Faster Than The Speed of Sound.....

the New Age is being born.

This morning at 9:40 am I posted as part of the Evening Blues

Political Implications

"NYC had 6.91 inches of rain in a 24 hour period. Ihe most intense hour dropped almost 4 inches.

Even the best parts of NYC sewer system can handle fewer than 2 inches an hour.

Apparently, there are few to none possible ways to fix this even a little bit.

Residents of the lowest lying land with the fewest sewer systems, pipes, etc and no sewers at all are----You Guessed it---lowest income part of the population. Few, to no sewer systems, parkland, trees, etc.

This will not be fixed. Increasing uninhabitability is inevitable. Then, removal or climate migration.

The path to hell will not be dry and hot in this instance. Hot, maybe, but soaking wet."


By 10;30 am, when I turned on my local TV News, the Mayor of NYC was using the M word.

Mandatory Evacuations. de Blasio spelled it out. "We will be going door-to-door and escorting you out."

Issues that cannot be solved will not be solved in a way we approve of.

Each segment that bolstered the fantasy that we live in a democracy with the rule of law is being bent and broken at increasing speed.

20 users have voted.


Raggedy Ann's picture

Fear is what they are operating on - we, the people, cowering in fear. That is their dream. They are accomplishing this with the vaccination - making people fear others. My university is trying to keep the unvaccinated out of buildings to force vaccination. Here's my response to the administration and I've sent it to all local newspapers.

Response to President Stokes Proposed Processes for Noncompliance by Loyola, UNM staff

Not allowing people access to buildings is discrimination and segregation. This is a way of dividing people - pitting vaccinated people against unvaccinated people. This is similar to carrying out the blue eyed vs. brown eyed experiment in real life. This harms people. The university should not be in the business of harming human beings. However, your actions and policies are contributing to the divisions we are seeing in our world, which makes you complicit in those divisions that are taking place among our citizens by singling out and denying access to the unvaccinated. This is a slippery slope that the university needs to consider very carefully.

The university should also be concerned with the vaccinated, as they are contracting COVID and passing it on to the unvaccinated. The university is not protecting either population - the vaccinated nor the unvaccinated by any of these actions or policies.

Please don’t fall into this trap of divisiveness. Every single one of us can contract and spread the disease - vaccinated or not. As a university community, we should be promoting compassion, love, and care for our fellow human. You will get a plethora of comments. The ones who are the most fearful will want the divisions. Let’s try and keep our pack intact.

16 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

QMS's picture

@Raggedy Ann

impressed with your note to the chancellors.
make them think
that's what a school is for
after all

10 users have voted.

question everything

Raggedy Ann's picture


the speed of fright

Stay afraid so they can control every aspect of your life. This is what we are facing.


9 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Pluto's Republic's picture

@Raggedy Ann

Things have resolved in a very unexpected direction for many. You are speaking the truth at the very moment it has manifested:

The university should also be concerned with the vaccinated, as they are contracting COVID and passing it on to the unvaccinated. The university is not protecting either population - the vaccinated nor the unvaccinated by any of these actions or policies.


People have not come grips with the reality of how the vaccines work. The Public Health Care Agencies failed to explain it properly, and then they allowed the misinformation about immunity to persist. They allowed people to believe that 'efficacy' referred to immunity from Covid-19, when it only referred preventing an infection from becoming serious enough to land them in the hospital. They even announced social policies for the vaccinated that were 100 percent wrong, especially during a time when variants were emerging globally.

Immunity was never conferred upon the vaccinated. Instead, the vaccinated received a temporarily enhanced immune system response. Most of the vaccinated will successfully fight off the virus the moment an infection begins. But too many can become mildly infected and asymptomatic. They become carriers and spreaders of the virus. In some places, where intensive testing is conducted, the vaccinated are twice as likely to contract the disease as the unvaccinated are. Perhaps because they took off their masks too early, believing they were immune.

Essentially, both groups present the same health risk in the public sphere. Everyone should continue to be masked where groups gather, indoors or out. Your statement closely follows the science. Following this logic, the booster shot is unlikely to change this dynamic.

5 users have voted.

@Pluto's Republic

2 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

An innovative breakthrough on prevention or treatment has been long overdue.

One century ago, we were fighting sometimes violent mask wars in the US during the Spanish Flu pandemic.

One hundred years later, we are still wearing homemade masks and washing our hands as our only defense against an epidemic.

Zero progress. Really? We can do better.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

I'm no fan of dictate. but consider the destruction of Katrina. To my mind low areas of the city of NO should have been sacrificed for flood water mitigation (and property owners compensated)...because we all know there will be more and it will be worse.

Sadly I think we have to plan on sea level rise and climate chaos. Identifying flood prone areas like for example Grand Isle (which brought on this line of my thought).

Grand Isle, Louisiana "uninhabitable" as Hurricane Ida leaves every building either damaged or destroyed

Will they rebuild this barrier island? Probably...

A remote oasis nearly hidden within Louisiana’s expansive shoreline, Grand Isle is your passport to adventure in a state known for being a “Sportsman’s Paradise.” Renowned for its world-class fishing and birding habitat, Louisiana’s only inhabited barrier island offers unblemished views of the Gulf of Mexico, miles of beaches and boundless wildlife. Couple this with southern hospitality and mouthwatering seafood and you’ll discover why visitors have fallen in love with Grand Isle for two and a half centuries.

Does it make sense? Probably not. Now I know nothing abut NYC, but I do know barrier islands...remnants of ancient dunes that buffer and protect coasts from storms and surge.

I guess what this rambling comment is driving toward is the idea that we will have to adapt. NOTHING will be able to stay the same. We've tipped and we can minimize the death and destruction or pretend it ain't gonna happen. My thought is the political nor corporate system is able to work in the interest of people and death and destruction will unfortunately accelerate.

We must act for ourselves, friends, and families. TPTB ain't on our side.

19 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


back in the 80's, it was maybe 3' above the GOM average waterline.
if resources could be applied to things like improving barrier islands
helping the marshlands
allow the Mississippi to drain out the Atchafalya (sp[?)
the LA coast may survive.

7 users have voted.

question everything

TheOtherMaven's picture


his tracks into the Atchafalaya. It would effectively destroy New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and the US petrochemical industry - most of which is based on the Mississippi delta.

But they also can't prevent it indefinitely, so they're playing a delaying game, wringing out the last few billions before Mother Nature goes berserk on them.

And no, they are making no preparations for when/after it happens. "It would cost too much."

Famous last words.

13 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Creosote.'s picture

@TheOtherMaven "It isn't convenient."

1 user has voted.
lotlizard's picture

Cape Hatteras National Seashore — Kitty Hawk — Ocracoke, etc. which are on barrier islands too.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Tens of thousands of people in the Miami area live less than three feet above sea level here and much of South Florida already feels the impacts of a warming planet.
Though coastal communities everywhere face challenges as sea levels rise, South Florida is uniquely vulnerable. For starters, it’s low-lying and flat. Its urban areas continue to grow. And—perhaps most distinct—the limestone bedrock upon which most everything is built is extremely porous. All of this adds up to greater flood risk and infrastructure challenges. Already during exceptionally high tides—known as king tides—sea water bubbles up through the ground and storm drains, flooding some neighborhoods in Miami. This “sunny day flooding” could worsen over time and eventually threaten drinking water sources.

16 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout and like low lying areas they will be cleared one way or another.

Katrina had another thing going on. Perfectly sound public housing on high enough ground, was condemmned and cleared of its low income residents.

Crises are opportunities for Profit. and opportunities for Mandates and Involuntary clearances. Which may lead to clearing out non citizens, for example.

We are becoming accustomed to constant surveillance and government intervening with few challenges.

Don't need a weatherman, to......

11 users have voted.


CB's picture

usefewersyllables's picture

since about May. Up until about 45 minutes ago: we just had a thunderstorm cell develop right on top of us and dump about 2.25" of rain in an hour. Luckily, we're well drained here, and up on a sloping hillside, but I'm watching the dry bottom about 150' below us running deep and swift.

It all fell so fast that none of it soaked in. So we're still dry as a bone, but at least the dust has settled. Let's see what the rest of the afternoon brings, and if the power stays up.

12 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Lookout's picture


hotter air holds more water so when it finally rains it pours.

We have no choice but face this future fate. But it will have to be as individuals/family.

take care and be well!

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

San Francisco's sewage treatment plant regularly overflowed from sheer volume, dumping the overflow into the bay. Their response? They built another plant - with an overflow pipe into the ocean. (but they tried to name it after G W Bush)

9 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

TV news never gets numbers right.

Cue Don Henley "Dirty Laundry - "I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear."

3 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.