Howard Dean: The Truth Is Clinton Took Money From Fossil Fuel Lobbyists
Howard Dean has been a Clinton endorser, surrogate and supporter. Yet he won’t go down the denial road. Here he admits that Hillary took fossil fuels lobbyist money.
Update I: This issue is popping her inevitability. This happened in 2007. Edwards did it in a debate where Hillary took four separate positions on drivers licenses for the undocumented. It hit mainstream radio, etc. We Edwards supporters thought it would help him, but it helped Obama. Clinton lost her lead and then Obama won Iowa a few months later.
There's panic in her camp now. Barney Frank is calling Bernie "McCarthyistic." Really. DeBlosio is chastising Bernie.
Panic in Hillaryland. Everyone has seen her yelling and pointing at the Greenpeace volunteer.
Her media mouthpieces are trying to ignore lobbyists and spin about individual donations from employees.

Thanks Tom
Can't wait to watch heads explode at TOP.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
That which hath already
That which hath already exploded shall neigh explode again?
Thanks Tom
Can't wait to watch heads explode at TOP.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I put in Subir's post about Greenpeace.
May do a separate post like this later.
This issue is popping her inevitability. This happened in 2007. Edwards did it in a debate where Hillary took four separate positions on drivers licenses for the undocumented. It hit mainstream radio, etc. We Edwards supporters thought it would help him, but it helped Obama. Clinton lost her lead and then Obama won Iowa a few months later.
There's panic in her camp now. Barney Frank is calling Bernie "McCarthyistic." Really. DeBlosio is chastising Bernie.
I'm going to add this thought as an update.
"McCarthyistic" !!
They finally get a socialist dead to rights and who do they compare him to? Yup, the ol' redbaiter hisself. You GOTTA love it.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Lame, "he's a politician"
remark. Yes, Bernie IS a politician, but he does not lie and does not need to lie. The not needing to lie would be the most crucial part, Howard. They just always have to spin it, don't they?
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yes, he is a politician who
doesn't lie, but we need to remember that the word "politician" itself has very bad connotations. One of which is liar. Dean made sure to repeat it a couple of times to make sure it sank in. Words do affect people in ways that go well beyond their usage, and I think that was quite deliberate. Subtle, but it will work for some.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
He's big pharma lobbyist
I don't want to hear anything the weasel has to say. I say this as a former Deaniac and member member of my county Dem. Party who went to many local Dem. party functions he spoke at as DNC head . Ask Shah to tell you about how Dean tazered him with his eyeballs when Shah asked him why vote in more Dems. when they refuse to fight the R's. lol. It was awesome lazer daggers came out of his eyes. Another good reason to be an Indie.
Another sleazy shill for Hill
Not only a paid big pharma lobbyist, but also a lobbyist for the right-wing Iranian terrorist organization Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), which was finally taken off the State Department's foreign terrorist organization list in 2012, no doubt in part due to the embarrassing fact that so many well-connected Washington insiders (John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, Ed Rendell, Wesley Clark) were on its payroll. Clark, of course, is another Clinton mouthpiece. Birds of a feather, etc.
inactive account
I have read some of the comments
and I do not know what the hell has taken possession of some formerly well-functioning brains.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
She causes this in supporters.
nah she doesn't cause this
her supporters always were teh stupid. They lauded to the high heavens the bait and switch of Obama, obstructionism that's what stopped him. Yeah right like 60 =a majority or victories for compromise = reform. Oh and about any objections you have to policy or agenda they are 'white privileged'. Yeah right. She causes nothing her supporters are responsible for their support of what she represents. Nobody has lost their mind because of Hillary they never had one that believed in democracy or common good to begin with.
Pols don't cause shit if people actually care or listen to issues and get out of the mindset the pols of mass deception create or stop believing that this is reality.They play on misinformation, fear and loathing and jerk people around with their absolutely surreal Orwellian version of reality. She is not the cause of her supporters delusions. She's just another manifestation of the dark side. The same darkside that Bush introduced and Obama normalized. Why support this? Fear or maybe these supporters actually believe antidemocratic anti human shit her campaign spouts.
Well I disgree
about the formerly well-functioning brains as kos and the nasty lefty haters have pretty well cleared the room of anyone with a functioning brain. All that's left are the pooh throwing RW'ers who think war is grand and fracking wall street and Vichy Democrat's are the cats meow.
I left not just because of the edict but because who wants to spend hours arguing about what the definition of is, is. The circular logic gets boring as some corrupt, bent Dem. pol once said it's like talking to a dining room table leg.
The authoritarian, war loving, Richie Rich fawning, Tories own it outright at this point. These are some of the nastiest people on the internet including Red States inhabitants. Fat chance kos is going to get the new 'demographic' he lusts after. Why would poc, young people or anyone who is not part of the successful 'winners' go there to laud the very people who oppress them and call it 'reform'.
Get your daily abuse and bs. talking points from the likes of DEO, Turkana, MacJoan, Hunter, Trix and all kos's other propagandist abusive mouth pieces. Perhaps masochism is the draw or an addiction to contention. Stockholm Syndrome?
These people who rule the roost have run off all the well functioning brains that ever posted there. They are not are worth giving the time of day. At this point it's obvious and I am not surprised one bit by the level of 'debate'. All engaging with these viscous idiots on their terms of engagement gets you is a tainted view of humanity and drags you down to their mud wallowing inhumane level. It's boring and it hurts my head.
teh stupid as they used to say is nothing you want to mess with as there is no convincing a binary wired, twisty brain that could careless or even recognize a real issue or policy and agenda discussion if it bit them. It has finally bit them and now let them stew in there own juices.
They have a political Role Model...
In the Hillary camp.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Sargeant Schultz, Debbie Wasserman
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Kudos to Greenpeace
It's not coming from the Bernie campaign, as far as I know, or even encouraged by Bernie. When Hillary tries to claim it's a "lie" and blame her opponent it falls flat. She does owe an apology, in fact.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Corruption thy name is Clinton
Every former hero of mine has allowed their brain to be taken over by Clinton mania. Why? Why is it that almost everything the Clintons touch gets corrupted? Howard Dean is the biggest disappointment of all.
I believe, unless i have been
I believe, unless i have been hallucinating, that DFA, run by Dean's brother, is backing Bernie.
Both Charlie Rose and some stand-in talking head double teamed him on the CBS Morning show with the lie that Hillary was innocent of taking lobbyists $$$$ from the oil and gas industry.
Bernie was obviously pissed and told Charlie that he was WRONG.
The entire MSM stinks.
"He's a politician just like everybody else"
Welcome to the world where it's okay because everyone is doing it. Forget what you tell your kids when they say that. "He is a politician just like everybody else": the message is he takes money from lobbyists, he votes for war, he violates security protocols, he assassinates character, he supports fracking...just like everybody else. It's just the way it is, there's nothing to be done about it....get over it. Howard, Howard...what has become o'ye?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
This is what happens when you have a shitty candidate
with indefensible positions.
Dean: "A lot of that money is going to the Democratic Party."
NO thank you.
(So happy to see you here, along with many others, TomP).
"You know, I think many people have the mistaken impression that Congress regulates Wall Street. In truth, that's not the case. The real truth is that Wall Street regulates the Congress. - Bernie Sanders
I am still not over
Gloria Steinem going swimming in the sewer for her. When I was a teen in college, it was Gloria who helped our generation to recognize women were more than housewives and secretaries for powerful male bosses. She showed us how to insist that we be thought of as something besides a sex object. And it was the use of young, impliedly horny, girls going to Sanders' rallies, reducing them to sex objects, that broke my heart. She could have talked about experience, electability, any of the tropes trotted out by Clinton supporters. Instead, she broke the rule she spent her life making and protecting. She destroyed herself for Clinton.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Remember Geraldine Ferraro?
Decided to play "Only Reason Obama is being picked is he's black", for Hillary.
Course she changed her tune slightly later, but how much you want to bet if she was still around and kicking she'd be jumping on the "Vote Hillary because she's a woman" train again?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Interesting piece early this morning on CNN
They had an interview with Jeff Weaver and were asking about the fossil fuel donors. The point the interviewer kept coming back to is that Sanders also received money from people who work in the industry. She ignored the difference and Weaver did not really make it clear that there is a difference between people who work in the industry and lobbyists for the industry. He mostly discussed bundlers and for most people that would not clear up the difference. *sigh*
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Tom, I'm not sure the headline lives up to the expectation
it creates . . . that Dean's statement makes Bernie's point. I just didn't hear it that way.
however, i think there is a real story in the essay:
LINKS please.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Yes, he says it, but then calls
Bernie a politician. You have a point.
Hillary refuses: 'We will not apologize'
Clinton campaign response to Sanders' call for an apology: 'We will not apologize' - Full from @jmpalmieri:
In other words, their defense boils down to:
Fuck you. Because you're a mean poopy head.
And you're also a liar, poopy head!
And watch your tone.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Well sure...
But Joe down the street, who works as a cashier at the local Mobil station and donated $30 to Bernie, isn't quite the same as a lobbyist donating thousands.
More lawyerliness from She Who Must Be Obeyed.
from a reasonably stable genius.
This is weakness by them.
Just draws more attention to issue.
Bernie is on a roll
If Clinton were found, hands covered in blood...
Standing over a corpse with obvious stab wounds...
It would be the fault of those who called the cops without getting her side of the story first.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"Wasn't me guv...
It were that old geezer with the crappy hair".
from a reasonably stable genius.
Seems to me that things are
Seems to me that things are getting unhinged and unglued in the Hillary camp.
So long, and thanks for all the fish