How Do We Know When We've Won or Lost?
I will never forget the first week of this War Against the Invisible Enemy. On March 10, during a nationally televised basketball game, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver ordered the end of all NBA games, effective at the final buzzer. Two days later, before Trump declared a National Emergency, toilet paper disappeared from grocery stores and hoarding turned shopping into a Third World dystopian ordeal. At that point, there was no governmental order -- just panic. "If there is no more sports, something really BIG must be going on!"
From then to now, a hodge podge of orders, reversals and resumptions of various policies have materialized from a bewildering parade of politicians, bureaucrats and designated experts who appear on TV almost every day to reveal the latest numbers, curves, surges, spikes, waves, explosions and wildfires that show that whatever we have done so far to stop the virus has not worked.
There was never any debate at all, and the strategy for fighting the virus was just announced without any discussion of other alternatives. This was yet another example of binary framing -- either you are with us or you are with the terrorists, either you support Russiagate or you are a MAGA head, either you support every detail of the restrictions or you are a Trump supporting moron and a terrorist bent on the slaughter of innocents.
Although there were no options offered or considered, the unquestionable truth changes from time to time. First masks were unnecessary, but today they are the most important tool for saving lives. The original rationale that I heard from Governor Gavin Newsome was to prevent "hospital overload." This was a rational point, as the actual number of people likely to die from this or any other virus has never been suggested to be civilization threatening. The highest percentage of the population ever to perish from a virus in American history came from the 1918-20 Spanish Flu with deaths over three years adding up to -- less than one percent of the population. Much of this carnage took place during World War I, and medical science of the era was close to helpless against a virus.
So, with the Worst Case Scenario looking to be horrific for those who die or get seriously sick from it, but not threatening of civilization itself, the rationale was not presented to the public as an effort to prevent infection. It was to "flatten the curve," one of many idiotic reified metaphors employed in the PR campaign in support of the lockdown. The explicit purpose was to prevent hospital overload -- a gruesome image of parking dead bodies in the alley and turning away heart attack and cancer victims.
That particular rationale disappeared for a while as the focus in the early days was on New York City, Seattle and a few other cities with big numbers of people showing up in the hospitals with the virus. It came back into the headlines in June into July as surges and spikes led to significant hospitalization increases in several locations that had previously not seen so many infections. I just googled up "hospital overload covid." Here are the first results:
US coronavirus: 56 Florida hospital ICUs have hit capacity ... (July 7)
Coronavirus spike overwhelms California hospital workers ... (July 13)
Coronavirus wave threatens to swamp Florida, Texas ... (June 26)
“All the Hospitals Are Full”: In Houston, Overwhelmed ICUs ... (July 10)
'All the hospitals are full': In Houston, overwhelmed ICUs leave ... (July 10) NBC
Doctors Fear Arizona Virus Overload as Hospital Cases Top ... (June 17)
Coronavirus surge stressing Texas hospitals in major cities ... (July 5)
Internal messages reveal crisis at Houston hospitals as ... (July 1)
'When we're full, we're full': COVID-19 pushes San Antonio ... (July 6)
Banner Health warns COVID-19 trend could overload Arizona ... (June 5)
I checked Google News with the same search, and not one story about Hospital Overload in the month of August. I believe I recall perhaps a half a dozen hospital specific stories about overload over the last few months, but every single one of the above listed news accounts is about a prediction of overload rather than a past tense report of massive numbers overwhelming the health care system.
One way of looking at that is that we have succeeded in preventing hospital overload. Trump should be taking a victory lap, right?
Of course not. We are getting waxed by the virus. Here is a link to an Atlantic Magazine article that explains "How The Pandemic Defeated America."
How did it come to this? A virus a thousand times smaller than a dust mote has humbled and humiliated the planet’s most powerful nation. America has failed to protect its people, leaving them with illness and financial ruin. It has lost its status as a global leader. It has careened between inaction and ineptitude. The breadth and magnitude of its errors are difficult, in the moment, to truly fathom.
How indeed?
There never was a mission statement, just directives and shifting rationales. The plain meaning of the strategy was never articulated -- rather than treat people who get sick and try to keep them from spreading their infection, we are trying to prevent the virus from moving from person to person by preventing almost all personal interaction.
In hindsight, I am amazed at the hubris of the strategy -- demanding that everybody give up their personal liberty and that a quarter of the population give up their jobs, their homes and their futures. The People were compliant for the most part and we got to see the surreal spectacle of extended street demonstrations and rioting by people wearing masks to prevent the spread of the virus.
How could anybody imagine that a society as utterly corrupt and divided as the USA could accomplish anything that required universal cooperation? Didn't anybody notice the last four years of American political history as both major parties accuse each other of fundamental illegitimacy, up to and including treason. Well, the people, whether smart or dumb, have obeyed the directives for the most part, but our elected, appointed and corporate "leadership" has totally fucked everything up.
There was no public effort to quantify the cost of preventing almost all personal interaction, but the Congress gave us a clue as to what the business community believed the cost to them would be -- several trillion dollars. And, while they were at it, they postponed the final accounting for the tens of millions of people who lost their jobs by handing out a much smaller chunk of money that is running out as we speak. Now either landlords or tenants will have to bear the brunt of massive economic dislocation. Anybody want to bet on who wins that little zero sum game?
Just for shits and giggles and what might have been, I wonder what we could have done with 10 trillion dollars in terms of treatment and quarantine of people who got sick. I saw a time lapse film of China building field hospitals from the ground up over the course of a week or so. Who knows what might have worked better?
My favorite example of what passes for public discourse is the Case of Sweden. Some voices early on touted Sweden for taking a more realistic approach. Then other voices, including some guy in the Swedish government said -- Lookie There! More people dying from this shit in Sweden than in the USA! Uh, it is too early to make a meaningful comparison about strategies, because OUR DEATH COUNT AIN'T OVER YET.
(On edit.) As a matter of fact, the reported virus fatalities in Sweden have diminished dramatically since peaking in early April. The number of deaths recorded in that country for the entire month of August through yesterday is 18! Only one fatality in the last week. The current total is still slightly higher as a percentage of the population than in the USA -- by approximately one one hundredth of one percent. Since tracing the "curve" is the approved way of evaluating this crisis, as of today, the USA is headed for a far worse experience than Sweden.
Of course, these curves can turn up or down without asking permission, and Sweden could face the Mother of All Spikes starting tomorrow -- but as of today, their scheme looks to be a lot better than our clusterfuck.
Where are all those hectoring geniuses who were condemning Sweden for believing in the fairy tale of Herd Immunity? I never heard the phrase before in my life and I still don't know what it means, but Internet Experts were chortling over anyone so idiotic to think there was such a thing or that Sweden did anything but slaughter its own citizens. (End edit.)
After all this plays out, a few months or a few years or a few decades from now, then we can know whether the idea of allowing the virus to play itself out was smarter or dumber than the idea of trying to keep the virus from spreading by shutting down almost all human interaction.
I have no earthly idea how that grizzly accounting will come out and it is entirely possible that the shut down idea will prolong the lives of hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of people.
Or maybe not.
One of the most plausible criticisms of my point of view is that we did not really follow a coherent lockdown regimen which explains the higher percentages of infection and death within the US than every other country on earth. I am sure that a better planned and better enforced campaign would have worked better than what we did.
If all those assholes in Congress were really afraid of the virus, they would have dropped their silly-assed perpetual game of The Dozens and pulled together to save our society. Instead, you see what they just did -- went home to campaign for reelection. During the ban on public events.
We live in a totally dysfunctional society. All that Can-Do Spirit that went into coining aphorisms like, "Wearing a mask is not an exercise in giving up your freedom. It is an IQ test!" is a perfect example of the insanity of our response to the virus. Organized shaming of those who doubt the honesty of our government is not a good way to encourage compliance. It is a good way to encourage civil war.
So, what is the Metric that tells us that the Virus has Gone Away? Will we ever see it? Or is somebody playing a different game altogether? A game that is separate from keeping people from getting sick?

We will know we have won
when we accept a disciplined life that is not being lived a thousand miles an hour outside of ourselves but is being lived in community, helping and supporting each and every living being. Living in the present moment, living with love toward all, living with gratitude. Until Americans get there, we will be in this "loss." Give it five years.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
New York State
took very heavy losses early on ---more or less 30,000 deaths---but we got our act together and now seem to have this thing under control. As we open back up very gradually, things may change but for now I can tell you that the actions we took were very effective.
First, we all wore masks outdoors. I'm out and about every day and it is rare for me to see an unmasked face.
Second, the giant marches and protests we had for months, in the open air, with everyone masked, led to NO outbreaks.
Third, Social distancing is enforced as much as possible in the outdoor bars and restaurants.
It seems that if Florida and GA, etc, wanted to stop the spread in their states, the method of doing that is pretty clear. What's your delay, guys?
OTOH, if NY opens the schools as they plan to on September 10, I'm afraid we will see a resurgence of the Virus.
I can tell you Georgia’s problem.
Our election-stealing Governor is an a—hole who is out to make political hay.
Next question?
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Trump is killing the Post Office! Somebody said something stupid on the internet! OMG Trump! I’m Ridin’ with Biden!
Everything we care about is being hyper-politicized. The Post Office is an important part of our nation, but TPTB are content to use it in an insane tug-of-war to rally recalcitrant or low information voter to legitimize their control of the country. Ditto for masks and social distancing. All of it used in a struggle for power with no regard for the 99%. Jay Gould once said, “I can hire one-half of the working class to kill the other half.” It looks like his spirit is alive in our current crop of feudal lords.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
New York leads the world in Covid Deaths.
So if we just stay locked down forever, and never resume public education, we will be ok? I would really appreciate an answer to the question of the thread -- how do we know when we've won?
I don't know what you are talking about with respect to Florida and Georgia, but in Los Angeles, I wear a mask and if you want to gain entry to anywhere, you have to have your mask on. Social Distancing is also observed extremely well.
Yet I get calls from friends and relatives who "hear" that "Southern California" is spiking! I dunno, but whatever is happening here, it ain't because of people not wearing masks or social distancing.
And, bragging about how well your state has dealt with the virus from the hardest hit location in the world is not much of an endorsement of how well the lockdown is working. I will happily concede that the number of deaths has reduced, very likely due to the masks and six feet of space between people in public. But, you turn around and say that if the schools open up, the pandemic will reassert itself.
Which means that you do not think this is over yet. Ahem.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Knowing we have “won” should rely on science,
which is ever evolving. Framing this as a war might not be wise, but that is what our “leaders” have chosen to do.
The novel coronavirus is so to new scientists that predicting an end would be highly speculative. Going around with no real plan doesn’t seem to be working, but I read a quote recently where a billionaire described Covid19 as a “poor man’s disease.” Remember George Carlin’s caution, “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.” Those with the least to lose have no real incentive to bring about a tidy conclusion. They are generally cleaning up. Some businesses are failing or being absorbed by the mega-corporations, leaving fewer people evermore powerful.
So what does all this have to do with mask wearing? Scientifically masks can help limit the spread of infection. But politically they can be used to polarize the populace and exercise power, not to mention the potential profits in mask sales.
I expect all sorts of political announcements regarding whether we are winning or losing. I’m not even sure how much we can trust the data that we see since we know how it can be manipulated. I don’t think there is an answer to your question. Still, you have the right to ask it.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Excellent comment
It was a rhetorical question after all. There is no answer, although I have seen a sprinkling of "expert" testimony suggesting that there may never be an end to this pandemic and it eventually becomes an endemic disease killing some hundreds of thousands of Americans per year, every year from now on.
If that is so, do we stay at shelter in place and build an atomized culture of people who remain at least two meters apart for ever?
Is anybody in "science" even thinking about that? If so, are their findings or speculations allowed on Facebook or Twitter?
A lot of people have a lot of emotion invested in being on the right "side" of this argument, which is usually reduced to the question of masks.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
The problem is that actual
science takes time. And time is the one thing that people are no longer willing to invest: the Internet provides answers instantly, so all answers are now assumed to be available instantly. People are broke, and jobless, and homeless, and they want answers NOW, and there simply aren't any based on decent science just yet.
So whoever wants to be paid attention to these days simply needs to provide their preferred answers in a very authoritative voice, and as long as their answer contains something that some people somewhere somehow want to be true, then by Gawd they must be experts and it becomes True-with-a-capital-T. This situation is the demagogue's wet dream. It has also led to an absolutely ungodly proliferation of junk science, which has resulted in people saying things like "It doesn't need to be proven to a blue medal gold standard- if it seems to work, it's good enough, and it needs to be made available NOW...".
We are no longer willing to wait for science to provide peer reviewed and definitive answers: there are an increasing number of people who simply don't and won't believe in what it says in any case. There are more and more people whose lives have been destroyed who need a plan. And there are enough people demanding that all the public child-warehouses open back up *regardless of cost* that that is going to happen whether it makes any sense or not.
No matter what, science is going to take time. We still don't know what really works, what really doesn't, what impact there will be on the life expectancy of survivors, how bad it will get this winter, any of it. So we are simply going to kill more people.
I have no overarching wisdom here: all I can do is mourn the death of Truth at the hands of demagoguery, infotainment and instant gratification. I'm not going to live long enough for the current situation to be visible in the rear view mirror, for the necessary postgame analysis that might lead to any real epiphanies. I don't believe that we will "win" this in my lifetime.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Thank you for a rational response
Science does not speak with only one voice which makes it even harder to know when we have won or lost. And science offers no guarantees either.
That is what is so weird about news articles proclaiming that a vaccine will be ready in October.
Yes, Science is the new God -- the omnipotent force that controls nature. If we just give the scientists enough time, they can whup this virus.
Maybe. We will see.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I think NY did a good job of reducing the spread of infection. We learned that crowds outside aren't as dangerous as we thought.
We will know if we have won when schools are open and the infection rates don't go up.
I'm not sure why you seem annoyed.
Forgive my tone if it implies personal annoyance
I am looking for answers to the question and you gave it with this post. It ain't over.
And there is a big honking IF in your answer about when it will be over. We are in agreement that there is no way to know when it will be over.
On the other hand, we don't have to guess about what is happening to our social cohesion due to the effort to keep people apart.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
No worries---
These are trying times with a possibly unsolvable crisis.
My best guess is that Covid is here to stay and we will have treatments to keep us from dying.
And Pharma raking in the bucks.
Like HIV-AIDS. No vaccine. Also no more inevitable death. Dr. Fauci was around for that virus also.
"Also no more inevitable death."
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I am clueless pretty much. Only one metric for me.
Only one metric for me. I am still alive. When I read about the list of those who died in my state, it is a portrait of me. Over 60 with underlying conditions. I try to take the most strict measures like wearing a mask AND gloves. Have rule that I will visit no more than two stores if I need to go shopping.
When the admonition came out that masks don't work, I stopped believing anything from government sources. I remember early on when masks were just beginning to be recognized as needed, major media outlets tried to discourage people from making their own masks. Later hospitals would encourage locals to sew masks if they gave them the materials.
The outside prohibitions seen to now be extreme. Masked protesters don't seem to spike cases. But again, who trusts the numbers. Just being outside lowers chances of getting the virus as some indication that UV light destroys the virus. Some guy shaming people on a deserted beach becomes a social media hero but then says okay to protest with a mask.
Most of the severe local outbreaks seem to occur at retirement homes and companies requiring workers to be in tight enclosed places like food processors. But a local popular pundit cries in a pod cast basically implying only black people are dying of the virus. One popular ocean side resort almost put in plan that did not require POC to wear masks. Jared Kushner puts forward a plan that would hurt blue states because they were, well, blue.
I am lucky that I work in high tech and most companies had built IT infrastructure for home based work (well, any sort of remote work). But not sure how many of the small starts or boutique outfits will last.
It is useless to contact my national democratic party elected leaders--they are powerless as incompetent Pelosi and Schumer control the agenda (with Mitch's permission).
The only good thing is that people around me are doing their most earnest for themselves and others.
So all of this is to say I am confused and clueless like probably most people.
Honorable Answer
From the start, what bothered me the most was the disjunction between this being a novel entity and the air of self confidence coming from SO MANY different internet voices to the effect that anybody questioning the Official Story is either an idiot or a terrorist or both.
At first, I attributed that to a kind of Platonic Noble Lie. Unless people were really, really scared, they would not comply with the necessary infringements on individual liberty that the strategy demands. So, I figured that the messaging from the various health bureaucracies and governmental leaders was intended to frighten people into compliance.
But I have never been able to make any sense out of the strategy itself. The kernel of the idea is understandable -- keep people separate from each other and nobody can get the disease. But, uh, that is not really possible. So, we come as close as we can . . . .
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
When my smooth coat border collie/pit mix
was a puppy, he knew that herding cats was a losing proposition and big waste of time for even a high energy dog. Our older than dirt pit mix never quite figured out that barking at snowflakes wouldn't make them go away so he kept trying. Similarly, expecting 'Muricans to STFU and pull together is a fool's errand.
I'm fairly certain that this is above the ability of either dog (though I'm not sure Kevin couldn't figure it out) to figure out but most of us should not be surprised that a chaotic, irresponsible, and intentionally/criminally inept response for our leaders would result in a chaotic flustercluck that is leaving so many dead, with long term health problems, homeless, penniless, and totally confused to name a few.
Is there anyone who expects trump, his henchmen, or anyone, either party, in an elected or appointed government position (federal, state, local) with any real power to perform competently? We are on our own unless we can band together with friends, family, and neighbors to survive. It's been time to stop waiting for sanity or help, wondering why it's not forthcoming, and find a way to live life as it is not as we wish it was or could be. Seriously, it's time to stop wasting time on "why/why me?" and figure out how I and mine can keep on keeping on.
The short version is stop wondering why herding cats doesn't work, stop barking, and find out what we can do individually and together with those we can rely on.
FwF I could probably write at least as long an essay with the answers I have for questions but I know what rhetorical means. None of the possible answers are important. What you wrote gives a very clear picture of your confusion and how the events of 2020 have affected you. You're not alone. Most Americans, even the idjits, are in the same leaky boat. It really is a time to clearly see what life is and deal with what you can do to make yours the best it can be. Sorry mate. That's just how it is.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Excellent Comment
I love movie references and your post reminds me of Rip Torn in Men In Black. A spaceship full of mean spirited aliens had just given its terms -- one hour to give them what they want or they would destroy Planet Earth. Will Smith protested that this really was not fair.
"Sucks, doesn't it?"
In another one of my jeremiads on this board I compared myself to Woody Allen as a little boy in Annie Hall. He had heard about the Big Bang Theory and the expanding universe and he quit doing his homework. "If the universe is expanding, then eventually it will all break apart and that will be the end of everything."
This board is for me like his Mom:" "How is that your business? You live in Brooklyn. Brooklyn's not expanding."
Yep! I need to just suck it up and face the facts. But I had other plans . . . .
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
an excellent piece
with so many superb comments. Rec'd +. as to the Q of multiple and conflicting opinions from experts on the science, in the case of this virus, science has become multi-religious.
as to your Q on knowing when it will be over, some posit that it will Never Be Over, as lockdown control has been so very good for Wall Street, including BigPharma and Bezos.
Sergeant Dow Jones industrial average is about 27845; ain't amerika great?
how could i have forgotten to
add the belief of the most famous doctor in the world? bill gates says that 'we may turn the corner at the close of 2021', but paradoxically that 'museums may never open again'.
on edit: what also matters is what the head of gates-owned WHO (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) believes?
a hint of sorts?
At the rate we are going, what will be open by the end of 2021 will be nothing at all.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
yet he'd said both,
oddly enough. and i'd edited my initial comment above as to to reflect the director general's thinking.
i'm lost in what IS open, still closed, myself. which 'essential services', for instance.
i dunno, ive been working on longish gates piece, trying to find the satire of it, but somehow it's hard to keep teh funny, yanno?
The clock didn't start on March 10
It was ticking in the first few days of January. A wave of 'viral pneumonia' of unknown cause at that point. That's when real leaders (if there are any in the world) first took notice and began monitoring the developments, and preliminarily initiated task forces of experts in science, medicine, and public health.
The first US case was reported three days BEFORE China locked down Wuhan on 23 January. When they knew what it was, how it was being transmitted, and had a test for it. They did publicly acknowledge a death on 11 Jan. Why would anyone think that China resorted to a 'lockdown' if the disease wasn't serious and wasn't spreading rapidly? (Americans chose to denigrate China as a dictatorship denying its people freedom. As if the people in Wuhan were such a threat to the dictatorship that locking them in was the means to clamping down on them. Not that there had been any reports of conflict in Wuhan and it wasn't off the beaten path for international travel.)
WTH were the infectious disease and public health experts in the west doing during those early days? Less than nothing. Fauci deserves to rot in hell for dismissing the value of face masks to limit the spread of a coronavirus. People in the east have long known the effectiveness of masks. However, this bug is apparently different in that one can be infectious before becoming ill. (That isn't true for SARS-Cov-1)
The public could easily have been given accurate and helpful information beginning at the end of January. South Korea did. And updated those public statements as knowledge and the spread of the disease developed without creating needless and counterproductive panic, IOW don't repeat the mess we saw in this country during the Ebola outbreak in Africa.
As it is, the US went with an extraordinarily costly lockdown and didn't get our money's worth because it had none of the necessary elements for success. "Flatten the curve" is useless jargon like Obama's "bending the cost curve" with more private health insurance. Testing is being used as a panacea instead of a clinical tool. People still don't get that a high proportion of new transmissions are occurring in the home, and therefore, still aren't doing daily temp checks and wearing masks in the home if there's any chance one of this could be infected.
"Fauci deserves to rot in hell
Agreed. All truth he has uttered since then is tinged with suspicion.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Health insurance industry won.
Elderly are a burden on the insurance industry. Covid gets rid of them.
White Supremacists won. Covid attacks nonwhites worse than whites.
Billionaires won. The banksters will reap more resources from the housing market collapse. They already nearly doubled their worth in 5 months.
The DNC won. They used the virus to cover up their theft of the dem primary.
Us? Define winning.
Define Winning?
Very pertinent point. Getting "back to normal" is already in the realm of unicorns and single payer health care -- things that will never, ever, happen.
The format here discourages extended thread discussions and so there is not much point in developing this thought on this thread. But, hell, that really is the question of the hour.
So here's my minimalist answer -- winning means the end of all restrictions on personal conduct. I cannot imagine a way to define putting an end to the "threat" of more infections, so my definition comes from reference to the great decision-making process as established originally by the Constitution. Once whoever shut us down says to go back into the world without a mask and without fear of other people breathing your air, we have "won."
Of course this way of defining victory leaves open the possibility of the disease continuing to invade more bodies, making more people sick and killing some. It would join tobacco, alcohol, automobile accidents, cancer, heart disease, diabetes and everything else that kills people as part of life.
How many deaths per year does it take to render this fatalistic approach unacceptable? Ten covid deaths per year? Ten thousand? One million? Is there a cut off line, or do we have to stay locked down until this and every other virus to come is extinguished by a Universal Vaccine?
A failure to think through this kind of question is the precise reason why our response to the virus so far has been such a fiasco. It is long past time that our society start to look before we leap into the next chapter of this dystopian adventure.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Trump’s D party critics want us to forget that from December on
and well into February, they were all busy staging that huge nothingburger distraction that was HALLELUJA WE’VE GOT HIM NOW HE CAN RUN BUT HE CAN’T HIDE IMPEACHMENT.