Biden is the greater evil in this election

Of course Trump is also evil and is doing more evil things every day, but would he have ever been elected if the country wasn't in the shape it was in after 8 years of Obama/Biden that saw just about everything get worse for the 99%? And as we have seen the democrats have not been opposing Trump on what he has been doing. There is no Resistance coming from democrats. I cannot name one bill that they haven't supported him on nor haven't rolled over after initially offering lotsa words saying they would.

Looking back at the many horrible things done to us through the years we find Biden's fingerprints all over them. Of course he had help passing them from both parties that have been moving the country further right each election. But Biden is proud of the things he wrote and got passed. He admitted early on to his donors that if elected nothing would change. I took him at his word.

What is happening to Sean and his wife is a nightmare that many people with chronic pain and disability either live through or dread happening to them. Because of being sent to fight people who were no threat to us he was left with a traumatic brain injury and chronic pain and was legally prescribed medical marijuana and pain pills to deal with it. Because it is not legal at the federal level he and every person who takes marijuana either because it's legalized for medical use or recreational use in certain states they too can be prosecuted for using it. Sean did not have his pain pills in the original bottle and that was a mistake on his part, but which of these offenses is he actually being punished for and does either warrant a 5 year prison sentence or what he and his wife have gone through since that traffic stop? During Bush's tenure there was a man with severe chronic pain because of being a quadriplegic who was prescribed a large amounts of opiods by his doctor that was charged for selling them because who could possibly take that many per day/month? He was found guilty and sentenced to years in prison. I can only imagine how many chronic pain patients saw that and wondered if they were next. I certainly did and I still do when I fill my script each month. This was a result from the crime bill that Biden wrote and has bragged about numerous times including during this election. However when his son Hunter was found to be using cocaine while in the Navy he was not sentenced to prison. He got to go on his merry way and took his position on the board of Burisma. Nice.... Our 2 justice systems for the rich and the poor in plain sight.

The war on drugs is just a war on poor people and minorities. When you have the CIA having our troops guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan so that they can sell opium and finance their black ops you see the utter hypocrisy on the war on drugs. That crack cocaine comes with a higher sentence than powder cocaine you see the war on the lower classes who are used to fill private prisons and be used for slave labor.

In addition to spending more years in prison that upper class folks when people in the lower classes get released then are then further penalized by the federal government and restricted from using federal benefits such as low income housing and food stamps just to name 2 things that keep them from getting back on their feet. They can't use their boot straps to pull themselves up because the federal government has ripped their boots off their feet and forbidden them from wearing them every again.

This is what decades of lesser evil voting has gotten us and if Biden becomes president we will have not only 4 years of evil, but a good chance of 8 more following if Biden drops out after 2 years and lets his vice president take the reins of the country.

We have no easy options this election, but I will be damned if I will reward Biden with my vote when he is telling anyone who wants change to go to hell.

ICYMI this video of the Biden/Bernie task force and what came of it....

This is a great article on how congress is leaving states in dire straight since they have not allocated funds so that they can survive the epidemic and the shutdown that has shattered the economy. It is worth a full read.

State and Local Austerity is a Death Trap – Rip it Up and Start Again

...State and local governments are on the precipice of an historic fiscal crisis. Their revenues are projected to decline collectively by more than $1 trillion dollars over the next three years. Yet neither this fact, nor inaction by Congress and the Fed —This is not only a failing of the media. In the recently published report of the Biden-Sanders ‘Unity Task Forces’, one can find barely a passing mention of state and local finances — even when discussing proposals to expand health-insurance coverage. Almost undetectable in this document is the sheer magnitude of states’ Medicaid spending. Or the singularly contemptible likelihood that states will cut this spending in the midst of a pandemic.

Hey Bernie is Trump is so damn dangerous because...........then why aren't you calling out Schumer, Pelosi, Feinstein and others for voting to allow him to keep being so damned dangerous? Here's what they did recently to keep Trump from withdrawing troops from Afghanistan.

Someone explain to me how democrats are the lesser evil party and the party of workers because I see the exact opposite. Banks, war, oil, insurance, pharma and many more have captured the democratic party and they are today's republicans of the 80=90's.

Congress bailed out every failing bank and corporation that were failing before the epidemic hit and some who were not even failing and did not have to show that they needed the money. But even more egregious was how they too took advantage of the PPP act and got in on the cash crab while leaving many of us destitute and on the edge of losing their houses in the middle of the epidemic. Is there anything more heinous and callous than that? Yes, but you all know the facts of what they have done so no need to rehash it.

25 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture

Congress Urged to Reject 'Hostage-Taking' as Trump Threatens to Veto Any Covid-19 Bill That Doesn't Cut Social Security

"Beware of the payroll tax cut! It is just the administration's attempt to cut Social Security and Medicare.

With President Donald Trump reportedly telling Republican lawmakers in private he will not sign Covid-19 relief legislation that doesn't include a cut to the payroll tax—the primary funding mechanism for Social Security—advocacy groups urged Congress to "call Trump's bluff" and pass a stimulus bill free of any stealth attacks on the New Deal program.

Economists have repeatedly pointed out that cutting the payroll tax—an idea Trump has been obsessed with for months—would do nothing for the unemployed and very little to stimulate the economy, which remains in deep recession. During a press briefing in April, Trump said he "would love to see a payroll tax cut" and added that "there are many people who would like to see it as a permanent tax cut."

"A payroll tax cut would do nothing to help the 20 million workers who have lost their jobs, and little for those working significantly reduced hours," Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) told the Washington Post. "Another payroll tax cut for employers would also shower the country's wealthiest corporations with billions of dollars."

Or if it is passed will Biden roll it back? He says that he will end the cap on social security, but haven't others said that they would do that and then never did?? Pelosi told Obama that she was willing to work with him when he wanted to cut it. And let us remember that Obama did put a 2 year hold on payroll taxes after the 2007 economic crash. People keep telling me that dems are helpless to stop McConnell from doing whatever he wants. Bull! This is why they have the filibuster is it not? It take just ONE person to place a hold on a bill. Republicans did it all the time during Bush and Obama's tenure. I do not remember any time that democrats did that. Pelosi is the 3rd most powerful person in government and speaker of the house. Can you believe that she cannot do anything to counter McConnell? I don't.

Gee Nance now that you have no leverage to get your bill passed in the senate should you apologize to Cuomo for jumping down his throat when he asked if you had given it away?

18 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


Anyone who still believes the USA is not a fascist totalitarian police state has their heads up their asses. There is no rule of law in the USA now. This has been a long time in the making and while Trump is the figurehead for now, he is not to blame alone. If not for Trump then some other maniacal power crazed wannabe dictator would be in his place. As minitrue has been posting for years now on CommonDreams the USA is the fourth reich and that was before Trump took power. The game is over. The USA is dead. There is no going back, because that is what brought us to this point. There must be a real revolution (and not the kind Bernie has prattled on about). Either the citizens must come together, both “right and left” and take to the streets en masse so these federal police (or whoever they are, most likely Eric Prince’s goon squad) cannot grab everyone, and shut down this fucking country, and/or the nations around the world need to band together like they did against Nazi Germany in the day or this will end in a horrible tragedy. Both things are needed, and I just can’t see it happening. The citizens in the USA are too divided and too stupid to actually comprehend what is now taking place. And I suspect other nations are too afraid of the USA with all its military might and nuclear weapons to stand up to the USA. I am so depressed and angry that the fucking moron citizens of the USA have let it come to this by voting for these same two political parties who are hell bent on destroying everything in sight. I give up. Voting is what brought us to this place and voting will not stop or change it. There apparently is no stopping the complete descent into complete dystopian destruction as the USA goes down the drain once and for all.

Comment on Common Dreams on this article:

Trump Condemned for Authoritarian 'Abuse of Power' as Secret Federal Police Snatch Protesters Off Portland Streets

This is not the first time it has happened, but it is good that people are speaking out about it including members of congress.

16 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

All federal funding must start in the House. That means it has to be accepted by the Speaker. That means it is arguable that the Speaker is the most powerful person in America, not the third. Trump and before him Obama proved that the President is relatively powerless - yes, he can bomb untold numbers of brown people, but only after Pelosi gave him the money to pay for the bombs, and he can throw someone in prison if they tell anyone about the laws he's breaking, but heck, Obama couldn't even stop McConnell from appointing a Supreme Court Justice. And McConnell cannot pass anything without Pelosi's consent - except for his chosen Justice of course.

15 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

snoopydawg's picture


All federal funding must start in the House. That means it has to be accepted by the Speaker. That means it is arguable that the Speaker is the most powerful person in America, not the third.

I agree. If Pelosi wants something passed she can get it done. That she doesn't, won't or will says that she agrees with Trump and the republican's agendas.

16 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lily O Lady's picture


a formidable power. It is only the act of weakness that Democrats have been playing that seeks to have us forget how they are complicit in every terrible thing that Republicans have been doing.

9 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@doh1304 or farther down, but def not "the most powerful". Yes, spending bills start in her House, but they don't end there. That would be in Mitch's senate. If she were the most powerful, her HEROES coronavirus relief package would have become law 2 months ago when it passed her House. And other pretty good bills too, passed by the House only to go to die in the senate.

0 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

14 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Cassiodorus's picture

-- with how ridiculous he is, it really does look like he'll win, and not by a small margin either. Trump's hard-line adherence to bad ideas is on full display right now, and people are only going to hate him more as July drags into August and August drags into September.

7 users have voted.

"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Shahryar's picture

On a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is Hitler and 100 is Buddha, I think I'd give Biden a .011 and Trump a .010, thus Biden would be better. A visual chart would show the two looking identical.

Of course I'm in Portland so I'm particularly anti-Trump today.

11 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture


0.00011 vs 0.00010.

6 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

I'm looking at "The Political Compass" which measures Right/Left X political/social. Mussolini is the standard for Right-political, Right-social up in the corner. Biden is really close. We have his entire political career to measure him and this is about right. We Progressives are being subject to an intense campaign to convince us that Biden is something other that who he has been his entire career, only to get our votes, period. As soon as he is in office his team plus Pelosi, plus Schumer will completely ignore us implementing a catastrophic agenda during this pandemic-economic depression. Biden is slightly less objectionable on some social issues, but he more than makes up for it with foreign affairs and war. I just read an interesting analysis of how Obama completely screwed up our relationship with Russia, China, the Middle East and Europe. Biden will be worse, potentially much worse. He'll orient his European strategy around Poland and Ukraine. In doing so he will royally piss off Russia and Western Europe. Without England as part of Europe, Europe is free to drift away from a weakened US and toward Russia and China, and they will.

Far more important than deciding between two evils is to send a message that neither is acceptable and both major parties need to change themselves and start producing serious candidates. How do we do this?

8 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

snoopydawg's picture

@The Wizard

Far more important than deciding between two evils is to send a message that neither is acceptable and both major parties need to change themselves and start producing serious candidates. How do we do this?

I wish I knew how to get people to see that if Biden becomes president not much will change from what Trump has been doing. As for our foreign policy remember it was Obama who said that Venezuela was a national security threat and he put the sanctions back on them which both Biden and Trump have shown will continue as well as possible military regime change there.

Biden was no one's pick for centrists during the election, but now that he has won the primary they are whitewashing his history or downright ignoring all the heinous policies he wrote and got passed such as NAFTA, the crime and bankruptcy bills and so much more and saying that his is exactly who we need to recover from Trump. Seriously? Will he continue trying to get the troops out of Syria and Afghanistan? Will he reverse the Trump tax cuts and the massive deregulation Trump has been doing? Deregulation has long been Trump's sponsors wet dream.

But how to get people to boycott the election if that is what you;re saying I do not know.

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

TheOtherMaven's picture


or had it handed to him on a gold-plated platter by the Demonrat Nazi Corporation. The "primary" was just window dressing on a preordained coronation. (Methinks they were hoping to crown a Queen, but the Kamel proved to be too much for the public to swallow. So this was plan C...or D...or plan Last-one-in-the-box.)

6 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

travelerxxx's picture


...the Demonrat Nazi Corporation

Luckily, I had just swallowed my coffee! What an apt description.

When I first considered this, I was pissed because our taxes are used to further their schemes, but then I remembered that's nearly the entire MO of the federal government. That is, using tax monies to further the fortunes of corporations and the most wealthy. The rest of us can eat dirt as far as they're concerned.

1 user has voted.

and always notes he's just a nightclub comedian, but sometimes he gets carried away, at least from what I recall seeing in the marijuana video. What he isn't perhaps aware of is that while Biden is against legalization, he's for decriminalization, which would essentially make mj the subject of fines but not jail time. Biden also favors removing mj from the Category 1 List (or whatever it's called) of narcotics and substances where heroin is listed.

JD also forgets that for the past 4 yrs Donald has been in charge, and the mj laws have remained status quo, which is a relevant fact for anyone arguing that Biden is far the greater evil compared to Trump. Donald doesn't even want to decriminalize it.

1 user has voted.
snoopydawg's picture


which is why Sean and others are in prison for smoking a weed.And seeing countless numbers of people's live being ruined because they have a felony record. It might also have been because he didn't have his opiods in the original bottle, but that too goes to the harsh penalties for drugs.

2 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.