Why don't you go run for something, then?
Crossposted at TOS because I'm pretty sure more of the readers over there need it than over here, but I expect it will be better received here. Peace, y'all
That’s the question Hillary Clinton asked a young woman. The young woman asked Hillary a valid question concerning Hillary’s past remarks about race and diversity policy. Hillary responded with, “Why don’t you go run for something, then?” Hillary’s response has bugged me for the whole month since it happened, and now I feel like writing down why.
I’m not speaking for the woman who asked Hillary the question. I’m speaking for myself, and why that answer bugged me.
The reason I don’t run for something is because I don’t want to. The reason I don’t run for something is because my particular skills and talents are better put to use to educating children or to making electricity for everyone day in and day out. That was true when I was in my 20s. It’s true now. The reason I don’t run for something, then, is because I am not cut out for that particular job any more than I’m cut out to be a cellist or an accountant. I’m very happy that we have politicians and cellists accountant and all other sorts of folks doing those jobs that I’m not cut out for. We need every one of us in all our diversity. I’m not cut out to be a politician. I’m cut out for other jobs. Asking that question is like me asking you why you don’t be a mechanical engineer, then. I did that, but that doesn’t mean that I think you don’t have value if you don’t do what I did.
You’re doing your thing. That’s cool. I have a choice in whether I want you to be a leader who represents me. That’s how it works in this field that you’ve gone into. I get to express through my vote who I want to lead me in the realm of governance. I want someone who doesn’t diss my life choices and who doesn’t think if I’m not doing what she does, than I’m somehow not worthy of asking why I should vote for her.
I voted for Bernie in the primary, because he doesn’t diss me that way. He understands that we all play a part in making this country the best it can be, and not all of us need to be like him. In fact, he understands that it takes all of our various differences to make things good for all of us. Some of us make electricity. Some of us make laws. Some of us teach children or care for the ailing or fix peoples roofs, cars, roads and bridges, etc. Some of us grow food and some of us get that food to places where we can conveniently access it. Some of us cook that food for others when they don’t have the time or energy to do it themselves. Surely all of those things are important.
The most important thing isn’t running for office. The most important thing is being the most productive person you can be given the skills and talents you have. I am not running for office because that’s not where my skills and talents lie.

Well said
That response bugs me so much. Not everybody can run for office. Or wants to. And serving in public office is meant to provide a service to people like that young womyn - not to patronize them.
I won't run for office...
because I think I'm doing a better thing by raising two wonderful kids. Maybe one day I'll finally get that History degree and help others to think and learn about the consequences of actions.
But I won't run for a position where the entire job boils down to the allocation of favors for money, and money for favors. I do favors for FREE, always have, always will.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
"Let's elect a president who respects young people."
That video is so revealing!
3 topics, 3 young ladies, 3 unscripted Clinton melt downs.
She isn't really all that into youths.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
the Yute scare her.
she has the same ability to connect as that former presidential candidope who walked out of his secure bubble, and inquired,
"Which unforgivable miscreant left the canine-dedicated enclosure unlatched, permitting said formerly housed creatures to escape into the outdoors?"
She could do to stop calling adult women "dear"
I live in the South and I address strangers as sir, and ma'am, and small children as "dear," as this is a prerogative of age. But when you're talking to people old enough to vote, for you or not, "dear?"
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I remember when I was in my early 20s working as a project engineer in west Texas. I was the only female project engineer in west Texas that I knew of. There was this older white guy contractor who was bidding on a project I was managing and he had the very condescending habit of calling me 'honey'. I got right sick of it one day and I don't remember exactly what the context of the question he asked me was, but he asked it to me as 'honey'. I responded, "I'm not real sure, sugar, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can with that answer. That okay, sweetiepie?" My boss wasn't real amused, nor was his boss. They thought my response might be inappropriate. They were both older white guys too, which was pretty much all I worked with. Even so, the contractor never, ever again condescended to me that way, and I ended up being my boss's boss a few years later. So there's that.
I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all. Period.
I don't mind it when women do it
But it seriously bothers me when men do. I like how you played that. I don't think I would have dared.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Maybe it was a Texas thing, but when I lived there as a teenager for 2 very long years in the late 60's, the West Texans I met were still fighting the Civil War. I got very tired of people mispronouncing the name of my home state as Mass-a-2-shits. I just tried to be polite and ignore it at first, but I wondered if they were hearing impaired. However, it kept happening over and over again with different people, and I finally realized it had to be deliberate. So after about 18 months, I reached my limit and when someone said, "So you're from Mass-a-2-shits," I smiled and replied, "Yes, I am, and apparently y'all are from Tex-Ass." After that, no one ever demeaned the name of my home state to me ever again. (I just wish I'd found my voice a lot earlier.)
I empathize greatly with your comment and its satisfying aftermath.
I didn't know about the "super-predator" story
Well, it was 25 years ago, but at least she should have the grace to be repentant. Nobody's ever asked her before? What a bad answer.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Don't forget this one
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Dog, what a bobble-head
going unh-hunh? Then the coached speechifying, suitable for a podium, big table, desk between BUT she invaded their personal spaces with a moving hand, index finger out. Clueless. Maybe afraid of black young adults. He never raised his voice, she did not raise hers back, but she never answered the rambling question. Really bad in standup situations.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Advocate asks where her heart is today.
She responds, in effect, "You're absolutely right in principle, but you are going to have to get yourelves organized and formulate a plan if you want anything to change." With (talking-down much?) lecture on the history of the civil rights, women's rights and gay rights movements. Clunk.
I sense a person who is all up on the ideas of how-to-succeed-in-politics but has great difficulty simply connecting with regular people under any circumstances less than ideal. Unlike her husband, who is -- love him or hate him -- a natural.
She fails to assume charge of the situation, just nods passivly instead of active listening and jumping in with a positive reaction of her own. Heck, she even lets one of her handlers interrupt and take control, apparently so she can collect herself before starting to reply. (Not an Alpha move at all.)
I'm really sorry to see this kind of thing. I would prefer to think better of her than this.
Her Ladyship can do no wrong
"why don't you run....?" That's not an insult. It's an inspiring message that we have the power. All we need to do is "go for it!" Hillary believes so much in young people and was so impressed by the question that she feels the young lady would make an excellent candidate!
Also, voting for the AUMF is a vote for peace. Also accepting huge amounts of cash from oil companies is the same as Bernie getting money from somebody who drives a car.
To me it really comes across as:
"You think you can do a better job, HUH? Then just try to get my job, or shut the fuck up!"
It comes across as a power game. Like when you question an asshole sergeant.
"How many stripes do you see here? RIGHT! So shut up and do your job, Private!"
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You nailed it again, Shah!
I wish more people would come to the realization that HRC has it tough! Get a grip people! As Ann Romney said, "this is hard!"
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Problem is it was supposed to be easy - until Bernie came along.
After all it was her turn.
WOW, nancyjones
that is a righteous rant! You are on point! Well done!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Sometimes when something bugs me enough for me to sufficiently stew on it, I can figure out what's bugging me well enough to write it down somewhat comprehensibly. It's always a challenge, but it helps to hear that it resonates with some people.
I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all. Period.
Or why don't you go marry a weaselly, upwardly mobile,
natural politician like I did? Then suck the life out of him and the country.
You're thinking of the OTHER women Bill hangs out with...
And they really don't do it to the country...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Remember her saying
"I am not some 'stand by your man' kind of wife (that is a paraphrase) and what did she do? She stood right by her man, all the way to the White House and that Monica thingie...and is to this day.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
In hindsight
that now looks like a business decision.
Beautiful Rottie, Doc!
Didn't mean to threadjack.
On the topic, she wants Bernie to tone it down and she's tone deaf to the max. Bhod.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
60% rotti/40% Bull Mastiff
100% stubborn.
why don't you run for office?
In addition to all the excellent points made by my fellow c99ers above, please allow me to interject what is probably the most important reason more of us don't run:
We don't have the required net worth.
If you're not in the yupper-middle class, with the high-class six-figure or better income, you can forget running for office. You need to be able to fork over thousands of dollars on demand without suffering life damage, as fines for the most innocent of ordinary mistakes. This has no effect on the real problems the laws were passed to address, as most politician-class members drop that kind of cash daily without even noticing it. The real effect of those laws is doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing: keeping the ordinary working class out of what is supposed to be their government. It is simple class warfare, a vicious attack by the 1%er class against anyone with the temerity to challenge their essential monopoly on power.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I am just too honest to run for office.
Politicians, since Time Immemorial, have been DEFINED by lying, untrustworthiness, skullduggery, nefariousnes, cheating, you name it.
USUALLY they are not entirely honest people even when they seem so, such that I have a Law about it:
Nobody gets into the White House without being able to tell some whoppers.
I have just sort of 'assumed' I would eventually find lies told by Bernie and I thus far am unaware of anything verified: just bullshit from Clintonistas.
But no, I cannot possibly run for office. I am not into lying cheating or stealing.
Furthermore, I am resistant to compromise when I think something is important, and I have utter disdain for compromise for the sake of saying you compromised.
Which I think is how we get politicians who seem awesome one day and then sell us down the river once they get ensconced.
This is probably not the right context,
but I will plow on. Run for office. Ask to be a public servant, get votes and maybe the job. You were then elected to represent some group, many of whom didn't pick you. This is what I pondered in HS Civics: How do you represent everyone?
Do you assume you go by whatever your interests are, or do you consider the interests of the folks who voted for you , or do you have to census your flock at every decision and go with majority rule (unless they are crazy and you are sane)?
Even without the push from money interests that contaminates everything, do we elect narcissists most of the time?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
on being a "representative"
I see it thusly: Imagine a small group, going through the woods, trying to get home but a little lost. One person is sure that we need to go one way while a different person says we need to go a different way. So you can either split up or go with one direction. In a situation like that, which I think it very analogous to public office, you don't try to go both ways. You make a decision (we'll call that "voting") and then that's where you go.
So an elected official should really follow his or her beliefs. Those beliefs have been agreed on by the electorate. This is why the Republicans are wrong not to vote on Obama's nominations. It's also why Obama is wrong to say he wants to represent everybody. He was elected as a Democrat and should have governed as a Democrat instead of ....well, whatever he is.
Apt analogy, I like it.
So if the initial group splits with 2 leaders and one group is eaten by bears, that was a dumb move.
But if leader 2 is informed by one of the lost that there is a resort where they can all stay for free, and convinces them they know the direction and the two groups decide to band together they could all be eaten by bears. I guess that's life.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
well, yeah, sort of. :-) (bears!)
more likely they'll just wander around being lost for a long time.
Well somehow I don't think Hillary
should "run for something" either. She seems to be a terrible candidate. So let's see, what WOULD be her talents? Maybe we can suggest to her that whatever THAT is, she should strive to find employment in THAT field. No, Hillary your forte is not being the leader of the free world.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
Hillary's forte
But we -- as in humanity -- don't need anybody working in that field (read: grift)!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
WOW Nancy that's awesome!
Thanks --- right on! Hillary seems rather on the defensive these days. Also, she seems to use her power in condescending ways when interacting with us little people.