Saudis are about to lose the war against Yemen
When Mohammed bin Salman, sixth and favourite son of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, launched Operation Decisive Storm against the Houthis in Yemen in 2015 he expected the war to be won in a matter of weeks. He had every reason to be confident. Ground forces from Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Academi (formerly called Blackwater) took part in the invasion.
The United States provided intelligence and logistical support, including aerial refueling and search-and-rescue for downed coalition pilots, plus the U.S. Navy provided a blockade of the Yemeni coast.
And if that wasn't enough, the Saudis cut a deal with al-Qaeda, because the Houthis were a common enemy.
However, an investigation by The Associated Press found the coalition has been paying some al-Qaeda commanders to leave key cities and towns while letting others retreat with weapons, equipment, and wads of looted cash.
Hundreds of al-Qaeda members were recruited to join the coalition as soldiers, the report said.Key figures in the deal-making said the United States was aware of the arrangements and held off on drone attacks against the armed group, which was created by Osama bin Laden in 1988.
Except for arms shipments from Iran, the Houthis had no allies. It was supposed to a walk-over.
Instead it has become a disaster for Saudi Arabia, and yet another political and diplomatic embarrassment for the U.S. Everyone involved is looking for a way to extract themselves from this conflict while still saving face.
Except for the Houthis.
The Houthis have been on the offense for nearly two years now, and are in the process of capturing Marib, the Saudi-puppet government’s last major stronghold in northern Yemen. Marib also commands Yemen's small oil-producing region, which makes it critical.
The Saudis have been forced into peace talks with the Houthis, but are still trying to dictate terms. You don't dictate terms to enemy who is winning.
What's more, most of the Saudi allies, such as Egypt, have long since left the war. The Saudis replaced those troops with mercenaries.
The Coalition was also able to hire mercenaries from Reflex Responses, a private company connected to Erik Prince, the founder of the private company known as Blackwater.
Isn't it interesting that wherever you find evil being done in the world, Erik Prince is usually involved?
To make matters worse for the Saudi coalition, they weren't all on the same page. UAE, the Saudis biggest ally, supported a separatist group in south Yemen that ended up being very popular in the region, and at times actively fought against Saudi-backed forces. The situation in the non-Houthi region is deteriorating.
The UAE-backed separatists in Yemen have declared a state of emergency across the southern provinces including the disputed port city of Aden. The city is supposed to be the interim capital of the internationally-recognised Yemeni government in exile in Riyadh...
Citing local sources in Aden, the Yemen Press Agency reported that hundreds of protesters closed the area around the May 22 Stadium and demanded improvements in basic services such as electricity, water and oil derivatives. They were demonstrating for a third straight day. Some are reported to have set fire to government buildings and burned cars in the streets.
Congress, after discovering that they bet on the wrong horse, is trying to find a way out of it's involvement in this fiasco.
The US House of Representatives approved a measure on Thursday that would force an end to maintenance and intelligence support for Saudi Arabia’s airstrikes against Yemen’s Houthi rebels.Lawmakers voted 219-207 to advance the measure, which was introduced by Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna (Calif.) and Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders. The heads of the House Armed Services and Intelligence committees, Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), also co-sponsored the measure.
This certainly looks good, and it's a long overdue win for the progressives, but at the same time Congress also passed this amendment.
But unlike Khana’s amendment, Meeks’s contains loopholes the White House can exploit in order to perpetuate current operations. The provision Meeks and his colleagues have introduced is especially lenient to the White House’s current approach to the war.
...These caveats leave open the door for the Biden administration to continue its tolerance for what many experts consider “offensive” action. In February, the president announced an end to American assistance of “offensive” attacks on Yemen, yet U.S.-backed Saudi warplanes have still conducted airstrikes on the country, and the White House has remained silent on the kingdom’s blockades of Sana’a airport and Hodeidah seaport.
Around a quarter of a million people have died in this pointless war.
This is looking a lot like Afghanistan. Eventually there will be an ugly end to this ugly war, and the U.S. will be on the losing side again.

Military opposition from the start
was reported here, and it concerned what you have pointed out, our ultimate support of Al Qaeda:
The purpose of these wars was to do exactly
what was accomplished. It was to destabilize the ME and ensure these Arab countries were completely destroyed and were no longer capable of projecting power beyond their borders.
Once this was done, the next part was to dismember them. Fortunately that has yet to be accomplished despite Israel continuing to illegally attack Lebanon and Syria. Putin put a stop to this in Syria with Russia's competent military.
Take note from Wesley Clark's video the names of those in Washington that had taken defacto control of the White House and military and the country to whom they give allegiance (it's not the USA).
This has had an impact on the situation.
...what happens if the Houthis launch a counteroffensive?
When you've already been through hell long enough to start getting used to it, and somehow gone from genocide-victim to a nation of modern-day Davids in an underdog-with-heart-story that honestly sounds at least as badass as the backstories behind any number of Jewish holidays, what are the odds your mindset's going to have some serious visions of radically-revamped calculus?
Wouldn't be the first time Mecca changed hands....
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
It's amazing what the Houthis have done
But Mecca is not in danger.
What is more likely is to see Yemen partitioned between north and south (like 1980's Yemen).
Which will have unpredictable consequences.
The bigger and more unpredictable danger is to the Saudi royal family. The crown prince has lost a lot of political capital with this losing war. And recall when he literally arrested and tortured wealthy Saudis for their money to pay for this war.
We could be looking at a coup or revolt in Saudi Arabia.
Could hardly happen to nicer people, right?
That's...quite something; I wonder what their dear buddies the House of Bush think of that?
It's a little reminiscent of that time some wacky Iraqi wasted all his money in a fight with his annoying religious neighbor, so he went down to the beachside and held up a rival gas-station that was doing better than his was, and there was a comical misunderstanding with his old boss, so HIJINKS ensued. Remember THAT time?!? LOLOLOLOL
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Oh, you missed that?
Yeh, that was an interesting little event, and I'm sure that some Saudis have certain hard feelings about it.
and more
And finally
Something else that I forgot
MBS fucked up again
MBS is incompetent and is creating enemies by the bushel.
OMG; from now on, let's call him..."Al-Beth"! say nothing of, as alluded to above, any number of commemorative media of the sorts that stand not only the test of decades, but centuries - perhaps even millennia.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!