Welcome to Saturday's Potluck

This is the plan: each week I will provide a main course to get us started and rely on you for the sides, appetizers, deserts and music.
Over the years I have heard various explanations on how the name Oregon originated. This is the newest variation perhaps a Pacific Northwest Indian tribe name for smelt or candle fish.
The name eulachon (occasionally seen as oolichan, oulachon, and uthlecan) is from the Chinookan language and the Chinook Jargon based on that language. One of several theories for the origin of the name of the state of Oregon is that it was a corruption from the term "Oolichan Trail", the native trade route for oolichan oil.
The Cowlitz Indian Tribe concerned about diminishing eulachon smelt runs worked with petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency. Columbia River smelt was listed as a Threatened species in 2010.
Eulachon Smelt by Oregon Field Guide (approx 10 min)
When my Grandmother was a child the smelt would show up in the creek by the house every season. Plenty for fresh eating, canning and fertilizer for the fields. Now harvestable runs are limited to Sandy and Columbia River.
Russia and Mexico had established trade and communities on the West coast before the Americans and British moved into grab territory. Migration continues as each wave comes bringing their own ideas of utopia. Periodic violence happens, it appears to be part of the cycle.
Russian Igor Moiseyev Ballet performing a Suite of Mexican Dances (7 min)
So is it time for the property destruction and disrupting lives to stop locally? (7.16 min)
Odd I cooked most of the day, yet wrote nothing about food. Will need to wait until next week to have the recipes formatted.
Testing the flavor of homemade cheese aging since summer.

Eugene and Corvalis
Were two stops when traveling thru Oregon.
Many moons past.
Really enjoyed those towns.
Progressive and friendly people.
Probably wouldn't recognize them now.
Thanks for the OT!
question everything
two of my favorite towns
a land grant university, mocked for its mundane common values in the area of agriculture, forestry, marine sciences, engineering and pharmacy. The other health professionals were trained at University of Oregon (UO) in Eugene, along with business and liberal arts. Oregon's traditional home of counter culture and anarchists. Enjoyed many hours in the used book stores discovering finds which altered my views of life.
Lived 4 years in Corvallis attending Oregon State University (OSU),It was simpler times and corruption was entrenched in a different manner. Most Oregonians who were rich achieved it the traditional way, by inheritance. Professionals, other than doctors and lawyers, had little political power. Nike originating from UO had just become a public company and had not yet infiltrated all the athletic departments. Only two professors at OSU pharmacy school publicly acknowledged they exclusively did research for big Pharma. Easy to spot they wore the $1,000 suites.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning...
I always heard Alabama is an indigenous term meaning "Brushy thicket"...which is appropriate but disputed.
Here's what the state archives says:
I sure spend time cleaning up brush and limbs. Speaking of which, we've got a bizarre power line cleaner in the neighborhood...a helicopter with a dangling chain of rotary saws.

There will be plenty of 5,6 ppick up sticks after it finshes up. Don't know if a ground crew follows to grind them. They have not been here yet.
Well thanks for the OT. Give us a farm and livestock update one Sat....been wondering how things did this year in your world. All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Heli-Saw was here last December
PG&E helicopter trims trees along power lines in rural Sonoma County forest
Me Luddite, I'd rather have the line workers back full time year round, those were good paying jobs. With bennies. There's an embedded video clip of insanity at the link, but also read the pilot describing how it feels when the blades hit a tough limb and the whole shebang shudders in the air. Whee!
"Most of the time" ?! LOL omg that is so PG&E.
Glen Campbell - Wichita Lineman
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qoymGCDYzU width:420]
Good grief. There is no such thing.
Peace and Love
Clearing brush is a continual task
Heli-Saw is interesting. Many of our power lines run parallel to roads. Would be a ittle surprising to drive by one in action. You will leave a major limb pile to clean without a ground crew doing follow-up.
Today actually became very busy day. The powder type snow dropped yesterday and all my paths were filled with snow by winds overnight. More winds projected for tonight, so re-dig tomorrow. Still have one 100 ft path to finish before 3 pm. Fortunately powder is light and comes off the shovel easily.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Standing In Line Is Good For You
Relaxing this wintry Saturday morning. Listening to the quiet sounds of Sleepy Hollow on WXPN. Browsing the latest Sojourners. Inspired to add this to my hardly ever used Twitter account. Thought you might like it. Be warm. Be well.
Few are guilty, but all are responsible.”
― Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Prophets
I need a password phillybluesfan ;-)
Good background music for the day.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning SOE, welcome to Saturday, so to speak.
Mexico and Russia traded with the indigenous people, though Mexico also enslaved them and stole from them. The Russians, being primarily trappers, moe or less had to do some trading tof sustenance. As for trade between them, I can't say. Russia got as far south as the Russian River and Mexico thought that was far enough, so Fort Ross was answered with a detachment from the San Francisco Presidio under Lt. Vallejo that was housed in a newly built barracks in Sonoma next to the mission there. There may have been some trade after that stalemate was achieved.
Maher is funny here and there, but also misguided here and there too. You have to make Democrats do good too. His long litany of stuff Waxman largely did or promoted makes it clear that nobody else was on our side throughout that whole period. Concresds won't move to help that lady with her toxic waste, and niether will the EPA until they've been sued about 35 or 40 times by Earthjustice and the Center for Biological Diversity and an endless protest and picket prevents them from swapping the land for something else in order to allow some real estate developer to build a resort on it. Hillary? She never worked for anybody's benefit, ever. Obamacare, a ffew crumbs for the people in exchange for guaranteeing that sickness treatment will be ruled by insurance companies and that pharma will continue to have unrestricted gouging power, so it isn't all roses, or else there would be some beyond the few that Lady Bird planted along highways.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Waxman first elected prior to Corporate Democrates
Gale Ontko Author of Thunder of the Ochocos series postulated the Shoshone tribe stopped the Spanish mission system from moving farther north.
Thanks for stopping by.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
"This is where the avalanche failed"
This is still so incredibly sad. This could have been my friends and I when we used to go cross country skiing in the back country and we didn't have the equipment that is available know.
She shows how the previous storms helped set up the conditions for that tragic day. One guy was dug out and then he helped dig out another person. I can imagine the guilt and the sorrow for one friend out of the group of 4 that died who sat that run out cuz he was tired. Then he watched his friends get caught up in it and died.
Story on the 3 groups were caught.
Final report on fatal Millcreek Canyon avalanche documents 'heroic effort'
A few photos here that show the heavy blocks of snow that would be near impossible to dig through if not properly equipped.
Just heartbreaking. But wow, did they have fun on their way out and that is what counts for them. Y'all were 20 once. How invisible were you? ME? I found out the hard way that I wasn't. But I still took chances afterwards. Thinking back at the memories....most of the men in our group worked at Thiokal and yes they actually were rocket scientists. They would talk and talk forever it discussing safety no matter what we did. They worked on the Shuttle booster rockets and were the happiest guys in the world with time and money to do almost anything. Until that fateful day that the booster rocket O ring failed and their world blew up. Shells they were for awhile. My BF was put in charge of the redesign of the booster rockets till the stress got too much for him. One by one the group moved on or away. But BOY did WE have FUN while it lasted. 3 day trip to Jackson Hole, Yellowstone and Idaho over Pres' Day one year. Everything was frozen but we had a blast and the canoes enjoyed he ride.
Trip down memory lane those decades past. It was an absolute blast.
ETA: Just a few more inches and Sam will be able to drink out of the porcelain throne. Puppy's 3rd milestone.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Yeah talk about dumb. I wreck'd on my motorcycle, but survived. Then I bought another one and a few times would ride it home after a lot of beers after a ball game. Yeah really, really dumb. I was 22.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Sums up American Culture
I always have mixed feelings about these types of events. I was a preteen when began participating on the clean-up crew for for tragedies experienced by extended family members and local community. Then became part of the medical team treating the physical and emotional damage. In addition to the consequences for the participants the cost to the rescue personnel, communities and families is high.
I hope none of them had young children or were the sole provider for a pet.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Isn’t that blaming them for their deaths
because if there are consequences as you say then maybe they shouldn’t have taken those risks? We don’t blame victims of car accidents for leaving their pets. Did you read how risky the slope was? Where should they have drawn the line.
I too saw the families after their loved ones died or were hurt and actually witnessed mine going through in real time after I crashed my bike and saw the anguish so I understand what you’re saying. My parents waited days for me to wake up from surgery to see if I was okay physically, but more importantly mentally. Trauma leaves a mark on many. And after awhile you start getting numb to it. Horrible stories of when that went wrong.
My bad if I misread your comment.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
"Where should they have drawn the line."
I'm too lazy to look up who said it, but that was stuffed in my lint trap since I can remember. In California an 18 year old teenager is legally an adult, no matter what their hormones are up to. Same thing with women in menopause, raging hormone imbalances make people do stupid things with no plan all the time. So does booze, and plenty of other mind altering substances in use everywhere. If every person were so reckless, expecting to get rescued no matter what, there would be no youth they'd all be dead. Why isn't everyone dead? Common sense still exists, in pockets. Outlook not so good.
I don't watch tragic videos, or read a lot of tragic text, I avoid them as much as possible. If I fill my head with tragedy all day then the world is just tragic. Dopamine headlines are damage to be avoided for me. Unless I am boots-on-the-ground helping solve issues, there is no point in elevating stress about how others make decisions inside their own fine head. I hope they help you heal, no harms done.
I think social media (facebook reddit twitter at least) should be banned from earth completely for the sadness they generate, and all their users forced to learn how to operate Free Software systems, or stay the fuck away. LOL yeah, one persons utopia is another ones hell. I'm glad we are all different. There will always be reckless ninnies, and there will always be cautious planners, no matter the age. C'est la vie.
Peace and Love
Here is the line
So I am not seeing that these young folks were really to blame. They had already finished many runs down the hill before the avalanche happened. Seems to me most of the day they thought they had chosen wisely.
It is the tone of the comment that I was hoping for clarity on. I certainly was too blame for my accident, however my parents never said that to my face. In fact my mom said nothing for hours during the ride out of the mountains and then once we got to hospital where we all worked and yet no one recognized me. Yeah I was that bad off. Young, dumb, invincible with a powerful machine that I did not respect. Afterwards the whole family continued riding bikes with helmets mandatory and we rode for years until another risky adventure by yours truly almost went through the same thing again and my parents locked my bike away and sold theirs. Life itself is risky.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
not blaming, not justifying, not glorifying
Public comments are different. The same words can be used to inspire similar or greater risk taking behavior. The tolerance for risk varies with each person and at different stages in their life. The simplest example is Key Man Insurance used by businesses. They come with a long list of activities one can no longer participate to stay within bounds of the Policy.
My thoughts were not limited to the Avalanche and the desire to ski in extreme conditions, but also daily choices. Justifying one's choices because it's fun or convenient in the moment is also used for coal belching trucks.
Or using Keurig coffee cups
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Not even in the same food group
Come on man you aren't trying. That isn't a risk. Its a horrible choice he made that affects all of us. I certainly DID not glorify their deaths. Maybe read it again and see how it hit home for me. I used to do that too. We ARE not smart when we are younger. We can't be cuz we are not old enough to evaluate every risk.
But speaking of minimizing risks I think that this plan might have been sorta risky, but then I enjoy going out to the island with my dawgs and I never tell anyone where I am going. I go weeks without talking to anyone so they won't know I am dead till they are notified.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Evaluating risk is a skill younger children can learn.
Not sure how extensive the risk of not returning from Antelope Island is for you, not for me to judge. Not being able to arrive home at an expected time is currently in the high risk category for me. I have animals in outside pens and inside house. There is a simple back-up plan in place so no one dies of thirst or hunger if I don't return.
The realization "That could of been me" is not comfortable. Hope the experience becomes a beneficial part of life.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
More lecturing
And still blaming.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Not my intent
Hope tomorrow goes better for you. Cheers.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Russian River (Ashokawna or Bidapte)
Here's what I'm bringing. Slavianka River, Rio San Ygnacio, Rio San Ignacio[1] is where I live, it is right down the street.
Russian River
I think this video is how riverlover and I first crossed paths over at dkos one morning, so it took me a while to compose myself to compose this comment. My heart misses Claudia.
The Russian River: All Rivers
Edit: could not get embed to work so here is a link to the page.
I never saw the whole documentary, never coughed up the cash. Harumph. I could go on and on with stories about growing up on the Russian River, in fact I am right now inside my head. Thank you.
Peace and Love
[1]California Place Names: The Origin and Etymology of Current Geographical Name
Oh boy is that book going to need an update soon or what? I mean a lot of the old history is being wiped from the memory books. My siblings all went to
Drake1327 High, and they are going to name the whole damn boulevard something else too. Not Sir Francis Drake. There was an exorcism (or two?) in the only Catholic church I ever got tricked in to attending mass inside (was most naive maid of honor), I didn't even get a chance to write HELP ME on the bottom of my high heeled shoes. LOL oh wellSt. Raphael's courtyard, 1980
I guess San Rafael is going to remain the same, but why? I don't know. What's in a name? A lot, apparently they are all loaded with some heavy baggage. Oh wait, that's just me with the baggage. Carry on.
Good Luck
Traveled Highway 101 from Fort Bragg to Napa
Upper Deschutes was a few minutes away to hike, bank fish or drop in a boat to float between sections of rapids for fly or lure fishing.
Now live a few miles farther North. The dam a few miles down river is creating new problems for the last 100 mile until it empties into the Columbia River. Rafting is now so popular a permit system has been implemented.
I am going to watch this youtube video this evening, it may be one you have seen on the Russian River.
Thought of riverlover this morning while feeding wood into the fireplace. When I started writing Open Thread diaries about the farm site she introduced me to coppicing as a tree management system. Changed how the trees are managed and am now harvesting my own firewood. She definitely impacted lives.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Klamath Dam removal
THE ECONEWS REPORT: Busting Myths about the Klamath Dam Removal
Here's a short film about the people and the fish:
Guardians of the River
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5lcP_9ateE width:500]
Peace and Love
great video - thanks n/t
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Here is the video you both loved
Beautiful video.
I have been to Gurney-Ville a s few times as my mom called it and remember it fondly. Ah the invisible Mecca that Russian River called to many of us who heeded the call. I was back in the neighborhood often with my dawgs and lil trailer that I hauled all over Northern Cali. Get lost? So what it is so small I can do U-ises in the middle of the intersection and get right on the right course.
(You copy and paste the link just like a YouTube video if that helps.)
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Dems win vote on calling witnesses—then decide not to call any!
Wonder what made them to nervous to proceed?
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
The weather is not cooperating.
I am cutting my glamping trip by a day. It is expected to snow, and there will be icy road conditions for at least 2 days. The courthouse is going to be closed Tuesday, as are the schools. There are 2 bridges between this lake cabin and my home. One of those is long and already looks very old and in need of reconstruction. One slip and I would be in a lake.
Better to be stranded at home than this cabin.
Hope others are enduring the storm without problems.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Fortunately normal winter weather
Fortunately do not have Portland General Electric or Pacific Power as a provider. Some of our other members may be effected.
Hoping you area home and safe by now.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Update on the capital police officer who was said to have been
murdered by Trump supporters.
MSM's narrative about the murderous Capitol mob has collapsed, but don't let that get in the way of a good political lynching
I wonder what Trump supporters think of the dems caving? Anyone that can ask a few?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Most of the Trump supportors I know keep politics to themselves
zerohedge.com and rense.com. Going to Rense is jumping down the rabbit hole, clicking a link off the site may forward to a landing place with major tracking cookies. Should have robust security procedures.
If I want to get a feel for anti-Democratic sentiment will peruseTo monitor the effect on other countries opinions look at Russia Times and The Guardian, over the next week will check AsiaTimes, The Saker and Moon of Alabama. Would be interested where others look to judge the temperature.
Plus watch C99 for posting from our political observers.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
I meant Trump voters
I wonder if any of you are friends with them and they have offered their opinion about the impeachment farce and ow the dems caved
Umm... I am one of those posters here and use all those sites already. You may have missed my many essays.
OTs seem like the game of telephone too. This one does. Guess I'll go back to just reading in the am's.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Continuing an instant feedback thread is impossible at
Regularly read and enjoy your essays. At the moment any friends who support Trump are more concerned with the current weather event than DC political posturing.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Need to step away from the computer for awhile
Have to finish opening the paths between buildings before evening feeding time.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Hiya, soe
I will start home around noon tomorrow. The drive is just over 2 hours, but there are lots of curves, hills, and three bridges. We just do not have an infrastructure for ice and snow, as it is so rare. What will shut us down completely in Texas would be just another winter day in Chicago or New York City. We do not have road crews and equipment for it.
The electricity will go off, no doubt, and I can manage that at home. I can't at this cabin.
Hope everyone here, or anywhere, hit by this winter storm is prepared and safe.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I enjoyed the OT, the rambling coffee klache feel to it, (as per faq), so I will add to the chat.
I am home from the truncated glamping trip, and the rain outside is frozen, it is slightly below freezing, not so unusual, except it will go on for 2 to possibly 4 days, a VERY unusual occurrence. I stocked up on groceries in the event I can't get to a store, have water in Britta pitchers, and in buckets for that commode flush or hand wash. I absolutely expect the lights will go out. And I am taking proper precautions to avoid frozen water pipes.
Meanwhile, I am listening to a John Hyatt album, and my Dear One is making us a pizza, and I intend to plan on a small garden in the next couple of weeks.
The gardening practices that work for this area either do not work, or are unnecessary for another area.
When I get the garden going, I will discuss it as I go.
And politics is important, and politicians are uniformly pieces of shit.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks for letting us know you have arrived.
Freezing rain is the worst of the driving conditions. Looking forward to the gardening adventure. The nuances of planting in different climatic areas is fascinating. The changes in seasons and temperature fluctuation create more gardening challenges, learning from everyone here is faster than simply by my mistakes.
We need to share pizza recipes. Probably my favorite food.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Pizza is in our "rotation" about every 7 to 10 days.
Mamma Marie is the NJ crust company's product.
(In Italy, you only get served crusts with basil, other spices, upon request. Order it there, it is thin, and is very plain.)
Now, sauce. Spend all day, or 30 minutes making your own. Or try Rao brand, imported from Italy, using Italian grown tomatoes. Unless you can get tomatoes from Italy, process them, make your sauce recipe, you can't compete on even terms with this sauce.
They make a general pizza sauce, and a Margherita sauce. I prefer the Margherita, although the pizza sauce is good.
Now, fix it up with whatever you like, and bake it on a Presto Pizzazz.
Guess where I found this stuff? The sauce, the crust, and the Pizazz?
Walmart. Yep.
This is the closest I can come to what I enjoyed in Italy, Croatia, or anywhere in the world.
I take credit for the accidental find of the crust and sauce. I give my fiance full credit for the Pizazz.
The last thing I can say about pizzas is that they are served everywhere. Africa, Central and S. America, Asia, Europe. Nothing says goofy American Tourist like ordering a pizza for lunch. It a dinner meal, meant to strike up conversations, and be a time when the food preparer doesn't have to go back and forth from the kitchen for more of this or that.
Everyone I have suggested the Rao to has become addicted.
There ya go!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981