My Abject Apology and Confession
I am writing here to confess my sins. Yesterday, I partially agreed with the author of an essay about censorship. My heresy was righteously called out by other c99 members and I have seen the light. You have my abject apology for daring to suggest that banning Our President from Twitter was a good thing.
My mistake was not seeing the big picture. As the voice of the little people, President Trump has used the giant megaphone granted US presidents to call out racial injustice. His support for the George Floyd protesters has been nothing but remarkable. Bravo, Sir!
In addition, the President's Border Wall has been a wonderful externalization of our nation's desire for purity. We must stop the Barbarian Hordes before they overrun our way of life and relegate us to the status of failed Caesarian Republic.
As spokesperson for the little persons — Little Person Champion, as it were — defender of democracy, Centurion of Israel, and valiant fighter against corporate oppression, President Trump has led the charge against media overtruth and technodictatorship. He has carried both the torches and the pitchforks into our battle for freedom of religion, freedom to hoard arms, and freedom to define facts as whatever he says they are.
I breathe more freely each day.
My guilt is heavy. I beg forgiveness from my c99 peers. I know my sins are deep and damaging and indefensible. I am a traitor to the 99%. I am slimier than pond scum liberally lubricated with snot.
To atone for my sins, I shall embark on a self-improvement process second to none. I will join the hue and cry for smashing Twitter and Facebook for their effrontery in banning the leading proponent of truth and justice in these United States — President Donald J. Trump. I now intend to fully support the tendentious mindset assiduously working to inform America that all political parties are evil and that corporations are the fourth branch of government.
Most importantly, I agree to never question the c99 herd mind again. Resistance is futile. I will be assimilated.
Lead on, fellow warriors, as we travel the blissful boulevard to Fólkvangr.

Silliness is in order here.
You have stepped up to the silliness plate - congratulations! It's time to start loving one another instead of sitting in judgement of our fellow human being. Humans make mistakes - it's in our DNA to make mistakes because we are on earth to learn. We cannot seem to allow humans to just live and learn without agendas, but it has to start somewhere. You have seen the error of your ways and now are on the right path, grasshopper. Of course, if you were being facetious, you have a ways to go.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Me, facetious? Heavens! Where is my fainting couch? n/t
As I suspected,
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I guess I will have to join FaceBook and Twitter now
just so I can then angrily cancel my accounts and start boycotting them in protest of this outrageous corporate behavior.
I'm glad you've seen the light edg. It's extremely important to be upset about this. What is Trump going to do without his twitter baby-bottle to keep his ego up and running, huh? I bet you didn't even think about that, now did you? :stern frown:
... ok, snarky joking aside for a second, this really is a strange argument to be having, imo. I honestly don't care about Facebook or Twitter, I think they are both toxic and should be avoided. I also understand that under the law they have the right to ban anyone they decide to, no different that this place right here. No other president ever even had those tools, yet somehow they survived. Trump doesn't have a right to use twitter, this is so clear it is not even a question in my mind. And acting like his access to twitter is effing life and death is just too much for me right now.
But your underlying point about the hive mind at work here is actually more disturbing to me. I have felt this myself more than once. Ironic as it seems, actual dissent is not really welcome here. Tolerated, yes, mostly. But welcome? No. It certainly doesn't feel that way, which is part of why I rarely write an essay or even comment much anymore. It's fun to be in the crowd of everyone shouting in agreement, but not fun to be the voice saying, um... wait a minute. No one want to hear anything like that.
You know
you’re over the target when you start taking flak.
I may not agree with you, but you have every Right to express yourself.
So do I.
That’s how it works.
Censorship doesn’t.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I don't understand your comment.
Forgive me for being ignorant, but I don't know what you mean.
My view is that you have the right to express yourself UNLESS your expression is patently false and impacts the physical or financial safety of others.
Hi edg, he's supporting you. As am I, although we disagree
Taking flak over a target is a metaphor, for you must be touching a nerve there.
Your contributions here have been abundant and thoughtful as well as educational.
You are more than entitled to your opinion and should be free to state it and defend it.
There are many nuances in the question of banning or censoring the president. He is odious and encourages low information followers to 'fight' for him. It is about a Trump cult. Not about ideas or ideals.
Carry on...
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
I wasn't familiar with the terminology. I'm an Army guy. We don't travel in anything that doesn't keep all wheels on the ground at all times.
Skokie, Illinois.
Unless you mean the shithead neonazis were Right?
Their views were(and Are) wrong, but the SC said they could march anyway.
Or do I have that backward?
Someone has a sigline ‘ without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist.’
I think you’re as wrong as anyone could be on censorship.
It’s not a slope, it’s a fucking Cliff and I Don’t want to be a lemming and jump ‘cause it’s Fashionable; orange man Bad and all that.
I write in a hyperbolic(dare I say, Offensive?) style because most people Need a Dope Slap once in awhile.
ME Especially!
I figure if i can see it, other people Should.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I don't understand your secret code words.
My view is that you have the right to express yourself UNLESS your expression is patently false and impacts the physical or financial safety of others.
I wrote nothing about slopes or neonazis.
TBU was explicitly referencing the Skokie, IL incident
in the mid-1970s. Skokie had, and has, a sizable Jewish population, and a neo-Nazi organization wanted to hold a march through the town (including the Jewish neighborhoods). The town said no, the neoNazis sued, and the case went all the way to the US Supreme Court. The Court ordered the state of Illinois to hold a hearing on the matter and then kicked the case back down. The Illinois Appellate Court determined that while a march could not be banned, display of overt Nazi symbols (e.g the swastika) could and would be. (The Illinois Supreme Court disagreed, and decreed that the mere use of the symbols was not sufficient grounds.)
In the meantime, the neoNazis had gotten tired of all the legal wrangling, and got permission from the city of Chicago to hold their march in some other part of the metropolitan area. So basically nothing was settled.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I think that banning T-Rump
from Twitter was a business decision, as far more people than Twit was willing to tolerate might well have left the site had DT been able to go on using it. Twit might not have actually lost money, but mass defections would have cost prestige and opened up the idea that Twit is a choice, not a necessity. Having said that, and also acknowledging that the conduct of most of the MSM has been uniformly disgraceful, T-Rump has been becoming increasingly deranged and needed to be muzzled.
I notice that no one of the capital mob, er, protesters, so far arrested is a minimum wage, or intermittently employed member of the working class. It does take cash to travel to DC, and then there is expense for food and accommodations. I wonder how these MAGA guys and gals would react if someone trashed their businesses?
Mary Bennett
There's also this...
I've had to make this point,
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I've been waging war in the Fox News comment section.
People there post crazy comments like "why are they arresting these patriots? why didn't they arrest any of the BLM looters and rioters?".
I get heavily downvoted and called many colorful names when I point out that there were 17,000 arrests in just the first 2 weeks of protests and many thousands since. Or when I point out that the anti-Mask "freedom fighters" in Michigan took over the state capitol and closed down several roads with impunity while George Floyd protesters have been arrested while peacefully walking on the sidewalk.
Guess "patriots"
has replaced "white guys" in rightwing talk.
Give 'em hell, Edg.
Good on you,
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Waging war at Fox?
Mary Bennett
A number of public employees --
cops, transit workers, state legislators -- were participants. IOW people who loathe socialism while personally feeding at socialist troughs.
What we haven't focused on is Cop Culture. These white rioters were deferred to because they support cop culture that has always been about serving and protecting wealth and power and cops are recruited from the middle of the IQ curve, easily propagandized, and prone to being bullies and using violence. And they're more than adequately compensated for bullying, hassling, and attacking those not on their team. At the root of BLM is opposition to Cop Culture, but a focus on that leads to economic issues, something liberals/Democrats avoid as that indicts them; so, it gets relegated to an issue of skin color and a comfort zone for Democrats.
There was at least one "Blue Lives Matter" flag among the
mob - it was caught on video.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Let's face it, Twitter was looking out for Twitter, in
some one or more regards. It did not do this out of conscience, nor because Trump violated it's "rules". Either one of those would have called for action much earlier on. Whatever it was, they feared a loss of revenues or profits and acted on that basis. Be that as it may, it is Twitter's call, and this very act is to some extent their speech, which they are free to engage in.
I oppose censorship, but also expect that the public will step up and expose dangerous horseshit for what it is and help to keep each other from buying into it. That seems to be a misplaced expectation in this day and age, where the propagandists of all stripes have an ever greater efficacy. In any event, it ill behooves us here to attempt to censor by censure any of our own; I'm sure that we're all aware of the implications, ramifications and risks to society and our freedoms inherent in what Twitter did and have weighed the potential consequences before supporting or opposing. This is not a community, so far as I can tell, that is prone to simple partisan cheerleading, and should not assume that anybody is indulging in same.
In any event, like it or not, twitter did it, and we may all take it as a warning shot across our collective bow.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Jesus Christ, I didn't know c99p has become a church
in which one has to confess his sins. God understands your snarkalism. Be calm, you made him smile. You are not ex-communicated yet.
At least admit you have used the wrong church. We folks here have a contract with the devil. That is the only sin. Otherwise. Confession accepted.
Oh boy, this place becomes weirder and weirder by the hour.
Thanks, mimi.
You always make me smile.
He and me have the same accent, but what do
you think about this fellow American's (oh well, Austrian-American), Arnold Schwarzenegger's video address:
Yahoo News: Schwarzenegger invokes Nazi Germany in powerful video denouncing Capitol Hill riot
He is only one year older than me. Though I think he says a lot of true things, there is a little mixed feelings about his attempt to convince that all will be better and get stronger in the future.
You all think so too?
If someone disagrees with your POV and expresses it....
that doesn't mean that the WHOLE of Caucus99 is on your case, and it certainly doesn't mean that the site is into censorship.
Sometimes I think we overreact when we are criticized. And sometimes we actually need to be criticized.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
That was the sound of satire flying over your head.
Oh dear... is it cocktail time?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
It's 5 o'clock somewhere. Salut! n/t