"Let Us Entertain You..." DNC Strategy emerges

Is it possible that the DNC strategy is to beat Trump at his own game? Here's what I mean: If you can see that Trump won, at least in part, on his entertainment value and on his "I can/will fix everything" lies, then what the DNC has been doing starts to make some sense.

(Full disclosure, I watched very little of each nights offerings. I caught up a bit the day after, but what I saw was a shiny empty pageant of fluff and relentless Identity Politics. Identity Politics are favored by the Democrats because this signalling doesn't cost the ruling class any money. At least directly.)

My theory is that Eva Longoria, Kerry Washington, Tracee Ellis Ross and tonight, Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, as the four evenings "hosts" are explained by the desire to emulate a reality show with popular women emcees. Not so different from an awards show with the flashy videos and Hollywood level presentations.

The strategy is in line with the DNC's refusal to outline any proposal that might put off its donors or its intended Republican targets.

Hence the referring to important issues in a non-specific feel-good way. Gun control legislation? We showed a lovely video! Climate Threats? Covered it! Immigration? You betcha! and the Biggie, Covid? Joe's Got it!

Trump won by aiming for the lowest fruits on the tree, racial animus and tribal hatred, all in a narcissistic bundle who spun endless stories in 2016 about the wonderfulness of Himself and promises of fixing everything.

The DNC offered us Liz---droning on about herself. Kamala telling her stories and Cuomo spinning nonsense which painted himself as the defeater of Covid. During, as others have pointed out, half-time. Not to mention Obama trying to defend himself and the 8 years of failure to improve the lot of the working-class. oy vey.

There wasn't a trace of any specific policy to help Americans without jobs or Americans facing foreclosure and eviction.

Both Trump and the Dems blather about lowering drug costs but none of them mean it. Pharma keeps the lights on in TV stations.

Trying to beat Trump at his own game might be the last gasp of a moribund party.

Trying to out-Trump Trump is at best, a dubious plan. 50/50 on it's winning at this point. IMHO.

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Empty theater. Empty promises. Same old same old. And yes, very trumpian in their very own vapid way. I've not watched any of it and will not. Reading a few quick headlines is more than enough. It's a slap in the face to those of us who know better and they enjoy that. My two Dem friends and I haven't even discussed it which is better really, what's the point.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Pricknick's picture

I believe the dem plan is to lose.
Who the royal fuck wants to inherit an empire in demise?
If trump wins we continue down the road of endless money printing.
If biden wins we likely go into decimating austerity.
Buckle up.

25 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

@Pricknick It's the who wants to hold the baby wearing a loose diaper getting ready to poop theory. No argument from me.

23 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

My theory is that Eva Longoria, Kerry Washington, Tracee Ellis Ross and tonight, Julia Louis-Dreyfuss, as the four evenings "hosts" are explained by the desire to emulate a reality show with popular women emcees. Not so different from an awards show with the flashy videos and Hollywood level presentations.

But it does make sense looking at it that way.

The strategy is in line with the DNC's refusal to outline any proposal that might put off its donors or its intended Republican targets.

Policies? What do you mean by policies? Austerity is going to run through any domestic policies because if you remember Pelosi did something procedurally to make paygo the number one rule.

Remember what happened last time Biden was in an administration during a recession. This is worse than then.

22 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg No Policies.

Not even dopey "I have a plan for that" pretense.

8 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


I posted a Rising video in today's OT thread where Krystal pounds Warren for bringing back her "I have a plan for that" but gave it to Biden. It is beyond ridiculous what is coming from the convention, but if you look at the headlines we see that Biden has nailed returning us from the darkness of Trump. Look at the wreck list and see how many diaries are on that nonsense. Biden/Dems are not going to do a damn thing for us just like Biden/MyBoss didn't. If you hated Obama's 8 years you're going to hate Biden's 4.

Here's the vid

Lol Krystal is totally fed up with the democrats and their lack of offering us anything different than Trump other than just putting the mask back on the imperial presidency.

IF you want me to vote for you then come get it by offering something I can vote for and not just vote against. Trump wouldn't have been able to do as much as he has if the dems hadn't been supporting him. It's this simple.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


My aging computer kept stalling during Pete's speech and every freeze highlighted the rat meme he had going for him. He starts out talking about his marriage........blah blah blah and "if same sex marriage could become legal between 2010 and 2020 imagine what we could achieve with future former republicans standing for an America where everyone belongs."

Yeah that and a lot of money will get you health insurance with high premiums and ridiculous deductibles. Imagining that people have money in their bank accounts to pay their outstanding bills ain't gonna do shit for those who don't have it. And guess what? Rumors are that Pelosi is going to 'cave' once again on getting help to those who need it. Sure Nancy we will JUST HANG ON!!!! and keep waiting to see what you are going to do with your negotiations with Mnuchin. Oh and by the way after you repeated what DeJoy told you about the post office are you going to insist that he does reverse the damage or you will remove him? No? Okay just seeing if I got that right. This worthless bag of skin and bones needs to be voted out. I haven't seen any polling coming from the race. Has anyone got a finger on this pulse?
I am thoroughly disgusted with the folks who say that Biden is exactly who we need to be president while actually ignoring that the people living on the edge are going to receive nothing from a Biden presidency because he has told us that over and over. Let's talk about that you yahoos.

"Cory Booker SHAMES Voters, Says They're 'Privileged' If They Don't Vote"

One more video that starts out with Booker saying that those who do not vote (for Biden) are privilege and aren't thinking about the people who are living on the edge. BS, Cory!! It's your party that is not going to do a damn thing for them. Next up is Bernie sheepdawging and really twisting the truth about Biden. I have been asking if Trump was out of the picture would Bernie be saying the same things? Most say yes.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg I hadn't seen the second clip so thanks for posting it. @snoopydawg

The Dems are being careful not to offer any Vote Fors that could possibly ruffle the righties feathers. I expect to hear a lot about "protecting pre-existing conditions." As if something won 10 years ago is now a reason to rally for.

Obama got away with having voters read into him whatever they needed to hear. I doubt Joe will get away with that quite as well.

6 users have voted.


Shahryar's picture

"Won't you send us $3?"

I think the reason they take turns losing is so the suckers don't wise up and say "didn't you promise ....?"

16 users have voted.

@Shahryar money is the sole raison d'etre of the DNC.

Fully on display now with Pelosi's endorsement of Joe Kennedy over Ed Markey in Massachusetts.

12 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Operation entertainment.
Devoid of content.
Got an appeal from the dccc
with the pelosi brand on it
had to laugh at the enclosed picture
of pandering nancy standing up to
the trumpet at some oval table
some drivel about buying back the house
sent it back collect

they really like losing

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS losing while raking in the bucks.

it's what for dinner!

6 users have voted.


raving about what a "decent guy" Joe Biden is... to the point that I wanted to throw up. I don't comment on that page because my husband is still working, but if I could I would have said...."Joe Biden is a decent guy ONLY IF YOU DON'T READ ANYTHING ABOUT HIS RECORD AND HIS LIES ABOUT HIS LIFE!"

Thanks, I feel better. Had to get that off my chest!

17 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

@Fishtroller 02 @Fishtroller 02 That "decent guy" was the Chairman of the committee that prevented students declaring bankruptcy in order to discharge their student debt. Student debt may hang around your neck for your entire life.

Trump, OTOH, declared bankruptcy 6 times and got to start again.

13 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


This is going on the Twit this afternoon.

Biden made bankruptcy harder for us and prevented people from discharging their student debts while Trump has declared bankruptcy 6 times.

Tell me why I should vote for him?

Well done.

10 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

is going to work with black voters - the biggest demographic of new gun owners has been black women for a number of years now - and with escalating violence and many Dems pushing defunding of police it is unsurprising that many people feel that they have to take responsibility for defending themselves.

More than two million people had become first-time gun owners in less that the first six months of 2020 and a million of those were women - average purchase was nearly $600 dollars and by far the most popular type of weapon was the semiautomatic handgun.

Hard to imagine the Democrats' confiscatory gun message resonating with these folks...

Michael ('Killer Mike') Render op-ed:

“My message to Black people across the country is the same today as it was a year ago: the only person you can count on to protect yourself and your family is you.”

Video from 2017 but probably even more relevant today:

8 users have voted.

@Blue Republic good point!

3 users have voted.



They know that the votes will not be counted accurately. The show business of the convention is in lieu of actual democracy. Maybe Trump wins. Maybe Kamala wins. The voters will have nothing to do with that decision. But we are not quite at the point where they can make jokes about the phony vote process, so the Dems put on a Made For TV Convention whose main purpose was to further the rehabilitation of the Bush Family Business in the public "mind."

12 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

but seems off to me. The parade of (newly woke?) celebrities was done in '08 by team Obama. Doubt it was much of a factor in that election. However, Obama and the DP believe there was an Obama coalition and all they need to do is resuscitate -- as if they didn't attempt to do that in '16.

They are also being selective as to the factors they believe were relevant to Obama's '08 solid win and dismissing other relevant factors. Bush/Cheney = bad, Trump = bad (both very true); ergo, Obama = win, Biden = win. Except, the '08 equation was Bush/Cheney and McCain Palin = bad, Obama wins. In '12 when it was just Romney/Ryan = bad, Obama's win was much narrower. Then in '16 Trump/Pence plus Russia/Putin = bad, didn't produce a HRC win. Obama/Clinton = bad (again true enough), Trump/Pence win. Was the '16 election entertaining? Only in the most limited sense -- humorless clownishness v. humorless dull as dishwater.

dynamic (generally young) beats tired/stale (generally old)
less war bests more war (contrary to what DC pols believe)
promise of better economy beats a current bad economy or no economic answers from a nominee

While a second term for Obama was always in the cards, Obama cemented that in his response to Romney's claim that Russia is our number one enemy. Why Obama and Kerry then proceeded to elevate Russia/Putin to the old evil empire is a curiosity, but as Trump ran as the anti-Obama, it put one more arrow in his quiver, and this was a twofer, less war to HRC's more war with Russia.

Is Trump in as deep doo-doo as Carter was in 1980 and a senile one could take him out? We shall see.

Then there's this:


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