Capitalist a**holes don't understand the economy again


We are all familiar with the right-wing claiming that lazy workers won't go back to those terrible, low-paying jobs because have been living large on $300 a week of UI. So obviously that needs to be cut off and the workers starved back to their jobs. Because that's how a perfect system is supposed to work with employers demonstrating utter contempt for employees.
[And don't forget that capitalism is the best thing evah]

Republican governors were so committed to this idea, that they turned down free money and cut off extended UI weeks early. This caused those lazy workers to rush back to this shitty jobs and caused the economy in 26 red states to boom, right?

Twenty-six state governors — all Republican, except one — opted out of the pandemic-era programs several weeks before their official expiration on Labor Day. Enhanced benefits were keeping the unemployed from looking for jobs and fueling a labor shortage, they claimed.
...The data suggests unemployment benefits aren’t playing a big role in hiring challenges and that other factors are having a larger impact — a similar thrust to other recent research analyzing the policy decisions.

States that ended federal benefits early saw larger job gains among the unemployed: Their employment jumped 4.4 percentage points relative to jobless individuals in states that kept benefits flowing, according to the paper, which analyzes data through the first week of August.

However, that translates to just 1 in 8 unemployed individuals in the “cutoff states” who found a job in that time period. The majority, 7 out of 8, didn’t find a new job.

“Yes, there was an uptick [in employment],” University of Massachusetts Amherst economics professor Arindrajit Dube said. “Most people lost benefits and weren’t able to find jobs.”

The employment dynamic — a loss of benefits without resulting job income for most people — led households to cut their weekly spending by 20%, according to the paper. As a result, economies of the cutoff states saw a reduction of nearly $2 billion in consumer spending from June through the first week of August.

“They turned down federal transfers and that money didn’t come back into the state [from new job income],” University of Toronto assistant professor Michael Stepner said. He also co-authored the paper.

A 20% spending cut amounts to a big reduction in quality of life for these households, which are largely lower-income, Stepner said.


I have three take-aways from this:
1) those numbers about endless job openings are bullsh*t. That shouldn't surprise too many people.
2) the right-wing capitalist class doesn't give two sh*ts about working class people. Even despite these results, they are still pushing the lazy workers meme.
3) right-wing Republicans are married to this disdain for the working class. Remember that they fought tooth-and-nail against free federal money to expand Medicaid.

The failure of red states’ recent experiment in cutting off benefits to spur job growth has not prompted self-reflection or reassessment. Instead business leaders and their allies in the Republican Party and the media sound as confident as ever that the best policy is to make any further time without a job unlivable for individuals. Their assertions drip with contempt for people on welfare, whose selfishness and poor work ethic is responsible for underwhelming economic recovery.
...“I have a friend in the military who trains military dogs, and they only feed a military dog at night, because a hungry dog is an obedient dog,” he said. “If we’re not causing people to be hungry to work, then we’re providing them with all the meals they need sitting at home.”

I can't believe how some people claim that Republicans are better for the working class than Democrats. The Dems are terrible for workers, but that doesn't mean the Republicans aren't still worse.

16 users have voted.



In this month’s BLS report the EMPLOYMENT-POPULATION RATIO IS A SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 58.5 (+0.1 in August). THAT MEANS 41.5% OF PEOPLE 22 AND OLDER ARE WITHOUT A JOB. IF WE SUBTRACT THE ABOUT 14% OF THE POPULATION THAT RECEIVES SOCIAL SECURITY WE GET A RATE OF JOBLESSNESS AT 27.5%. Though this figure isn’t modified to count disabled adults who’d like to work, elder workers collecting Social Security but who still have to work, or people who really aren’t disabled but added to the Social Security rolls during the Great Recession to keep them out of the unemployment figures. WHEN WE CONSIDER ALL THESE PEOPLE THE ACTUAL REMAINDER FROM THE EMPLOYMENT-POPULATION RATIO IS PROBABLY NEARER 30.7. THAT IS TO SAY ABOUT 31% OF WORKING AGE AMERICANS ARE WITHOUT A JOB COMPARED TO A MINIMUM OF 38% AFTER THE START OF THE PANDEMIC.
11 users have voted.

counts women not in the workforce because they prefer to care for their children as "unemployed". And yes, that includes everyone who couldn't pay for childcare on take home pay as well as those who don't care to risk possible abusive or predatory "caretakers".

This modern idea that all mothers must work rather than "should be allowed to work on an equal basis" is jus5t a new bondage for working class women. My lawyer changes $500 an hour. It makes sense for her to work and hire trained caretakers. It doesn't make sense for a $15 an hour waitress. IF the waitress is that lucky. IIRC, in Illinois restaurant owners are allowed to pay waitresses $2.70 an hour based on supposed tip revenue. IOW, they should work as beggars. If they have children it makes no sense unless they work at the Stork Club, not a greasy spoon.

Not being sexist here but ceding possile sexist hiring attitudes, I think a better measure of unemployment is male employment ages 25-55 or possibly 25-50. Over 50 agism is VERY real.

12 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

He saved us from Lyin' Ted Carpet-Bomb Cruz.

If bumbling, butt-ugly Trump could beat Hillary, how could any better-established, less cosmetically-disruptive Republican NOT have?

10 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

@The Liberal Moonbat @The Liberal Moonbat
Trump presented himself as an outsider to both Parties. I don't think say Ted Cruz could have done as well with the standard Republican platform. Trump played the outsider and echoed back white blue-collar fears, outrages and yes, down right prejudices. As a showman he worked the crowd pretty good.

You rightly ask how anyone with a brain larger than an amoeba could vote for Trump. But I ask back, how could they vote for Hillary?

I'm proud to say I voted for neither, but my Green vote was not even reported in the media. Might as well have sat home and had the press say I and others were too lazy to vote. I think my wife may have voted for Hillary only to see a female president, but I didn't ask. I gave her a list of my votes in advance (she always asks). She may use it as a guide. She may use it as a guide of who not to vote for (I don't think so). Her vote - her right to use it as she sees fit.
My sister? True Blue and absolutely would vote for Carey Nation twice, once for Blue and again for Female. Too my mind as bad as voting against a candidate based on gender. But I didn't try to break into a male-dominated technical field in the 1970's as a woman. On that note she told me just last night that on one job interview she had to spell our Italian name. Personnel woman (??) asked her what kind of name was that. She answered "Italian". Woman asked her "Do you carry a knife?"
So much for bullshit "White Privilege".

5 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness To be fair, there's a double-letter conundrum or two - but jeez, if THAT'S all it takes to earn one's +5 Hex-Resistant Molybdenum Full Plate of Victimhood...I just wish I'd known that back in my waning days on DailyKos.

3 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

@The Liberal Moonbat

1 user has voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness I was picked on often enough in high school for being a boy with long hair, of course.

Funny; I hear in the 1950s, carrying a knife was perfectly normal even for elementary-school kids.

"Progress"??? I want to dismiss characters like Alex Jones, but that's more difficult than it ought to be when the decades-strong trend toward making people helpless is so strong, yet so poorly-covered. If crypto-Freudian analyses of movie heroes with increasingly large guns (Bogie's pistol in Casablanca -> James Bond's Walther PPK -> Clint's long-barreled number in Dirty Harry -> Arnie with a helicopter minigun) are taken seriously in higher ed, why not counterpoints based in real people's everyday lives? You'd almost think there was a logical inverse-corollary....

1 user has voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture

is that rich people have gotten huge tax cuts since Reagan or earlier and Trump basically cut them down to almost zero with all the other tax loopholes they get. Nor do they mention how the banks and hedge funds have been receiving trillions in bailouts with Obama’s $39 trillion and Trump’s $20 trillion or the $500 billion a day that started with Trump and continuing with Biden.

Or the fact that Israel gets $3.8 billion a year or the military industrial complex getting $2 trillion for Afghanistan and gawd only knows how many more trillions it’s gotten in gawd only knows how many other countries we’re in.

But it’s those poor people sucking off the government teat that is bankrupting the country. And the useless elderly and disabled using government funds that most have paid into and they are owed.

Stuff it, Laura!

14 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

mimi's picture

and take one of thousands of bullshit slave job openings and work her ass off in those.

those numbers about endless job openings are bullsh*t. That shouldn't surprise too many people.

11 users have voted.
Lily O Lady's picture

bankrupt, so to speak. I guess the lazy worker theory of economics will have to do.

8 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"