The Evening Blues - 8-25-21
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features jazz tenor saxophone player Coleman Hawkins. Enjoy!
Fletcher Henderson & His Orchestra (Louis Armstrong, Coleman Hawkins) - Money Blues
“Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom.”
-- Terry Pratchett
News and Opinion
Biden rejects allies’ pleas to keep troops in Afghanistan beyond end of August
Joe Biden has rejected the pleas of domestic and international allies to keep troops in Afghanistan for evacuation efforts beyond the end of the month, citing the growing threat of a terrorist attack. In a move likely to fuel criticism that America is abandoning Afghan partners to the Taliban, the US president made clear that he is resolved to withdraw forces from Kabul airport by next Tuesday’s deadline.
“We are currently on a pace to finish by August the 31st,” Biden said at the White House on Tuesday. “The sooner we can finish, the better. Each day of operations brings added risk to our troops.” The president acknowledged that completing the airlift – one of the biggest in history – by 31 August depends on the Taliban continuing to cooperate and allowing access to the airport with no disruption to operations.
Biden also noted that he has asked the Pentagon and the state department for “contingency plans to adjust the timetable should that become necessary”. He continued: “I’m determined to ensure that we complete our mission, this mission. I’m also mindful of the increasing risks that I’ve been briefed on and the need to factor those risks in.” ...
Biden pointed out that 70,700 people have been evacuated from Kabul since 14 August. But his reluctance to extend the 31 August deadline disappointed politicians at home and leaders abroad who contend that it is unrealistic.
Medea Benjamin: Afghan War Is “Cash Cow” for Pentagon. Biden Must End “Delusional” China Rivalry
Afghanistan war profiteering: 90% of US spending went to Military-Industrial Complex contractors
Biden pours salt into wounds of relations with Europe at G7 meeting
In the end it took only seven minutes for Joe Biden to pour salt into the wounds of his fractured relationship with European leaders, telling them firmly on a video call that he would not extend the 31 August deadline for US troops to stay in Kabul, as he had been asked by the French, Italians and most of all the British. The rebuff follows Biden’s earlier decision in July to insist on the August deadline previously set in 2020 by Donald Trump for the withdrawal, a decision the US president relayed to his EU colleagues as a fait accompli.
For Europe the episode has been a rude awakening, and a moment of sober reassessment. ... European hopes that Biden might acknowledge the damage done by his handling of the Afghan withdrawal by at least accepting the US troops may stay a day or two beyond the 31 August deadline have for the moment been dashed.
The Taliban insistence in a direct meeting on Monday with the CIA director and master of the backchannel, William Burns, that the deadline had to be honoured meant from the US perspective the risk of a military confrontation, or a terrorist suicide bombing by Islamic State, at the airport was too great. The Pentagon also said the gathering speed of the evacuation was such that it was likely that all US citizens would be airlifted out by the end of this week.
“Massacre of My Dreams”: Afghan Reporter Bilal Sarwary on Fleeing Kabul, Afghanistan’s “Brain Drain”
Taliban close Kabul airport road to Afghans to block their evacuation
The Taliban have moved to prevent Afghans from leaving the country by joining the US-led airlift, declaring the route to Kabul airport only open to foreigners. The Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said: “The road that ends at Kabul airport has been blocked. Foreigners can go through it but Afghans are not allowed to take the road.”
The decision is likely to leave tens of thousands of Afghans who had been hoping to escape trapped under Taliban control. A number of cases had emerged in recent days of Afghans heading to the airport being turned back at Taliban checkpoints, including those with approval from western countries to join the air bridge as the group seeks to tighten its grip on the airport and the capital.
Mujahid offered contradictory justifications for the policy. He said on the one hand that the Taliban had stopped Afghans from going to the airport for fear that people might be killed in a stampede, but on the other that the evacuation was taking out experts such as engineers and doctors. “We ask [the Americans] to stop this process,” he said. “This country needs their expertise. They should not be taken to other countries.”
Kopmala working hard to get the replacement war going:
Harris urges Vietnam to join US in opposing China 'bullying'
Human Rights Watch: Israel Bombing of Gaza High-Rises Are Possible 'War Crimes'
Human Rights Watch said Monday that the Israeli military's May bombings that leveled four high-rise buildings in Gaza were "apparently unlawful" and possibly amount to war crimes.
The organization—which noted that those strikes represented "just a small fraction of the Israeli military's attacks in Gaza" in the May 10 to May 21 fighting—cited in its new analysis a lack of any evidence to back up Israeli authorities' claims that the buildings were being used by Hamas for military purposes The report also noted the disproportionate harm to civilian property caused by the Israeli attacks.
For its latest analysis of attacks during the 11-day assault, HRW reviewed video and photo evidence of the aftermath of the bombardments and conducted interviews with victims and eyewitnesses.
"The apparently unlawful Israeli strikes on four high-rise towers in Gaza City caused serious, lasting harm for countless Palestinians who lived, worked, shopped, or benefitted from businesses based there," said Richard Weir, crisis and conflict researcher at Human Rights Watch, in a statement.
“The Israeli military should publicly produce the evidence that it says it relied on to carry out these attacks," he said.
At issue are strikes on the Hanadi, al-Jawhara, al-Shorouk, and al-Jalaa towers. The latter housed offices of media outlets including Al Jazeera English and the Associated Press.
The four towers also included residences and numerous businesses including doctors' offices.
Spain’s Supreme Court Rules Against Using Vaccine Passports to Restrict Access to Public Spaces
Spain’s Supreme Court made waves last week by becoming the first judicial authority in Europe to rule against the use of covid passports to restrict access to public spaces — specifically hospitality businesses (bars, restaurants and nightclubs). It is not the first Spanish court to come out against vaccine passports but it is the most important. So far, only five of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions – the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, Andalusia, Cantabria and Galicia – have proposed using vaccine passports to restrict access to public spaces. And all have been rejected by local judges.
The EU’s Green Pass is a one-piece QR-code document that can be issued to a traveller in both paper and digital format. It is intended to prove that the holder has either received one of the four vaccines authorised by the European Medicine Agency (BioNTech-Pfizer’s, Moderna’s, AztraZeneca’s and Johnson &Johnson’s), has tested negative for Covid-19 in the last 48 hours or has been infected with Covid in the last six months and therefore has natural immunity. However, some countries such as France have chosen only to allow entry to travellers that are fully vaccinated.
Many government are also using the documents to limit access for unvaccinated citizens to public spaces and services with their own countries. But so far Spanish judges have challenged this trend, on the grounds that it would infringe on certain constitutionally recognised individual rights, such as the right to physical integrity and privacy, while also having limited impact on public health. The Supreme Courts of Andalusia and Ceuta and Melilla said the measures were also discriminatory. When the Supreme Court of Andalusia sided with local hospitality businesses in their appeal against the region’s proposed vaccine passport measures, the regional authority took the case to the national Supreme Court. And lost.
Economic considerations may have also played a part in the courts’ decision. Spain’s hospitality sector generates a huge amount of money and a huge number of jobs, especially during the peak tourist season (i.e., right now). The sector has already been through the grinder of last year’s three-month national lockdown as well as sporadic regional lockdowns. Even with the introduction of vaccine passports, overseas visitors continue to arrive in dribs and drabs. As was the case last year, it’s domestic demand that is keeping many businesses alive. And limiting that demand is likely to create even more economic pain.
The Corporate Deterrent To More Vaccinations
Survey data suggest that roughly half of all U.S. employers are not guaranteeing workers time off to get a COVID-19 vaccine or recover from its side effects. The situation is a major obstacle in the country’s fight against the pandemic: Fears of medical complications and subsequent job loss have deterred millions of Americans from getting a COVID-19 vaccine. And yet so far, Congress and the Biden administration have refused to take even the most straightforward steps to address the problem, such as requiring employers to offer paid time off for vaccinations.
That failure may soon come to an end, if the much-discussed $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill ends up passing. Democrats’ current framework for that legislation, which is being held up by nine conservative Democrats in the House, would create a “paid family and medical leave” program that could give workers the time off they need to get vaccinated.
Survey data has repeatedly shown a connection between vaccination rates and employers providing paid leave. In May, the nonprofit health policy organization Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) reported that nearly one in three unvaccinated adults “say that they would be more likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine if their employer gave them paid time off to get vaccinated and recover from any side effects.” Another KFF poll from June found that about 2 of every 10 unvaccinated employees would be more open to the shot with paid time off. ...
Despite such findings, both congressional leaders and the president have declined to use their power to require paid time off for COVID-19 vaccines, even as new, more virulent variants spread throughout the country.
Hawaii governor begs tourists to stay away as Covid surges: ‘Not a good time’
Hawaii’s governor has pleaded with tourists not to travel to the islands as the state struggles to control Covid-19 amid the growing spread of the highly contagious Delta variant.
It’s “a risky time to be traveling right now,” David Ige warned on Monday, asking visitors and residents to limit their travel to essential businesses only. “I encourage everyone to restrict and curtail travel to Hawaii. It’s not a good time to travel to the islands,” he said.
Covid-19 cases in Hawaii have risen 36% in the last two weeks while hospitalizations are up 78%, according to New York Times data.
In addition to urging tourists to stay away, the governor said restaurant capacity had been restricted and there was limited access to rental cars. But Ige stopped short of banning non-residents from the islands, arguing the situation was different now than last year, when strict travel rules that required quarantining essentially shut down Hawaii’s tourism industry. ...
Multiple hospitals on the island of Oahu, where Honolulu is located, have filled their regular beds as Covid patients pour into emergency rooms. Honolulu set up a 25-cot tent outside the Queen’s medical center – West Oahu on Friday to help handle the influx.
Pelosi Runs Over Right-Wing Dems as House Approves $3.5 Trillion Budget Blueprint
In a party-line vote Tuesday afternoon that followed contentious negotiations, U.S. House Democrats adopted a resolution to advance a key voting rights bill, bipartisan infrastructure legislation, and a $3.5 trillion budget blueprint to invest in climate action, Medicare expansion, child care, free community college, and other progressive priorities.
The resolution (pdf) set up final votes for the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (H.R. 3684) and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 4). It also crucially includes formal approval of the Senate-approved budget blueprint that some Democrats are calling the "Build Back Better Plan," enabling Democrats to begin working on that package.
The 220-212 vote came after a small group of right-wing Democrats led by Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) threatened to block the $3.5 trillion budget resolution—for a package Democrats intend to pass without any GOP support using a process that avoids a filibuster in the evenly split Senate—if the House didn't first pass the bipartisan bill, despite House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and President Joe Biden's commitment to passing the two proposals in tandem.
After negotiations with Gottheimer's group Monday and Tuesday, language was included in the resolution to guarantee a House vote on the bipartisan deal no later than September 27. ...
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a leader in the effort to advance the budget reconciliation bill as chair of the Senate Budget Committee, turned to Twitter to highlight the consequences if Democrats fail to pass it:
"Unless Congress passes the reconciliation bill, the $300 monthly checks sent to every working family in America will expire in December," Sanders said in a separate tweet. "We cannot let that happen. These checks are a big reason why childhood poverty in America has been cut by 61%. No reconciliation bill, no deal."
Not long before Tuesday's vote, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), tweeted that "there's nothing 'moderate' about voting against top Dem priorities like child care, paid leave, healthcare, immigration, and climate action." ...
In comments to NBC News following the vote, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said that she is "not committing to any date" and the Democratic leadership "absolutely should not" count on her yes vote for the bipartisan plan if the bolder reconciliation package is delayed beyond the September 27 deadline.
Jayapal, in her statement, reiterated that the bipartisan bill and Democrats' package "are integrally tied together," and said that CPC members "remain united with congressional leadership and President Biden in our mission to enact the entire Build Back Better agenda that voters put us in the majority to accomplish—and every elected Democrat should do the same."
Michigan Governor Whitmer proposes to use federal pandemic relief money to fund the police
Democratic Party Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced on August 16 that she is proposing to spend $75 million of federal pandemic relief funds on local police departments throughout the state as part of a proposed MI Safe Communities framework. The governor outlined the plan at a press conference held at the Farwell Recreation Center on the east side of Detroit and said, “People are scared. They’re afraid to pump their gas or merge onto the highway, pull up to a red light, drive to work, drop their kids off at school. That’s not right, and we cannot and will not accept this. No one should feel unsafe as they go about their lives.”
The purpose of the media event was to promote Whitmer’s proposal within the Michigan Legislature, which is dominated by the Republican Party including politicians who collaborated with armed protestors who stormed the state capitol building in April. ... Whitmer was joined on the platform by other leading Democrats including Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, US Representative Debbie Dingell, State Representative Tyrone Carter and Wayne County Prosecutor Kim Worthy as well as Detroit Police Department Interim Chief James White, all of whom expressed support for Whitmer’s proposal. ...
It is clear that the right-wing initiative of the Democrats is in part a response to the ongoing Republican law-and-order campaign following the George Floyd protests last summer and fall that involved millions of people across the country. The Republicans have specifically targeted Democrats for not denouncing demands of protesters to “defund the police.” However, the main motivation for increasing the funding of police departments originated with the Biden administration, which itself has been pushing a law-and-order agenda since taking office under the cover of a bogus “police reform” campaign. The Biden administration has encouraged state governments to use federal pandemic relief aid to build up the police. ...
Whitmer’s proposal was announced on the same day as a similar plan advanced by likely Republican gubernatorial candidate and former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, who has blamed Democrats for Michigan’s “public safety crisis” for not sufficiently supporting the police.
Black police groups call for ex-Black Panther jailed for 48 years to be released
A coalition of current and retired Black police officers is calling for the release on parole of Sundiata Acoli, a former Black Panther member who has been incarcerated for 48 years for the 1973 murder of a New Jersey state trooper.
Four Black law enforcement groups have joined forces to press the case for Acoli’s parole almost half a century after he was arrested. In an amicus brief filed with the New Jersey supreme court, they call his continued imprisonment “an affront to racial justice” and accuse the parole board of violating the law by repeatedly refusing to set the prisoner free.
“Mr Acoli has spent more than half of his life in prison cells the size of a parking space, including nearly 20 years as a senior citizen … He should be granted parole,” the groups write.
Acoli is one of at least 11 former members of the Black Panther Party and its armed wing, the Black Liberation Army, who are still in prison for acts of violence committed largely in the late 1960s and 1970s. Many of the prisoners are approaching their half-century behind bars.
At 84, Acoli is the oldest of the former Black radicals still languishing in prison. He contracted Covid-19 last year from his cell in FCI Cumberland in Maryland, and is suffering from physical and mental impairments including gradual deterioration of his memory.

US House passes voting rights bill, restoring critical provision of landmark law
The US House of Representatives has passed an update to the 1965 Voting Rights Act, restoring a critical provision of the landmark civil rights law that requires places with a history of voting discrimination to be under federal supervision. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act passed 219-212 on a party-line vote.
The bill now faces an uncertain future in the US Senate, where it needs the support of 10 Republican Senators to overcome the filibuster and pass. While Senator Joe Manchin, a key Democratic swing vote, supports the bill, just one Republican, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, has indicated that she does.
The House passed a similar version of the legislation in 2019, gaining just one GOP vote, but it never passed the Senate, which was then under GOP control.
The legislation is one of two pillars of congressional Democrats’ push to protect voting rights. It sets a 25-year look-back period for assessing voting rights in jurisdictions. If courts have documented at least 15 voting rights violations in a state over that period, the state will have to get any change in voting rules approved by the federal government before it goes into effect (if the violation is committed by the state as a whole only 10 violations are required to trigger federal oversight).
The updated formula comes eight years after the US supreme court said the formula in the law that determined which states were subject to pre-clearance was outdated and struck it down. Voting advocates have said that ruling, in a case called Shelby County v Holder, has offered states a green light to discriminate against Black voters.
Briahna Joy Gray: The FUTURE Of The Left, How Small Money Can BEAT Institutional Wealth
‘A combination of failures:’ why 3.6m pounds of nuclear waste is buried on a popular California beach
More than 2 million visitors flock each year to California’s San Onofre state beach, a dreamy slice of coastline just north of San Diego. The beach is popular with surfers, lies across one of the largest Marine Corps bases in the Unites States and has a 10,000-year-old sacred Native American site nearby. It even landed a shout-out in the Beach Boys’ 1963 classic Surfin’ USA. But for all the good vibes and stellar sunsets, beneath the surface hides a potential threat: 3.6m lb of nuclear waste from a group of nuclear reactors shut down nearly a decade ago. Decades of political gridlock have left it indefinitely stranded, susceptible to threats including corrosion, earthquakes and sea level rise. ...
That waste is the byproduct of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (Songs), three nuclear reactors primarily owned by the utility Southern California Edison (SCE). Federal regulators had already cited SCE for several safety issues, including leaking radioactive waste and falsified firewatch records. But when a new steam generator began leaking a small amount of radioactivity in January 2012, just one year after it was replaced, it was SCE’s most serious problem yet. A subsequent report from the NRC’s inspector general found federal inspectors had overlooked red flags in 2009, and that SCE had replaced its own steam generators without proper approval. SCE tried to fix the problem but decided in 2013 to shut the plant down for good.
Activists thought they had scored a victory when the reactor shut down – until they learned that the nuclear waste they had produced would remain on-site. That wasn’t supposed to be the case. Under the US Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, the federal government was to move waste into a centralized, remote federal facility starting in 1998. In 2002, George W Bush approved Yucca Mountain, a site about 100 miles from Las Vegas, as a permanent underground nuclear waste repository. But in 2010, the Obama administration scrapped the controversial plan.
Without a government-designated place to store the waste, the California Coastal Commission in 2015 approved the construction of an installation at San Onofre to store it until 2035. In August 2020, workers concluded the multi-year burial process, loading the last of 73 canisters of waste into a concrete enclosure. San Onofre is not the only place where waste is left stranded. As more nuclear sites shut down, communities across the country are stuck with the waste left behind. Spent fuel is stored at 76 reactor sites in 34 states, according to the Department of Energy. ...
The waste is buried about 100ft from the shoreline, along the I-5 highway, one of the nation’s busiest thoroughfares, and not far from a pair of faults that experts say could generate a 7.4 magnitude earthquake.
‘Kill it!’ US officials advise no mercy for lanternfly summer invasion
The official public guidance is simple and to the point: “Kill it! Squash it, smash it … just get rid of it!” Such is the threat posed by a summer invasion of troublesome spotted lanternfly insects in the north-east that Pennsylvania’s department of agriculture has resorted to the unorthodox language in its advice on dealing with the pest.
At least five states have reported infestations and four more have recorded the presence of the nuisance flying creatures, which experts say first arrived from China between seven and 10 years ago and which are currently feasting their way through the region on crops of apples, grapes and hops, and destroying native trees such as maple, walnut and willow. According to the US department of agriculture’s invasive species information center, the insects – which can grow to about an inch in length and have an appearance similar to a moth – pose “a serious economic threat to multiple US industries, including viticulture, fruit trees, ornamentals and timber”.
As well as their destruction of plants, spotted lanternflies excrete a pervasive substance called honeydew that turns moldy and coats anything it comes into contact with, such as vehicles and children’s play equipment. Pennsylvania is among the worst-affected states with 34 counties under a quarantine order, eight added for the first time this year. ...
State scientists say the pests are “a huge threat” to Pennsylvania’s agriculture industry, potentially impacting hundreds of millions of dollars of crops and hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Breathing wildfire smoke during pregnancy raises risk of premature birth, study finds
As California wildfires continue to rage and the Lake Tahoe area faces some of the highest air pollution levels in the world, a new study has found that breathing wildfire smoke during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth. The study from Stanford University, published in Environmental Research this month, estimates that the effects of wildfire smoke may have resulted in as many as 7,000 extra preterm births in California between 2007 and 2012.
Researchers combined more than 3m birth records with satellite and ground data on wildfire smoke exposures for each zip code in California. They found that the more days a mother was exposed to wildfire smoke during pregnancy, the more likely she was to face a preterm birth. The effects of moderate to severe exposure levels were significantly worse.
“We found that a week’s worth of smoke exposure (at these levels) was associated with a 5% increased risk and a month’s worth was associated with a 20% increase in preterm births,” said Sam Heft-Neal, the lead author on the study.
The findings compound growing evidence that smoke and the tiny particles of air pollution it produces, known as PM2.5, have dire health effects on the human body, ranging from heart attacks, strokes and asthma to mental illness. “This stuff is tiny and it gets into the body, causes inflammation and creates a cascade of health effects,” said study co-author Marshall Burke, who is deputy director of the Center on Food Security and the Environment.
The findings come as fires continue to scorch California, with blazes such as the massive Dixie fire in the north of the state having already burned through 1.5m acres of drought-parched land. This week visitors to the Lake Tahoe region have seen air quality monitor readings shoot up into the hazardous 600 index range, far worse than current readings in some of the world’s most polluted cities including Delhi, India, and Jakarta, Indonesia.
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
John Pilger: The Great Game of Smashing Nations
Exploitative Viral PR Photos Of Military Invaders With Afghan Kids
The Leak That ‘Exposed the True Afghan War’
Herd Immunity & Multiple Covid Waves Is A Monstrous Policy
A four-day workweek is the future. Here’s why
Central Banks Accused of 'Dawdling' on Climate as World Burns
Q&A: did the climate crisis fuel Henri and the Tennessee flooding?
Blue whales returning to Spain’s Atlantic coast after 40-year absence
Ryan Grim: Josh Gottheimer Walked Into A Bar. It Didn’t Go Well.
Kim Iversen: Mystery 'Havana Syndrome' DELAYS Kamala Harris Hanoi Trip, Who Is Behind The Attack?
California SPLIT Over Newsom Recall Election, Could The Most LIBERAL State Go RED?
Biden Admin FUMING After Veteran Congressmen Make UNAUTHORIZED Trip To Kabul To Witness Evacuation
A Little Night Music
Coleman Hawkins - Soul blues
Coleman Hawkins - Hawk Eyes
Lester Young & Coleman Hawkins - Jumpin' with the Synphony Sid
Coleman Hawkins & Ben Webster ft. Oscar Peterson - La Rosita
Coleman Hawkins - On The Sunny Side Of The Street
Coleman Hawkins with the Red Garland Trio - Blues for Ron
Count Basie and Coleman Hawkins - 9:20 Special
Coleman Hawkins All Stars - Sweet Georgia Brown
Coleman Hawkins - Disorder At the Border
Coleman Hawkins & The Mound City Blue Blowers - Hello Lola!

VP Harris denegrates China in Singapore and Vietnam
Keeping her on the road
Maybe not. More ominous. "China is a bully," she said. Really? From the world's premier Bullying entity?
Hillary at least was intelligent
Kamala's intelligence does not go beyond the ability to parrot her lines. I do not believe for one moment that she has any deep understanding of what she is repeating. As a statesman she has proved herself to be completely tone deaf. And, when she gets called out, all she can do is hide behind that gawd awful cackle.
Biden and Harris - what a fucking embarrassment for the nation.
As we saw in the 2020 Democratic
Presidential candidates debates. She performed so poorly that she dropped out before the IA caucuses. Have to agree that she's not very intelligent and most definitely doesn't do the necessary homework to have more than the most superficial info base.
evening cb...
heh, i guess kopmala going abroad with a list of neocon talking points to spout didn't work out so well. perhaps next time they can send someone directly from the kaganate of nulands.
Good evening, Joe
Latest news from Anthony Blinken from the State Department is that "the US Military will be gone on August 31, but every American who wants to leave Afghanistan after that date will be able to leave."
What Blinken did not say was that other countries whose embassies and consulates remain open in Kabul will be ferrying American to safety.
That's my deduction. Not his statement.
Blinken did take the time, however, to rev up the FEAR!!!!! Isis-K (a/k/a Khorasan) a group not heard of since Obama, is Poised!! To strike!!! at any moment! This threat is R-E-A-L bleated the guy who is quite possibly, planning something to convince us that we are all in danger and must cower.
I DVR ed this sorry display as I lounged in my now cleaned up from recent hurricane recliner on my 20th floor breeze swept balcony.
Almost heaven, not West Virginia, as all I could see was open sky framed by my flowers. 90+ degrees and a breeze from the Hudson River right down the block. Rent-stabilized and 1/4 Market rate, mine for life, as a result of a 6 1/2 year court fight against Michael Bloomberg and the NYC RE interests. not often, but sometimes, citizens can win.
evening nycvg...
i don't know entirely what to make of the coverage of the withdrawal/evacuation with so much conflicting information, which mostly seems to align with the interests/ideology of the media outlet. it seems like a lot of people have been evacuated, but it is difficult to get a sense of whether there are americans in areas distant from kabul that are having trouble getting there to be flown out.
khorasan group? heh:
glad to hear that your cleanup after henri is done and you can enjoy your rent-controlled balcony view again.
have a great evening!
Excellent music
All from a people who existed 1700 years before the US was even born.
the first time that "the khorasan group" came up in the news some years ago, i was looking for some background info to post about it and i searched for it on youtube. the first result that came up was an incredible music group's concert and i spent the next couple of hours just totally blown away by their traditional music. i only wish that i had saved the link, but there's lots of great music that still comes up when you search for khorasan on youtube.
We love our Bach. how about this?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I never liked Bach much, so who is 'we ?' /nt
Americans not in Kabul
"Stand-off at some Embassy over their harboring of Americans desperate to come home and the brave diplomats, etc etc etc"
You get the idea.
I'm not criticizing, just explaining how I think this will go.
I believe that Biden Administration will get as many people out of Afghanistan as possible using various means. Over the next few months
Good evening Joe. Thanks for the
news and blues. So, the Havana Syndrome strikes all over the globe, but only USians, spooks, soldiers, "diplomats", DoD employees, White House employees, and the like. No everyday people, no French, German, Italian, Chinese or Brazilian people. Though the report from the Hill did mention that it has become global, nobody emphasized the uniqueness of the victims, though Grimm did hint at the possibility that this was our own tech biting us in the ass. It seems to me, given the totality of what is known, that that should definitely be the first question, what exactly were all these people carrying at the time.
Yes, CA could go Red, easily. The so called "Most LIBERAL State" are the same old "White Liberal" crew thew were in the sixties and ever since, what today folks like Jimmy Dore call shitlibs. They're woke as hell but don't like to be inconvenienced in any way by anything. Learned all I need to know about them in the sixties and haven't seen much change on a large scale since. Phil Ochs had them down to a T. Das Ahnold got elected and Grey Davis recalled because a longstanding state law that had rolled back vehicle license fees while the state had a surplus was going to automatically restore them and Grey Davis wouldn't try to get it repealed while Das Ahnold promised he would. You can measure the extent to which they are "liberal" by how much they're willing to pay for a vehicle license, and it wasnt very damn much.
Thanks for the Hawk, good stuff.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
heh, i keep wondering if "havana syndrome" might not be the sudden attack of a suppressed conscience rising unbidden in the u.s.' dirty deed doers.
it'll be interesting to see how newsom comes out of this. the polling appears to have him holding on by a thread. on the other hand, the perverse side of me kind of wonders what would happen if a real loonie fruithat like larry elder became governator. the comedic possibilities are nearly endless.
have a great evening!
I was surprised to learn that
these reported attacks have been at their homes or hotel rooms and not, as I had understood, when they were in a USG facility. That suggests that a source wouldn't be something they carried around with them.
Symptoms have some similarity to brain freeze. However, there's no aural aspect to that.
Cuban authorities thoroughly investigated the phenomenon and found nothing. Not surprising that the Cuban investigators were denied access to the medical information on the alleged victims. Suggests mini-false flags and most likely as real at Iraq's WMD.
Heh. Double dilemma, if not some sekret
pocket sized emergency ulf transceiver that they carry on themselves incidentally interacting with random background signals, then some sekret pocket sized extreme high power weaponized device carried by their assailants, neither of which is too overly plausible of an explanation.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
How about RFID glitches?
Recognizing that the data pool is small - n130 - and we don't know the real status of the claimed victims (State Dept, Military, or CIA), it may not be a mystery at all secret operations.
Once again thanks for the EB's Joe
The empire is failing and failing badly
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
evening ggersh...
heh, i wonder if the message has been delivered adequately that vietnam doesn't want to step into the middle of the u.s.' little dramatic showdown. "diplomats" like kopmala can be pretty dense and hard to permeate with mere words, symbols or raised middle fingers.
Thanks to the lord of well being
we didn't end up with this ..
BLOTUS -- Bag Lady of the United States
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
evening qms...
heh, if the clintons would be kind enough to graciously recede into their dotage, their little outings into the woods or wherever would be much more pleasant to view.
Hog Hillary
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Let's give her a break on this.
The older one gets the harder it is to keep the extra pounds off. Particularly for those like Hillary that have spent most of their lives dieting. Perhaps not being hungry 24/7 has made her nicer and less bloodthirsty.
Reminds me of those Snickers commercials with the tag line
“You’re not you when you’re hungry”…
How would it work with Hillary, though? Cackles over Gaddafi’s death, eats a Snickers… and she’s still Hillary? Or she reveals herself to be — who, Henry Kissinger?
Don't know --
perhaps I went too far in being kind and understanding. Hungry people are grumpy; so, maybe she's now nicer to Bill.
One of the untold benefits of US presence in Afghanistan.
evening humphrey...
you've got to wonder why some brainiac at nsa didn't work out a way to place high explosive into a cell phone that can be triggered by particular voiceprints. it's so wasteful sending up all those drones with hellfire missiles. /s
Fan of Coleman Hawkins - Thank you!
I like this rendition of "Body and Soul".
I'm still not sold the Infrastructure package will be worth a damn before it's all said and done. And I still would not be surprised if we get pulled back into Afghanistan if for any reason to "support NATO" or some other excuse. I hope Biden remains resolved not to return.
Thanks for the EB, Joe S.
One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson
I very much doubt that Biden will have any input
in that decision. TPTB will wake him up from his afternoon nap and prop him up to read the teleprompter. He will then get his milk and cookies and be put down until dinner time.
Don't forget the ice cream. It is his favorite.]
[video:evening benny...
at this point i don't think that we can really know what will be in the larger infrastructure bill, rather we can only know how large it could be. maybe heisenberg could help us work it out.
well, i wouldn't be surprised if we wound up back in afghanistan either. after all, the mic couldn't stay out of iraq for long, either.
my guess is that the only thing that will for certain keep us out of afghanistan is if the u.s. can successfully start a much larger (and hence, more profitable) military conflict somewhere else.
Doesn't anyone care about the fate of the rich?
i bet soros is pissing himself. after all, ideas like wealth redistribution could be contagious!
Soros is 91 years old;
so, he'll die before the taxman comes to take away a mega-chunk of his wealth.
Evening everybody ...
Here's a couple good Twitter threads.
Matt Stoller
Glenn Greenwald
Arizona Report
The latest on the bullshit recount: Trump-friendly Cyber Ninjas delay report on Arizona election because CEO, 2 others are ‘quite sick’ with Covid
Monsoon news 1: Trump’s border wall reportedly in severe disrepair in Arizona
Monsoon news 2: Watch now: Bighorn sheep enjoy post-monsoon greenery near Tucson
Have a nice night.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
evening azazello...
thanks for the links!
heh, i am shocked, shocked to find price fixing going on in hospitals.
greenwald is doing a great job of pointing out the bloodthirsty hypocrisy of liberal media.
have a great evening!
I watched that Ben Norton clip.
It was pretty good but it seemed like a teaser. What do you think about Rokfin ?
Yes, the subscription model is the way to go for sure, much harder to corrupt than the advertising, audience delivery model, but this could get expensive for folks on a fixed income. My monthlies are already $50/month. Rokfin has a bunch of people I like, Jimmy, Kim, Ben, Max and more, for $10 a month. I'm thinking about it.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
it did seem like a teaser to me, too.
i suppose that if there was a bulletproof free speech platform that gathered all of the individuals that i wanted to hear for a small monthly fee, it would be of interest.
on the other hand, my question would be, can i share clips? if not, its utility is very much diminished for me.
further, i am much more of a reader than a viewer. i post clips because i know that other people prefer to acquire information that way, but for me, if presented with a video that has a transcript, i'll read the transcript.
Me too, joe.
I've always been more of a reader than a watcher myself but it's the same thing with Substack.
How much would you pay every month for that ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
i thought that at substack, you pay for individual content providers rather than a blanket subscription to all substack content. am i wrong?
No, I believe you're right.
But it's the same thing, $5 for Greenwald, $5 for Taibbi, who else ?
That adds up.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
i am not saying that their content is not worth what they are asking for it, but, supporting all of the people whose voices interest me on a retail basis would be a much too heavy lift for my budget.
They're Capitalists! You will rent and be happy, etc..
Breaking Points is the worst, has the worst trailing Jerry Lewis telethon shtick I ever heard (copying old Rogan shreaks WTF) driving poors like me away from listening to their blather template. Fixed income poor are on Nobody's radar. Broken Pointless "progressive" views are mainstream reclaimed Hill shite if you ask me, but nobody does. lol ~shrug~
I wonder, why didn't they consult with Professor Wolff to make a big member co-op with the other entertainment journo influencer colleagues that call themselves (not right-wing)? Because they're Capitalists, that's why. DUH Tiny little individual water bags of greed, same as it ever was. Trademark branders. Useful Idiots merching their way to big bank profits for the win. They couldn't even try to be cooperative capitalists. NOPE. Not Mondragon material what's coming next, not even close. Oh well. Good luck future earth, whatever.
Peace and Love
Kill Your
TelevisionTubevisionrevenge is a kind of wild justice
good post eyo
love this song
hang in there
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good evening Az. The sheep and the
terrain remind me of Borregos and Borrego, the greenery not so much.
Didn't expect anything else from Cyber Ninjas, obvious whackdoodle fraudster/grifters.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
SMH The "America is Back" trip seems to be hitting the wrong...
agenda. Someone needs to be fired.
Maybe it plays well with the war mongers back at home but in Viet Nam I have my doubts.
Good evening humphry.
That Vietnam has any sort of memorial to the sick warmongering SOB is very surprising. I assume they were paid well for it in one way or another. That some US politician would have the gall to go put flowers on it is simply astounding.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I came across this article in RT after I made the comment.
Some of the comments are enlightening.
Lost in Translation
Vietnamese may have been laughing too hard at how clueless the US VP is to bother getting insulted by her words.
one is funny
It wasn't a memorial for McCain
Glad I'm not the only one here who thought wtf and began looking for information as to why there would be a McCain memorial in Hanoi. Well, for anyone that can read, there isn't one.
Someone else was perplexed
“Enough is enough: Antifa attacks reporter in Portland”
Antifa spray woman colleague of Matt Taibbi with paint, smash her phone, and throw her to the ground.
Wearing black shirts and using street violence against journalists and political opponents? Hmm. Takes the “anti” right out of so-called anti-fascism, doesn’t it? Leaving just a different flavor of fascism. “
ProgressiveCool Ranch Dorito supporters fought with theirright-wingNacho Cheese counterparts in front of the county courthouse today, leaving one dead and scores injured…”And:
Aside from admitting some of their rosier predictions were off and vowing more help for collaborators, German chancellor Angela Merkel and her cabinet wash their hands of any blame for the Afghanistan situation. Even though German soldiers have been part of the war and occupation for every one of the 16 years Merkel has been chancellor. “I vass only following Vashington’s orders…”
The 'left' have turned Portland into a sewer
I've got no use for those
antifascist assholes.Reuters profile of an Antifa activist
Sometimes I get the distinct impression that the MSM and the Deep State ❤️ Antifa. It’s yet another way to get agents onto the scene incognito who then steer events and grab attention as part of covert operations. It’s made-for-television domestic counter-insurgency, pitting revolutionary potential against itself and diverting it into non-threatening channels. Muscle, with a left-anarchist license, to intimidate journalists and “embarrass” anyone on the right flank who might start to “embarrass” the establishment. Antifa isn’t punching billionaires or bankers. It isn’t Occupy or 9/11 Truth or CodePink or Wikileaks. It isn’t overturning official narratives or dragging things into public awareness that those in power want hidden. It makes public protest appear deranged and unsafe. That shores up the status quo.