My response to those who say "3rd party can't win, Biden is the lesser evil"; stops trolls DEAD (crosspost from r/WayOfTheBern)
Hello dear friends, old and new! First off, I want to say that I know I have been away too long; I have massive time-management issues, that is pretty much the only thing that has been keeping me away from these lovely parts. I recently wrote a post that is currently pinned at the top of r/WayOfTheBern and "stolen" (lol) by the mods to pin at the top of r/Kossacks_For_Sanders ... a very humbling experience. An old friend suggested that I post it here too, which I am more than happy to do. I hope you find it insightful.
So the other day I was talking to a Biden troll, as one does lol, and he said something like this:
Dude, we have a President that's literally joking about cops shooting protesters and we've all seen his responses concerning COVID19.
I wholeheartedly agree with you, Democrats are not saints. Seeing Bernie get snubbed again set that in stone for me. But I'm sincerely worried about the alternative.
I had already talked about how **Obama ran like a progressive and governed like a moderate Republican**; he stacked his cabinet with Wall St. desirables, and totally favored Wall St after the crash of 2008. Many people lost their homes, especially POC. If I could go back in time, I would have also included this link (h/t to u/casapulapula): To celebrate Obama Day, here are Barack’s greatest hits (wars, coups, slavery, sanctions, al-Qaeda, colonialism.
I had already explained how **the ACA has done NOTHING to keep the literal cost of healthcare down**, it is a giant corporate welfare program that primarily benefits Big Insurance, and For-Profit Hospitals. They keep raising prices BECAUSE THEY CAN, **it is perfectly legal to raise the price of a life-saving drug by 5000%.** Why is this legal in America? Why hasn't Congress taken action after we all witnessed the spectacle of Martin Shrekil in 2017? It is an outrage to all moral human beings. BTW, Shrekil went to jail, yes, but NOT for price-gouging on life-saving drugs; his smug demeanor at the beginning of the tale is a fantastic illustration for how the wealthy elites view all of us below them. THEY are the clever masters of the universe, and THEY KNOW that what they are doing is PERFECTLY LEGAL; THEY have friends in high places, and $$$ to buy highly talented defense lawyers; the rest of us are merely stupid schmucks who only exist to be taken advantage of.
I had already mentioned that we have **predatory capitalism** in this country, and it will **never stop** if "we the sheeple" keep **giving our consent** to Democratic candidates who are anti-populist.
But the nasty little troll came back with an obnoxious troll comment that completely pissed me off.
"I wholeheartedly agree with you, Democrats are not saints."
DNC insiders are corrupt AF, to agree that "they are not saints" is to deflect the point entirely. It's not a sin to not be a saint. None of us is a saint. This "agreement, on his part, is agreeing to absolutely nothing.
So then I wrote a little something, and he went away! I want to share those ideas with you now as a little gift of "troll repellant". Three key points:
- Current DNC strategy is to **win Republican voters** at a cost of losing voters who have been loyal Democrats
- When you are "voting Dem" you are actually empowering their "new Republican Party".
- The GOP plays bad cop, the Dems play good cop. However, they both work for the same master: the wealthy elites.
Progressives are very, very fucked right now, if DNC strategy does not change. But the possibility of being eaten by a lion is a better choice, IMHO, than the certain death that would come by a firing squad. I will explain what I mean by this down below.
Dem strategy is to 1) win REPUBLICAN voters, and 2) lose voters who have been loyal Democrats.
Truth is, DNC insiders are just not in to their loyal base anymore, babe. FYI, this tweet is pinned to my profile page:
Remember, Chuck Schumer told us the plan: for every LOYAL Dem they lose, they will pick up two moderate Republicans.DNC insiders are hijacking the party to remake it as "new Republicans"...same as GOP, only "nicer"
When someone tells you who they are, believe them. #NeverBiden
30 Dems—not all of them Blue Dogs—sign letter warning that the debt is getting too high, recommending a commission to deal with Social Security and Medicare, and, if you follow the references, invoking the spirit of Simpson-Bowles. Not good.
Let me deconstruct this a bit. In 2016 Chuck Schumer, who is one of the most powerful Dems in the entire country, said the following right out in the open (!):
“For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.”
Please ponder those words deeply. Unless I am mistaken, he is saying that the Dem strategy is to try to win REPUBLICAN voters over, fully knowing that they will lose voters who have been loyal Democrats. **DNC insiders are not trying to fight for their own base** or keep the promises that have been made to their base ... no, they are lusting after Republican voters. When one understands their true motives, everything begins to make sense. The Dems are actively trying to beat Republicans by transforming the Dem Party into **one that will attract Republican votes**. I call this the "new Republicans" party, just like the old one, only "nicer".
As an example, take the Corey Robin tweet. 30 Dems are taking the classic approach to taking action that they know the voters will hate: form a new committee that makes a distasteful recommendation, and then follow the advice of the committee because that would seem to be the reasonable thing to do. In this case, in response to "the debt getting too high", 30 Dems want a committee "to deal with Social Security and Medicare". Let's try to guess what the recommendations of the committee would be, shall we? Do you think they would recommend to strengthen and expand these programs, in response to "the debt getting too high"? Or do you think that the order of the day would be more along the lines of slash and burn?
Everyone's mother told them that ACTIONS were more important than WORDS. We've seen many pretty speeches coming out of Dem leaders mouths these days, including an unforgettable non-speech coming out from Pelosi and her minions. But what are these Dem leaders actually DOING? What are they actually fighting for? In the case of Social Security and Medicare, it is clear that they are taking stealth action to "work across the aisle" to CUT these programs, not strengthen them. In addition, David Sirota itemized 10 Things Dems Could Do Right Now -- If They Actually Wanted To Stop Trump’s Power Grab.
For the past four years, Dems have legislatively granted most everything that Trump has asked for. Dems pretend to fight for unions, teachers, and fire-fighters ... but what have they actually DONE that even rustled their hair or got their clothes even a bit dirty? Nothing. Their hallmark move is to give emotional speeches describing the problems in detail, and mixing in sentences like "This must stop!" To the innocent voter, this approach gives an impression that THESE PEOPLE GET IT, they understand MY PROBLEM and they are going to fight to get it fixed. I'm afraid I have good news and bad news on that front. Democratic leaders DO understand our problems, but they have NO INTENTION of doing anything to fix them beyond token gestures to keep their little scam going. If they took action FOR their base, it would most likely piss off the Republican voters whom they lust over. So the "taking action" part never happens.
When you are "voting Dem" you are actually voting for "new Republican Party"
How does that feel? When you vote for Biden, you are giving your CONSENT to have Biden be the president, and your consent for the DNC to continue to pursue its war against progressives who want things like MedicareForAll and real solutions to the climate crisis.
Imagine if the number of votes for Biden was astoundingly low. It would send a pretty loud message that if the Dems want to run a shit candidate, they will lose. **Think about short term pain for long term gain**. The DNC is obviously at war with progressives. If Biden wins, think about how much he will do to destroy the progressive movement and the hurdles that he as head of the DNC will put in place to ensure that nobody like Bernie could ever happen again.
If you HATE progressives, vote Biden. That's another way of framing the situation, other than "we have to get Trump out". Biden is most definitely anti-progressive. He doesn't even have any policy proposals, other than being "not Trump". On Twitter, someone asked if he even had a slogan, I love this response from Graham Elwood:
“Rapist with dementia who wrote the 1994 crime bill that empowered police brutality and for profit prisons”
If Biden wins, what do you expect him to do? He is a sexual predator who WROTE the crime bill, he is corrupt AF (google burisima biden), he will only be a puppet because he is way beyond his sell by date. We don't even know who is the real power behind him that will be pulling the strings? Obama? Hillary? Someone else?
The GOP plays bad cop, the Dems play good cop. However, they both work for the same master: the wealthy elites
In 2016, a friend shared with me a great article; unfortunately I've lost track of it. I'm borrowing heavily from metaphors from that writing now because they made such an impression on me.
Imagine a wealthy plantation, headed by a handsome gentleman and a beautiful and charming lady. Imagine also the slaves, who are given poor living quarters, enough food and clothing to sustain them but not necessarily palatable or desirable, etc. The plantation owners have a little problem: they own the slaves, but the slaves don't really want to work hard and see the fruits of those labors flow to the owner, especially when their own situation is so miserable. So the owners come up with a solution: they will hire an overseer to "make the slaves work". IMHO, much of the racial divide boils down to the fact that owners hired ruthless white overseers who used cruel methods to make black slaves work. The slaves hated the overseers, and vice versa, and such hatred is understandable.
Here comes the part that made me stop and think: we tend to overlook is that the REAL VILLIANS in the situation were not the overseers per se; the REAL VILLIANS were the owners who hired the overseers and demanded results from them. Somehow, the cruelty of the overseers completely and entirely sticks to these often previously poor white men who were doing what they might have needed to do in order to keep their job, and possibly to survive. The lady and the gentlemen were almost like Dorian Gray, from the story "The Picture of Dorian Gray". A facade of beauty and grace overshadows horrible and rotten souls that was the reality of those beings. Movies like "Gone with the Wind" strengthen and reinforce that narrative. How many of us think of Scarlett's Ma and Pa as being vile monsters? The truth is that THEY were the primary beneficiaries of slave exploitation, but somehow we aren't led to think of them in quite that way.
Let me take things one step further. Imagine that the owners hire TWO overseers, one who plays the classic role of BAD overseer, of course, but also another one to play a new role of GOOD overseer. Remember, the job of the overseer is to "make the slaves work". IMHO, Republican Party leaders are playing the classic role ... they are clearly on the side of the wealthy elites, and fighting to end all worker safeguards and social safety net programs. What many of us have not seen until recently is that Democratic Party leaders ALSO WORK FOR THE ELITES, but they gain our sympathy because they give every appearance that they will fight for us. They give us hope that they are on our side, and if we can only manage to give them more power, then our lot will improve. **But it is only a mirage, sadly.** DNC leaders are a new kind of overseer ... they are LITERALLY EMPLOYED by their wealthy elite donors via our corrupt campaign donation system.
DNC leaders are EVIL, they are way fucking EVIL, they are liars who pretend to be our friends but then stab us in the back whenever they get the chance.
They are the employees of the wealthy elites, who hope you will fall for their very clever con: direct your anger at the Democratic Party, instead of the wealthy villains who are actually pulling the strings that CONTROL the Dem Party. Voters have a ton of anger at both the Repubilcan Party and the Democratic Party - but how much anger do we direct at the REAL VILLIANS, who are paying for this puppet show that we call American Politicis.
Progressives are very, very fucked right now, if DNC strategy does not change. The situation is very depressing; many of us felt sucker punched when Bernie dropped out of the race. But here we are, we have been dealt this hand ... after moping and crying for awhile, I (and I think many others) finally realized that we can either give up or move forward. I'm choosing door number 2.
Here are my thoughts about choosing the lesser of two evils by voting for Biden ... Imagine I am given the choice about how I wish to die among these two options: 1) be eaten alive by a lion, or 2) being shot by a firing squad. My first answer would be to choose the firing squad, as that death would be relatively quick and painless. When I think more, it occurs to me that if I am pitted against a lion, there is a tiny possibility that I might figure out a way to escape. Death by firing squad is certain.
I am #NeverBiden, if at the end of this farce he remains the Democratic nominee I am going to vote 3rd party. I realize that there is a strong possibility that Trump will be re-elected, the thought of which pains me. However, I know that if I vote for Biden, the puppet show will go on and in 2024 many will have forgotten the events of 2016 and 2020, because of our rigged MSM. In my eyes, a vote for Biden is a vote for certain death.
A vote for 3rd party, however, is a hopeful act that sends a message to everyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see that both parties are offering shit candidates that are completely unacceptable. The more voters who vote 3rd party, the LOUDER the message will be ... and there is also the teeny tiniest of hope that the 3rd candidate will actually win the whole fucking enchilada. I'll probably be eaten by the lion, I know, but as I said before
the possibility of being eaten by a lion is a better choice, IMHO, than the certain death that would come by a firing squad.

Corporate America Switched Sides in 2008
The election of Barack Obama consummated the transition.
From the time of Nixon's Southern Strategy until the political dumpster fire of Shrub's second term, the traditional home of Big Business, the GOP, played to uneducated white people in low population states with ersatz support for the aims of the Religious Right and The Racist White. This approach dominated politics for 40 years and the Dems could only squeeze out three of ten elections by nominating Southern Governors who appeased both of those Rs.
During this era, the Republican Party resolved its own internal discord by expelling all the Eisenhower Republicans from positions of influence. That demographic of upper middle class professionals was sometimes called Country Club Republicans.
Demographics put an end to that formula for electoral dominance and the elections of 2000 and 2004 had to be stolen.
Barack Obama solved that problem and Big Business abandoned their angry white male constituency and adopted the Identity Politics agenda. Almost entirely ignored, corporate America has run the only effective political protests of the last decade, with boycotts of states that pass wingnut legislation like the Arizona bill that made it a crime for a landlord to rent an apartment to undocumented aliens.
You see it now as the mainstream media has turned on the police during the current wave of unrest.
The social class of Eisenhower Republicans, comfortable people who fancy themselves as understanding the Big Picture, but utterly incompatible with the kind of people who like Donald Trump, have become one of the two core constituencies of the Democratic Party. The other is African Americans.
The erstwhile Tea Party and Religious Right now make up the Trump constituency. Corporate America of course continues to hedge its bets and keeps its gigantic hand in the GOP and the deal they offer the public by controlling both parties is the old "heads I win, tails you lose" gag.
Thanks for a great essay.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
@fire with fire Wow, thank you for your
That's it exactly. And when we vote for Dems, we are getting sucked into and giving our consent to their perverse system. Odd that on social media, one has to have arguments with non-paid members of the public who remain deluded to the reality. It's not their fault, we are SURROUNDED by propaganda, it's just nefarious that the overlords have created a system where brainwashed souls fight to keep them in power.
Trump talks big, but Obama delivered.
Trump still thinks he has to lie and sneak in corruption. Obama betrayed us and stole from us up front. People are afraid of what they think Trump will do. They are mostly right. They are afraid of what Trump wants to do. They are mostly right. They claim that Trump sneaks in and includes corruption when we are distracted. Mostly he's done it. But everything he's done Obama did. If Obama didn't do it as bad he started doing it first, so he couldn't have done it as bad. If Trump is a flood it is because Obama blew up the dam. And Biden is not promising to stop the evil, he has devoted his entire adult life to corruption, racism, and war.
We will probably not survive 4 more years of Trump. We will certainly not survive Biden and his "vice president".
On to Biden since 1973
I am so glad you posted this here
Absolutely. And that people are even considering voting for Biden when this country has become the sh*thole that it is because of what he did during his 40 year tenure is just insane. We got Trump as a result of the failures of MyBoss/Biden. I see people saying that Joe wasn't their 1st-5th choice, but now he is exactly the person we need to be president to see right what Trump has brought. Excuse ME? Circular logic?
Case in point:
Haven't they been doing that since Clinton sold the DP out to the DLC that funded by the Koch brothers and other folks on the right? He then immediately went on to pass NAFTA, Welfare Reform and the Crime Bill that had been unable to be passed during a GOP president because of opposition from the base and many dems in congress at the time. Then they got rid of them and brought in blue dawgs that were just republicans wearing a D badge. The 30 dems that signed the letter on SS are republicans, not democrats.
This is my go to line when someone tells me that Trump is too dangerous to be allowed to have a second term. I agree with them. But until democrats quit helping Trump be that dangerous then why is it up to me to give them my consent to let them keep doing that? And for gawd's sake Byedone is telling us that he will continue doing what Trump is doing who was just continuing what MyBoss did before him. Wake the F up.
Ben Norton's greatest hits of the scandals of the scandal free Obama crime spree administration is great. I didn't see his deciding during his Kill List Tuesdays where he killed 3 Americans without due process. One for what he talked about. Free speech attack right there.
He is spot on here:
(PS, Some critics might ask, at a time when the far-right Trump regime is terrorizing the planet with criminal wars of aggression and murderous sanctions, what is the point of writing articles like this? The answer is it’s to remind people that Trump did not come out of nowhere: neoliberal imperialists like Obama, and George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and the fellow war criminals who preceded them, all set the stage for Trump. At the end of the day, their policies were not very different. They all terrorize the planet. Trump is just more blatant about it.)
Another guy wrote an essay on Obama that even tops Ben's. I will post it later if I can find it.
Caitlyn wrote about the Day too.
This is an excellent essay and I hope you will start posting here again when you are able. I have always enjoyed what you write for many reasons. Glad you saw my SOS call to bring this here.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for posting your essay.
You have unique clarity on many of the issues we discuss daily. In particular, I want to draw attention to this:
Now, this is a true statement. It is a frequently stated strategy of the Democratic Party and it should not be regarded as rhetoric by anyone. It is one of the fundamental truths that the Party admits to, and we should respect the Party for its transparency, here. There are many reasons the Democratic Party is relying on this strategy. One reason is that they have far more rapport and shared goals with moderate Republicans than they do with the Left. But I don't believe they intend to drive anyone out of the Party, and that includes 'loyal Democrats' and 'Progressives'.
The 2020 Democratic candidate for President, and the Democratic Party, are campaigning on only ONE underlying policy position: They are NOT Donald Trump. They want and need every vote they can get, and they will say anything they think will win those votes. However, the Party will never do anything that would betray the Republican voters they are trying to win over.
Progressives who remain loyal to the Democratic Party are not The Left. They are nothing more than units of Controlled Opposition, who work against the voices on the Left. Sophisticated voters now know sheep dogging when they see it. Those who remain in the Party to 'reform' it, have prioritized their own demise over accepting the truth.
The authentic Left — and I consider Nina Turner one of these — represent the voice of the American People, the 80 percent who pay the highest percentage of their income in taxes. They do not represent corporations, billionaires, war profiteers, seekers of global dominance, the Wall Street casinos, America's elite, American religions, or the idol worshipers of patriotic symbols. I believe that the Left is comprised of the majority of Americans who can qualify to vote. I also believe that for most of their lives, they have not had anyone to vote for.
Meanwhile, it's time to move on from the Democratic Party, and join with the recognized and dynamic leaders of the emergent Left at the Movement for a People's Party. If we build it, the voters will come.
Again, thanks for posting the troll repellent. The trolls have given up on Members and Readers of C99 as a lost cause, I think. And we don't even push back hard, anymore. "We just let them stand inside our shoes until they know what a drag it is to see them."
Despite the evidence, the DP completley believes in its strategy and Russiagate.
Republican voters are no less deluded than Democratic voters except they can take comfort in the warm guns the GOP will let them keep (as long as they don't use them against the those who own everything).
And they really think they're going to win the white vote
That they haven't won since 1960.
No need to move on to a "Peoples Party", the Green Party exists today.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
The People's Party is not participating in the 2020 elections
Many rightfully see the Green Party as a moral alternative where they can give their vote a "voice." Why should they not throw their 2020 vote into the 5 percent spittoon? It will do more potential good than a vote wasted on the Duopoly that oppresses the voices of the People.
Join the Movement for a People's Party.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Very Good
This essay was very good, and has given me a great framing for the 'you must vote Biden' crowd. Thank you! Another point, which I made to a friend recently, was to ask 'Why? What does it matter?' We live in a true blue state (WA) which will, come hell or high water, go for Biden no matter what. If we want something different, we MUST raise our voices and not vote for him. Maybe, if enough of us do that, It'll help shake things up.
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so