In a weird coincidence, Tesla stock drops after socialist victory in Bolivia
Let's examine the timeline. Maybe we can unravel the nature of this mystery.
On Nov. 4 President Morales moved to cancel the December 2018 agreement with Germany's ACI Systems Alemania (ACISA) to mine Bolivia's lithium reserves. Just a week later Bolivia had a right-wing coup.
Among other clients, ACISA provides batteries to Tesla; Tesla's stock rose Monday after the weekend.
The Wall Street Journal said the coup represented a “democratic breakout in Bolivia.” The Trump administration praised the military for “abiding by its oath to protect not just a single person, but Bolivia’s constitution”.
On January 1, Tesla stock was priced at 93.81
Bolivia’s high mountain deserts—the Salar de Uyuni—have by far the largest known reserves of lithium.
In another coincidence, Elon Musk, the head of Tesla, wants to build an electric car factory in Brazil. His cars require batteries, and those batteries require lithium.
In a bizarre tweet, the Bolivian entrepreneur Samuel Doria Medina wrote that since Elon Musk and Jair Bolsonaro will discuss the Tesla plant in Brazil, they should add to this initiative the following: “build a Gigafactory in the Salar de Uyuni to supply lithium batteries.” Doria Medina is not just an entrepreneur. He is the vice-presidential candidate alongside the “interim president” Jeanine Áñez for the May 3, 2020, Bolivian presidential elections. Áñez came to power only because of the coup d’état against Evo Morales in November 2019. Doria Medina’s welcome mat to Tesla should, therefore, be seen as having the full authority of the coup government behind it.
On May 4, Tesla stock was at 152.24
Then on July 25, Elon Musk famously tweeted, “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”
We could all see how Elon felt about it because, well, he told us loud and clear. He thinks that he deserves everything in the world, like it’s his right. Like it’s his manifest destiny.Elon could have kept his mouth shut, but why? He clearly felt untouchable. He is a billionaire, after all. He has been rewarded richly for every loud idea he’s had thus far.
On the following business day, July 27, Tesla stock jumped to 307.92
It seems Tesla investors are pro-coup and anti-democracy too.
On October 14, Tesla stock price peaked at 461.30.
In yet another coincidence, this was the day after a news leak of a possible second right-wing coup in Bolivia in order to prevent democracy from returning to Bolivia.
Tesla stock has dropped 40 points since the second coup never happened..
I'm sure the lithium had nothing to do with Tesla investor's respect for democracy and sovereignty. Because capitalism equals freedom and socialism is scary, doncha know.

You must be kidding
coinkadoink as in pigs swallow coinage?
Methinks not so much the relative association
of stolen earth goods to political Wall Street profits
so much as the capitalist marketeers hope to have the
government insure the gravy train.
By whatever means. Watch as the us oligarchy
overturns another regime for national security.
Socialism scares the shit out of the rulers.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I almost have to respect Musk
“We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.” has got to be one of the most arrogant statements our ruling class has ever made.
If Biden had said it, the media would have called it a "gaff".
Yet, I respect the honesty of it. By honesty, I mean like a thief that tells you to your face, with pride, what he's stolen from you.
BTW, MAS literally couldn't have picked a better opponent to run against. If the socialists didn't win in a landslide then something was seriously wrong.
What's amazing is that Mesa got ANY votes.
capital classic. Up there with "I can pay half the working cl
Is the Global South now leading the world in human rights?
Thailand, too. n/t
Not Tropical Trump in Brazil
Not sure about the political situation in Peru or Ecuador.
Cancel all Lithium Contracts!
Bolivia should cancel any lithium contracts with US companies. Just that simple. Shove it right in their faces. If that's too risky, then make 'em pay through the nose for it.
Lovely fella
that Elon Musk.
When he's not insinuating that cave rescuers are pedophiles, he's off advocating stealing the natural resources of others.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Elon Musk
Not to mention
The guy has never been a bastion of sanity.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
boy that is weird...
and such a coincidence. Of course we all knew it was a coup all along. That the people were able to claw back and recover is spectacular vindication for Evo Morales. Of course all the media here cheered it on, like Iraq, VietNam, Syria and everywhere else they smell some good ol' disaster capitalism. When I saw that Musk tweet "we'll coup whoever we want" I was so vehemently appalled, he will never recover from speaking such evil. It sounded like Hitler to my ears, or Cheney. Musk stinks!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Teslas does NOT get batteries from ACI systems
In fact, Tesla intends to get its lithium from properties it owns in Nevada as it ramps up in-house production of batteries. Currently it gets batteries from Panasonic, CATL (China) and LG Chem (Korea).
Fact is, lithium is a VERY common element. In fact, almost everything else that goes into rechargeable batteries is more difficult to source.
"Intends" is the most important word there.
Rain in the Nevada areas negatively impacts concentration
Surprising since it seems a pretty dry place, but cannot compare to the high deserts in South America for the high concentrations of brine which reduces cost of production.
edited: We do not need no musky superman in Brandenburg
edited: Why are the Germans such devoted slaves to allow Musk to build his shitty company in Brandenburg? Because Germany Rocks. We should rock too. I bet you he can't dance and has no rhythm. Who cares anyway.
Nor do we need those electric cars. We do not need any more cars here. Autobahns are overflowing with cars. Cars cause the most useless traffic jams on our Autobahns.
It shows that I am not a happy camper here in Germany no more. Sorry for my words.
I won't even get an e-bike, I get a bike where I have to use my muscles. So much for e-stuff ranting.
The schadenfreude is sweet.
I love Teslas, but any time an end-stage capitalist gets a comeuppance, I smile. Plus, this story is told in such a bitingly funny way.