The Evening Blues - 11-12-20
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features r&b vocal group The Coasters. Enjoy!
The Coasters - Searchin'
"We can continue to allow the coronavirus to spread rapidly throughout the country or we can commit to a more restrictive lockdown, state by state, for up to six weeks to crush the spread of the virus to less than one new case per 100,000 people per day."
-- Dr. Michael Osterholm
News and Opinion
Dr. Michael Osterholm, named to the Biden coronavirus taskforce, calls for a national lockdown
If current projections hold for the United States, another 160,000 people will needlessly perish due to COVID-19 infections by February 1, 2021, a period less than three months from today and just over one year into the country’s foray with the pandemic. This would bring the total number of deaths to a staggering 400,000, and even that horrific total is a conservative estimate since excess deaths are not counted.
On Tuesday, the US saw a single-day high of 142,212 new cases of COVID-19 infections, bringing the cumulative total of 10.65 million. The present acceleration in cases is quite extreme. The current seven-day average reached 124,556 infections per day, up from 92,856 cases per day just a week ago, a 34 percent increase. Daily fatalities had a one-day jump to 1,465. The seven-day moving average for deaths has also exceeded the threshold of 1,000 per day. ...
The Biden administration is touting its coronavirus taskforce as highly experienced and committed to the pandemic’s science. It would be revealing to hear what Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and recently appointed task force member said on the MSNBC program “Morning Joe.”
In the first week of August, Neel Kashkari, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and I, we wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times that basically said we need, in a sense, lockdown to drive this infection level to a place where we can actually control it with testing and tracing and follow up that way just like the Asian countries have done. I’m talking about everything from Australia to New Zealand all the way right up through China and Japan. All those countries have done it already.
What it would take, however, is to really to deal with the pain and suffering economically. What we basically proposed was because the saving rate in this country has gone through the roof since the pandemic—we’ve gone from 8 percent to over 22 percent—we could borrow the money from ourselves at a historically low-interest rate, we can pay people to lose their jobs, we can pay small businesses, we can take care of the city, state, and county governments, if we just elected to do that.
If Washington could get together and make that happen, that would be a very different kind of lockdown where people wouldn’t suffer, and we could get this virus under control … if we are a raging house on fire with the coronavirus in this country our economy is not going to do well. So, we have to understand we have a way to do it, but we have elected not to do it.
We would argue with Dr. Osterholm that the massive profits made by corporations during the pandemic on the backs of workers who have become infected in millions and dying in hundreds of thousands should pay for the lockdowns. Still, Dr. Osterholm’s perspective is clear on what is required, as he has been making the argument that the lockdowns in the spring were lifted far too soon to be effective. His position stands in stark contrast to Biden’s complete lack of commitment to these necessary measures. After all, Biden is a capitalist politician for whom the concerns raised by the representatives of the financial markets are the top consideration. Osterholm, by contrast, is a distinguished world-renowned epidemiologist who has been active in the field for over 40 years.
Notably, in his August op-ed piece, Dr. Osterholm made it clear that though he supports mask-wearing, mask mandates, which are in place in some form within 49 of 50 states (Nebraska has no requirement), will not be enough to control the pandemic. He added that to gain control over the epidemic, community transmission rates need to be reduced below one per 100,000 per day, and public health infrastructure is rapidly developed. Presently the infection rate in the US exceeds 36 per 100,000 per day.
One of Biden's new coronavirus task force doctors floating the idea of a 4-6 week lockdown:
“We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the lost wages for individual workers ... if we did that, then we could lockdown for 4 to 6 weeks."
— Zack Guzman (@zGuz) November 11, 2020
‘It must be made to fail’: Trump's desperate bid to cling to power
Donald Trump stepped out of the White House for a public event for the first time in six days on Wednesday as Americans strained to interpret a flurry of sudden personnel changes inside the administration, including at the Pentagon, while top Republicans refused to admit that Joe Biden had won the presidency. Instead of ushering in a becalmed moment of transition, the US election eight days ago has given way to escalating concerns over the president’s shocking visible effort to cling to power – and over top Republicans’ failure to dispute the president’s wild claims of election fraud.
The proportion of Biden’s victory in the popular vote crept up to 50.8% on Wednesday, the highest percentage for a challenger since Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1932. Judges in six states had thrown out at least 13 lawsuits brought by the Trump campaign to challenge the vote while agreeing to hear zero. There is every indication that Biden will be inaugurated on 20 January.
But continued leaks about the Trump team’s long-shot strategies for overturning the election result, and references such as one by the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, on Tuesday to a “smooth transition to a second Trump administration”, fed a sense of alarm that America was witnessing more than just hardball politics, cynical fundraising or Trumpian sour grapes.
10/20. Coups are defeated quickly or not at all. While they take place we are meant to look away, as many of us are doing. When they are complete we are powerless.
— Timothy Snyder (@TimothyDSnyder) November 11, 2020
Simultaneous to the Trump campaign’s move against election results in six key states, Trump was installing loyalists in the defense department and in other key security-related government posts. That was activity that might have prompted a warning from the United States about an authoritarian takeover if it happened in Turkey or the Democratic Republic of Congo. Trump fired the defense secretary, Mark Esper, by tweet on Monday and appointed as chief of staff Kashyap Patel, a key Republican operative during the Russia investigation. Trump also replaced the heads of intelligence and policy inside the Pentagon with political apparatchiks, while a fourth Republican political operative, Michael Ellis, was installed as general counsel of the national security agency. A further move by Trump to fire the FBI director was also reportedly under consideration. ...
Trump’s attacks on the election result have been equally determined. Baseless fraud conspiracies spread by his Twitter account and by his sons are the subject of top-viewed posts Facebook, and polling indicates that the campaign to destroy faith in the election is working, with a majority of Republicans believing there was significant election fraud – on zero evidence. ... As many times as it has already lost in court, the Trump campaign continues to bring lawsuits challenging the validity of ballots, with the ultimate aim of interrupting states’ efforts to certify their results, analysts say. If states cannot certify election results, the Trump campaign could pressure Republican-led state legislators to flip electoral votes – although that scenario, again, would be historically unprecedented and is seen as highly unlikely.
“More of an Exorcism Than an Election”: Priya Gopal on What Biden Win Means for Britain & Ireland
Another Official Dismissed at the Pentagon as Trump Continues Unusual Shake-Up
The sweeping dismissal of Pentagon officials, an overhaul that began on Monday with President Donald Trump’s sudden firing of Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, has continued. The Intercept has learned that Mark Tomb, the deputy chief of staff to the undersecretary of defense for policy, was ousted from his position yesterday. Tomb, who declined to comment when reached by phone, was forced into retirement as part of a wave of firings of top Defense Department officials that included James Anderson, the Pentagon’s acting policy chief; Joseph Kernan, the undersecretary for intelligence; and Esper’s former chief of staff Jennifer Stewart.
The Tuesday exodus represents a major shake-up that has been planned for months, according to one Trump administration official briefed on the effort, with more firings to come across the department. That official, who shared a draft list of other Pentagon officials under consideration for removal, said that Ellen Lord, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, would likely be dismissed next.
“The president is taking back control of DOD. It’s a rebirth of foreign policy. This is Trump foreign policy,” said the official, who spoke anonymously and without authorization.
The personnel changes, the official claimed, would help clear the way for a more loyal Pentagon apparatus to carry out Trump’s goals, including the last-minute withdrawal of troops from foreign conflicts. Trump has promised a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Christmas, a pledge that has reportedly rankled senior figures in the military, including several of the Pentagon leaders dismissed this week.
The official’s explanation is at odds with possible explanations discussed around Washington, D.C., that the dismissals are solely designed to punish dissent and to politicize the Pentagon, a charge made by Democratic lawmakers.
Democrats' alarm as Trump stacks Pentagon with loyalists
Extreme Republican partisans have been installed in important roles in the Pentagon, following the summary dismissal of the defense secretary, Mark Esper, at a time Donald Trump is refusing to accept his election defeat. Democrats immediately demanded explanations for the eleventh-hour personnel changes and warned that the US was entering dangerous “uncharted territory” with the reshuffling of key national security roles during a presidential transition.
However defence experts argued there was little the new Trump appointees could do to use their positions to the president’s advantage, given the firm refusal of the uniformed armed services to get involved in domestic politics.
Anthony Tata – a retired army brigadier general, novelist and Fox News commentator who called Barack Obama a “terrorist leader” – has taken control of the Pentagon’s policy department, following the resignation of the acting undersecretary of defence for policy, James Anderson. Tata had been unable to win Senate confirmation after old tweets surfaced in which he expressed virulent Islamophobic views. ...
The fate of CIA director, Gina Haspel, was also in question. In a show of support, Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell invited Haspel to his office on Tuesday and Republican Senator John Cornyn tweeted: “Intelligence should not be partisan”. But he was attacked on Twitter by the president’s son, Donald Trump Jr, who asked if he or other Republicans backing Haspel had “actually discussed this with anyone in the Admin[istration] who actually works with her … or are you just taking a trained liar’s word for it on everything?”
The reasons for the post-election personnel changes 10 weeks before the end of Donald Trump’s tenure were unclear.
US postal worker recants voter-fraud claims after Republicans call for inquiry
A postal worker whose allegations of ballot tampering are the basis of Republican calls for investigations has reportedly recanted his story.
Democrats on the House oversight committee said that Richard Hopkins – the worker who claimed in a signed affidavit that a supervisor at the US Postal Service (USPS) in Erie, Pennsylvania, instructed staff to tamper with ballots by backdating ones that arrived late – had recanted the allegations in an interview with investigators for the USPS inspector general. The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that it had learned from three officials that Hopkins had admitted to fabricating his claims.
Investigators told the committee that Hopkins “did not explain why he signed a false affidavit”, the committee wrote in a statement. ...
Hopkins denied he had recanted his testimony in a video posted to YouTube on Tuesday night. “I did not recant my statements,” he said.
The USPS inspector general’s office has not yet publicly disclosed the findings of their investigation.
Texas politician offers $1m for proof of voter fraud and pushes baseless claims
An ultra-conservative Texas politician who believes seniors would rather die from Covid-19 than allow the pandemic to harm the economy is pushing another baseless theory, and dangling a million-dollar bounty for proof that Donald Trump is being cheated of victory in the presidential election.
Dan Patrick, the lieutenant governor of the lone star state, says he is offering the money to “incentivize, encourage and reward” citizens who can provide evidence of voter fraud, even though the president beat Joe Biden in Texas by almost 650,000 votes.
“I support President Trump’s efforts to identify voter fraud in the presidential election and his commitment to making sure that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is disqualified,” Patrick said in a statement, reported by ABC13 in Austin.
“The delays in counting mail-in ballots in other states raises more questions about voter fraud and potential mistakes.”
To that end, Patrick is offering the payout in chunks of at least $25,000 to every person who provides information that leads to a conviction. The money will come from Patrick’s campaign funds, according to a spokesperson.
Brazil: Trump Ally Bolsonaro Refuses to Acknowledge Biden Win & Downplays COVID as Death Toll Mount
Two Days After Pfizer's Hopeful Vaccine News, 82% of Doses Already Bought by World's Richest Nations
Campaigners in the United Kingdom on Wednesday warned that just two days after pharmaceutical giant Pfizer shared positive early results of its coronavirus vaccine trial, mass purchases of the vaccine by the world's richest countries have left more than 85% of the global population—namely, the world's poorest—without any way to access it.
Pfizer says it can produce 1.35 billion doses of the vaccine, which was shown according to Pfizer's first formal review to be 90% effective at preventing coronavirus infection in patients who have never had the virus, by the end of 2021. More than one billion of those doses—82% of the supply—have already been purchased by wealthy countries.
Over 80% of #Pfizer's vaccine doses have already been bought by the richest governments (= only 14% of global population). This shows just how screwed the pharma system is, and how empty the promises of western leaders like Johnson. #PeoplesVaccine Now!
— Nick Dearden (@nickdearden75) November 11, 2020
The U.S. has purchased 100 million doses with an option to buy 500 million, enough to potentially immunize its entire population against the coronavirus with hundreds of millions of doses left over. Since Monday Pfizer has also sold 40 million doses to the U.K. and 200 million doses to the E.U., with an option to buy 100 million more.
In a statement, the British campaign group Global Justice Now noted that Pfizer's partner in the development of the vaccine, German manufacturer BioNTech, has received financing of €375 million ($441 million) from the German government and €100 million ($117 million) from the European Investment Bank.
"Pfizer claims not to have had any state support, but the advance purchase of a billion doses of an unproven drug, not to mention the tax breaks and direct public funding of Pfizer’s partner suggests their claim is misleading at best," said Global Justice Now director Nick Dearden. "Unless we break the stranglehold of these massive corporations over our medicines, the injustice will continue."
Global Justice Now noted that Pfizer is likely to give some doses to developing countries through the World Health Organization's Covid-19 Vaccines Global Access Facility (COVAX). However, those doses are expected to make up a small fraction of those produced by Pfizer, leaving billions of people without access to the vaccine.
COVAX has been undermined by the refusal of some wealthy countries, including the U.S., to take part in the global effort to ensure vaccine access, and now by mass purchases by some of those same countries.
Biden Appoints Chief Of Staff As Advisor Floats FOUR TO SIX WEEK Lockdown
Joe Biden names Ron Klain, Obama's Ebola tsar, as his chief of staff
Joe Biden has named Ron Klain, who served as the “Ebola tsar” during the Obama administration, as his chief of staff. Klain, 59, has been a vocal critic of Donald Trump’s pandemic response. He first worked with Biden in the 1980s.
In a statement sharing the news, the president-elect praised Klain’s “deep, varied experience”. ...
Klain has had a long career in government. He served as the chief of staff to the former vice-president Al Gore, and the staff director of the Senate Democratic leadership committee. He has worked with several Democratic presidential campaigns, including Biden’s 1988 and 2008 presidential campaigns. He was also the lead Democratic lawyer for Gore during the 2000 presidential election recount.
From 2008 to 2011, he served as then-vice-president Biden’s chief of staff and helped oversee the $787bn stimulus package that Barack Obama signed in response to the Great Recession.
Klain’s experience in a global health pandemic and a recession have been cited as among his top qualifications to help Biden in this moment. The president-elect made the coronavirus pandemic and the economic recession it has triggered central to his presidential campaign, promising to help lead Americans out of the crisis.
Panel: Bernie Floats Himself As Biden Labor Secretary, Should He Do It?
Senate GOP Blasted for Proposing OSHA Cuts as Covid-19 Crisis 'Makes Many Jobs Much More Dangerous'
Senate Republicans came under fire Tuesday after proposing to slash millions of dollars in funding for an important Occupational Safety and Health Administration training grant program.
Safety+Health reports the Senate Appropriations Committee—which also on Tuesday called for nearly $700 billion in new military expenditures—released a series of spending bills over the past week in which it seeks to cut $11.5 million from the proposed $581.8 million OSHA budget for fiscal year 2021.
All of the new OSHA cuts would affect the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program, which according to the agency provides funding for nonprofit organizations offering training and education "for employers and workers on the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of safety and health hazards in their workplaces."
The Trump administration has attempted to cut funding for the grant program every year, but Congress has not yet done so. ...
Worker safety advocates condemned Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and other members of the Appropriations Committee for seeking to cut funding for an important safety program during the middle of a pandemic that poses unique training challenges.
‘We’re in power now’: Evo Morales makes gleeful return to town he fled
Wednesday, two days after re-entering Bolivia at the start of an emotional, politically-charged homecoming, Evo Morales made a gleeful return to the same town – to a rapturous reception. In a highly symbolic move, tens of thousands of followers from across the country had gathered on the runway from which Morales took flight.
Addressing them from a stage decked with green, yellow and red balloons, Morales declared: “We knew we were not alone. We knew we would return.” Wreathed in white flowers and coca leaves, the former coca growers union leader thanked the crowd for its support during his year-long banishment, railed against the US and mocked Jeanine Áñez, the conservative senator who took power after he was forced from office.
Morales, 61, recalled how in January Áñez had urged the Bolivian people to stop “the savages” from regaining power. “The Bolivian right and the global right should know: the savages are back in government,” he added sarcastically. “We’re in power now.”
Morales decision to return to Bolivia, just weeks after his party reclaimed the presidency in a re-run of last year’s election, has enraged opponents and unnerved some within his own party, the Movement For Socialism (Mas). Bolivia’s new leftwing president, Luís Arce, has distanced himself from his predecessor and has not taken part in Morales’s caravan to Chapare province.
But Morales is still adored in many parts of the country for the social, economic and racial strides Bolivia made during his three terms in power. There have been scenes of joy this week as the exiled politician crossed Bolivia’s southern border with Argentina and headed north towards the jungle-covered Chapare region where he began his political career in the 1980s.
Tall order for Biden to fix immigration system after four years of Trump
From ending prolonged detention to a 100-day moratorium on deportations, president-elect Joe Biden’s vision for a new chapter in US immigration policy departs dramatically from the border wall construction, family separations and kids in cages that marked the Trump era.
But fixing chronically broken statutes while reversing more than 400 of Donald Trump’s immigration-related executive actions requires time, resources and in many cases bipartisan support, a tall order for the incoming administration. “They’re just gonna have too much else on their plate,” said Sarah Pierce, a policy analyst at the Migration Policy Institute. “There’s no way that a Biden administration will be able to get through and undo all of those changes in four years, and maybe not even eight.” ...
Biden will create a taskforce to reunite 545 children still separated from their parents after cruel mismanagement of migrants at the US-Mexico border. He will immediately do away with Trump’s travel ban that sparked cries of Islamophobia and bigotry after it infamously singled out Muslim-majority countries. And, in an overwhelmingly popular move, he has promised to reinstate safeguards for “Dreamers” – undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children. Biden is also expected to get rid of sweeping restrictions on work- and family-based visas that Trump instituted earlier this year.
Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which leaves migrants stranded across the southern border to await US immigration court hearings, will likewise be terminated without much to-do. But the real question is what could happen to about 68,000 people who have already been subjected to the program, Pierce said.
US deports migrants who accuse detention center gynecologist of abuse
The Trump administration is trying to deport several women who allege they were mistreated by a Georgia gynecologist at an immigration detention center, according to their lawyers. US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (Ice) has already deported six former patients who complained about Dr Mahendra Amin, who has been accused of operating on migrant women without their consent or performing procedures that were medically unnecessary and potentially endangered their ability to have children.
At least seven others at the Irwin county detention center in Ocilla, Georgia, who had made allegations against the doctor, have received word that they could soon be removed from the country, the lawyers said.
Hours after one detained woman spoke to federal investigators, she said Ice told her that it had lifted a hold on her deportation and she faced “imminent” removal. Another woman was taken to a rural Georgia airport early Monday and told to sign deportation papers, only to be brought back to the facility as her lawyers sued in federal court. ...
While people who have been deported might still be able to serve as witnesses in a criminal or civil case, many end up in unstable countries or situations where it becomes difficult to maintain contact with them.

Matt Taibbi - A Dangerous Moment for the Democratic Party
Democratic Officials Lied About Role in Alex Morse Smear, Internal Report Finds
Massachusetts Democratic Party leadership lied to The Intercept when it denied involvement with a College Democrats of Massachusetts effort that undermined the insurgent congressional campaign of Alex Morse, a new internal report produced by the party has found. Among other damning revelations, the report paints a portrait of a party that at best mishandled the situation from start to finish, and at worst deliberately stoked a homophobic smear to undermine Morse’s challenge.
The report is the latest chapter in a saga that began on August 7 when University of Massachusetts Amherst’s college newspaper, the Daily Collegian, reported that the College Democrats of Massachusetts had accused Morse of unspecified inappropriate behavior. The bombshell dropped a week before the first debate between incumbent Rep. Richard Neal and Holyoke mayor Morse, whose campaign was gathering steam.
The investigation was conducted by former state Sen. Cheryl Jacques, and was demanded by party regulars after The Intercept uncovered evidence that the attack on Morse was a coordinated and manufactured smear campaign put together jointly by party officials and student activists. ... While the report details the failings of party leadership to properly handle the allegations, and levels criticism for those leaders involving themselves in the primary, some unanswered questions remain. Morse, however, sees it as vindication of the claim that he was specifically targeted. “It stated pretty clearly that the chair of the party violated their bylaws and that the executive director also violated the bylaws, and that the leadership of the Democratic Party essentially tipped the scales to favor an incumbent and against the challenger,” said Morse. “And it said that pretty unequivocally.”
American discontent
Big Tech Oligarchs in Biden Administration overseeing Censorship!
One Third of Biden's Pentagon Transition Team Hails From Organizations Financed by the Weapons Industry
In July 2019, while campaigning for the Democratic nomination for president, Joe Biden declared in a foreign policy speech, “It’s past time to end the Forever Wars, which have cost us untold blood and treasure.” But the president-elect — who as vice president oversaw wars in Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan and more — is already embracing personnel with strong ties to the military apparatus driving this endless combat.
Of the 23 people who comprise the Department of Defense agency review team, eight of them — or just over a third — list their “most recent employment” as organizations, think tanks or companies that either directly receive money from the weapons industry, or are part of this industry. These figures may be an undercount, as In These Times was not immediately able to exhaustively source the funding of every employer. ...
The news prompted disappointment from anti-war groups. “Biden building a team of people with connections to weapons manufacturers and the military industrial complex is a prime example of how militarism and imperialism are bipartisan,” says Sidney Miralao, an organizer with Dissenters, a group of young people who oppose U.S. militarism and the war industry. “Democrats and Republicans alike perpetuate and profit off of war and violence in our communities at home and abroad. By continuing the legacy of the revolving door with the defense industry, Biden and his team are setting themselves up to be able to continue growing the military and strengthening the narrative that war is necessary to safety.”
Pelosi To Be Speaker AGAIN As Dems Too Cowardly To Challenge Her
Biden EPA Transition Team Member Helped DuPont Dodge Responsibility for PFOA
The Biden transition team has appointed Michael McCabe to its agency review team at the Environmental Protection Agency. McCabe, who served as Biden’s communications and projects director between 1987 and 1995 and as deputy administrator of the EPA at the end of the Clinton administration, led DuPont’s defense of the toxic PFAS chemical PFOA.
McCabe began managing DuPont’s communications with the EPA about the toxic chemical in 2003, two years after he left his job as deputy administrator of the agency, and continued in that role until at least 2006. As The Intercept previously reported, his still fresh relationships with his former colleagues in government came in handy as McCabe skillfully and successfully helped the giant corporation dodge the agency’s efforts to set binding limits on the chemical. ...
McCabe’s team worked so closely with EPA staff that they sometimes knew what was contained in the agency’s documents before they became public and saw at least one presentation before it was given. The DuPont team also drafted quotes that they attributed to EPA officials in DuPont press releases. In 2007, attorney Rob Bilott, who sued DuPont over the contamination, deposed McCabe. When asked about requesting quotes from the EPA, McCabe said the practice was “customary.”
Ultimately, his team succeeded in avoiding regulation that would have cost DuPont dearly. One of the upshots of the months of negotiations was an agreement to phase out PFOA. As part of the negotiations for that deal, McCabe’s team requested that the EPA issue reassuring statements about the safety of chemicals and products that contained PFOA. The EPA obliged. Asked about the EPA’s highly favorable statements about PFOA in his December 2007 deposition, McCabe insisted that they were “not a quid pro quo” for the DuPont’s agreement to phase it out.
Biden, who represented Delaware in the Senate for 36 years, has a long and complicated relationship with DuPont, which has been headquartered in the state for more than 200 years. McCabe’s consulting company, which led the defense of PFOA, is headquartered in Delaware as well.
In Potential Nod to Biden Win, Federal Reserve Applies to Join Climate Network for Central Banks
In a decision seen by some as a subtle acknowledgement of President-elect Joe Biden's victory even as President Donald Trump still refuses to concede, the Federal Reserve has applied to join what Bloomberg called "the climate change club for central banks," a group that requires participation in the Paris climate agreement.
"We have requested membership. I expect that it will be granted," Fed Vice Chair for Supervision Randal Quarles said during a Senate Banking Committee hearing Tuesday, Bloomberg reported. Quarles added that the Fed may become a member of the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) before its annual meeting in April.
Launched in late 2017, the NGFS sets out to bolster the world's efforts to meet the goals of the Paris agreement and "to enhance the role of the financial system to manage risks and to mobilize capital for green and low-carbon investments in the broader context of environmentally sustainable development," according to its website. ...
Bloomberg's Akshat Rathi suggested on Twitter Wednesday that by seeking NGFS membership, "the Fed tacitly accepts that Biden has won the presidency."
Although Biden's win may be a factor, earlier this year, before the U.S. officially ditched the Paris agreement, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell suggested the country could join the NGFS, Newsweek noted Wednesday.
Florida braced for Eta as new study finds hurricanes staying stronger for longer
Storm Eta regained strength to become a hurricane again on Wednesday morning off the west coast of Florida after earlier devastating Honduras as a category 4 that had raged across Central America leaving death and destruction in its wake. A few hours later it slowed back to tropical storm status but central Florida was still braced for a major tempest as the worst of the weather was forecast to come overland in the next 24 hours in the Tampa area. ...
In a record year for Atlantic hurricanes, the latest news came as a new study showed hurricanes are keeping their staying power longer once they make landfall, spreading more inland destruction. Warmer ocean waters from climate change are likely making hurricanes lose power more slowly after landfall, because they act as a reserve fuel tank for moisture, the study found.
The new study looked at 71 Atlantic hurricanes with landfalls since 1967. It found that in the 1960s, hurricanes declined two-thirds in wind strength within 17 hours of landfall. But now it generally takes 33 hours for storms to weaken that same degree, according to a study in Wednesday’s journal Nature.
“This is a huge increase,” study author Pinaki Chakraborty, a professor of fluid dynamics at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan. “There’s been a huge slowdown in the decay of hurricanes.”
Also of Interest
Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.
Can Trump actually stage a coup and stay in office for a second term?
Trump’s Pentagon Shake-Up Could Lead to Troop Withdrawals
'Assange's future looks brighter under Biden' - whistleblower's ex-representative
Questions Mount About Controversial Hunter Biden-China Dossier
Evo Morales: Bolivia’s ex-president returns – in pictures
New Yorker fires Jeffrey Toobin
Keiser Report | Waiting for the Free Money to Trickle Down
Rising: What Is Trump's Endgame As Georgia Recount Continues?
Alex Thompson: Why Biden Is Desperate To Avoid An Obama 2.0 Presidency
Jane Coaston: What Right, Left Are Getting Wrong About 2020 Results
A Little Night Music
The Coasters - Along Came Jones
The Coasters - Run Red Run
The Coasters - Poison Ivy
The Coasters - Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart
The Coasters - Little Egypt
The Coasters - Love Potion Number Nine
The Coasters - Shopping For Clothes
The Coasters - I'm a Hog For You
The Coasters - Let's Go Get Stoned
The Coasters - Charlie Brown
The Coasters - Talkin' Bout A Woman

There is always the Russian/Chinese vaccine.
Here is Reuters article surveying experts in Europe on the Russian vaccine.
Instant view: Russia says its Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine is 92% effective
One disadvantage of the Pfizer vaccine is that it must be stored at something like -70C. The Russian vaccine does not. Got some email from a buddy in China who said that they "started vaccination using the Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines in Wuhan, Beijing and Shanghai."
Russian government said that for poor countries they would give away their vaccine for no cost. It may be that the Pfizer will be the vaccine of the Western developed world, and the Chinese and Russian vaccines will be the vaccine for developing worlds. Wasn't this the divisions of the first Cold War?
evening mr w...
it will be interesting to see how the competing vaccines work out.
given the storage problems for the pfizer vaccine, perhaps it's time to invest in liquid nitrogen futures.
Pfizer mRNA vaccine vs. Sputnik Antigen based vaccine
I am strongly disinclined to allow human modified RNA strands in my body, particularly a speed based production that skips full traditional trials protocols, even if it is the only version available here in the U.S.
I do not trust that safety, efficacy, and a full understanding of long term possible side effects will be known before its release to the public. The fact that it will be a HUGE money maker guarantees that the rush to be first to market will disincentivize taking the time to have sufficient evidence to do a proper analysis of both benefits and risks of this new vaccine technology.
Hopefully we will have other more conventional vaccine options shortly thereafter. Otherwise, I may be looking to travel to Cuba for a shot of Sputnik.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
evening ovals...
i was just thinking ... the first people that they are probably going to vaccinate with the new product is likely to be our frontline first responders. if there are serious problems with the vaccine that don't show up immediately, we could be really screwed.
Hey Joe, Indian summer ended here in Chitown yesterday
now if only the empire could end today!
on my dying puter I still can't figure out how to embed a twiit..sigh
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
This the one you want?
I grabbed it from your 2nd link, but I tried to find the one that you posted with no luck.
On the right side of tweets there are 3 buttons or a down arrow. Click on it and the option to embed the tweet is there. I know what you mean by a dying computer. Mine is so clunky and slow that I spend my mornings rebooting it cuz it keeps freezing up. Maybe next month I can get a new one....hey, bout sending out some more $$$
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Hey Nancy can you hear us?
I'm still stumped, sigh.
EDIT: added this link
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
evening ggersh...
we are slowly cooling off here. it looks like next tuesday night we might get our first overnight freeze. it's still supposed to be in the 50's and 60's daytime until then.
heh, we are still locked in a struggle for global dominance. apparently they don't teach cooperation in the elite prep schools.
Biden’s Stephen Miller
Voters: "Will you pledge to not deport as many immigrants than Obama did?"
Biden: "Vote for someone else!"
Guess Biden didn’t read the article that says that if Biden just returns us to the Obama era then the next Trump is ......?
Will the brunch crew overlook this appointment or will they start pushing Biden left?
Kevin's thread on more appointments.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
evening snoopy...
it looks like biden has appointed a bunch of stinkers to his transition team, though it appears that he is appointing some good people to help with the covid response. i expect biden is going to be a real mixed bag overall.
as a rule of thumb, i expect him to be bad in all of the areas that obama was bad.
push to the left? hell, i'll be surprised if the brunch crew doesn't get out their pom poms and cheer for moving right along with their new republican friends.
these people are the dead weight of national politics.
Greetings ...
Here's a bit of history, from The American Conservative: The Origins of U.S. Global Dominance
Remember this ?
[video: width:400 height:240]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
evening azazello...
thanks for the article. it's a good reminder of what can happen when evil intent and actual competence come together.
heh, i certainly do remember that. i spent a lot of time listening to that record once upon a time.
"we played some records by the coasters ..."
Good evening, Joe
Once again thank you for delivering so much news.
Yes, I'm glad that the end of Trump's White House Adventure is in sight, but the spreading virus and the unreality surrounding the vaccine news has me too bummed out to write much these days.
This country has been misinformed and misled for so long that we are confused and helpless.
One day of ecstasy about a vaccine that may or may not ever arrive and if you check the stock market today, it's clear that I'm not the only one who sees this Pfizer news as the latest fantasy installment from Corporate Central.
evening nycvg...
heh, among other things, it looks like the pfizer announcement was a well-executed scam:
i guess in time we will find out if the product is anywhere near as good as its hype.
Hey Joe, where you going with that pun in your hand?
on the lighter side of darkness...
child molestation as a new sacrament. (apologies to Betty Claremont)
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Nothing but disgust
Good for them to say that.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
evening qms...
heh. what were once vices are now habits.
Yeah this isn’t going over very well
Sure wish LeBron had told Obama to stuff it and went on strike. Just who is this message intended for? Bernie is telling us all the things congress must do. what?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
or is bernie telling us all the things that we have to make congress do?
if so, i want the tar and feathers concession.
Good evening Joe. Good day to revisit the Coasters, but then,
I guess they all are. heh. I still have my copy of Little Egypt, one of the very few 45 rpms I have retained. All of those tunes are old friends. Just gotta add a couple more:
So, what else, Biden is living down to expectations, it seems, que sorpresa!
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
evening el...
thanks for the tunes. the coasters are always good to listen to, even when facing the inevitable treachery of democrats that claim to be looking out for your best interests.
have a great evening!
Had no idea, but the Yakety Yak was one of
my best musical memories, I guess it was in the early nineties. Don|t give me a dirty look, all my memories are disconnected from a proper timeline these days. Thanks for the tune and the enlightenment.
A no good SOB.
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.
Peaked out as a sports announcer.
My Dad loved "Searchin".
I just want to get to the cabin for a relaxing holiday, and if the coup happens, I might sort of miss it.
Take care of you and yours!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
evening otc...
friendly amendment: mccabe is a soulless bastard.
he sold his soul to dupont. probably for cheap since he had no use for it.
have a good one, i hope you manage to make your escape!
I know a lawyer who worked for Koch Industries.
She is rich.
I am not.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
i guess there aren't too many people who have gotten rich by being nice to everybody.
Thanks for the news and tunes Joe...
The Coasters were just past my time, but my older sibling's listened to them so it's all in the memory banks somewhere. The last one, "Talking about a Woman", was new to me, but also feels familiar. Maybe Bobby Gentry borrowed a bit of it for "Ode to Billie Joe"?
Or is my brain making shit up again? Either way, good stuff and thanks as always..
afternoon peachcreek...
heh, quite possible that there's a connection between those two songs. once a musician hears something, it's kinda hard to unhear it.
there's also some similarity to this coasters song: