Navalny Poisoning Update - This is not an essay, but I would

like you to translatethe following article:
What happened at the airport of Tomsk This is an update article on the probable poisoning of Navalny, which includes the finding of the chemical (don't want to translate the articles, but the chemical substance found is an Cholinesterase inhibitor). The article goes into explaining how this chemical works in the human body.

I may try to google translate the article later. I think it is a good one and as precise as an article could be about the subject at this time.

You know the German saying for the dummies:

Sprüche zur Chemie
Chemie ist das was knallt und stinkt, Physik ist das was nie gelingt. Die Chemie arbeitet mit sauberen Substanzen und schmutzigen Methoden, die Physik mit sauberen Methoden und schmutzigen Substanzen, und die physikalische Chemie mit schmutzigen Methoden und schmutzigen Substanzen.

Well, now you know my dirty secret, my major for my Diploma was in the area of 'Physikalische Chemie'. A dirty twofer. If I were a little younger and less tired of life, I would have translated it for you. But I enjoy being lazy nowadays. I think I earned my laziness.

Now, of course it is also linked to my musings on brain deaths vs heart death today.

Fuck chemical weapons, that's all I have left to say. There is no fun in this article's content. Just saying.

PS Here is an English language article from Monday 24th of August from the Guardian:
Alexei Navalny tests point to possible nerve agent attack, experts say

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The Russian doctors did look for cholinesterase inhibitors but the labs found none. The Germans are claiming poisoning based on nothing. However they are decent enough to admit this:

"One thing surprises me," says Stahlmann. "It seems like some time has passed between taking the tea and the onset of symptoms. That doesn't really go with these substances."

Cholinesterase is a chemical that blocks the nerves from randomly firing. It's critical to the normal functioning of muscles because if they fire uncontrollably you will go into convulsions and your heart muscle will cease to productively contract. Atropine is sort of an antidote and the Russian doctors administered it, just in case.
Until someone comes up with a definitive analysis of a toxin in his blood using chromatography this is totally speculative.
If it was a toxin the next logical step is to find out who did it. As usual, the West simply points to Putin and says that he must have done it since we have other completely unproven allegations of poisoning. The fact is that Navalny is even less than an irritant for President Putin. Navalny polls at about 1% in Russia and is a massive flake, having been convicted twice for
embezzlement. He's actually a strong nationalist and a racist. His entire cause is corruption. Which is rich since President Putin cleaned up most of the corruption created in Russia by the new oligarch class built by Yeltsin and Clinton. You can easily get a protest permit in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Navalny prefers to protest without one or to move the protest to a different area than the permit. That way they get arrested by the police and it's reported in the Western press.
How big a deal will the West make of this? Past experience would indicate that Russophobia will rule. As I said, we should see both a definitive analysis of the poison and proof of a guilty party, otherwise the claims are total nonsense.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

Pluto's Republic's picture

... Alzheimer's disease, and other neuropsychiatric symptoms.

The cholinesterase inhibitors available are donepezil (Aricept™), galantamine (Reminyl™) and rivastigmine (Exelon™). These medications are believed to work by preventing the breakdown of a chemical in the brain called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is thought to be important for learning and memory.

I was wondering what kind of bullshit the gaslighters would come up with for this stupid hoax.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Coincidentally, last night I was reviewing the forensic work that Adam Carter performed on a prior Russia Hoax. It is the forensic study he did on the failed Mueller Report:

Carter's study, entitled, The Mueller Report - Expensive Estimations And Elusive Evidence, is really worth a look and a bookmark for later. It truly delivers:

Hi, Adam!


Russia Gate remains an ongoing crime and cover-up, being executed from within the US Intelligence community. These Russia Hoaxes all have one thing in common: The US government's complete lack of any physical evidence to back up their preposterous and dangerous accusations.

Adam Carter, as most of you know, works with the VIPS group (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) on various forensic projects and false flags attacks. Because the criminal activity continues, so do the forensic studies that expose them. You can see Carter's most recent evidence and updates here:

Carter's narratives, which describe his findings are published also at Muck Rack. All of the links above are good to have at hand when you need to pass along verifiable reality to others.

@Pluto's Republic

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mimi's picture

@Pluto's Republic
I have earned a Ph.D. in the "Counter Intelligence Program" of the next university near-by.
Meaning my intelligence is counter something something.

Did I mention that I hate the intertubes, because they are way too smart to help me figuring out ANYTHING.

Good Night.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@Pluto's Republic Maintaining correct levels is important. Destruction is catalyzed by an enzyme called cholinesterase (AKA acetylcholinesterase). In Alzheimer's disease, Aricept inceases the levels of acetylcholine by inibiting cholinesterase, and this can cause a temporary reduction of symptoms (you could think of it as making your nervous system more active). Stronger inhibition results in catastrophically high levels of acetylcholine and dysfunction of the nervous system. Many insecticides are cholinesterase inhibitors. I think the agent that supposedly poisoned the Skripals was an inhibitor that irreversibly bound to cholinesterase. The effects of cholinesterase inhibitors would generally be very quick, although one can imagine some sort of timed release. The odd thing to me, however, is that the Germans are supposedly detecting traces of a cholinesterase inhibitor. To know that a compound was a cholinesterase inhibitor, one would have to determine its structure, although one might be able to make a good guess by gas chromatography or liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy. In either case, one would know the compound. How can you identify something as a cholinesterase inhibitor without knowing its structure? Did they determine the levels of acetylcholine in the blood? We are either getting only part of the story or the story is fishy.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@Roy Blakeley The Germans did not identify a cholinesterase inhibitor. They found evidence for cholinesterase inhibition (presumably high acetylcholine, there may be a more direct assay). The Russians noted the same thing and gave him atropine--same as the Germans. There are lots of cholinesterase inhibitors including many insecticides.

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mimi's picture

undergone the chromatography testing at the Charité in Berlin: I find the strong responses somewhat premature.

May be I read into the German text less accusations than you do.The Guardian article I just added and scanned it a bit but not much.

We will wait and see.

There are many articles in the German media, who are sceptical, critical and some quite precise. I do not see unqualified Putin or Russia bashing. There are connection possbible with similar attack from Bulgaria, Ukraine etc.

One thing seems to be sure (again): we will never know the truth. Seems to be a feature and not a bug.

Sigh. I wished I hadn't posted the article or other articles without translations. I am just not up to the work, just to be met with accusations of posting biased German media articles.

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"....If Navalny was poisoned - which is not established - the next question must be how Navalny came into contact with a cholinesterase inhibitor. Was the contact caused by himself or by someone else? Was it intentionally or unintentionally?

Navalny's spokeswomen has insisted that the only substance Navalny ingested that morning was a tea from an airport bar. A CCTV video from the airport shows that the tea was brought from the bar by a person that then sits down with Navalny. They presumably traveled together. How would the airport barkeeper, if he supposedly poisoned Navalny, knew for whom the tea was?

As 'western' media continue with their "Putin poisoned Navalny" nonsense it is important to again point out that other people have more reason to harm Navalny than the Kremlin does:

During the last years Navalny has made some enemies by uncovering corruption cases. His latest one was about the local governor of Tomsk. It was also the reason why he had flown there. Should Navaly become the victim of a crime the suspects should be sought there..."

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enhydra lutris's picture


that poisoning had been confirmed, who, specifically, was on the damn plane with him and who fed him the tea. Surely Putin was neither.

be well and have a good one.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@aliasalias His collapse came forty minutes into the flight. Makes the poisoned tea hypothesis weak tea.

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snoopydawg's picture

and went into a diabetic coma. There is so much disinformation being spread I can't see my boots. Anyway I am wondering why we are so concerned about this guy when our great Saudi allies are torturing and beheading people? OR why aren't we as concerned about the 10's of thousands of Venezuelans and Iranians who are dying because of our sanctions? How about the genocidal ones we have put on Syria? Probably because it's RUSSIA Russia and makes Putin look bad.

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...why we are so concerned about this guy

My guess is not diabetic and the casual remark months before this incident about being diabetic was planted. Thus, it would not be diabetic coma. My second guess is insulin shock -- self administered.

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by Tony Cartalucci at Land Destroyer yesterday raises the possibility that if Navalny was poisoned, it would be of much more value to Western interests who want to destroy Nordstream than to Putin, who is not bothered by the U.S. State Department-sponsored troublemaker.

"Poisoned" Kremlin Critic Flown to Germany as German-Russian Nord Stream 2 Nears Completion

The perfectly timed poisoning of unpopular, ineffective Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny and the involvement of Germany comes as Washington sought to place maximum pressure on Berlin to cancel the German-Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

August 25, 2020 (Tony Cartalucci - LD)

... It should be noted that Navalny himself and the anemic opposition he leads is a product of the US State Department... channeled through Washington's notorious regime change arm, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

... It is documented fact that Navalny was funded by and specifically to serve US interests through the NED and a variety of other US-based programs and fellowships and clearly promoted throughout the entirety of the Western corporate media.

His inability to catalyze the sort of disruptive opposition the West seeks to create within Russia to undermine and eventually overthrow the nation's current political order represents a poor return on investment.

Navalny's fading brand is admitted openly even by his most eager supporters in the Western media - most recently in the above mentioned New York Times article describing his alleged poisoning.

German-Russian relations are particularly important for both nations at the moment - and perhaps more so for Moscow which seeks ways to circumvent full spectrum economic warfare waged against it by the United States.

The completion and use of Nord Stream 2 with its German partners would do much to cement Russian-European ties, perhaps even irreversibly short-circuiting US efforts to sabotage them.

The notion that the Kremlin would order Navalny's assassination at this time defies common sense and logic.

... An investigation and forthcoming facts may help better shape the full truth around this most recent incident - but at the moment - especially for "activists" backed by a palpably desperate US - they must consider who would benefit most from their harm or demise - the nations they are ineffectively opposing, or the nations who have invested millions into their cause and have not gotten the results they desire.

Then these "activists" must determine whether they are worth more to their disappointed foreign sponsors as living, ineffective, and unpopular opposition figures, or worth more by being potentially impactful - if even for a moment - as martyrs.

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mimi's picture

@Linda Wood
myself ... better not say aomething about it.

that if Navalny was poisoned, it would be of much more value to Western interests who want to destroy Nordstream than to Putin, who is not bothered by the U.S. State Department-sponsored troublemaker.

shhh ... conspiracistas hiding around the corner.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Linda Wood

Thanks for posting this, Linda. It clears up some of my confusion.

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On 12 September 2018, it was reported by the media that Mr. X had been hospitalized and was in critical condition in a toxicological department of the Bakhrushin City Clinical Hospital in Moscow. Doctors at the clinic suggested an overdose or poisoning with anticholinergic drugs, which are used to treat a variety of conditions, including dizziness, ulcers, insomnia, and asthma. His relatives suspected poisoning to be the cause, saying that he didn't take such medicine.

On 14 September, he was transferred to the specialist Sklifosovsky Institute clinic in Moscow. On 15 September, he was flown to Berlin, Germany, for further medical care and examination at the Charité hospital. On 17 September, it was reported that he was gradually recovering. On 18 September, doctors at the German hospital said in a statement that it was "highly probable" that he had been poisoned, that the cause was being investigated, but that he was going to make a complete recovery.

Mr. X was released from the hospital two weeks after his initial hospitalization (around 26 Sept. A poison has yet to be identified.

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