Julian Assange’s Final Extradition Hearing: Mon. Sept. 7

‘Julian Assange receives first visitors in six months: “He is in a lot of pain”, 
Oscar Grenfell, 28 August 2020 (with permission)

“Julian Assange received his first visitors in six months, less than a fortnight out from British court hearings for the extradition of the persecuted WikiLeaks publisher to the US, where he faces life imprisonment for exposing American war crimes.

Stella Morris, Assange’s partner and an internationally-respected human rights attorney, was allowed to meet with the WikiLeaks founder earlier this week, after authorities at London’s Belmarsh Prison eased restrictions introduced in response to the coronavirus pandemic. It was the first time that Morris and their two young children Gabriel and Max had seen Assange since March 22.

The visit is welcome news for all supporters of Assange and democratic rights. But it has underscored the brutal conditions in which he is held by the British authorities, despite not having been convicted of any crime, and has sparked renewed fears that his health is continuing to deteriorate.

In comments to the PA news agency after the visit, Morris said that the experience had been “incredibly stressful” but that she was relieved to have been able to see Assange.

“We had to keep social distancing and Julian was told he would have to self-isolate for two weeks if he touched the children,” Morris said. “Julian said it was the first time he had been given a mask because things are very different behind the doors.”

She added: “At least he got to see the children, even though he couldn’t touch them. The children were both calm. We all remained seated the whole time.”

Morris said that the older of the boys, Gabriel, who is three-years old, showed off his abilities to count and to recite the alphabet. Gabriel was born when Assange was a political refugee in Ecuador’s London embassy, where his arbitrary detention was enforced by British threats to arrest him if he set foot outside the building.

The infant child was immediately targeted for intrusive surveillance and other human rights violations by the US Central Intelligence Agency. Max, who is one-year-old, first met Assange in 2019 at Belmarsh, a facility dubbed Britain’s Guantánamo Bay.

Speaking of Assange’s physical condition, Morris said: “He is in a lot of pain.” She stated that he continues to suffer from a frozen shoulder, a long-term condition compounded by a lack of adequate medical treatment. He had also recently sprained his ankle.

“I could not see him very clearly because of the visors, but he looked a lot thinner. He was wearing a yellow armband to indicate his level of prisoner status, and you could see how thin his arms were,” Morris explained.

The confirmation that Assange has not been provided with a mask is evidence that the British state wants him dead. That the most high-profile political prisoner in the world, detained in a country falsely held up as a beacon of democracy, was not provided with the most basic protection during an unprecedented global pandemic sums up the criminality of the decade-long persecution of Assange.

At the height of the crisis, hundreds of prison staff and inmates at penitentiaries across the country were struck down by the virus, including in Belmarsh. Warnings from medical experts that Assange was particularly susceptible to succumbing to COVID-19, given his chronic respiratory issues, were ignored and an application for bail contemptuously dismissed.

The calls for Assange’s release on medical grounds during the pandemic followed statements of concern by doctors from around the world since November last year that Assange could die in Belmarsh due to a lack of adequate treatment.

United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer has repeatedly condemned Assange’s imprisonment as a continuation of government abuses that have resulted in the WikiLeaks founder displaying the medically-verifiable symptoms of psychological torture.” [long snip]

“The unprecedented persecution of the WikiLeaks publisher has also been treated as a non-event by the corporate media, which enjoy the closest ties with the military and intelligence agencies that have spearheaded the pursuit of Assange.

The substantial public support that Assange enjoys, which stands in marked contrast to the stance of the political and media establishments, has been expressed in the response to an online fundraiser for his legal expenses, initiated last week by Morris.

The initial target of £25,000 was achieved within days. A stretch goal of £50,000 has since been surpassed and the appeal is well on its way to the new target of £75,000. As of this writing, almost £68,000 has been contributed by 1,563 people from around the world.”

‘Join my fight to free Julian Assange and stop US extradition’ by Stella Moris

I am the partner of Julian Assange and the mother of his two sons. I am fighting against his extradition to the United States, September 3, 2020

Only four days to go…

As we draw closer to Julian’s extradition hearing on Monday, I would like to share the latest news with you.

If anyone would like to come down to the Old Bailey on Monday there will be a safe socially-distanced demonstration taking place outside the court from 9am. Everyone is very welcome to come and show their support for Julian.

There will be a stage set up near the entrance to the Old Bailey. Speakers will include Kristinn Hrafnsson, editor-in-chief of Wikileaks, John Shipton, Julian’s father, and Dame Vivienne Westwood.

I was not able to speak to Julian at all for a few days, after seeing him in Belmarsh last week. But I am pleased to say we have been able to talk on the phone this week and that has been a great comfort.

Julian will not have seen the case in full before he arrives into the court room. The other side continues to submit documents after deadlines have past. Since legal documents have to be posted to Belmarsh prison as hard copies, they won’t reach Julian in time before the hearing starts.

When he arrives in court on Monday morning it will be first time Julian will have seen his legal team in person in over six months. However, his lawyers are dealing with all the last-minute details of the case and making final preparations for Monday.

Thank you once again for your support in this very important case. More and more people are waking up to the realisation that this hearing has huge ramifications for other publishers and journalists.

Julian faces 175 years in prison in the United States for the ‘crime’ of journalism and exposing truths. If the UK court decides to extradite Julian, that sets a precedent for any publisher or journalist to be put on trial abroad if a country does not like something that has been written about them.

However, there are still many people who are not aware of the consequences this case will have on freedom of speech. Please continue to share details with your friends and contacts about the extradition hearing and of this fundraising appeal.

Stella Moris

(with a Pledge button)

Call to action: PROTEST at the Old Bailey as Assange hearing starts’, Sept. 4, 2020, dontextraditeassange.com

“WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will be back in court for the final part of his extradition hearing this Monday (7 September 2020) at the Old Bailey in London.

‘This is the press freedom case of the 21st century’, said John Rees of the Don’t Extradite Assange Campaign, ‘anyone who cares about freedom of speech, about the ability of journalists to tell the public what the powerful would prefer to remain hidden should make their way to the Old Bailey and let their voice be heard’.

Julian Assange is sought by the Trump administration for publishing US government documents which exposed war crimes and human rights abuses. The politically motivated charges represent an unprecedented attack on press freedom and the public’s right to know – seeking to criminalise basic journalistic activity. Assange’s defence team will argue that the extradition itself is an abuse of the UK extradition process. If convicted Julian Assange faces a sentence of 175 years, likely to be spent in extreme isolation.

Julian Assange has been held at HMP Belmarsh high security prison in London, his legal team have been denied in-person access to their client since March due to COVID19. The case is anticipated to last at least three weeks.

Join the socially-distanced PROTEST with us on Monday 9am at Old Bailey, EC4M 7EH London.”

(followed by >): Special Press Briefing 

‘Julian Assange’s fiancée, Stella Moris, on their secret family; The WikiLeaks founder secretly fathered two children while holed up at the Ecuadorian embassy. Now he is in prison fighting extradition to the US and the hearing that will decide his fate resumes on Monday. His fiancée tells Kirsty Lang their extraordinary love story’, thetimes.co.uk,  Sept. 6, 2020

(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

14 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

I know long form video isn't your cup of tea, but others might have an interest.

This posted last night...
Noam Chomsky, Daniel Ellsberg and Alice Walker take part in this Courage Foundation panel discussion moderated by Jimmy Dore ahead of Julian Assange’s extradition hearing beginning on Monday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BncaMgqr2gw (1 hour)

And this is scheduled for tonight...
WATCH: CN Live! —The Media Trial of the Century—at 8 pm EDT Sunday Today Sept. 6
a preview show on the resumption of the extradition hearing of imprisoned WikiLeaks’ publisher Julian Assange at Old Bailey in London.

Maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel ahead for Julian. I sure hope so!

15 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

wendy davis's picture


but no, i won't watch, esp. as it scarcely matters at this point. but as you say, others may be glad to partake.

on edit: given the vast corruption and bias of judge vanessa baraitser, an acolyte of 'lady arbuthnot', her predecessor...it doesn't even matter if the prosecutor got joshua schulte to turn states' evidence for the US, etc..

but oh, the irony: several years ago assange was notified by email that the entire board of the Freedom of the Press Foundation (anonymizing contributions) threw Wikileaks out, and that included ellsberg, trevor timm, john cusack (why was he on the board?), glenn greenwald, and the rest.

7 users have voted.
mimi's picture

I will listen to them and watch them.

Without listening to and withoug watching them, I can say with confidence, that I never could have imagined such a torturous, unfair, morally corrupt and unforgiving imprisonment procedure. Scum. Period. Many countries played to scum drummers.

Auf Deutsch gesagt, als Mensch sind diejenigen, die über Assange Gefangenschaft entschieden haben, imo, Schweinehunde. I can say that only in the German language. Cursing I still do in German.

I have no real hope, but I pray for the light at the end of this darkest tunnel.

9 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


as the history shows repeatedly how he's been sold out by 'friend' (freedom of the press foundation he and perry barlow (?) started to beginee with) and foe alike, including being spied on in the Ecuadorian embassy then dragged out by the met police under the orders of lenin moreno.

judge lady arbuthnot, wife of a Tory Lord, to judge vanessa baraitser have behaved in such a criminal and political persecution fashion all the way along. six months since he's seen his attorneys, for instance.

but stella seems to believe it's a 'show trial', which i assume means the verdict was in ahead of the trial.

it's just all so bleak; in a way i'm surprised he's still alive. but i know we'll all be tryin' to send good vibes to him inside the Old Bailey.

oh, and thanks soooo much for messaging me about having writter: 'Monday, Aug. 7', rather thn 'Sept. 7'.

i haven't had time to read caitlin johnstone's updated assange smear sheet yet. she only twettr it's existence a few minutes before i'd found it on julian's mama's twit account.

8 users have voted.
mimi's picture

whoever made the sound file match with the correct time code of the video material made some enervating mistake.

Just as a warning, just listen to that video, don't watch it. It distracts you from the spoken words, if image and sound do not match up exactly.

The other video streams in around 8 minutes from now.

5 users have voted.

was able to make a small donation and post on Facebook.

feels good to have done something.

thanks again.

5 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


i can't even contribute save for posting this diary.

i have a few things to offer, but for now, given the scant interest here (during election season, i guess)...i may tomorrow.

but for tonight, i'll close with wishing julian and stella 'time dreams'. i guess mama assange christine as well, and papa john shipton. it's impossible for me to even begin to imagine what they're all going through.

good night, all. and may john trudell keep kickin' ass on the other side. you were a human among humans, john, turning poison to medicine like no one i've ever known.


4 users have voted.

@wendy davis

I checked this morning and donations have risen 50% since yesterday- now at 105,000 pounds ($140,000).
Number of contributors up to 2,400 from 1,600.

With ten days to go the goal is 150,000 pounds.

I would not have donated if not for your post.
thanks for the nudge.

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


i know stella and julian are sooooo appreciative. welcome for the nudge, wish mr. wd and i'dd had the wherewithal to contribute.

2 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

and given the complexities and sources afoot, it mat take several comments:

re: caitln johnstone’s: Updated april 19Debunking All The Assange Smears’, (a 75-minuted read), i hadn’t checked every hyperlink within the 31 listed, but as far as i can tell, this is the key update:

“As it happens, historian Vijay Prashad noted in a recent interview with Chris Hedges that in 2008 a branch of the US Defense Department did indeed set out to “build a campaign to eradicate ‘the feeling of trust of WikiLeaks and their center of gravity’ and to destroy Assange’s reputation.”

it may well be that in the original she'd named the fearless investigative Intercept reporters who'd smeared him and lied about him. i did keep track of them, but whitney webb, whom i'd discovered later, writes so fluidly and orderly in her investigative journalism that it's breathtaking. in her lengthy jan 19, 2018

FBI Whistleblower on Pierre Omidyar and His Campaign to Neuter Wikileaks;
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds asserts Pierre Omidyar decided to create The Intercept to not only take ownership of the Snowden leaks but also to continue his blockade against WikiLeaks and create a “honey trap” [Secure Drop] for whistleblowers'

she includes:

WikiLeaks, in recent tweets, has suggested that Omidyar’s influence was responsible not only for the FPF’s decision but also for the unusual attacks that some FPF members have launched against WikiLeaks, particularly Assange, in recent months. The most outspoken of these members has been FPF director Micah Lee, who is employed by the Omidyar-owned publication, The Intercept.

In February of last year, Lee called Assange a “rapist, liar & ally to fascists” in a tweet — despite the fact that Assange was never charged with rape, his alleged accusers have also claimed that Assange had not sexually assaulted them, and there is abundant evidence suggesting that the rape investigation was a means of ensnaring Assange to ensure his extradition to the United States. Based on Lee’s other tweets, the “ally to fascists” charge ostensibly refers to Lee’s belief that Wikileaks’ publications of emails from the DNC and Clinton campaign chair John Podesta was done explicitly, with Assange’s blessing, to aid the Trump campaign. ['putin fanboy' and more]

and links to:
https://theintercept.com/2017/11/15/wikileaks-julian-assange-donald-trum... (robert mackey)

https://www.thedailybeast.com/free-press-group-set-to-cut-off-wikileaks (poulsen/ackerman)[major snip]

"Omidyar’s view on leaks and leakers seem to have influenced the opinions of some of the FPF’s most prominent members. For instance, Glenn Greenwald, following the publication of the Podesta emails, suggested in a conversation with Naomi Klein that the Podesta emails should have been “curated” prior to their release in order to prevent the outing of potentially sensitive personal information. Specifically, Greenwald stated: “I think WikiLeaks more or less at this point stands alone in believing that these kinds of dumps are ethically — never mind journalistically — just ethically, as a human being, justifiable.”

The idea of “curation” in the publication of leaked documents is quizzical. Though one’s privacy is important, it is highly problematic to leave to one person the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in the public interest. “Curating” leaks gives those who are in possession of the leaked documents the power to decide what the public sees and doesn’t see instead of giving the public the right to decide what is relevant. In many cases, finding a “balance point” would present a challenge to even the most ethical and disinterested curator. Such power can easily be abused and used to shield key information contained in leaks or to hide crucial context.
The idea of “curation” in the publication of leaked documents is quizzical. Though one’s privacy is important, it is highly problematic to leave to one person the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in the public interest. “Curating” leaks gives those who are in possession of the leaked documents the power to decide what the public sees and doesn’t see instead of giving the public the right to decide what is relevant. In many cases, finding a “balance point” would present a challenge to even the most ethical and disinterested curator. Such power can easily be abused and used to shield key information contained in leaks or to hide crucial context.
It’s possible that Snowden himself may approve of what has amounted to the censoring of these leaks, as he has also called for the “curation” of leaked material following the release of the Podesta emails. Unsurprisingly, this drew a sharp response from WikiLeaks.

“Democratizing information has never been more vital, and @Wikileaks has helped. But their hostility to even modest curation is a mistake.

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) July 28, 2016

"Opportunism won't earn you a pardon from Clinton & curation is not censorship of ruling party cash flows https://t.co/4FeygfPynk

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 28, 2016

according to Glenn Greenwald and Ed snowden, Assange is 'the bad whistleblower' as opposed to snowden 'the good whistleblower', although of course assange was a journalist and publisher, not a journalist. and he and Wikileaks didn't vet their leaks with the military, etc. before publication.

but to my mind, given the Power and Fame of Greenwald, he, snowden, naomi klein, robert mackey, and micah lee (there may have been one more i've forgotten) have done their damnedest to blaspheme julian and darken his name forever.

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

Courage Foundation @couragefound 2h

Read our continuous detailed coverage of the #AssangeCase

Hearing Resumes: September 2020

some confirmations:

New: Read the defence skeleton arguments here:


@wikileaks 5h
'The court asks Assange whether he is prepared to consent to be extradited? Assange responds no.'

@kgosztola sept. 7
'Assange confirms name and date of birth. Old extradition request is withdrawn. Assange has not been able to see the warrant that he was served with, according to defense. Prosecution says Assange was served papers this morning

We're dealing with formalities because, flouting US-UK extradition treaty guidelines, the US government issued a superseding indictment mid-process, expanded narrative details, and forced the court to re-arrest Assange. They should've done back in June but had not until today.

Fitzgerald, Assange's lawyer, informs the court he has seen Assange for the first time in six months.

i'm pretty sure that the rest k. gosztola has tweeted is in the Daily Summary at the top.

4 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

first: Anarchist Anthropologist David Graeber; one obit at the Guardian, sept. 6. 2020

The anthropologist David Graeber, who has died suddenly aged 59, was remarkably successful in marrying research with direct action. He was influential in the Occupy Wall Street movement and is reputed to have coined the statement: “We are the 99%.”

David Graeber on Twitter:

'I'm an anthropologist, sometimes I occupy things & such. I see anarchism as something you do not an identity so don't call me the anarchist anthropologist'
; )

his final Tweet; irony alert:

and Kevin Zeese of first the October2011 movement, then Popular Resistance partner of Dr. Margaret Flowers. from Margaret's newsletter this a.m.:

“It is with a sad heart that I report the sudden and unexpected death of Kevin Zeese early Sunday morning. Kevin was working up until the end and died in his sleep of a possible heart attack.

Kevin was going to write a newsletter this weekend about the extradition trial of Julian Assange, which begins today. Kevin understood the great importance of the prosecution of Julian Assange as a battle that will define journalism in the 21st century and our right to know.

He was helping to organize an online event featuring Daniel Ellsberg, James Goodale and Chris Hedges, moderated by Sue Udry. As far as I know, that event will still take place. You can register for it here. The Facebook page for it is here.

You can read the June 28th newsletter we wrote about Julian Assange, "Government Attacks Media as Peoples Media Reveals the Truth."

Please follow the trial, spread the word about it and do what you can to support Assange. I know that Consortium News will be following it closely. His partner and the mother of his two sons, Stella Moris, launched a crowdfunding campaign for legal support.

Tributes to Kevin are already being posted. Here are a few:
[Zeese was press secretary to Green candidates howie hawkins and angela walker]


Kevin fought to bring truth every day. We must not lose this struggle.

I will do my best to keep Popular Resistance going and strive to maintain the high quality that Kevin brought to it. I will inform you of the details of the online tribute his sons and I are planning and a way we can honor him and keep his legacy growing, as he deserves.
Rest in power, Kevin Zeese.

– Margaret Flowers

Many thanks to both of you. May your next journeys be filled with blessings and love.

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@wendy davis

Please follow the trial, spread the word about it and do what you can to support Assange. I know that Consortium News will be following it closely.

and so they are, Margaret: 'DAY ONE OF ASSANGE HEARING: Dramatic Opening Day; First Witness Testifies After Judge Denies Adjournment to January', September 7, 2020

2 users have voted.
travelerxxx's picture

@wendy davis

Sad news indeed about Graeber and Zeese. Losing Kevin Zeese is a particularly tough blow.

1 user has voted.
wendy davis's picture


knew about both, and especially kevin zeese. he and margaret had even traveled to nicaragua to report the truth v. lies of the US Imperial MSM.

good night, and thank you, busta keaton. i'm weary beyond weary, including the smoke cloud from the Cameron fire in the far NW corner of the state that's blown up in the past 24 hours to 93,000 acres and is snowing ash all the way to denver. at least rain turning to snow is forecast for fort collins and vicinity, which may help the firefighters' efforts.

95 daily here, and tues. night a freeze is predicted; go figure. can't begin to think of a closing song....

1 user has voted.
snoopydawg's picture

"unlike dictators in other countries he can't simply shut down media outlets that he doesn't like"

Any coverage of Assange is met with disdain because he helped Russia steal the election from HerHeinous even though there are no charges related to the Russian/Mueller bullshit. And because the persecution of Assange and Wikileaks started during Saint Obama's tenure they have turned a blind eye to it. But tying Wikileaks to Russian interference was done to make Assange a pariah and a bad person that needs to be punished. Gone are the kudos for Wikileaks for exposing war crimes and crimes against humanity that happened during Bush the Lesser's tenure after they released Collateral Murder showing troops murdering innocent people. Of course no one was charged for war crimes because the US is above the law. But boy do they love covering Trump's War on the Media.

I am beyond sick and saddened at what is happening to Julian and don't know where to put the feelings. This farce of a trial should have every person who believes in the rule of law upset, but most people even aren't aware of it happening because the media has been told not to cover it.

I will continue praying for some type of injunction that stops this miscarriage of justice. This travesty. This unjust persecution of someone exposing the PTB war crimes.

3 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

wendy davis's picture


i'll comment further later, but i'm sad, sick, dispirited after covering day one, and need some rest.

thanks, snoopy.

2 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


this is liberal poutrage about trump's censorship:

"unlike dictators in other countries he can't simply shut down media outlets that he doesn't like"

i dunno which corporate media aren't covering the final extradition hearing, but yesterday sputnik did (rather craptastically) and finally today RT.com is. wish i'd heard this, but it's bold and brilliant in written form, as well:

John Pilger: The Stalinist trial of Julian Assange’, today, RT.com

When I first met Julian Assange more than 10 years ago, I asked him why he had started WikiLeaks. He replied: “Transparency and accountability are moral issues that must be the essence of public life and journalism.”

I had never heard a publisher or an editor invoke morality in this way. Assange believes that journalists are the agents of people, not power: that we, the people, have a right to know about the darkest secrets of those who claim to act in our name.
It is this morality of purpose that so threatens the collusion of powers that want to plunge much of the world into war and want to bury Julian alive in Trump’s fascist America.
In 2008, a top-secret US Department of Defense report described in detail how the United States would combat this new moral threat. A secretly-directed personal smear campaign against Julian Assange would lead to “exposure [and] criminal prosecution.”

The aim was to silence and criminalize WikiLeaks and its founder. Page after page revealed a coming war on a single human being and on the very principle of freedom of speech and freedom of thought, and democracy.

The imperial shock troops would be those who called themselves journalists: the big hitters of the so-called mainstream, especially the “liberals” who mark and patrol the perimeters of dissent.

And that is what happened. I have been a reporter for more than 50 years and I have never known a smear campaign like it: the fabricated character assassination of a man who refused to join the club; who believed journalism was a service to the public, never to those above.

Assange shamed his persecutors. He produced scoop after scoop. He exposed the fraudulence of wars promoted by the media and the homicidal nature of America’s wars, the corruption of dictators, the evils of Guantanamo.

He forced us in the West to look in the mirror. He exposed the official truth-tellers in the media as collaborators: those I would call Vichy journalists. None of these imposters believed Assange when he warned that his life was in danger: that the “sex scandal” in Sweden was a set up and an American hellhole was the ultimate destination. And he was right, and repeatedly right.

The extradition hearing in London this week is the final act of an Anglo-American campaign to bury Julian Assange. It is not due process. It is due revenge. The American indictment is clearly rigged, a demonstrable sham. So far, the hearings have been reminiscent of their Stalinist equivalents during the Cold War.

in another piece at RT:

Several dozen supporters, including his father and partner, as well as fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, gathered outside the courthouse.

The demonstrators chanted, banged drums, and called the prosecution a threat to press freedom. “Assange is the trigger, he is shining the light on all the corruption in the world,” Westwood said. Speaking outside the Old Bailey, the WikiLeaks founder’s father, John Shipton, said the extradition hearing was an “abuse trial.”

As the hearing resumed, ‘FreeAssange actions’ were scheduled to be held in London, Adelaide, Berlin, Brussels, New York, Paris, Rome, San Francisco, Washington DC, and other cities.

they'd included this fine video, and look! (aussie doughty street attorney) jennifer robinson is there with stella!


3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


What I have to say about this 'woman' is not fit to write in public. But then I am sure I am not alone in my thoughts.

Kevin Gosztola has written about the today's hearings. Not much was accomplished.

Judge Vanessa Baraitser rejected a request by the legal team for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to remove conduct from a fresh extradition request brought by the United States.

Defense attorneys also requested that the court adjourn until January after Baraitser refused to take action.

According to Baraitser, in August, she acknowledged the issues his defense had with the request. She offered to allow them to apply for adjournment of proceedings, which would have moved the trial portion of the extradition hearing, which was previously scheduled for May, to a later date.

Baraitser seemed to believe Assange’s legal team should’ve better understood the law and asked for an adjournment instead of demanding she exercise her authority.

The defense did not immediately ask for an adjournment because they did not want to prolong Assange’s confinement.

Baraitser insisted what the defense asked her to do was not appropriate during this phase of the proceedings.

How Baraitser handled the matter was in line with previous decisions she has made, including the ruling she issued in February to keep Assange in a glass box at the back of the courtroom and bar him from sitting with his attorneys. She repeatedly has refused to make rulings for the defense that she says involve “case management” decisions that should not be made at this point in the proceedings.

Every person in the UK that supports this should be shamed at the highest order and yet it looks like many people there are either uniformed about what's happening or they just don't care. Even I would be protesting against this if I lived close by. Pain be damned, I'd be there.

5 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

wendy davis's picture


but she was taught well by her predecessor Judge Lady Arbuthnot, wasn't she?

i admit i hadn't stayed for all kevin's reporting, even though some names were unfamiliar to me. but i did look back at the site on pre-hearing coverage & 'what to expectt' in which he'd noted:

"Given extraordinary circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic, I will be covering proceedings remotely through a “Cloud Video Platform” that was setup by the Central Criminal Court in the United Kingdom to accommodate press, politicians, and trial observers.

The proceedings will focus on the political nature of the prosecution, the misrepresentation of facts, Assange’s political opinions, the risk of denial of justice at a U.S. trial, the risk of cruel and inhuman treatment in U.S. jails and prisons, Assange’s health, and the passage of time since materials were published.

Assange’s legal team contends President Donald Trump’s administration pursued charges against Assange for “ulterior political motives,” and they were not brought in “good faith.” They indicted Assange under the Espionage Act, which makes the extradition a case involving classic “political offenses” that should not be covered by the treaty between the U.S. and U.K.

As made public by the legal team back in February, the following witnesses are likely to “provide testimony on the history of the case and political motivation of the prosecution.” They will also address free speech issues and what makes the case unprecedented."

i know many supporters believe that exposing US wars (collatera murder, the iraq was logs, etc.) is/was key to the increased charges brought against him, but he'd long-since posited that publishing the CIA vault 7 (and part of 8?) was made pompeo and trump even more nuts!

and now factor in how many Republican former nat. security heads have joined the biden campaign: 38 was it? i remember that wsws had published the full list. brrrrrrr.

although...do you recall that when greenwald/snowden wouldn't name the country that (iirc) the NSA was using to target, sight in, bombs? and assange/wikileaks gave them a deadline to do so, it passed, and he/they named: Afghanistan? no, you don't want to hurt the american war effort do you, boys?

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snoopydawg's picture

Media Freedom? Show me the MSM Journalist Opposing the Torture of Assange

Today, the corporate media that cried “Media freedom” when Extinction Rebellion blocked the billionaire owned propaganda presses, is silent as Julian Assange’s Calvary for bringing real truth unfiltered to the public moves on to its next station; the macabre Gothic architecture of the Old Bailey.

The Tories appeared remarkably tolerant in the days when Extinction Rebellion were causing general disruption to the public. But to threaten the interests of billionaire paymasters is something against which the entire political class will unite. At a time when the government is mooting designating Extinction Rebellion as Serious Organised Crime, right wing bequiffed muppet Keir Starmer was piously condemning the group, stating: “The free press is the cornerstone of democracy and we must do all we can to protect it.”

It is surely time we stopped talking about “free press”, as if it was Thomas Paine or William Cobbett distributing pamphlets. Print media is now the subject of phenomenal ownership concentration. It broadcasts the propaganda of some very nasty billionaires to a shrinking audience of mostly old people. The same ownerships have of course moved in to TV and Radio and increasingly into new media, and have a political stranglehold over those who control state media. At the same time, the corporate gatekeepers of Facebook and Twitter purposefully strangle the flow of readers to independent online media. The idea of a “free press” as an open marketplace of democratic ideas has no real meaning in modern society, until anti-monopoly action is taken. Which is the last thing those in power will do.

Julian Assange has been a light in this darkness. Wikileaks have opened a window into the secret world of war crime, murder and corruption that underlies so much of the governance we live under throughout the “free” world. Coming in the wake of the public realisation that we had been blatantly lied into the destruction of Iraq, there was a time when it seemed Assange would lead us into a new age where whistleblowers, citizen journalists and a democratic internet would revolutionise public information, with the billionaire stranglehold shattered.

That seems less hopeful today, as the internet world itself corporatised. Julian is in jail and continuing today is an extradition hearing that has been one long abuse of process. The appalling conditions of solitary confinement in which he has been kept in the high security Belmarsh Prison, with no access to his legal team or a working computer, to his papers or to his mail, have taken a huge toll on his physical and mental health. The UN Special Representative has declared he is subject to torture. A media which is up in arms about the very dubious attack on Navalny, has no emotion for state torture victim Assange other than contempt.

Julian is in a maximum security prison even though he has been charged with no crime. Even the Russia Gate fools should be outraged over this. Boy it's a good thing I am banned from DK or my diary on Assange would certainly get me banned. I have nothing but contempt for those who are going along with this just because they believe he worked with Russia to derail HER.

Bill Binney was also charged under the espionage act that Wilson made up to put Eugene Debs in jail to silence him from talking about how the ramp up to WWI was bogus. That it's still around today and being used by Obama 8 times and by Trump here and in other cases shows the US is full of shit when it shouts what it stands for. Not news of course, but....

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

wendy davis's picture


and what an eternally dedicated champion of assange's he's been. when i went there yesterday he hadn't penned this, as he's been up to his eyeballs defending himself from contempt of court charges, and now is facing an appeal. i've long forgotten the details, but what a magnificent truth teller he is!

he'd also said that today he'd likely be on his way to glascow to see his son, and listed the ironies involve in 'social distancing' that would be in play during his visit.

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snoopydawg's picture

Twitter is abuzz with Assange news. Lots of people are following it, but not the effing mainstream media of course. Also lots of idiots who think Russia was involved in releasing Hillary’s emails. I’ve been busy. But people have closed their minds to facts.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

wendy davis's picture


the long version might be on youtube, and this a.m. wsws provided it; it's so powerful!


as to no MSM covering the final extradition hearing, indeed they are as this Bingle shows.

i'd checked the guardian early this a.m. and ben quinn is covering day two, and it sounds ugly unjust corrupt as all giddy-up, but the 'opinions' on the superceding indictment are epic fukkery, as in: being convicted on the Aug 12 document neither assange nor his attorneys had seen...could mean immediate extradition, but don't quote me i've read for too many hours before the blood red sun rose.

by the by, mr. wd's co-worker was incorrect: this smoke is from the east fork fire near vernal in NE utah, 15,000 acres 15% contained.

more in a bit on testimonials in front of the old bailey yesterday; one in particular made me weep.

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wendy davis's picture

@wendy davis

was epic, but it wasn't in quinn's coverage of day 2 that i'd seen that info about the 'superceding indictment'.

Julian Assange warned by judge after outburst during extradition trial;
WikiLeaks founder told he faces removal after interjection during lawyers’ exchange', sept. 8, 2020

i'm on a bit of a break day with a new, but broken mixer...on 3-loaves-of-bread day. we finally had to buy a new heating wood stove, it also arrived...broken, as did the fridge we bought six months ago and had to send back.

in the meantime, i'll check day 2 of from the courage foundation's coverage at the top of the OP.

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wendy davis's picture

‘Protestors condemn show trial of Julian Assange at the Old Bailey’, By our reporters, 8 September 2020

‘Demonstrators gathered outside the Old Bailey Central Criminal Court in London yesterday demanding freedom for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Longstanding supporters were joined by others who had travelled from across the UK. Despite difficulties posed by COVID-19, some came from Switzerland, France, Portugal, the United States, and Australia.

they quote pilger and hfaffnson, neither of whom were allowed into the court, as well as Agatha who’d come from Germany, Anna Price...and several others, all well-spoken.

Cheryl provided a damning testimonial, this is but a part:

“The Labour Party has become a version of the Tories, and I noticed a lot of bad things happened under Jeremy Corbyn. He never stood up for his followers. Corbyn had the momentum, and he could’ve told his followers about Assange, the same ones that took him to victory. In this supposedly democratic country, we should’ve been fighting. Instead he remained silent.

“When they were calling Corbyn anti-Semitic, he knew it was a lie. But he wouldn’t take them to court. When people who supported him were thrown under the bus, he let this happen, like Ken Livingstone, Marc Wadsworth and Chris Williamson. He never said anything. Now I see him talking on Twitter. We should say where were you when you were our leader? Why didn’t you talk up when you were our leader? Now you’re back to being a backbencher, now you are talking. That is cowardice. The Labour Party is like the Tory’s brother. We have no opposition now.”
“Corbyn lost a lot of support because of this. He will never be anything now, because people see him as a bloody coward. The same thing happened with Bernie Sanders in the US. They had the momentum and they threw it away.”

you my recall that corbyn had shown his true colors by saying that: ‘Julian Assange 'must answer' rape and sexual assault allegations in Sweden, Corbyn says’, april 13, 2019

but oh, my; t’was Elleane Green who made me cry"

“I have supported Julian for a long time now. I'm convinced that if we don't manage to turn this around, we are the last free people on the planet because no future generations will ever hear the truth about anything.

“They will never hear about evil because evil will be hidden and it's a future which I cannot bear to contemplate. All our children, our grandchildren, will live in darkness and evil and I'm not prepared to go into that without a big fight.

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