Bernie Blasts Job-Killing Trade Deals: "You are not going to continue to deindustrialize the United States"
Bernie in Pittsburgh talking about job-killing trade deals.
Flanked by local labor leaders [President Mike Smith of the United Steelworkers Local 1557-2 and President Scott Slawson of the United Electrical Workers Local 506] and Pennsylvania workers, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on Thursday said trade deals he opposed and Hillary Clinton supported have devastated Pennsylvania manufacturing and hurt working families.
“Over the last 35 years, our trade agreements have been rigged by corporate America to shut down manufacturing plants in Vermont, in Pennsylvania and throughout this county,” Sanders said. The result, he added, has been that Pennsylvania workers lost jobs that went to Mexico, China and other low-wage countries.
“On this issue,” he added, “Secretary Hillary Clinton and I have very strong differences of opinion going way, way back.”
He cited examples of how bad trade deals have hurt Pennsylvania.
In 2013, General Electric announced that it would eliminate 950 jobs at its Pennsylvania locomotive plant in Erie moving many of these jobs to Mexico.
Allegheny Technologies shut down two steel plants in western Pennsylvania last year, laying off 600 workers due to a surge in cheap imports from China.
Hershey in 2009 shut down its York Peppermint Patties plant in Reading. Three-hundred jobs were lost when the plant was moved to Monterrey, Mexico, where workers are paid a fraction of what they were paid in Pennsylvania.
Sony closed the last television manufacturing plant in the United States in 2008 when it closed a Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, plant that employed 560 workers and moved the plant to Baja, Mexico.
Sanders has a consistent record in Congress fighting job-killing trade deals. In Congress, he has led opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a proposed 12-nation Pacific Rim trade deal that Clinton, as secretary of state, called the “gold standard” for trade agreements.
Clinton recently signaled that she might seek modifications in the pact, but Sanders said that’s not enough. “I will not renegotiate the TPP, I will reject it. I will not send any trade deals to Congress that make it easier for corporations to shut down in this country and move abroad.” Job-Killing Trade Deals Hurt Pennsylvania Workers [
There is a clear difference on trade. Bernie stands with working people.
Without Bernie in the race, this issue would not be discussed by Democrats.
Trade matters. Killing unions and job-killing trade deals are big drivers of the Great Inequality. There would have been no NAFTA without Bill Clinton.
Update I: More Bernie from Pittsburgh:
“My message for corporate America is your greed is going to end. You are not going to continue to deindustrialize the United States of America. You are not going to be able to shut down plants here and move to cheap labor abroad. You’re not going to cut wages and benefits of American workers and give CEO’s huge compensation packages. Together, we are going to create an economy that works for all of us, not just the one percent,” Sanders said.

absolutely one of the most urgent issues
i keep posting this, from Bill Moyers in 2002, about NAFTA's Chapter 11. it is chilling and gives real insight into what to expect from TPP et al . . . in fact, it will be NAFTA on steroids.
I URGE EVERYBODY TO WATCH THIS. NAFTA and the language of these agreements are some of the most important pieces of the puzzle to understanding the strategy of 1%:
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Great, thanks for the link pfiore8.
We keep doing these horrific trade deals because the people are not paying attention to the consequences. Everything is sugar coated, but the candy inside is molded! This has got to stop!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
u r welcome RA
short hand . . . it's great, isn't it?
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Yes, quite lovely indeed! eom
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Excellent comment. Thanks.
That Chapter 11 video is jaw dropping
That Chapter 11 video is jaw dropping (thanks BillyBob Clinton for NAFTA). I assume that Chapter 11 crap is included in TPP.
TPP is the first thing Hellery will flip-flop on and knife us in the back. Of course, she'll probably get some special amendments written in to benefit the Clinton Foundation first.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Citizen, that's why I keep posting it
because it tells you exactly what is at stake in TPP and the other agreements around it. as I said in my comment: TPP will be NAFTA on steroids.
Obama is lying about it. And lying about his commitment to climate disaster because these fucks making this agreement only care about NOW, what they can steal, who they can kill, and what they can destroy.
this is power perverted to something so vile . . . like rats on cocaine. they will simply keep going til there is nothing left and nothing left alive.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
It's power, perverted to erase borders
and destroy the sovereignty of constitutional, democratic governance around the world. And the United States will lead the way with a President Hillary or a President Anybody for the GOP. It will pull back from the brink with a President Sanders.
Indeed, it may be that we're too far gone, and all that a President Sanders does is put it off a while longer. But with whatever time you can buy, that time allows for other shit to happen. Because shit happens.
Like, the repercussions of a small bird landing on a podium in the middle of a large stadium full of human beings, a podium that's amplified and lit up with a candidate for a high political office in his country, and the bird just kinda sat there and looked at him, long enough to have his picture taken. Now that was some shit, happenin'.
There is karma. There have been several times it's come up in the Sanders campaign already. I hope it makes itself known in enough volume that enough voting Americans see it and screw their heads back on straight before November. Our future depends on it.
It is becoming very clear
that their "climate plan" is genocide, while they grab the lifeboats for an ultimate game of "survivor".
Are you anti-trade now TomP?
We all know that globalization is awesome and cannot be stopped, so we at least better make sure it is the US-based companies that rule the world.
I have been opposed ot job killing trade deals
since I learned about them in the Greens in 2000 from Seattle WTO activists.
I wrote several posts at the old place in 2007 and 2008 criticizing both Obama and Clinton on trade policy.
I know, I was just mimicking the DNC response to
being against these horrific trade deals. Even Pr. Obama mocks people who don't support them.
Oh, did not realize.
I did not fully understand them in the 90s. But the Seattle activists and others explained them well. We still have a lot of explaining and educating with some folks, but many workers who lost their jobs or fear losing their jobs or took pay cuts understand quite well.
two things: mechanisms & reasons for trade deals
and 2, trade/globalization.
personally, i think we ought to be downsizing the economy. making global trade a small part of it . . . and going back to local/regional economies. this is, in my view, the only way to create stability and sustainability.
most global trade revolve around toxic products that cost us a lot of resources to make for mainly disposable crap ... think about this: 30 years ago in India, there were about 8 million landline phones. Now millions of cell phones are sold EVERY MONTH . . . what happens to those that get thrown away.
Look at dollar stores and sending chicken to China to process because it's cheaper. fucking really?
don't even get me started on this insanity.
i think the death of main street relates directly to cheap goods, the most expensive goods we will ever purchase. because we don't want to see the real costs. and small business can not compete against WalMart or HomeDepot prices. It ends up we become consumers and workers.
as for the trade deals, they aren't really about trade but controlling pieces of the pie. how do you explain the mindset a CEO has that if we have a contract for fracking and we find it pollutes ground water and cancel, he can sue for damages.
I don't think even people here are really clear on the dangers of this. And why, if we want to change the game, we must use cash, revitalize local/regional economies, support local farms, eat less and eat way less meat . . . the mega corps are in power because they have consolidated markets and power. and are able to send our troops to war to protect their access to resources. and war to generate profit of course.
am i rambling. well. tough.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Ramble/rant on!
You do it very well and I appreciate seeing in better words what I have been thinking. (I wish I had the way with words that so many people posting here have mastered... )
Think off-center.
George Carlin
My mom worked for the USDA
My mom worked for the USDA at a chicken processing plant for over 20 years; she was a corporate inspector/district manager. She retired about the time they started talking about this nonsense. She got out at the right time. It's mind boggling.
This shit is bananas.
Ramble on..
Free trade is Your epitaph here. Was the only reason I created an account at dkos and it has taken over 10 years for the insane and fascist policies to even be discussed at the national political level. My opinion of people who support the trade 'deals' are they are: a. stupid b. corrupt to the bone c: utterly brainwashed d. government employees at the federal, state or city level or d: meth addicts (not to belittle meth heads). The entire structure of being able to pay off a 30 year mortgage and have a home of one's own, retirement at some age with some semblance of economic security and any reasonable path to upward mobility in the job world doesn't exist, or is severely restricted, by these policies.
They have never been questioned or reasonably debated in a public or national forum with reputable and knowledgeable opponents as a counter argument. This wasn't by accident and is the reason, to this day, that the terms are not publicized before fucking votes are cast. Global fascism .... is what it is all about... not trade... had trade before this shit was passed by smiling lying treasonous politicians who don't give a flying fuck about this country, its people or its laws...
One of the biggest atrocities of the supreme court, in my book, is its refusal to acknowledge the validity and enforceability of the preamble of the US Constitution. Everything flows from that ideal... but they like very specific language ... therefore the spirit of the Constitution is lost. The letter of law has superceded the spirit of the law and they are too corrupted to see it that way.
So the early online ranters--the Alex Joneses of the Windows 95 era, babbling about a New World Order and those Krazy Klintons and the trail of dead bodies that followed them around back in Arkansas--they were just poisoning the well. They had it right all along, except for some of the terminology.
And here we are. And no, you're not rambling at all, I think you're spot-on overall, but particularly here:
Sometimes I think that Japan has the only realistic future plans
among the OECD countries.
Because of the country's low birth rate, the population of ethnic Japanese will eventually decline to about 40% of what it is now.
The neo-liberal economist types who have been shaping policy in the industrialized countries say that this means Japan must radically expand immigration to make up the difference.
But actually, negative population growth may be the only truly realistic accommodation to what the environment (particularly with global heating) can actually sustain.
Sad to say
but genocide accomplishes the same thing: poison water by fracking and creating health sequelae on a massive scale: use glyphosate and other toxins that leach into the human genome; cross placental barriers: = lower life expectancy: even better if you deny insurance and conditions advance to near end stage without medical intervention. Toxic exposure on a massive scale.
It is already happening, and nothing is being done.
Sad to say
but genocide accomplishes the same thing: poison water by fracking and creating health sequelae on a massive scale: use glyphosate and other toxins that leach into the human genome; cross placental barriers: = lower life expectancy: even better if you deny insurance and conditions advance to near end stage without medical intervention. Toxic exposure on a massive scale.
It is already happening, and nothing is being done.
Inadvertant double post- sorry
You hate America!
You terrorist!!!! Why do you want to take away freedumz?
I was just there!
Great rally. Great crowd. My better pictures and video are on my camera which I don't have the cord to link up with until I get home. But I'll probably write something up about this. The trade part was really good, as was the speech overall. We had a turnout of at least 8500 for an early morning event on less than two days notice. The Burgh is feelin' the Bern!
Hooray! So happy you were there!
Can't wait to read your essay and view your pictures!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Glad both here and the old place!
TPP - Anti-worker; Anti-environment
TPP has about as much protectionism in it as measures usually thought to open trade. Patents are extended for Big Pharma when, as Dean Baker of CEPR(among others) points out, there are cheaper and more effective ways to invent and market new drugs. Copyright, already too long in the USA contra the Constitution, will make other countries give up their shorter copyright laws.
President Obama should have expended 10% of the effort to pass the card check way of unionizing but his neoliberal self could not bear to help the working majority. I expect TPP and other noxious legislation to be passed during the lame duck period between the November election and Christmas.
The first trade deal, in 1794 I think, was a treaty and others have been treaties. TPP, NAFTA, and the rest are not treaties and if President Sanders is so inclined, he can declare a national emergency and suspend any or all of these deals.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
TPP is a loss of American sovereignty
A multinational corporation's "anticipated" profits override our health and the world's future. Any action to combat climate change will affect some multinational's "anticipated" profits. Any regulation for worker safety, any rule forbidding dumping toxic wastes in our drinking waster, any requirement that they clean up smokestack pollution, etc.
And a panel of corporate lawyers decides it all. No recourse.
Exactly right!!
TPP is The New World Order. Secret Corporate Tribunals ruling over sovereign governments with no recourse.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
It's called corporatocracy.
I wonder why Bernie never uses the term but it's definition is :
"a society or system that is governed or controlled by corporations."
Basically Oligarcy but more worldly than national.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho
hitler and mussolini would be so proud of these 'economists' and 'trade representatives'... instead of a merger between corporations and governments ... corporations over governments.
Very good to see.
Thanks TomP
There is a lot of pissin' and moanin' on these sites. Ypu put all that pissin/moanin energy into fixing stuff. Pretty much common sense IMO.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.