Midnight Mulling - Random vs Random v2

To start, a horoscope! Or, an horoscope!

Freedom is a key aspect of life today, (sign name). You might find that your brain wants to break free and pursue more independent ways of thinking. Don't worry if such ways of thinking lead you into unknown territory. This is a sign that this is probably where you need to be. Your witty banter could take a sudden twist that surprises both you and the people you're talking to.

I have "witty banter," according to the Internet. Along with 608,333,332 million other people. Must be a laugh a .000,000,001 minute. With those odds, I could conquer Broadway! Or at least Main Street. The horoscope did say, "This is a sign that this is probably where you need to be."

So what does all that have to do with "Random?"

This: "Random discovery" can turn into "Wishing fulfillment." And chances are, the "Wishing" was already in your thoughts. And that's fine - if that was what you wanted. But there is the danger of "Mary Sue."

You are writers, right? Yes you are. So you may as well use good tools. And if this is your chance to meet Mary Sue and meet TVTropes at the same time, well here you go: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MarySue . The two good tools mentioned in the above link are: the subject, Mary Sue, and the link itself, TVTropes.

Mary Sue is thoroughly examined in the link, so that is enough from me for now - you may disagree. So say so. The rest of you, go to the next paragraph.

The full-featured Random-engine at TVTropes has enough to tell a story from the pairing in the following:

The terms to the left of the colon ( : ) are names, while the terms to the right of the colon ( : ) are names. In other words, figure it out --grin--

So now enjoy the rest of your weekend. And if you found anything worthwhile in this Midnight Mulling, click on the 'thumbs-up' (it looks like a thumb), or add a comment, or do both!

And I almost forgot: tonight's Random-engine.

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riverlover's picture

except for the non-human sidekick. Sanitary pads?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

...from those two elements. Try it if you ever need a prompt - you've invented it.

best, john

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Strange that a harp of thousand strings should keep in tune so long