M4A is an election winner
Support progressive policies like Medicare for All and win elections.
Campaign against progressive policies like Medicare for All and lose elections. pic.twitter.com/DZ7mUeE6Po
— Ryan Knight (@ProudSocialist) November 7, 2020
The Dems ran on none of these things. In fact, their entire strategy quite actively repudiated them. There is apparently nothing that will make elite liberals think twice about their own failures, even when their preferred methods have been tested and come up short. https://t.co/pOCrMGb4Hr
— Luke Savage (@LukewSavage) November 5, 2020
As we saw in Democratic primary exit polls: People absolutely do not like their private health insurance, as corporate front groups and lazy pundits always say https://t.co/cSWoI2sKps
— Andrew Perez (@andrewperezdc) November 3, 2020
person who just oversaw epic losses cautions against doing anything different from what just delivered said losses https://t.co/bd7hR15k5U
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) November 6, 2020
A surprising number of people celebrated Biden’s victory,
with champagne toasts and revelry. This includes friends and family members who I KNOW hold strongly progressive and socialist tenets dear. In spite of the clear indicators that the Democratic Party serves corporate and DoD interests over the needs of the people, just like their Republican counterparts, every single one of these “lefties” are clinging to the baseless hope that Biden/Harris will be “far better than Trump” and that “everything will be better with Trump gone.”
It has never been clearer that both Republicans and Democrats intend to continue to deliver for the corporatists and oligarchs and ignore the urgent needs of the people. Yet apparently for many it is more important to hold on to their baseless hopes than it is to recognize the true terror of our situation.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
A better Trump next time.
Trump's win in 2016 will encourage future Trump clones. Trump's loss in 2020 will discourage future Trump clones who are as insane as Trump.
it isn't about elections
It is about the donor class. The Clinton turd way continues to snowball.
Seems like I heard some rumbling about removing Pelosi as speaker. That would be a good first move...followed by ditching wall street up-chuckie.
Edit to add:
Recent David Doel piece similar to your theme gjohn (16 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sen. Schemer has a lot to answer for.
Mary Bennett