The Logic of Adam Schiff
I live in Adam Schiff's Congressional district, and over the years I have contributed to Bernie Sanders and a few other Lost Causes so his campaign has my email addy. His fundraising appeals tend to be unintentionally hilarious. This is what he sent today:
Breaking -- Trump's Dangerous Tweet
This morning, Donald Trump posted a dangerous tweet lying about the safety of vote-by-mail and even threatening to postpone this November’s general election. See for yourself:
We all know why. He’s way behind in the polls, there is a pandemic raging because of his incompetence and we just suffered the worst economic contraction in history. He’s terrified he’s losing. Here’s what I have to say to Trump:
You can rant all you like. Spread all the lies you want. Stoke all the fear and division you desire.
We voted during the Civil War. We voted during World War II.
And nothing that you can do or say will stop us from voting you out of office on November 3, 2020.
Help me send this message to Donald Trump: pitch in $10 or more before tomorrow’s end-of-month fundraising deadline so we have the resources to defend the House, flip the Senate, and vote this dangerous man out of office for good.
Trump is tweeting that we should cancel the election, so please send Schiff money so that the Democrats can win the election that he is threatening to cancel.
Anybody dumb enough to think that makes sense is the kind of donor the Democrats are looking for.

Safe elections
safe for the incumbents, perhaps.
To riff on an old meme...
what if they held an election and only 1%
voted? Does that make it legit?
Diebold threshold.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The shitshow
plays on. This is proof a new leader will emerge. {rubbing hands together} or else Americans deserve to continue in the shitshow.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
No lifeform deserves to continue in this particular shitshow.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
like Bernie apparently not noticing Gestapo in Portland and sending me an email marked "URGENT!" which asks for $3 or $10 or $27 to help elect Democrats. Who'll do what?
Desperately seeking
yard sign, "Giant Meteor/2020.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Cthulhu 2020
Because he IS the Lesser Evil now!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Schiff can get bent
He is up to his eyeballs in Ukraine corruption and sent this country down the rabbit hole that led to Russia Gate........... and he kept saying that he had proof that Trump did indeed collude with Russia which he never showed. He was told early in 2017 that CrowdStrike never saw evidence that Russia hacked the DNC computers and yet continued on the farce. Of course he wasn't alone.
But hey he is going to raise the federal minimum wage to $15. By 2026 when it will still behind what it should be now. But he is getting lots of kudos for doing it. And he knows that Trump cannot postpone the election unless congress votes to change the date. But boy that sends scare tactics down centrist's spines doesn't it? OMG Trump will never leave office. Yes he will. On the date set that is written in stone.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I just got an email from the Democratic Party.
When they asked if I was voting for Biden I marked "no." When they asked other questions I either left them blank or voted for something they won't like.
I live in a blue state that will go for Biden so it's fairly easy for me to vote for Mickey Mouse or None of the Above, but I know some of you do not have that luxury. There is a website called "Settle for Biden" which eases the pain a little and may be a good place for those who would rather have Joe than Donny. It provides some gallows humor.
I was born during the Depression and grew up during World War II, but this is the grimmest time I have ever known.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
@polkageist I was born in 1953, so I
As of the Nevada caucuses, Sanders was rolling towards the White House and Sleepy Joe was a punch line as a guy who went from Prohibitive Favorite to Harold Stassen as a result of his active retail campaigning. The impending crises of climate, war and too much debt at least were counterbalanced by the slim hope that Bernie could become the President and then use the Bully Pulpit to rally people to join his Political Revolution.
Boom! Joe won big on Super Tuesday and for all practical purposes captured the nomination in spite of his campaign and due to absolutely nothing he did. His Stalking Horse "opponents" simply abandoned their supporters in favor of this jerkoff who could not draw flies on his own. It was before anybody could really understand what all that really meant, when
Boom! The virus hit and the "policy" cobbled together by our incompetent political leaders brought about a third of all productive activity to a screeching halt. The jury will be out for quite a while about how well that strategy has worked and is working to save lives, but even an extreme skeptic like myself has to acknowledge that this contagious disease posed and still poses a serious threat to human life. We cannot turn back the clock now, so it really does not matter if some other scheme might have worked better.
Here is the first official hint of the cost of that policy:
Today the Feds released second quarter Gross Domestic Product for our country -- down by 32%
The short term "protections" from foreclosures and evictions will end either very soon, or in a few months if the idiots in Congress can figure out how stupid it is kick 20 or 30 million families to the street in an election year.
Either way, nothing can replace the lost production, the missed rent and mortgage payments, diminished business activity and lower tax revenues that are now gone forever.
There is no present prospect of the disease letting up from its current level of infections and there is reason to expect to it increase further. There is therefore no present prospect of economic recovery. It has already gone too long to prevent the Greatest Depression in history. If it goes another three months or longer, forget about everything.
As of right now, there is civil unrest in most major cities. The intensity and the duration of the demonstrations are a function of millions of people not having jobs. It is a lot easier to raise hell when you don't have to get up and go to work in the morning. It will be neither easy nor difficult but inevitable whenever the mass evictions and foreclosures explode. People will raise hell and then some more hell.
My name for my book about the hideous year of 2020, "But I Had Other Plans."
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Seems like a convenient excuse
blame it on the virus!
The financial class needed a cover to
obfuscate the theft of amerikan wealth.
I don't buy it. It was coming to a head
before the *virus* conveniently showed up.
So our *representative* gubmint followed script,
bailed out the conmen and left the rest of us out to die.
as per ggersh...
“Awesome! I always wondered what it was like to live during the times of the Civil War, Spanish Flu, Great Depression, Civil Rights Movement, Watergate, & the Dust Bowl. Not all at once mind you, but ya know, ‘beggars/choosers” and all.”
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
great post and comment thread,
but may i ask: have any of you ever voted Green? my thoughts trend toward: as long as the duopoly rules, no third parties to fear, we will continue these hellacious Imperialist capitalist charades.
(not including Snoop; i know why she doesn't vote, but i'd sure love to rent some of her Random Access Memory!)
i love this:
...reminding me of the late Santee Sioux AIM leader john trudell's lyrics:
Some ones are crazy or
Maybe we take turns
Dreaming about some kind of life
We say it could have been different
But it wasn't because we weren't
Some things start good and go bad
Some things get bad and stay bad
Are we caught in between
Living a lie or not living at all
Eliminated choices
Lost in dreams we let go
Memories we never got to have
Something else to think about
Never voted Green Party
I did not support Sanders this time and did not plan to vote but I did wind up casting a fun ballot for Tulsi Gabbard, not worrying about who was going to win but knowing it would not be her.
But I was enthused with Bernie in 2016 as he was doing exactly what I had always advocated -- taking the New Deal to the Democratic Primary Electorate. And he got hosed in plain sight. The Democrats brazenly accuse Putin of hacking our elections, but continue even now to run utterly insecure primary contests.
So I don't vote as a rule any more because I don't have any confidence that the ballots are counted honestly. I think it will take a revolution to change anything of significance. And until right NOW I always believed a non-violent revolution was not just possible, but probable as the Empire was collapsing.
But I cannot think up any honest or rational way that we will avoid either a violent revolution or worse. So, for the first time in my life I am really in a total funk about The World Situation. I'm like Woody Allen as a little boy in Annie Hall. He heard about the Bing Bang Theory and the expansion of the Universe and he quit doing his homework. "What's the point? If the universe is expanding eventually it will all pull apart and that will be the end of everything."
Internet boards are kinda like his mom for me. She said, "The universe is expanding? How is that your business? You live in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is not expanding."
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
well played. ; )
there is always (or often) the Libertarian candidate to vote for, but as far as diebold voting machines, never mind R v D tinkering: silencing the third party votes would be where i'd go.
yes, Yeats as a metaphor
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
if there's a violent revolution coming, who has all the firepower? where would they be aiming?
Mere Anarchy
My best guess is that it will be chaos, rather than an organized revolution. Within the chaos, some body from the Biden Government will say that we have to Clamp Down and when that happens -- will the cops and National Guard units follow orders and kill their fellow citizens for refusing to shut the fuck up? They would as of now, before some of their own parents, siblings and children are raising hell in the streets due to sudden homelessness -- the streets will be their new homes.
That is why I am so disgusted with the virulent anti-cop campaign going on now with the loudly shouted goal of firing most of the police officers in the country. Nothing will drive them further toward oppression better than a mass movement to fire all their asses. I think that little meme of Defund The Fuzz is a poison pill concocted by agent provocateurs to push this extremely sincere and surprisingly effective protest into the swamp.
Fucking with the cops themselves rather than the moneyed forces that have turned law enforcement into an occupying army is counterproductive. Yes, we live in a racist society (and a racist planet for that matter), but the cops today are not the cause of racism in America -- it is racism that makes the cops so paranoid and violent in dealing with citizens of color.
Cops are human beings and it is insane to de-humanize them. It is a subset of Trump Derangement Syndrome -- blaming one guy for the system that would make such an absurd character President of the United States. Given the chaotic messaging within the USA today, with Orwellian propaganda drowning out almost everything, I don't know how the various armed and uniformed people will react to seeing Normal White Families in the street throwing tear gas cannisters back at them.
If the heat obeys orders, there will be a lot of dead bodies. If they do not, the chaos will continue until the established order dissolves itself like the Soviet Union did three decades ago.
What comes next will be roughly analogous to the Kerensky Interregnum in Russia, 1918. A good hearted effort to bring the people together along with some half-assed reforms.
After that fails, some Lenin will come from somewhere to become Big Brother. Or maybe Woody Allen gets the position. Who the fuck knows?
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
yeats wrote the poem in 1919,
so there's that. my own take is that most big city police were i) trained by the IDF; ii) are given preferential hire as combat vets (many with PTSD) because iii) they know how to operate the 'surplus' weapons of war given them by the 1033 program, and taught that protestors (esp. blacks and the indigenous, the second group of 'unarmed' likely to fall victim to the po-po; third are latinx) are 'the other' or recognized as enemies, and iv) yes, many are racist as many USians are.
the defund the police, vanquish the police calls are likely quite counter-productive in the end, as there are far too many mercenaries like Xi/acadamei who would love to be hired to protect the capitalist state.
that's all i have time for right now; i've just been following police state protests since ABQ over a dozen years ago, so i could easily honk on....far too long. and of course, perception of 'class' plays into it, as well.
Chronology's a bit off
Virus hit first, and Creepy Joe didn't so much "win" the nomination as everyone else rolled over and played dead. Even Bernie. Shame on you Bernie.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
You are right
Thanks for the correction.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
As long as they can blame it on Trump or Russia
It is good for them, not us or US. I wonder how many are spending more time on hiding from the Epstein probe?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Today is the second time I've told M4All to unsubscribe me
Earlier in the week because it was full of praise for Russia Maddow who was not promoting the M4A, but doing a story on tRump's attempts to privatize the Postal service, today I did it because the hero of the day was Adam Schiff and his brave fight against tRump.
In the first box for why I was unsubscribing I descibed why I detested the Dim Party with a special reference to Empty Suit Obama, Pelosi and schmuck Schumer. I said they needed to know Putin made me write all this stuff.
Today I just said my only good feeling was that if people like Maddow and Schiff finally succeed in getting their nuclear war then I could rest assured their sorry asses were getting vaporized. I signed it V. Putin
I just add to a Thunderbird filter
that marks them as junk and deletes them.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Let's play Bingo!
How many do YOU recognize?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
cult dangers -- the gold standard
Use the gold standard cult danger evaluator, the Advanced Bonewits Cult Danger Evaluation Frame. Simple, direct and to the point:
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides