture

J&J gets to poison and kill with its products that it knew would do exactly that and courts are going to let them get away with it. 1st they gave women cancer with its baby powder, split that part of its company into a way it can declare bankruptcy and now its going to get away with its role in the opioid epidemic. Why?

“J&J had no control of its products through the multiple levels of distribution, including after it sold the opioids to distributors and wholesalers, which were then disbursed to pharmacies, hospitals, and physicians’ offices, and then prescribed by doctors to patients.” The ruling also said the company had no control over how patients then used the products.

The hell with it knowing that opioids were very addictive and they hid their evidence of it. Just not its fault. Seems the next thing that will happen is that jab makers bear no accountability for how their products work in people’s bodies.

On a side note a court upheld the jab mandate for United airlines and said it can fire its workers even if they have a religious exemption. How in the flaming blue hell can an experimental gene therapy be fucking mandated? This whole thing is going to come down to the Supreme Court and we know that they sold out the constitution to business long ago.

EAUs should be terminated because Pfizer and Merck now have meds that they say works on the Rona. Never mind that ivermectin and other drugs have worked for some time. And sadly too many people agree that the constitution is just a gawd damn piece of crap paper.

Oh yeah another thing…they don’t protect from infections or from spreading. But take it anyway. We own you.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

QMS's picture


do drug makers have no liability for their products?
Curious minds wonder.

7 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture


The excuse that judge gave for letting them off is beyond asinine. Yes I’m grumpy this morning. Seeing people getting away with hurting people usually gets my goat. The court rulings for mandatory jabs for products that are harming so many people has nothing to do with upholding the law. And when the laws fail so many it means the country is a banana republic nothing else. And putting money before lives is just so beyond heinous and evil.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

Interesting way to word this.

There were 678 new breakthrough cases reported on Tuesday, which occurs when someone who is fully vaccinated against the disease is diagnosed with it, either due to waning protection from the vaccine or reduced immunity to the disease. (How do they know?) Doctors and health officials have confirmed it is not possible to contract COVID-19 from the COVID-19 vaccine.

In 20 months As of Tuesday, 3,313 people in Utah have died because of COVID-19, including another 13 on Tuesday. (Yeah but from it or with it?)

The latest deaths include:

A Davis County man older than 85 who was a long-term care facility resident when he died.
A Cache County woman, 65-84, not hospitalized.
A Utah County man, 25-44, hospitalized.
A Salt Lake County woman, 65-84, not hospitalized.
A San Juan County man, 65-84, not hospitalized.
A Tooele County woman, 65-84, not hospitalized.
A Washington County woman, 25-44, hospitalized.
A Salt Lake County man, 45-64, hospitalized.
A Washington County man, older than 85, hospitalized.
A Utah County woman, older than 85, hospitalized.
A Cache County man, older than 85, hospitalized.
A Washington County man, 65-84, hospitalized.
A Uintah County man, 45-64, hospitalized.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

with early treatment instead of allowing the disease to run rampant to the point of no return when they are finally hospitalized. The captured medical system is not even recommending vitamins or more healthy lifestyles - absolutely NOTHING. Just isolate at home which itself is poor advice as that action alone can create a drop in the immune system.

Everything TPTB are recommending is actually exacerbating the situation. Only Big Pharma is allowed to mediate the disease.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


and not just those 13 people, but the thousands who made the Covid hall of fame list of deaths. Fortune the word has gotten out about the flccc protocol and more people are using it and living.

9/13 deaths in an age where most people are supposedly 'vaccinated' just highlights their failure. The person who wrote the article went out of the way to give them cover for not working. More kids in Utah were jabbed yesterday than were in Pfizer’s trial and no one knows yet what the long term effects are going to be. Well except for those who have worked on the RMra for decades and have seen how animals came out of the trials. But they’re being censored from warning us. Yep. Grumpy.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

Alison Morrow interviews Dr. Mark McDonald.

There are two groups of people. Those that are disseminating and manipulating (media, politicians) and show by their actions that they don't really believe what they're saying (social gathering, partying, not wearing masks) when out of the public eye. The others are ones that are delusional, "asleep", and disregard the reality in front of them. They don't want to deal with the significant cognitive dissonance that is presenting itself during this plandemic so they suppress it and take the easy way out by following the herd.

I believe that TPTB like DARPA understand very well how to manipulate the populace in this manner.

5 users have voted.
QMS's picture


I just wonder to what ends this *manipulation of the populace* stands to gain?
I understand the making of bazillions for the big pharma concept,
being that the ultimate goal of US health care is making money, but
destroying trust in the govt. / health establishment by constantly lying
seems a bit counterproductive. The more people drop out of the system,
the less meat there is to grind.

Quien sabe?

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question everything

CB's picture

The ONE single factor that is very effective in controlling the herd is fear. And irrational fear of COVID-13 has gone rampant in the US.

At the rate it is going I'm betting we will be required to have bio-metric passports in order to function in society by the end of 2022. Australia, Canada and many EU states are now fully controlled. We now see it ramping up within the US. We can no longer fly inside of and out of the US without proof of vaccination. We have been shut out from NYC and Los Angeles without it.

I feel the COVID-19 plandemic is just a casus belli (engineered or otherwise) to affect this very effective herd control in the service of The Great Reset. The writing has been on the wall for years.

“In the end, the outcome was tragic: the most catastrophic pandemic in history with hundreds of millions of deaths, economic collapse and societal upheaval”Clade X pandemic simulation (May, 2018)

“The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering”Event 201 pandemic simulation (October, 2019)

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but no. @CB

When he sticks to what he knows, and sees is going on I can dig. Where he veers(strangely, to me) off topic to ‘educate’ the left or liberals and even conservatives, he started chasing his tail and undercut the power of his Actual(to me) message. That fucker got Seriously confused during that segment and she was No Help throughout it.
When I broke out laughing I had to stop, my bullshit meter pegged.

But his remarks on the reality break Were good. It’s the other shit that was just too distracting.

Oh, btw thanks for the info on Singapore and the Dore refutation.

2 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

CB's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly
What is the time mark you felt he went off the rails?

1 user has voted.
zed2's picture

If you are retired, or poor or dont buy much new stuff, there is a bias against you as not contributing enough to the local economy by buying more useless junk.

I used to be an advertising business in the eyes of the ad industry, so used to get a lot of their ads that were directed to the ad industry itself. Its not enough to not be dependednt on the government. Its not enough to join up with others to lower your cost of living. Rent stabilization laws for example, are seen by them as a welfare benefit that has to end because it allows the poor to stay someplace they see as not being theirs. People who have stabilized rent should never go away somewhere else, not giving up their old pace that housed them to somebody else. and keep their city apartment when they have some other option. Be sensitive to the extremely precarious situation tghese laws are in now. Or we will lose them and millions will become homeless. That could happen overnight. Urban People have no idea how close millions of city dwelling Americans are to being literally thrown to the wolves, rent wise. Those laws are on a very precarious legal foundation. . Without those laws, millions will become homeless overnight. I would even bet money that will happen within three years. Yes, its that close. In many cases rent stabilization laws lower families rents by thousands of dollars a month. A real lot of money. Imagine getting a 30 day notice telling you your new rent is more than $3000 a month. Well that has happened to me several times. Thats what rents are in cities now. Many peoples tenancies hang by the thinnest of threads, yet they act as if that cheap rent is an entitlement just because they had lived there their whole lives and had what they think is a strong Democratic constituency. That wont help you if the Supreme Court decides rent stabilization laws are illegal. Say goodbye to our entire voting Dems. They wont forget this failure, sitting in the middle of nowhere, freezing in the dark.

The big landlords are all pushing really hard to end the rental subsidy for the poor, just like they are the heat subsidy. (by exporting the cheap natural gas urban apartment buildings needed to stay economiclally viable. Now that ius going away, they have won the first round..

They sense their opportunity to push the poor out is here now, and they get really worked up around this. They see all those nice apartments being occupied by poor people and it makes them very angry. That $1500 apartment could easily bring them $3500 without the subsidy. They want to sell their big apartment buildings for the price of the land, and get out of the landlord business. Millions of once public apartment buildings leases have expired and the WTO rules prohibit them from being taken over again by governments, all around the world. and they are systematically being bought up by investment firms that are all banking on the poor being pushed out, in dozens of countries. The land values will triple or more. They will make much more from selling the land and tearing the buildings down. IMPORTANT. POLITICIANS CANNOT BUILD HOUSING FOR LOW INCOME PEOPLE ANY MORE. EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED SINCE 1995. They can only build a tiny number of slightly below market rate housing - hats segregated to keep the poor and rich separated in buildings, but the various costs and rules as to who and how a very few rich people get help will still ensure that all of the existing tenants will lose their homes for good. Their stabilized rent is not for life, its only as long as the apatment they rented decades ago exists. It will be torn down, thats how it works.

Their viewpoint is that everybody who lives in the US which is optimzed to business interests should be starting or running a business that makes them money if they are here. This society doesnt want us if we are just trying to live our lives within our means, saving money and enjoying being with your family and friends. They see doing that as not being worthy of the huge business opportunity being here offers you. (as they see it)

Thats not enough. They see themselves as disruptive agents of change. Like a burning fire.. that destroys the old and makes room for they new, they are churning everything to drive those slow moving people into some kind of situation that makes them back what they have invested to buy rights to you. You are their investment, in a way, they see themselves as having paid for the rights to you.

They see this "dead weight" as taking up space that somebody who is making them big bucks would otherwise take. Especially in cities they see the poorer groups opf people as a sort of theft from them of something. If youre not moving forward fairly fast you're being pushed back and out.

In many cities there are no Republicans and the Democrats "black shirts" see their role as the churners.. Its their entitlement to be so. They are there to make sleazy deals with the financial services and real estete communities, to get rid of the poors.

The churners are very numerous and are shameless. They radiate entitlement and the last two decades have left them feeling good.. This is fascism, recognize it!

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QMS's picture


pop yo cheeks

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question everything

snoopydawg's picture

It’s what the evidence has been showing for months and people should start seeing that they were tricked into getting something they were told would end the epidemic. Every lawyer should talk about this in their lawsuit. It’s only one way to treat the Rona.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

CB's picture

would have got you banned from many sites 6 months ago.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Treat people they get better. Stop treating people they start dying.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

Who in their right mind signs their baby up for this? On diseases that devastate families I can see, but for something that is low risk? RSV causes many more deaths than Covid and there’s still no vaccine for it after being studied for over 6 decades. Unreal.

BTW Pfizer finally paid out after fighting it for 15 years on their lawsuit on a meningitis vaccine. Families received around $110,000. After 15 years!

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

QMS's picture


after getting billions from the fed on their new snake oil serum

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snoopydawg's picture


but then again they sure won’t. Anyone who tries to sue again might get the Doniger treatment. They will have their lawyers bring them up on charges and buy the judge overseeing their case.

SP on his name.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

pswaterspirit's picture

We probably all have at least a couple of those kind of friends. The utterly fearful who have become so brainwashed they believe everything they are told about this.

6 users have voted.

item from a few days ago which one podcaster tried to make into a federal case as there was some previous personal animus against JD on another matter. Jimmy to his credit looked at the situation and corrected it, including dismissing a producer whose explanation reflected a very casual, lazy approach to getting the facts right.

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