Season's Greetings
In the tubes this morning is a story about “Jewitches”—women who know they are both Jewish, and witches. “The kinds of witchcraft that I practice draw on my training in Jewish ritual,” says one. Well. Yeah.
This follows a recent story with the headline: “Why Are Women Becoming Witches?”
I laughed out loud at that one. “Because they already are!” I said. “It’s just a question of whether they recognize it.”
All women are witches. This is Known. When once men got control of the words, and the stories, witches started getting portrayed as Bad. But that is just shit made up. Witches—that is, women—are actually Good. Unless you are bad to them. Then, there might be a Problem.
The very first human, she was a witch, also a Hebrew. That would be Lilith. Some say she was formed of the same clay, and at the same time, as Adam. But that is fake news. She was actually created earlier, on the fifth day, amid the “living creatures of the waters.” Adam, when he showed, he was all dusty and shit. Whereas Lilith, of the waters, well, it’s like Mohammed said: “All that is created, comes of water.”
Everything was fine, until Adam started saying to Lilith: “You know, I’m better than you. I am the ruler. That’s why when we have the sex, I want you to lie under me. Because I am dominant.”
To which Lilith said: “The fuck? Not even. And that’s the missionary position, and missionaries won’t even be invented for thousands of years yet, and here, as everywhere, my dear lunkhead, there is so much more, of heaven and earth, than is dreamt of, in your philosophy.”
But Adam, he would not let up, about the Rulering, and so one day Lilith, she said “See ya,” and took off.
At which time Adam whined like a baby to Yahweh. “She left me! And she was Mean! I didn’t like that one! Give me another one!”
Yahweh eventually got sick of the whining, and so ran up Eve. “Here,” he said, “try this.”
And Adam, he was mollified.
But then one day Eve was wandering in the trees, and Lilith was there—she was the serpent—and she said, “You know, Yahweh is no more the boss of you, than is Adam. So if you want to eat of these fruits, you should just go for it.”
And so Eve ate of the Tree Of Good And Evil. And that is why a woman, and to this day, and like Santa Claus, “knows if you’ve been bad or good.”
Eve was next going to go for the Tree Of Life. But then Yahweh howled in, with the immortal shrieking: “Behold, the woman is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest she put forth her hand, and take also of the Tree Of Life, and eat, and live for ever; I am kicking her ass out of the Garden, and also the ass of that Adam schlub.”
And so then that happened.
Although Yahweh rudely ixnayed the “live for ever” in a single corporeal container, Lilith, and Eve, and etc., came up with a workaround: that is, birthing babies, which, as is set forth in the Book Of Hunter, involves “another time/forgotten space/your eyes looked/from your mother’s face.”
All of this is in the bible. You just have to know where to look.
Lilith these days hangs a lot among the waters of the Edomite Desert, with satyrs, pelicans, owls, ostriches, arrow-snakes, unicorns, and the like. But she also gets around. Once she came by here, and said to me, “You know, you should become a priest, also a rabbi, and then teach all this shit.”
“I tried,” I said. “But they wouldn’t have me.”
“Don’t be a whiny-ass,” she said. “Reminds me of Adam. Tell it in the tubes, then.”
So that’s what I do.
“Also,” she said, “remind them there are no set ceremonies, rituals, chants, candles, clothes, or any of that, that is necessary, for them to be witchy. And there certainly don’t need to be any deities. They’re naturally witchy. Without all that. They don’t need it. Unless—they want it. They, of themselves, will know what to do. No one, ever, should be allowed, to cabin them, into anything.
“Although,” she added, “those black pointy hats: they can be kind of fetching.”
If witches were stitches
And you pull up your britches
We'd all have a merry stickmas!
Sew yer oats and then yer mind.
Don't let on that others are not
of this similar kind.
question everything
My favorite witch scene.. Also, yamauba myth, and the yamauba.
Recently some young Japanese adopted this white-haired "mountain witch" style.
Mountain witches or Yamababa originated in an ancient custom of sending old people off to die, The witches were likely to have been these old people who had been sent off to die in the woods, there was no safety net of any kind back then. The peasants lived in grinding poverty. Even the children had to work. When people grew too old to do the back breaking farm work, often they would become a burden. This is why Asian culture is so adamant about demanding that young people of working age support their parents.. They know the alternative int pretty and would likely be frowned upon today. Its surprising that so few countries today have taken up providing Social Security like the US. The US is actually against the creation
ofSocial Security programs in other countries today. Also because the laws have changed it would be illegal for the US to expand Social Security today. Thats forbidden by WTO rules, which also froze financial services regulations at the level that was existing in 1998. Creating a ceiling, forbidding us from further regulation of areas like health insurance, especially regulation that reduced profits which became an entitlement of corporations. and casting a dark cloud over the US and the Affordable Care Act provisions are claimed by the insurance industry to violate our WTO commitments. They could be challened at any time by a foreign country claiming that we broke the laws we ourselves had created. The recent law alsolikely has a time limit attached to it of at the most ten years. When an exception to the rigid WTO rules is made, as was temporary made to allow generic HIV drugs to be sold in violation of WTO rules, it was only allowed to the very poorest countries, and only for a limited period. In a medical emergency. Similarly, It seems that rules are rules. The real witches of today are financial services firms and politicians who mislead the public.
Trump and Biden were only allowed to pay the bills of people who had active COVID19 (stealing the business from insurance industry) when a lifethreatening illness prohibited millions of sick people from working. This is why the epidemic in the US has been so costly, this rigid cult like ideology we profess which makes our response to the epidemic so crippled by rigid ideology.
Exceptions to Article II like the ACA temporarily allowed high risk people to buy health insurance and share risks with the healthy, making the insurance for high risk groups cheaper (but still insanely expensive compared to many other countries, like Holland for example, where people only pay a few hundred dollars a month (compared to often thousands of dollars here) for "guaranteed issue" state insurance in New York, in 2009 the monthly premiums for a couple in New York County ranged from a little under $4000 to a little under $7000 a month for a PPO and a bit less for an HMO. . .
So Japanese in the past would send the old people off with a blanket and a sack of rice to live by themselves or die in the woods.. And they were feared. It was said that sometimes they would capture and eat children. That may have been true at one time (but in the distant past)..
That was also common in Eskimo (Inuit) culture at one time, long ago.
Throne of Blood is Kurosawa's take on the Macbeth story. It is a great film. This scene is one of the best Mountain Witch scenes Ive seen. Its one of the origins of this once fashionable fashion style..
Here is an example. This is
part of the Ganguro style.
Yamauba turn up a lot in Japanese folklore and art. There are many references to these stories online..Example
Here is Kurosawa's witch. This is the very part of an amazing film. Kurosawa's "Throne of Blood" an adaptation of "Macbeth" to the Japanese samurai genre.
Really enjoyed
your story and images, hecate.
So apt
Water spirit spring
Springin’ round my head
Makes me feel glad
That I’m not dead
I was just wondering whether we’ll need an Arc here to save us from the rain, Springing up all day, every day, for what feels like forever.
There are now rivers and waterfalls in the sky. They form and float around in the atmosphere. If a waterfall is positioned above you, it can pour a year's worth of rain on your town in a matter of hours. China has started replacing some of its parks and roadways with hard absorbent sponges that act like waterways below the surface to carry potential floodwaters safely away from cities and farms.
US hopes for agricultural destruction and famine in China, caused by climate change, have been dashed by Chinese innovation. Planting another new virus to devastate their livestock — four years in a row — might make the world suspicious. We must declare war on China before it is too late — using our political puppets embedded in Taiwan.
sweet Jane
good mix with witchy woman
witchy tie whore ahh nika tie nigh no wha
long day on the water
glad not dead
question everything
Nicely done Hecate.
Here is a book we read here in France. It is a great introduction to the Gauls and Celts.
They were a culture more than a single ethnic group.
Discovery of Middle Earth
Graham Robb studies his book subjects almost obsessively, but good for the reader.
Thanks for the fun.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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for the book tip. : )