Beautiful photo Pricknick! Outstanding, great colors, and depth of field due to that blue clear sky spot. Wonderful image.
Michigan sunset.
6 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
My you have a lovely frond Janis! But I am really taking a likin' to your lichen! With that moss? Outstanding, two of my favorite things. Fantastic photo!
8 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
My you have a lovely frond Janis! But I am really taking a likin' to your lichen! With that moss?
" ... with that moss?" ... shameful.
My you have a lovely frond Janis! But I am really taking a likin' to your lichen! With that moss? Outstanding, two of my favorite things. Fantastic photo!
Here they are July 11, 6 days later just about to fledge
This is a female or immature Purple Martin
be well, play it safe!
livin' la vida quarantina!
10 users have voted.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
I learned something by being a smoker, and standing outside because of it, and there's a tiny bit of evidence in the second picture. At a certain point, the babies will begin to turn somewhat upside down in the nest, and with their little butts poking up, and over the edge, will poop. There's always a lot of poop under the nest, but won't be a lot inside of it. Sometimes they hit the side of the nest, as seen in photo 2, and I'm wondering if the one on the right is about to do its business (or just finished up), based on its position.
I know that's a weird observation, but I'm a weirdo. Have a great Saturday!
Hope all are doing well!
Here are some Barn Swallow babies July 5.
Here they are July 11, 6 days later just about to fledge
this is smoke from the walbridge inferno burning southeastwest. edit up is down. smoke is from the ancient ones i used to hug while hiking the trails in armstrong woods. sometimes running like tennies with wings. apollo adjacent
rebirth hello. you can see the 101 sound wall in view now since they cut down the grandmother oak that was too close i guess. it is right there above the roof in the middle. just to the left of the lemon tree oh so pretty and the sister grandma oak that was spared. cmon feel the noise girls rock your boys.
this is smoke from the walbridge inferno burning southeastwest. edit up is down. smoke is from the ancient ones i used to hug while hiking the trails in armstrong woods. sometimes running like tennies with wings. apollo adjacent
rebirth hello. you can see the 101 sound wall in view now since they cut down the grandmother oak that was too close i guess. it is right there above the roof in the middle. just to the left of the lemon tree oh so pretty and the sister grandma oak that was spared. cmon feel the noise girls rock your boys.
...are just exquisite. I stared at them for the longest time as if they were cyphers carrying a message I could almost make out. I was reminded of Audubon. The black background is a knockout.
I liked the images because they generate different associations. Thank you for your vision. It's always such a pleasure for me to read what others see.
Enchanting photo janis.
Michigan sunset.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Very nice sunset Pricknick
I'm partial to those.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thank you Pricknick
That you find it enchanting makes me very happy.
Thanks for the next best thing to being there. The sun's warmth, and the setting light is strongly felt.
Great pic P!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
the fire comes from the heavens ... /nt
Thanks for hosting Janis
We've been celebrating a little. Bollox Minor has submitted a research paper for review and publication.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Congratulations Bolloxs
Is that a pinhole photo of Fred ; ). You guys are an amazing team. That is such an entertaining photo, thanks.
The pinks, blues, greens
in your second shot are quite choice.
Not a pinhole camera. Just a long box and waiting for Fred to look down for a toy and a quick snapshot.
from a reasonably stable genius.
You sound like a kiwi.
I agree about the colours. They're more playful and bright.
beautiful pix Janis!
My you have a lovely frond Janis! But I am really taking a likin' to your lichen! With that moss? Outstanding, two of my favorite things. Fantastic photo!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Damn dystopian, you are a so funny
" ... with that moss?" ... shameful.
great pix all!
Hope all are doing well!
Here are some Barn Swallow babies July 5.

Here they are July 11, 6 days later just about to fledge

This is a female or immature Purple Martin

be well, play it safe!
livin' la vida quarantina!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Are barn swallows missing their barns?
I guess garages will do in the absence of barns. The fewer number of barns left must be difficult for many creatures.
last photo ... if I just could decide which birdie I would like
to be ... 'Wenn ich ein Vöglein wäre, flög ich zu Dir' ... yep, I would.
Hi mimi
wow, beautiful sound, that birdie makes me fly
to ... you, of course.
Thanks, janis.
Random Barn Swallow observation
I learned something by being a smoker, and standing outside because of it, and there's a tiny bit of evidence in the second picture. At a certain point, the babies will begin to turn somewhat upside down in the nest, and with their little butts poking up, and over the edge, will poop. There's always a lot of poop under the nest, but won't be a lot inside of it. Sometimes they hit the side of the nest, as seen in photo 2, and I'm wondering if the one on the right is about to do its business (or just finished up), based on its position.
I know that's a weird observation, but I'm a weirdo. Have a great Saturday!
a view from a room
this is smoke from the walbridge inferno burning south
eastwest. edit up is down. smoke is from the ancient ones i used to hug while hiking the trails in armstrong woods. sometimes running like tennies with wings. apollo adjacentSonoma County wildfire grows to 43,286 acres
goodbye old friends
Walbridge fire hits upper part of Armstrong Woods State Natural Reserve
temps forecast over 100f saturday. good luck
rebirth hello. you can see the 101 sound wall in view now since they cut down the grandmother oak that was too close i guess. it is right there above the roof in the middle. just to the left of the lemon tree oh so pretty and the sister grandma oak that was spared. cmon feel the noise girls rock your boys.
the wind shifts today
jump everybody jump
#6 - Happy Trails - 1969
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA1B-wUdiqs width:420]
peace and love
Hi eyo, "goodbye old friends ... rebirth hello"
“The redwoods know how to live with this,” Godley said. “We’re hopeful the ecosystem knows how to bounce back.” I sincerely hope so.
A frondly tip
for those feeling palm-deprived and on a budget -
I've had luck sprouting seeds from store-bought dates.
Oldest one is still less than a foot high, but has survived a
year and a half or so and is putting out new growth...
Growing citrus from seed can be fun, too:
Thanks Blue Republic, for the interesting video
about germinating citrus seeds. It was an interesting experiment, and it makes sense that the seed with its skin in soil works best.
Enjoyed and ...
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Those botanical compositions at the top
...are just exquisite. I stared at them for the longest time as if they were cyphers carrying a message I could almost make out. I was reminded of Audubon. The black background is a knockout.
Thanks Pluto
I liked the images because they generate different associations. Thank you for your vision. It's always such a pleasure for me to read what others see.