09/27 is Ancestor Appreciation Day

Today is day 270 of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Setting Orange, Bureaucracy 51, 3187 YOLD
And let us not forget mlc (the Mayan Long Count)

Pitture rupestri di Altamira

~~     Altamira-1


Ancestry tracing seems a bit futile.  Either everybody is descended from Noah, or perhaps only certain clans.  The Mayan calendar starts before Noah was a twinkle in anybody's eye and the Mayans acknowledge no such flood, so the "New World" people must have a different ancestor or ancestors.  Nothing much there for most of the world to think and talk about, yet great numbers of them do, with great frequency and often in great detail.  Perhaps it is the tiny gene pool shared by all of the old world peoples that makes so many of them so crazy, warlike, and environmentally destructive?

Silent Spring pretty much started the environmental movement, such as it is and has been.  Initially it was very conservation oriented and something of a political consensus arose around conservation, not the least because great numbers of high rolling Republicans were avid outdoorspeople and sportspeople and wanted their playgrounds and targets conserved.  Later, when it came to reining in plastics and hydrocarbons, not so much, bringing us to stagnation and the great meltdown,  The observed (as opposed to vocalized) consensus appears to be to wait another decade and watch it solve itself.  Ayup.  After all, it worked for the last decade, and the one before that.  It does, however, look like this flood scenario will impact the new world too, just sayin'.

Speaking of hydrocarbons, Old 97 burned coal, and look where that got it.



On this day in history:


1066 – William the Bastard set sail for England with his army

1529 – The Siege of Vienna began

1791 – The French National Assembly voted to giver full citizenship to France's Jews 

1822 – Jean-François Champollion announced that he had deciphered the Rosetta Stone.

1903 – The Wreck of the Old 97 occurred

1908 – Production of the Model T automobile began

1928 – The US recognized th Republic of China

1940 – The Tripartite Pact was signed by Germany, Japan and Italy.

1941 – The first Liberty ship, the SS Patrick Henry was launched,

1956 – Milburn G. Apt became the first person to exceed Mach 3.   He died moments later when his USAF Bell X-2 went out of control

1962 – Rachel Carson's  Silent Spring was published

1988 – Aung San Suu Kyi and others formed the National League for Democracy 

2003 – The SMART-1 satellite was launched

2007 – NASA launched the Dawn probe to the asteroid belt.

2008 – CNSA astronaut Zhai Zhigang became the first Chinese person to perform a spacewalk.

2019 – Over two million people participated in worldwide strikes in 2,400 locations worldwide to protest climate change


Born this day in:


There is no wisdom but in death.

~~     Corinne Roosevelt Robinson

1389 – Cosimo de' Medici, bankster and ruler of Florence
1552 – Flaminio Scala, playwright and stage actor
1818 – Hermann Kolbe, chemist and academic
1840 – Alfred Thayer Mahan, captain and historian
1840 – Thomas Nast, cartoonist
1861 – Corinne Roosevelt Robinson, poet and author
1871 – Grazia Deledda, novelist and poet
1879 – Hans Hahn, mathematician and philosopher
1898 – Vincent Youmans, composer and producer
1911 – Marcey Jacobson, photographer
1917 – Louis Auchincloss, novelist and essayist
1917 – Benjamin Rubin, microbiologist
1918 – Martin Ryle, astronomer and author
1919 – James H. Wilkinson, mathematician and computer scientist
1922 – Sammy Benskin, pianist and bandleader
1924 – Bud Powell, pianist and composer
1925 – Robert Edwards, physiologist and academic
1927 – Red Rodney, trumpet player
1928 – Margaret Rule, archaeologist and historian
1929 – Calvin Jones, pianist, composer, and educator
1931 – Freddy Quinn, singer, guitarist, and actor
1932 – Marcia Neugebauer, geophysicist
1933 – Rodney Cotterill, physicist and neuroscientist
1939 – Carol Lynn Pearson, author, poet, and playwright
1941 – Don Nix, saxophonist, songwriter, and producer
1942 – Alvin Stardust, singer and actor
1943 – Randy Bachman, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1944 – Angélica María, singer, songwriter, and actress
1947 – Barbara Dickson, singer, songwriter, and actress
1947 – Meat Loaf, singer, songwriter, producer, and actor
1949 – Jahn Teigen, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1951 – Michel Rivard, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1951 – David Starobin, guitarist, producer, and director
1953 – Greg Ham, keyboard player, saxophonist and songwriter
1954 – Larry Wall, computer programmer and author
1964 – Tracy Camp, computer scientist and academic
1964 – Stephan Jenkins, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1974 – Carrie Brownstein, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and actress
1978 – Brad Arnold, singer and songwriter
1980 – Ehron VonAllen, singer, songwriter, and producer
1981 – Sophie Crumb, author and illustrator
1982 – Jon McLaughlin, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1984 – Avril Lavigne, singer, songwriter, actress, and fashion designer
1987 – Austin Carlile, singer and songwriter


Died this day in:

“Success! Success! The enemy of progress!” 

~~     Edgar Degas

1735 – Peter Artedi, ichthyologist and zoologist
1783 – Étienne Bézout, mathematician and theorist
1832 – Karl Christian Friedrich Krause, philosopher and author
1917 – Edgar Degas, painter and sculptor
1934 – Ellen Willmott, horticulturalist
1940 – Julius Wagner-Jauregg, physician and neuroscientist
1956 – Babe Didrikson Zaharias,  basketball player and golfer
1960 – Sylvia Pankhurst, activist
1961 – Hilda Doolittle. poet, novelist, and memoirist
1972 – S. R. Ranganathan, mathematician, librarian, and academic
1979 – Jimmy McCulloch, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1986 – Cliff Burton,  bass player and songwriter
2005 – Mary Lee Settle, novelist, essayist, and memoirist
2007 – Dale Houston, singer, songwriter
2009 – William Safire, author and journalist
2011 – Johnny "Country" Mathis, singer, songwriter
2012 – Eddie Bert, trombonist
2013 – Oscar Castro-Neves, guitarist, composer, and conductor
2015 – Wilton Felder, saxophonist and bass player


Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
Ancestor Appreciation Day
Consumación de la Independencia (Mexico)
National Crush a Can Day
National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (United States)
National Corned Beef Hash Day
World Tourism Day (International)


Music goes here, iirc, well, With apologies Wink


Sammy Benskin



Bud Powell


Red Rodney


Calvin Jones


Don Nix

Randy Bachman


Jimmy McCulloch


Cliff Burton


Dale Houston


Eddie Bert


Oscar-Castro Neves


Wilton Felder



Ok, it's an open thread, so it's up to you folks now. So what's on your mind?


12 users have voted.


Here lies poor Artedi, in foreign land pyx'd
Not a man nor a fish, but something betwixt,
Not a man, for his life among fishes he past,
Not a fish, for he perished by water at last.

by Anders Celsius

For the "father of ichthyology".

Thanks for the OT and the tunes.

5 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


certainly a figure of historical and scientific import worthy of inclusion here. Thanks for bringing him up. Hell, he might even have warranted his own music selection, though picking just one might be tricky:

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris

browned catfish and buttermilk hoe cakes.

4 users have voted.

question everything

@enhydra lutris with two great renditions, TY.

2 users have voted.
QMS's picture

Amazing OT today EL! Great way to start the (calander) week.

6 users have voted.

question everything

enhydra lutris's picture


video / music. Had enough mist this am to render all surfaces damp, no mucho, but beats no precip at all.

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

dystopian's picture

Sorry I was busy... great post EL! I'll take the Mayan Calendar as most correct... love yer point!

Extra points and ice cream for the Artedi mention! Thought just us ichthyfolk knew of him? Wink

0 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

zed2's picture

The cave art is so well done and speaks to such a joyful and interestibg life as hunter gatherers. Of course we now know that we, the human r5ace were very successful hunters, basically causing a major mass extinction of all of several continents megafauna.This brought about a lot of changes in the landscape. The introdution of agriculture dramatically changed the human diet and lifestyle.

Our current grain based diets are not very good for humanity.

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