problem solving solutions.
Make a simple room air filter for the classrooms.
Develops a cheap, easy and available test for immunity.
Don't force kids to take shots.
Throw mandates out the window until the other options
are implemented. Like FLCCC protocol.
Seems we are being held captive to the Big Pharm agenda.
Thanks for hosting this important issue!
9 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
reason we had mold in our house in France or I should say lack thereof.
People, including architects, are trying to insulate the old breathing stone and chalk walls with glass wool, then walled with wallboard to the rooms. A recipe for disaster, as the trapped air is moist and is unventilated. Mold grows and loves the wall board. We are back to the stone walls in the ancient style: rock with breathable stucco covering or pointed between visible rocks.
Once the rock walls absorb stove heat they will hold lots of heat.
ETA: No mandates. The things has to run through and burn out. We need to prepare using good protocols. There are many treatments and preventatives from physicians who have made their priority to keep people out of hospitals.
We can do this. We just need to be given the chance. I am horrified by the number of family and friends on boosters, and happy that the kids are lined up for shots. I am cringing.
problem solving solutions.
Make a simple room air filter for the classrooms.
Develops a cheap, easy and available test for immunity.
Don't force kids to take shots.
Throw mandates out the window until the other options
are implemented. Like FLCCC protocol.
Seems we are being held captive to the Big Pharm agenda.
Thanks for hosting this important issue!
8 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
@Dawn's Meta
the major social platform where I frequent, a thread started about vaccine boosters was removed w/n a half hour after yours truly made a post simply noting that it might be important for people getting these shots to make sure the jab is going into the muscle, not the vein, per recommendation of Dr John Campbell. I also cited to Pfizer and Moderna instructions that the vaccine be administered intramuscularly. This was apparently enough to get it censored over there.
No wonder so many are ill-informed.
#2#2 reason we had mold in our house in France or I should say lack thereof.
People, including architects, are trying to insulate the old breathing stone and chalk walls with glass wool, then walled with wallboard to the rooms. A recipe for disaster, as the trapped air is moist and is unventilated. Mold grows and loves the wall board. We are back to the stone walls in the ancient style: rock with breathable stucco covering or pointed between visible rocks.
Once the rock walls absorb stove heat they will hold lots of heat.
ETA: No mandates. The things has to run through and burn out. We need to prepare using good protocols. There are many treatments and preventatives from physicians who have made their priority to keep people out of hospitals.
We can do this. We just need to be given the chance. I am horrified by the number of family and friends on boosters, and happy that the kids are lined up for shots. I am cringing.
probably say making IVM widely available here and in other countries on a cheap basis, promoting its prophylactic use and for treatment, prioritizing it over vaccines would likely greatly reduce Covid spread and begin to return things to normal. But as we see, TPTB are not going to allow that, as they are too wedded to the financial imperatives of Big Pharma/Big Vax.
Depressingly, not a single one of our better pols, Bernie, AOC and the like, have apparently been educated on these matters, or if they have they are hiding their knowledge out of political fear. It's politically easier for them just to go along with the vaccine program. So far it's only some voices on the Right which have gone against the grain and spoken against mandates and in favor of some treatments, though not strictly for IVM.
I have learned there are quite a few prophylactic and early treatment protocols available. And Hydroxychloroquine (sp?) may be in the mix too. It was pushed aside as soon as it became politicized.
I agree, we could be in a far better place and moving about as we have before this each year. I still remember having the Asian flu in grade school.
It didn't have to be this way.
probably say making IVM widely available here and in other countries on a cheap basis, promoting its prophylactic use and for treatment, prioritizing it over vaccines would likely greatly reduce Covid spread and begin to return things to normal. But as we see, TPTB are not going to allow that, as they are too wedded to the financial imperatives of Big Pharma/Big Vax.
Depressingly, not a single one of our better pols, Bernie, AOC and the like, have apparently been educated on these matters, or if they have they are hiding their knowledge out of political fear. It's politically easier for them just to go along with the vaccine program. So far it's only some voices on the Right which have gone against the grain and spoken against mandates and in favor of some treatments, though not strictly for IVM.
5 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Depressingly, not a single one of our better pols, Bernie, AOC and the like, have apparently been educated on these matters, or if they have they are hiding their knowledge out of political fear. It's politically easier for them just to go along with the vaccine program. So far it's only some voices on the Right which have gone against the grain and spoken against mandates and in favor of some treatments, though not strictly for IVM.
It is the left parties that are most firmly opposed to vaccine passports - a poll I saw yesterday had 95% opposition by Japan Communist supporters whereas they were most supported by people identifying with Ishin no Kai (described - I'm not sure correctly as 'populist'), the ruling (conservative) Liberal Democratic Party (neither liberal nor democratic - founded by war criminals with the support of the CIA) and the LDP's junior coalition partner Komeito whose support base is the Soka Gakkai Buddhist sect/movement.
Big difference from the US where 'progressives' are all-in for mandates (along with Antifa) and opposition to them perceived as 'right-wing'.
Telling that many, if not most, in your face authoritarian responses to Covid have been from liberal/left regimes: California, New Zealand, Victoria, Oregon, Michigan, New York, Canada..
Recent NYC resistance is a hopeful sign - wonderfully diverse, from MAGA hats to BLM on the same page for once:
probably say making IVM widely available here and in other countries on a cheap basis, promoting its prophylactic use and for treatment, prioritizing it over vaccines would likely greatly reduce Covid spread and begin to return things to normal. But as we see, TPTB are not going to allow that, as they are too wedded to the financial imperatives of Big Pharma/Big Vax.
Depressingly, not a single one of our better pols, Bernie, AOC and the like, have apparently been educated on these matters, or if they have they are hiding their knowledge out of political fear. It's politically easier for them just to go along with the vaccine program. So far it's only some voices on the Right which have gone against the grain and spoken against mandates and in favor of some treatments, though not strictly for IVM.
New Hulu drama ‘Dopesick’ lays bare how those in business and government were prepared to callously harm regular folks for ungodly profits and unchallenged power. It’s a lesson worth learning given Big Pharma’s current influence.
‘Dopesick’ is based upon Beth Macy’s non-fiction book of the same name. This, along with ‘Pain Killer: An Empire of Deceit and the Origin of America’s Opioid Epidemic’ by Barry Meier.
Purdue knew that they were lying about how addictive OxyContin was, but hey it could bring in a lot of money so let’s push it on as many people as possible. Congress was also complicit in letting them get away with addicting and killing hundreds of thousands of people in just the US alone. And ruining the lives of people and their families in untold numbers and ways. Not one person is going to be held accountable for it. And just like countless other drugs the FDA did not pull it from the market when death rates started skyrocketing. Oh no…too damn much money to make even though people were dying left and right. Profits before people is the American way.
I was given it just after it hit the market. The dosage was one pill every 24 hours and they rarely lasted that long so once my body became dependent on it I would go through withdrawals until it was time for the next dose. If you don’t adhere to what your doctor says and take more often than prescribed then you find yourself kicked out of the pain clinic and good luck finding another one that will take you. People abandoned by the system then turned to the streets to find relief from the never ending pain and took even more dangerous drugs. I had severe side effects from it so I went off it and it was pure hell until it cleared my system.
But trust that they have our best interests at heart with these rushed drugs that they have no liability for. No thanks. I learned that lesson the hard way.
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Purdue created dummy pain organizations and media outlets as its propaganda division to push the narrative of an “epidemic of untreated pain” ravaging America. These organizations, like the American Pain Society, lobbied the medical establishment to make pain the “fifth vital sign,” and succeeded.
Guess who suffered when congress finally cracked down because of the death rates? Chronic pain suffers who were told that they would either no longer be given the drug or would see a huge decrease in the number of pills prescribed. They were punished for what Purdue did to them. And it wasn’t just for people taking OxyContin, it was for all pain meds regardless of how well they followed the rules. My clinic did it to me and luckily I found a new one that continued writing the one drug I could tolerate. My doc tells me a few times a year that I’m his favorite patient because I never ask for more or higher strengths. Or early refills. 25 years of chronic, unrelenting pain takes a toll on me and there are days when nothing helps. I can’t imagine how many people were thrown away because of something they didn’t do.
Remarkably, Purdue then got the FDA to allow the company to put a label on OxyContin saying that danger of addiction was extremely low, despite no studies showing this claim to be true. In a stunning coincidence, the FDA official who granted this extraordinary label request, Curtis Wright, months later left the Food and Drug Administration to take a $400,000 job… at Purdue Pharma.
Purdue’s strategy only became more dubious and depraved as time wore on.
Oxy was supposed to work for 12 hours a dose, but for many people the effect didn’t last nearly that long. Purdue called this issue “breakthrough pain,” which sounds an awful lot like “breakthrough infections” in regard to Covid.
Ultimately, ‘Dopesick’ is a worthy watch because it tells the ugly truth about what the powerful are willing to do to regular folks, up to and including killing them, in order to make an ungodly profit.
Yeah I think that people have a right to be skeptical of the new wonder drug that is supposed to be all that, but once again isn’t anywhere close to it. Denmark has a high vaccinated population and guess what? Cases are going up again and they are talking about locking down again unless more people get vaccinated! Hey what’s the definition of insanity?
New Hulu drama ‘Dopesick’ lays bare how those in business and government were prepared to callously harm regular folks for ungodly profits and unchallenged power. It’s a lesson worth learning given Big Pharma’s current influence.
‘Dopesick’ is based upon Beth Macy’s non-fiction book of the same name. This, along with ‘Pain Killer: An Empire of Deceit and the Origin of America’s Opioid Epidemic’ by Barry Meier.
Purdue knew that they were lying about how addictive OxyContin was, but hey it could bring in a lot of money so let’s push it on as many people as possible. Congress was also complicit in letting them get away with addicting and killing hundreds of thousands of people in just the US alone. And ruining the lives of people and their families in untold numbers and ways. Not one person is going to be held accountable for it. And just like countless other drugs the FDA did not pull it from the market when death rates started skyrocketing. Oh no…too damn much money to make even though people were dying left and right. Profits before people is the American way.
I was given it just after it hit the market. The dosage was one pill every 24 hours and they rarely lasted that long so once my body became dependent on it I would go through withdrawals until it was time for the next dose. If you don’t adhere to what your doctor says and take more often than prescribed then you find yourself kicked out of the pain clinic and good luck finding another one that will take you. People abandoned by the system then turned to the streets to find relief from the never ending pain and took even more dangerous drugs. I had severe side effects from it so I went off it and it was pure hell until it cleared my system.
But trust that they have our best interests at heart with these rushed drugs that they have no liability for. No thanks. I learned that lesson the hard way.
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Scandinavian countries seem to have a more normal approach to this whole thing. Is that Sweden?
I'm guessing the access to VAERS data will somehow be shutdown. Jennifer Roses' study has been an excellent review and a set of indicators for what is going on.
I am really sorry to hear about your history of pain. I've gone around with pain, but am working on inflammation issues which seem be the cause of most of it. Chickpox/Herpes Zoster in my left leg makes it hard to sleep on my left side at all.
Purdue created dummy pain organizations and media outlets as its propaganda division to push the narrative of an “epidemic of untreated pain” ravaging America. These organizations, like the American Pain Society, lobbied the medical establishment to make pain the “fifth vital sign,” and succeeded.
Guess who suffered when congress finally cracked down because of the death rates? Chronic pain suffers who were told that they would either no longer be given the drug or would see a huge decrease in the number of pills prescribed. They were punished for what Purdue did to them. And it wasn’t just for people taking OxyContin, it was for all pain meds regardless of how well they followed the rules. My clinic did it to me and luckily I found a new one that continued writing the one drug I could tolerate. My doc tells me a few times a year that I’m his favorite patient because I never ask for more or higher strengths. Or early refills. 25 years of chronic, unrelenting pain takes a toll on me and there are days when nothing helps. I can’t imagine how many people were thrown away because of something they didn’t do.
Remarkably, Purdue then got the FDA to allow the company to put a label on OxyContin saying that danger of addiction was extremely low, despite no studies showing this claim to be true. In a stunning coincidence, the FDA official who granted this extraordinary label request, Curtis Wright, months later left the Food and Drug Administration to take a $400,000 job… at Purdue Pharma.
Purdue’s strategy only became more dubious and depraved as time wore on.
Oxy was supposed to work for 12 hours a dose, but for many people the effect didn’t last nearly that long. Purdue called this issue “breakthrough pain,” which sounds an awful lot like “breakthrough infections” in regard to Covid.
Ultimately, ‘Dopesick’ is a worthy watch because it tells the ugly truth about what the powerful are willing to do to regular folks, up to and including killing them, in order to make an ungodly profit.
Yeah I think that people have a right to be skeptical of the new wonder drug that is supposed to be all that, but once again isn’t anywhere close to it. Denmark has a high vaccinated population and guess what? Cases are going up again and they are talking about locking down again unless more people get vaccinated! Hey what’s the definition of insanity?
6 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
And we have not even mentioned herbal possibilities.
From my view the pandemic was allowed to spread in order to use fear to control us. It didn't have to be that way.
Fortunately we are able to protect ourselves if not the society and economy.
New Hulu drama ‘Dopesick’ lays bare how those in business and government were prepared to callously harm regular folks for ungodly profits and unchallenged power. It’s a lesson worth learning given Big Pharma’s current influence.
‘Dopesick’ is based upon Beth Macy’s non-fiction book of the same name. This, along with ‘Pain Killer: An Empire of Deceit and the Origin of America’s Opioid Epidemic’ by Barry Meier.
Purdue knew that they were lying about how addictive OxyContin was, but hey it could bring in a lot of money so let’s push it on as many people as possible. Congress was also complicit in letting them get away with addicting and killing hundreds of thousands of people in just the US alone. And ruining the lives of people and their families in untold numbers and ways. Not one person is going to be held accountable for it. And just like countless other drugs the FDA did not pull it from the market when death rates started skyrocketing. Oh no…too damn much money to make even though people were dying left and right. Profits before people is the American way.
I was given it just after it hit the market. The dosage was one pill every 24 hours and they rarely lasted that long so once my body became dependent on it I would go through withdrawals until it was time for the next dose. If you don’t adhere to what your doctor says and take more often than prescribed then you find yourself kicked out of the pain clinic and good luck finding another one that will take you. People abandoned by the system then turned to the streets to find relief from the never ending pain and took even more dangerous drugs. I had severe side effects from it so I went off it and it was pure hell until it cleared my system.
But trust that they have our best interests at heart with these rushed drugs that they have no liability for. No thanks. I learned that lesson the hard way.
probably say making IVM widely available here and in other countries on a cheap basis, promoting its prophylactic use and for treatment, prioritizing it over vaccines would likely greatly reduce Covid spread and begin to return things to normal. But as we see, TPTB are not going to allow that, as they are too wedded to the financial imperatives of Big Pharma/Big Vax.
Depressingly, not a single one of our better pols, Bernie, AOC and the like, have apparently been educated on these matters, or if they have they are hiding their knowledge out of political fear. It's politically easier for them just to go along with the vaccine program. So far it's only some voices on the Right which have gone against the grain and spoken against mandates and in favor of some treatments, though not strictly for IVM.
5 users have voted.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The iodine/provodine nasal rinse and gargle we feel pretty strongly is a good prevention strategy. We use it after every contact. And are trying to use it before going out if we will be inside with others. Not as good about that one.
Using Essential Oils in a bowl to breathe steam too. Seems to really keep respiratory system open and comfortable.
I really wish the countries and counties with high injection rates or the correlation of vaccinated to cases and deaths was easy to get and tabulate so people could see for themselves how it is going.
And we have not even mentioned herbal possibilities.
From my view the pandemic was allowed to spread in order to use fear to control us. It didn't have to be that way.
Fortunately we are able to protect ourselves if not the society and economy.
5 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
The latest data from Israel and the UK on covid vaccine effectiveness.
Importantly, in people who got vaccinated already in January 2021 (primarily the elderly), protection against infection and mild disease has already dropped to just 16% (see chart above). Moreover, since the Delta covid outbreak is still accelerating in Israel, the effectiveness against hospitalization and severe disease may further decrease (due to lags in hospitalizations).
(Update: The latest official MoH data confirms that protection against severe disease has already dropped to 55%; compared to the original 96%, this results in a tenfold increase in residual risk.)
In the UK, which has primarily used the AstraZeneca DNA adenovector vaccine, the latest estimate by researchers at University College London indicates an effectiveness against infection of only 8% and a total effectiveness against severe disease of about 60%. In very senior citizens, the effectiveness against severe disease may be even lower (due to a weaker immune response).
The Israeli data shown above indicates that effectiveness against infection and mild symptoms decreases rapidly over time and reaches near-zero levels after about half a year. Most likely, this is because covid vaccines do not achieve mucosal immunity (in contrast to natural infection) and serum antibody levels (i.e. antibodies in the blood) decrease within months (see chart below).
Thus, the false promise of very high protection against “symptomatic infection”, found during official vaccine trials, was simply based on very high short-term serum antibody levels mimicking mucosal immunity. From an immunological perspective, this was just a (very lucrative) “flash in the pan” and not a lasting protective effect.
In contrast, protection against severe disease is achieved by lower serum antibody levels in combination with immunological memory (B cells) and cellular immunity (T cells). However, the Delta variant has already achieved partial immune evasion (as did Beta and Gamma, but not Alpha), and future coronavirus variants will likely achieve almost complete immune evasion.
Thus, vaccine protection even against severe disease will likely further decrease due to new variants, or, in the very worst case, will turn into antibody-dependent disease enhancement (ADE), if high levels of non-neutralizing antibodies aggravate the infection. Indeed, this is what happened in the case of vaccines against SARS-1 and dengue fever. (Update: A first molecular modelling study has found evidence of a potential ADE mechanism in people vaccinated against covid.)
However, there is a very real risk that additional vaccinations, which inject or induce the coronavirus spike protein, could substantially increase the risk of serious cardiovascular and neurological adverse events, such as strokes, GBS and heart muscle inflammation. Globally, covid vaccines may already have killed tens of thousands of people. Alternatives include safer nasal vaccine candidates or medically supervised, low-dose oral live virus challenges in low-risk people.
Furthermore, the millions of people who were told that vaccination will protect them against a coronavirus infection will soon have to realize (once again) that this is not the case: instead, most of them will get infected anyway. On the positive side, this may actually provide additional mucosal immunity to large parts of the population while being mostly protected against severe disease.
Jennifer Rose seems to be the best resource for data. Is Steve Kirsch putting out any data yet? I thought he had a boiler room operation of people he hired or paid to pull what they could from VAERS, counties, hospitals and other sources.
If so, it would be the most comprehensive data review so far, as far as I know.
and may well cause an increase in ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) in the vaccinated.
The latest data from Israel and the UK on covid vaccine effectiveness.
Importantly, in people who got vaccinated already in January 2021 (primarily the elderly), protection against infection and mild disease has already dropped to just 16% (see chart above). Moreover, since the Delta covid outbreak is still accelerating in Israel, the effectiveness against hospitalization and severe disease may further decrease (due to lags in hospitalizations).
(Update: The latest official MoH data confirms that protection against severe disease has already dropped to 55%; compared to the original 96%, this results in a tenfold increase in residual risk.)
In the UK, which has primarily used the AstraZeneca DNA adenovector vaccine, the latest estimate by researchers at University College London indicates an effectiveness against infection of only 8% and a total effectiveness against severe disease of about 60%. In very senior citizens, the effectiveness against severe disease may be even lower (due to a weaker immune response).
The Israeli data shown above indicates that effectiveness against infection and mild symptoms decreases rapidly over time and reaches near-zero levels after about half a year. Most likely, this is because covid vaccines do not achieve mucosal immunity (in contrast to natural infection) and serum antibody levels (i.e. antibodies in the blood) decrease within months (see chart below).
Thus, the false promise of very high protection against “symptomatic infection”, found during official vaccine trials, was simply based on very high short-term serum antibody levels mimicking mucosal immunity. From an immunological perspective, this was just a (very lucrative) “flash in the pan” and not a lasting protective effect.
In contrast, protection against severe disease is achieved by lower serum antibody levels in combination with immunological memory (B cells) and cellular immunity (T cells). However, the Delta variant has already achieved partial immune evasion (as did Beta and Gamma, but not Alpha), and future coronavirus variants will likely achieve almost complete immune evasion.
Thus, vaccine protection even against severe disease will likely further decrease due to new variants, or, in the very worst case, will turn into antibody-dependent disease enhancement (ADE), if high levels of non-neutralizing antibodies aggravate the infection. Indeed, this is what happened in the case of vaccines against SARS-1 and dengue fever. (Update: A first molecular modelling study has found evidence of a potential ADE mechanism in people vaccinated against covid.)
However, there is a very real risk that additional vaccinations, which inject or induce the coronavirus spike protein, could substantially increase the risk of serious cardiovascular and neurological adverse events, such as strokes, GBS and heart muscle inflammation. Globally, covid vaccines may already have killed tens of thousands of people. Alternatives include safer nasal vaccine candidates or medically supervised, low-dose oral live virus challenges in low-risk people.
Furthermore, the millions of people who were told that vaccination will protect them against a coronavirus infection will soon have to realize (once again) that this is not the case: instead, most of them will get infected anyway. On the positive side, this may actually provide additional mucosal immunity to large parts of the population while being mostly protected against severe disease.
5 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
It’s coming from the countries that got the vaccines early and guess what? It’s unresponsive to the vaccines now. Gee who could have seen this happening? Oh wait. Lots of doctors said that it’s exactly what was going to happen. But guess who is going to be blamed for it? The unvaxxed. Apparently some of the vaxxed think that every person who is not vaxxed is infected and just one contact with them will give them the Rona. Me? I’d blame the vaccines for not protecting them like they were told they would. Grumble!
and may well cause an increase in ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) in the vaccinated.
The latest data from Israel and the UK on covid vaccine effectiveness.
Importantly, in people who got vaccinated already in January 2021 (primarily the elderly), protection against infection and mild disease has already dropped to just 16% (see chart above). Moreover, since the Delta covid outbreak is still accelerating in Israel, the effectiveness against hospitalization and severe disease may further decrease (due to lags in hospitalizations).
(Update: The latest official MoH data confirms that protection against severe disease has already dropped to 55%; compared to the original 96%, this results in a tenfold increase in residual risk.)
In the UK, which has primarily used the AstraZeneca DNA adenovector vaccine, the latest estimate by researchers at University College London indicates an effectiveness against infection of only 8% and a total effectiveness against severe disease of about 60%. In very senior citizens, the effectiveness against severe disease may be even lower (due to a weaker immune response).
The Israeli data shown above indicates that effectiveness against infection and mild symptoms decreases rapidly over time and reaches near-zero levels after about half a year. Most likely, this is because covid vaccines do not achieve mucosal immunity (in contrast to natural infection) and serum antibody levels (i.e. antibodies in the blood) decrease within months (see chart below).
Thus, the false promise of very high protection against “symptomatic infection”, found during official vaccine trials, was simply based on very high short-term serum antibody levels mimicking mucosal immunity. From an immunological perspective, this was just a (very lucrative) “flash in the pan” and not a lasting protective effect.
In contrast, protection against severe disease is achieved by lower serum antibody levels in combination with immunological memory (B cells) and cellular immunity (T cells). However, the Delta variant has already achieved partial immune evasion (as did Beta and Gamma, but not Alpha), and future coronavirus variants will likely achieve almost complete immune evasion.
Thus, vaccine protection even against severe disease will likely further decrease due to new variants, or, in the very worst case, will turn into antibody-dependent disease enhancement (ADE), if high levels of non-neutralizing antibodies aggravate the infection. Indeed, this is what happened in the case of vaccines against SARS-1 and dengue fever. (Update: A first molecular modelling study has found evidence of a potential ADE mechanism in people vaccinated against covid.)
However, there is a very real risk that additional vaccinations, which inject or induce the coronavirus spike protein, could substantially increase the risk of serious cardiovascular and neurological adverse events, such as strokes, GBS and heart muscle inflammation. Globally, covid vaccines may already have killed tens of thousands of people. Alternatives include safer nasal vaccine candidates or medically supervised, low-dose oral live virus challenges in low-risk people.
Furthermore, the millions of people who were told that vaccination will protect them against a coronavirus infection will soon have to realize (once again) that this is not the case: instead, most of them will get infected anyway. On the positive side, this may actually provide additional mucosal immunity to large parts of the population while being mostly protected against severe disease.
5 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
is awful. The story that once fully vaccinated (two shots) a person is not able to catch or spread Sars-CoV-2 is easily understood. It's how other vaccines work and people are fatigued with all this and just want life to be less scary and troublesome.
Given information that is easy to do and easy to understand would help everyone. Arrgghh.
It’s coming from the countries that got the vaccines early and guess what? It’s unresponsive to the vaccines now. Gee who could have seen this happening? Oh wait. Lots of doctors said that it’s exactly what was going to happen. But guess who is going to be blamed for it? The unvaxxed. Apparently some of the vaxxed think that every person who is not vaxxed is infected and just one contact with them will give them the Rona. Me? I’d blame the vaccines for not protecting them like they were told they would. Grumble!
5 users have voted.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
from another angle.
This info came to me on a probate matter for which I was just hired.
The middle-aged man, suffering from some mental health issues, developed horrific hemorrhoids.
They were not only physically debilitating, they were painful in the extreme. He tried pain meds, stopped taking his meds for his mental health condition, and tried to schedule surgery. He was told to get Pfizer shots, and surgery would not be done until he had 3 shots.
He went nuts from the pain, shot and killed his Mom and himself.
Is this mandate by surgeons (who have no liability whatsoever) in our future?
So far, I am asked about being vaxxed, but not being denied care.
5 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Association of Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Among Adult Patients With Existing Cardiovascular Disease
I'm discouraged this week, so I'm looking for
ideas how we might get out of the messes we are in. All ideas are welcome.
Now that we have stoves which really work for heat, life seems a bit less worrisome.
I am having trouble believing the world-wide scope of the changes and single-minded solutions to very complicated problems.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Agree with you about a need for rational
problem solving solutions.
Make a simple room air filter for the classrooms.
Develops a cheap, easy and available test for immunity.
Don't force kids to take shots.
Throw mandates out the window until the other options
are implemented. Like FLCCC protocol.
Seems we are being held captive to the Big Pharm agenda.
Thanks for hosting this important issue!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I like your ventilation solution. Ventilation was a big
People, including architects, are trying to insulate the old breathing stone and chalk walls with glass wool, then walled with wallboard to the rooms. A recipe for disaster, as the trapped air is moist and is unventilated. Mold grows and loves the wall board. We are back to the stone walls in the ancient style: rock with breathable stucco covering or pointed between visible rocks.
Once the rock walls absorb stove heat they will hold lots of heat.
ETA: No mandates. The things has to run through and burn out. We need to prepare using good protocols. There are many treatments and preventatives from physicians who have made their priority to keep people out of hospitals.
We can do this. We just need to be given the chance. I am horrified by the number of family and friends on boosters, and happy that the kids are lined up for shots. I am cringing.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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At the other place
No wonder so many are ill-informed.
Many here would
probably say making IVM widely available here and in other countries on a cheap basis, promoting its prophylactic use and for treatment, prioritizing it over vaccines would likely greatly reduce Covid spread and begin to return things to normal. But as we see, TPTB are not going to allow that, as they are too wedded to the financial imperatives of Big Pharma/Big Vax.
Depressingly, not a single one of our better pols, Bernie, AOC and the like, have apparently been educated on these matters, or if they have they are hiding their knowledge out of political fear. It's politically easier for them just to go along with the vaccine program. So far it's only some voices on the Right which have gone against the grain and spoken against mandates and in favor of some treatments, though not strictly for IVM.
After listening to Peter McCullough and Dr. Patterson,
I agree, we could be in a far better place and moving about as we have before this each year. I still remember having the Asian flu in grade school.
It didn't have to be this way.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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In Japan...
It is the left parties that are most firmly opposed to vaccine passports - a poll I saw yesterday had 95% opposition by Japan Communist supporters whereas they were most supported by people identifying with Ishin no Kai (described - I'm not sure correctly as 'populist'), the ruling (conservative) Liberal Democratic Party (neither liberal nor democratic - founded by war criminals with the support of the CIA) and the LDP's junior coalition partner Komeito whose support base is the Soka Gakkai Buddhist sect/movement.
Big difference from the US where 'progressives' are all-in for mandates (along with Antifa) and opposition to them perceived as 'right-wing'.
Telling that many, if not most, in your face authoritarian responses to Covid have been from liberal/left regimes: California, New Zealand, Victoria, Oregon, Michigan, New York, Canada..
Recent NYC resistance is a hopeful sign - wonderfully diverse, from MAGA hats to BLM on the same page for once:
Put your faith in big pharma..what could go wrong?
Purdue knew that they were lying about how addictive OxyContin was, but hey it could bring in a lot of money so let’s push it on as many people as possible. Congress was also complicit in letting them get away with addicting and killing hundreds of thousands of people in just the US alone. And ruining the lives of people and their families in untold numbers and ways. Not one person is going to be held accountable for it. And just like countless other drugs the FDA did not pull it from the market when death rates started skyrocketing. Oh no…too damn much money to make even though people were dying left and right. Profits before people is the American way.
I was given it just after it hit the market. The dosage was one pill every 24 hours and they rarely lasted that long so once my body became dependent on it I would go through withdrawals until it was time for the next dose. If you don’t adhere to what your doctor says and take more often than prescribed then you find yourself kicked out of the pain clinic and good luck finding another one that will take you. People abandoned by the system then turned to the streets to find relief from the never ending pain and took even more dangerous drugs. I had severe side effects from it so I went off it and it was pure hell until it cleared my system.
But trust that they have our best interests at heart with these rushed drugs that they have no liability for. No thanks. I learned that lesson the hard way.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Guess who suffered when congress finally cracked down because of the death rates? Chronic pain suffers who were told that they would either no longer be given the drug or would see a huge decrease in the number of pills prescribed. They were punished for what Purdue did to them. And it wasn’t just for people taking OxyContin, it was for all pain meds regardless of how well they followed the rules. My clinic did it to me and luckily I found a new one that continued writing the one drug I could tolerate. My doc tells me a few times a year that I’m his favorite patient because I never ask for more or higher strengths. Or early refills. 25 years of chronic, unrelenting pain takes a toll on me and there are days when nothing helps. I can’t imagine how many people were thrown away because of something they didn’t do.
Yeah I think that people have a right to be skeptical of the new wonder drug that is supposed to be all that, but once again isn’t anywhere close to it. Denmark has a high vaccinated population and guess what? Cases are going up again and they are talking about locking down again unless more people get vaccinated! Hey what’s the definition of insanity?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Lucy and the football all over again. Other
I'm guessing the access to VAERS data will somehow be shutdown. Jennifer Roses' study has been an excellent review and a set of indicators for what is going on.
I am really sorry to hear about your history of pain. I've gone around with pain, but am working on inflammation issues which seem be the cause of most of it. Chickpox/Herpes Zoster in my left leg makes it hard to sleep on my left side at all.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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So many simple strategies are ignored...
Like iodine gargle and nasal spray at first sign of symptoms or a positive test.
Prevention with Vit D, C, Zn, NAC, Quercetin (which also acts similarly to HCQ as a zinc ionophore), and even lowly aspirin.
And we have not even mentioned herbal possibilities.
From my view the pandemic was allowed to spread in order to use fear to control us. It didn't have to be that way.
Fortunately we are able to protect ourselves if not the society and economy.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We are doing most of what you list and IVM.
Using Essential Oils in a bowl to breathe steam too. Seems to really keep respiratory system open and comfortable.
I really wish the countries and counties with high injection rates or the correlation of vaccinated to cases and deaths was easy to get and tabulate so people could see for themselves how it is going.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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Vaccines failed to protect against both infection and protection
and may well cause an increase in ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) in the vaccinated.
I wonder how many countries have this going on.
If so, it would be the most comprehensive data review so far, as far as I know.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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The new super variant has arrived
It’s coming from the countries that got the vaccines early and guess what? It’s unresponsive to the vaccines now. Gee who could have seen this happening? Oh wait. Lots of doctors said that it’s exactly what was going to happen. But guess who is going to be blamed for it? The unvaxxed. Apparently some of the vaxxed think that every person who is not vaxxed is infected and just one contact with them will give them the Rona. Me? I’d blame the vaccines for not protecting them like they were told they would. Grumble!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The amount of backflips on the effectiveness of vaccines
Given information that is easy to do and easy to understand would help everyone. Arrgghh.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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I would like to take vax mandates on
from another angle.
This info came to me on a probate matter for which I was just hired.
The middle-aged man, suffering from some mental health issues, developed horrific hemorrhoids.
They were not only physically debilitating, they were painful in the extreme. He tried pain meds, stopped taking his meds for his mental health condition, and tried to schedule surgery. He was told to get Pfizer shots, and surgery would not be done until he had 3 shots.
He went nuts from the pain, shot and killed his Mom and himself.
Is this mandate by surgeons (who have no liability whatsoever) in our future?
So far, I am asked about being vaxxed, but not being denied care.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This is lecture 33 of Chris Martenson.
It's more about the impact of financial institutions on our future.
The Fed...
Not sure if the video link works, so the first one which is copy and paste may be best.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
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Here's video link]
[video:Very bad if true
What will happen if/when the truth comes out?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And very sad.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Low vitamin D and increased deaths