like THUGS, which is what they are! What a whining, snowflake asswipe. And yes, I am sorry, but a big fat one who looks like he'd stroke out if he ever had to actually work to apprehend a suspect. Run? Who, me? To the donut shop maybe....
Far too many of them ARE snowflakes, strapping on their gun in the morning and thinking they're big shit. Walking around every day in riot gear with their bullet proof vests and Kevlar and drivin' them big old vehicles, perhaps even a tank, YAY! It's like the guy in the military who tells you he saw combat, was a SEAL, or some such other steaming bullshit, and you find out later he was NOTHING of the sort. I knew one of these types and I would bet today his ass is cheering on these cops and wanting so badly to be out there "on the street" with them. Asshole bragged about being Special Forces I believe it was, and upon further examination he had done physical education training FOR SF but was not one of them. Just another weak ass blowhard who could not fight against a real enemy who might fight back. With all the hardware they have at their disposal you'd think they'd have some guts but they do not, and that's how our owners want it. I look at some of the pictures of our military and I see the fear on their faces, fear along with the massive arrogance of knowing they can blow anyone away immediately who dares question them. Or call them out for the gutless blowhards they really are. How DARE some civilian in the town they are "moving in to" question why they are there? How DARE some civilian tell them to get the hell out of their town.
Personally, I think this is just the type cops recruit now, the ones who have a massive inferiority complex and cannot function in normal society, the ones who are steeped in video game live war or whatever the fuck they call it, who think life IS a vidiot game and they are the tough guys, when in reality if they actually had to fight for real they simply are not capable. Too weak. Too scared underneath it all, the kind who should be rejects from moment one of applying for the job but now this makes them qualified and loyal servants, which IS what they are. I have always wanted to ask one, do you think you'll get that pension when they're done with you? Do you really think your masters give ONE SHIT about YOU? Do you not see how easily you could end up on the other side of that police line? And when you see that, will you go on blaming the "other" while you slowly starve to death? Are you really THAT fucking stupid? But of course, to ask that question just might get one either very hurt or very dead, even as a white middle aged woman.
16 users have voted.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I have always wanted to ask one, do you think you'll get that pension when they're done with you? Do you really think your masters give ONE SHIT about YOU? Do you not see how easily you could end up on the other side of that police line? And when you see that, will you go on blaming the "other" while you slowly starve to death? Are you really THAT fucking stupid? But of course, to ask that question just might get one either very hurt or very dead, even as a white middle aged woman.
I have asked this question numerous times after seeing this video of the police union guy and after reading letters from cops saying that they are going to leave the force because of the environment right now and their not being respected. And as you so eloquently point out it is not just the police culture that is the problem, but also the military culture that adds to it. Probably the same people who think that our military is protecting our freedoms instead of seeing that they are just fodder for corporate raiding are the ones who think that cops can do no wrong. Anyone who reads comments on either from a red state perspective knows what this is.
I posted a letter from one whining cop in Wendy's essay. Here is another one
27 years has passed and if you would have told me the condition of law enforcement today, I would have never believed you.
It’s not that law enforcement has changed for the worse but everything around it has.
The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.
Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.
Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.
There used to be a common respect among criminals. If they got caught, they understood you had a job to do but now it’s our fault they sit in handcuffs rather than their own personal decisions.
If someone attacked a cop, they were seen as such. Now we martyr them and sue for millions.
We used to be able to testify in court and we were believed. Now, unless there is video from three different angles, no one cares what you have to say.
With all this talk about racism and racist cops, I’ve never seen people treated differently because of their race. And while I know that cowards that have never done this job will call me racist for saying it, all I’ve ever seen was criminal behavior and cops trying to stop it and they didn’t give a rip what their skin color was.
I’ve seen cops help and save any type of race, gender or ethnicity you can think of and while that used to mean something, no one cares anymore.
Um dude look in a mirror and turn to YouTube and see how very wrong you are. There is so much wrong with this letter. Seriously this is on par with those who think Obama was the best president since FDR. It totally ignores reality.
Well said.
like THUGS, which is what they are! What a whining, snowflake asswipe. And yes, I am sorry, but a big fat one who looks like he'd stroke out if he ever had to actually work to apprehend a suspect. Run? Who, me? To the donut shop maybe....
Far too many of them ARE snowflakes, strapping on their gun in the morning and thinking they're big shit. Walking around every day in riot gear with their bullet proof vests and Kevlar and drivin' them big old vehicles, perhaps even a tank, YAY! It's like the guy in the military who tells you he saw combat, was a SEAL, or some such other steaming bullshit, and you find out later he was NOTHING of the sort. I knew one of these types and I would bet today his ass is cheering on these cops and wanting so badly to be out there "on the street" with them. Asshole bragged about being Special Forces I believe it was, and upon further examination he had done physical education training FOR SF but was not one of them. Just another weak ass blowhard who could not fight against a real enemy who might fight back. With all the hardware they have at their disposal you'd think they'd have some guts but they do not, and that's how our owners want it. I look at some of the pictures of our military and I see the fear on their faces, fear along with the massive arrogance of knowing they can blow anyone away immediately who dares question them. Or call them out for the gutless blowhards they really are. How DARE some civilian in the town they are "moving in to" question why they are there? How DARE some civilian tell them to get the hell out of their town.
Personally, I think this is just the type cops recruit now, the ones who have a massive inferiority complex and cannot function in normal society, the ones who are steeped in video game live war or whatever the fuck they call it, who think life IS a vidiot game and they are the tough guys, when in reality if they actually had to fight for real they simply are not capable. Too weak. Too scared underneath it all, the kind who should be rejects from moment one of applying for the job but now this makes them qualified and loyal servants, which IS what they are. I have always wanted to ask one, do you think you'll get that pension when they're done with you? Do you really think your masters give ONE SHIT about YOU? Do you not see how easily you could end up on the other side of that police line? And when you see that, will you go on blaming the "other" while you slowly starve to death? Are you really THAT fucking stupid? But of course, to ask that question just might get one either very hurt or very dead, even as a white middle aged woman.
16 users have voted.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
on mental illness and cops now being called instead of medical personnel. But he and his ilk refuse to see HOW that came to be - massive funding cuts across the board, over and over again while their departments are stoked full of military grade weaponry to the tune of billions. By refusing to connect those dots and portraying cops as merely victims of a "bad" system he obviously does not see the real problem. And he never will. Neither will those who support his position, until it's too late that is, then his supporters might not only see it but be personally effected by it too. Hell, there's no "might" about that.
As for his victimhood and cops wanting to quit, well good then, do it. Just like someone who helps make a mess wanting to run away from what they have helped create, that attitude shows me he and the rest of the "quitters" want to take the easy way out - they are the wimps I have portrayed them to be, video game warriors who can't handle the real world. Don't work to really serve and protect anymore, don't work to reform your very own work place, just run away because things now are too ugly. Jesus, does this idiot know what is coming? He thinks things are bad now? Wait a bit dude, and when the shit really hits the fan I am sure you and those like you will be hiding out in your bunkers while the owners of this country run to New Zealand and there you'll be, left behind cowering, armed to the teeth and waiting for the hordes to come get you. Talk about chicken shit? I know I have used too many sort of macho themes in my little rant today, but if these guys can't take the blowback from their own vicious brutality they're even bigger snowflakes than I think they are.
And yeah, sure man, I'm sure you "don't see race" just like most of America doesn't today. Uh huh. Tell us another fairy story and shout about your virtue while we watch the tapes...
I have always wanted to ask one, do you think you'll get that pension when they're done with you? Do you really think your masters give ONE SHIT about YOU? Do you not see how easily you could end up on the other side of that police line? And when you see that, will you go on blaming the "other" while you slowly starve to death? Are you really THAT fucking stupid? But of course, to ask that question just might get one either very hurt or very dead, even as a white middle aged woman.
I have asked this question numerous times after seeing this video of the police union guy and after reading letters from cops saying that they are going to leave the force because of the environment right now and their not being respected. And as you so eloquently point out it is not just the police culture that is the problem, but also the military culture that adds to it. Probably the same people who think that our military is protecting our freedoms instead of seeing that they are just fodder for corporate raiding are the ones who think that cops can do no wrong. Anyone who reads comments on either from a red state perspective knows what this is.
I posted a letter from one whining cop in Wendy's essay. Here is another one
27 years has passed and if you would have told me the condition of law enforcement today, I would have never believed you.
It’s not that law enforcement has changed for the worse but everything around it has.
The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.
Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.
Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.
There used to be a common respect among criminals. If they got caught, they understood you had a job to do but now it’s our fault they sit in handcuffs rather than their own personal decisions.
If someone attacked a cop, they were seen as such. Now we martyr them and sue for millions.
We used to be able to testify in court and we were believed. Now, unless there is video from three different angles, no one cares what you have to say.
With all this talk about racism and racist cops, I’ve never seen people treated differently because of their race. And while I know that cowards that have never done this job will call me racist for saying it, all I’ve ever seen was criminal behavior and cops trying to stop it and they didn’t give a rip what their skin color was.
I’ve seen cops help and save any type of race, gender or ethnicity you can think of and while that used to mean something, no one cares anymore.
Um dude look in a mirror and turn to YouTube and see how very wrong you are. There is so much wrong with this letter. Seriously this is on par with those who think Obama was the best president since FDR. It totally ignores reality.
Well said.
13 users have voted.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
But he and his ilk refuse to see HOW that came to be - massive funding cuts across the board, over and over again while their departments are stoked full of military grade weaponry to the tune of billions.
Add in the transfer of funding to police salaries and pensions and bigger and new police vehicles that give the an illusion of power and it's in their interest not to see.
#1.1 on mental illness and cops now being called instead of medical personnel. But he and his ilk refuse to see HOW that came to be - massive funding cuts across the board, over and over again while their departments are stoked full of military grade weaponry to the tune of billions. By refusing to connect those dots and portraying cops as merely victims of a "bad" system he obviously does not see the real problem. And he never will. Neither will those who support his position, until it's too late that is, then his supporters might not only see it but be personally effected by it too. Hell, there's no "might" about that.
As for his victimhood and cops wanting to quit, well good then, do it. Just like someone who helps make a mess wanting to run away from what they have helped create, that attitude shows me he and the rest of the "quitters" want to take the easy way out - they are the wimps I have portrayed them to be, video game warriors who can't handle the real world. Don't work to really serve and protect anymore, don't work to reform your very own work place, just run away because things now are too ugly. Jesus, does this idiot know what is coming? He thinks things are bad now? Wait a bit dude, and when the shit really hits the fan I am sure you and those like you will be hiding out in your bunkers while the owners of this country run to New Zealand and there you'll be, left behind cowering, armed to the teeth and waiting for the hordes to come get you. Talk about chicken shit? I know I have used too many sort of macho themes in my little rant today, but if these guys can't take the blowback from their own vicious brutality they're even bigger snowflakes than I think they are.
And yeah, sure man, I'm sure you "don't see race" just like most of America doesn't today. Uh huh. Tell us another fairy story and shout about your virtue while we watch the tapes...
We used to be able to testify in court and we were believed.
1990 -- as a juror, didn't take many brain cells to figure out that the cop testifying was lying. (Yes, the defendant was Black and female.) So obviously that the prosecutor brought in the cop's partner for corroboration after the defense had rested. Except the partner couldn't corroborate anything other than that the two of them were partners.
I have always wanted to ask one, do you think you'll get that pension when they're done with you? Do you really think your masters give ONE SHIT about YOU? Do you not see how easily you could end up on the other side of that police line? And when you see that, will you go on blaming the "other" while you slowly starve to death? Are you really THAT fucking stupid? But of course, to ask that question just might get one either very hurt or very dead, even as a white middle aged woman.
I have asked this question numerous times after seeing this video of the police union guy and after reading letters from cops saying that they are going to leave the force because of the environment right now and their not being respected. And as you so eloquently point out it is not just the police culture that is the problem, but also the military culture that adds to it. Probably the same people who think that our military is protecting our freedoms instead of seeing that they are just fodder for corporate raiding are the ones who think that cops can do no wrong. Anyone who reads comments on either from a red state perspective knows what this is.
I posted a letter from one whining cop in Wendy's essay. Here is another one
27 years has passed and if you would have told me the condition of law enforcement today, I would have never believed you.
It’s not that law enforcement has changed for the worse but everything around it has.
The mentally ill used to get treatment and now they just send cops. Kids used to be taught respect and now it’s cool to be disrespectful.
Supervisors used to back you when you were right but now they accuse you of being wrong in order to appease crazy people.
Parents used to get mad at their kids for getting arrested and now they get mad at us.
There used to be a common respect among criminals. If they got caught, they understood you had a job to do but now it’s our fault they sit in handcuffs rather than their own personal decisions.
If someone attacked a cop, they were seen as such. Now we martyr them and sue for millions.
We used to be able to testify in court and we were believed. Now, unless there is video from three different angles, no one cares what you have to say.
With all this talk about racism and racist cops, I’ve never seen people treated differently because of their race. And while I know that cowards that have never done this job will call me racist for saying it, all I’ve ever seen was criminal behavior and cops trying to stop it and they didn’t give a rip what their skin color was.
I’ve seen cops help and save any type of race, gender or ethnicity you can think of and while that used to mean something, no one cares anymore.
Um dude look in a mirror and turn to YouTube and see how very wrong you are. There is so much wrong with this letter. Seriously this is on par with those who think Obama was the best president since FDR. It totally ignores reality.
This is why I highlighted that sentence as well as the others, but there are more things wrong with his letter and the other ones I’ve read.
Cops lie quite frequently. In court. In their action reports and to the media. And especially the ones who just happen to make a big drug bust. Broken tail lights on a car carrying millions in drugs? Or driving erratically with same scenario? Speeding? Please. The cops and judges know that they got their information from the drug agencies and more often than not illegally or unconstitutionally. But then they all get a cut off the proceeds and money and cars.
Hey dude who wrote this letter. Did you ever take someone’s money just because of civil asset forfeiture laws? People everywhere get their money for buying cars or other things stolen from them without due process or even being charged for any crimes. Thanks Biden and the ones who wrote this law before him.
If you haven’t read Ray Balko,s book The Rise of the Warrior Cop you would enjoy it. Or search for him in the search bar on this site. Me, gulfgal and others have written about him.
We used to be able to testify in court and we were believed.
1990 -- as a juror, didn't take many brain cells to figure out that the cop testifying was lying. (Yes, the defendant was Black and female.) So obviously that the prosecutor brought in the cop's partner for corroboration after the defense had rested. Except the partner couldn't corroborate anything other than that the two of them were partners.
6 users have voted.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
The police filed an incident report that was nearly entirely blank. The report stated that Taylor had no injuries, even though she died from gunshot wounds. It also stated that no forced entry occurred, even though the officers had used a battering ram. The police department said that technical errors led to a malformed report.
The LEO lies about the police raid and murder of Fred Hampton took far more time to uncover.
The reality is that legislatures have passed an inordinate number of bs laws, including the drug laws, that give LEOs something to do with their time since they're mostly useless at solving real major crimes.
This is why I highlighted that sentence as well as the others, but there are more things wrong with his letter and the other ones I’ve read.
Cops lie quite frequently. In court. In their action reports and to the media. And especially the ones who just happen to make a big drug bust. Broken tail lights on a car carrying millions in drugs? Or driving erratically with same scenario? Speeding? Please. The cops and judges know that they got their information from the drug agencies and more often than not illegally or unconstitutionally. But then they all get a cut off the proceeds and money and cars.
Hey dude who wrote this letter. Did you ever take someone’s money just because of civil asset forfeiture laws? People everywhere get their money for buying cars or other things stolen from them without due process or even being charged for any crimes. Thanks Biden and the ones who wrote this law before him.
If you haven’t read Ray Balko,s book The Rise of the Warrior Cop you would enjoy it. Or search for him in the search bar on this site. Me, gulfgal and others have written about him.
that a multitude of laws arises when the corruption is widespread. If I get it right, the meaning being not that the laws oppose corruption as much as they spring from corrupt spirits.
The police filed an incident report that was nearly entirely blank. The report stated that Taylor had no injuries, even though she died from gunshot wounds. It also stated that no forced entry occurred, even though the officers had used a battering ram. The police department said that technical errors led to a malformed report.
The LEO lies about the police raid and murder of Fred Hampton took far more time to uncover.
The reality is that legislatures have passed an inordinate number of bs laws, including the drug laws, that give LEOs something to do with their time since they're mostly useless at solving real major crimes.
The Tao te Ching was written as a guide for an Enlightened Emperor. In a political sense, it emphasizes the effortless, natural Way to Lead People (as opposed to enforcing a Rule over or against them). Following the Tao is sensing and utilizing the natural forces of the seasons and the moods and aspirations of the People as they constantly adapt to environmental change, overcome adversity, and fulfill their ambitions. At any point along the way, the People could stop to celebrate the harmonious communal civilization they were evolving. They would believe they were leading themselves and this would empower them to accomplish even more.
In times when there was no Enlightened Leader, a Ruler would emerge. Unnatural, top-down laws would be imposed — laws and decrees that did not directly benefit the People. Power and greed would concentrate in bureaucratic authorities, and corruption would blossom throughout the government and among the elite. Laws would get meaner and punishments would become harsher. Resistance and conflict would grow among the People. Happiness and harmony would become thin and insincere. Desires would become unnatural and counter-productive.
The Chinese have had thousands of years of continuous civilization to recognize these patterns and guard against them. Confucianism is a more methodical way to arrive at the same destination — because Enlightened Leaders, unfortunately, are rare. (Or rarely survive for long.)
Lots of time to dwell on these principles now that they are so visible.
# that a multitude of laws arises when the corruption is widespread. If I get it right, the meaning being not that the laws oppose corruption as much as they spring from corrupt spirits.
Except once, every inaction my family has had with the police has been negative. From the stories others have told me, same experience. One guy I used to work with was a right wing Christian and was absolutely supportive of the cops until he got a ticket and the cop in court lied about it. A female relative on my ex-in-laws side became a cop, and she was stopped in CA for a minor traffic violation and she became fearful and apprehensive her self.
I have a theory that there is another type of profiling the cops do and that is profiling of potential victims. They look for people who they know that will not fight back and will peacefully take their abuse. Those types of interactions are all over youtube. Although I suspect that youtube will be taking down as many of those videos as possible as they make the cops look very bad.
I remember watching a video of policing in NYC which is horridly racist, and a young black woman sitting on some stairs asked why don't the cops go after the drug dealers standing openly in the streets. I did not take it as rhetorical but a serious question. Yah, cops can make up any excuse they want to stop you. For me, it as apparent that confronting street criminals was a step too far for most cops--an interaction with a high probability of becoming violent. Instead a cop looks for a Sandra Bland--black and peaceful. Or white and peaceful--whichever victims is at hand.
they haven't had any negative interactions with police. Most people just pay the fine for a driving violation ticket because it wasn't totally undeserved and it's much easier than fighting it. And many have had positive interactions. Two once changed my flat tire (a blowout) and escorted me back onto the freeway from a dangerous shoulder.
Except once, every inaction my family has had with the police has been negative. From the stories others have told me, same experience. One guy I used to work with was a right wing Christian and was absolutely supportive of the cops until he got a ticket and the cop in court lied about it. A female relative on my ex-in-laws side became a cop, and she was stopped in CA for a minor traffic violation and she became fearful and apprehensive her self.
I have a theory that there is another type of profiling the cops do and that is profiling of potential victims. They look for people who they know that will not fight back and will peacefully take their abuse. Those types of interactions are all over youtube. Although I suspect that youtube will be taking down as many of those videos as possible as they make the cops look very bad.
I remember watching a video of policing in NYC which is horridly racist, and a young black woman sitting on some stairs asked why don't the cops go after the drug dealers standing openly in the streets. I did not take it as rhetorical but a serious question. Yah, cops can make up any excuse they want to stop you. For me, it as apparent that confronting street criminals was a step too far for most cops--an interaction with a high probability of becoming violent. Instead a cop looks for a Sandra Bland--black and peaceful. Or white and peaceful--whichever victims is at hand.
like a criminal and you're not that you see it. I've had MANY speeding tickets in my time, way too many and always deserved. I have never been afraid of cops and never had to be.
I had a really stupid traffic interaction with an older woman and her adult son one day. They were in the car ahead, she kept hitting brakes, turned on her hazards at one point, looked like she might turn right but then got back into the lane, blah, blah. I can be a real asshole on the road, or used to be. But I didn't even bother to honk or do any aggressive moves to get out from behind her, I knew I was turning soon, no big deal but annoying.
My nephew made the unfortunate move to roll down his passenger window and yell at her when we passed them. The woman then followed us into the parking lot and stopped her car to let her adult son get out. I see this in my mirror and then I'm irritated, thinking really, for this you're going to have your son come talk to me? Try to scare me? I stopped the car, got out and asked her to calm down, I had not DONE anything, etc. By this time my nephew and her son had gotten into a nice screaming match. When I asked that woman what she wanted me to do, her son stopped and said "don't worry mommy, we know people on the PD, we'll call the cops." Well, I said do what you need to do and vacated the scene. We went into the store and both of them FOLLOWED us in there, with the woman on the phone calling the cops from what it sounded like. All this over not even honking but my nephew's loud mouth. Stupid. We left the store with her standing in the parking lot on the phone, and 10 minutes after we got to my house, there was a cop at my door.
I was furious at that. Unreasonable, unreachable, defensive, I yelled at him and I do not even remember half of what I said. I do remember telling him that I was being treated like I had DONE something to these people when NO such thing happened. He was there in my living room, wearing his vest and gun, and he had driven up to my peaceful small condo and come to MY door with my neighbors perhaps seeing that! I feel the anger again now. My sister finally got him to leave, it was only one of them and I just kept raging but he left. I wrote a letter to the PD about it after, to complain but also so as not to get myself on some crazy lady list, and actually got a call back about it. Of course, I am white and it was Bellevue, fairly upscale burb.
Sandra Bland happened not long after that. Even that day after it happened I told both my sister and nephew that had we not lived where I lived and had we been black, God only knows what would have happened. I might very well have ended up in jail and my own lack of control and indignation would most definitely have "escalated" things. For those people who say "just don't resist" and only morons fight back, yeah? Wait til it's you. Wait til some cop treats you like a criminal for nothing and tell me how easy you'll just nod along with that. Please. When I see protestors getting up in their smug cop faces and yelling at them full bore I completely understand the feeling. And white people best start paying attention, while racism most definitely is a huge part of it, get up in the wrong one's face and you might find he really is color blind, heh.
#2 they haven't had any negative interactions with police. Most people just pay the fine for a driving violation ticket because it wasn't totally undeserved and it's much easier than fighting it. And many have had positive interactions. Two once changed my flat tire (a blowout) and escorted me back onto the freeway from a dangerous shoulder.
9 users have voted.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
people drive me nuts. There are tons of videos of people trying to do just that and they get killed anyway. I watched one of a Latino man being told by 5 cops something different for 20 minutes in a hallway. At any point he could have been handcuffed because he was lying flat on the ground with his arms out. But no. He was finally told to crawl towards them and he was almost there when his shorts started falling off. He reached to pull them up and blam. They killed him. It was like a cat playing with its food. It was called a righteous shooting.
#2.1 like a criminal and you're not that you see it. I've had MANY speeding tickets in my time, way too many and always deserved. I have never been afraid of cops and never had to be.
I had a really stupid traffic interaction with an older woman and her adult son one day. They were in the car ahead, she kept hitting brakes, turned on her hazards at one point, looked like she might turn right but then got back into the lane, blah, blah. I can be a real asshole on the road, or used to be. But I didn't even bother to honk or do any aggressive moves to get out from behind her, I knew I was turning soon, no big deal but annoying.
My nephew made the unfortunate move to roll down his passenger window and yell at her when we passed them. The woman then followed us into the parking lot and stopped her car to let her adult son get out. I see this in my mirror and then I'm irritated, thinking really, for this you're going to have your son come talk to me? Try to scare me? I stopped the car, got out and asked her to calm down, I had not DONE anything, etc. By this time my nephew and her son had gotten into a nice screaming match. When I asked that woman what she wanted me to do, her son stopped and said "don't worry mommy, we know people on the PD, we'll call the cops." Well, I said do what you need to do and vacated the scene. We went into the store and both of them FOLLOWED us in there, with the woman on the phone calling the cops from what it sounded like. All this over not even honking but my nephew's loud mouth. Stupid. We left the store with her standing in the parking lot on the phone, and 10 minutes after we got to my house, there was a cop at my door.
I was furious at that. Unreasonable, unreachable, defensive, I yelled at him and I do not even remember half of what I said. I do remember telling him that I was being treated like I had DONE something to these people when NO such thing happened. He was there in my living room, wearing his vest and gun, and he had driven up to my peaceful small condo and come to MY door with my neighbors perhaps seeing that! I feel the anger again now. My sister finally got him to leave, it was only one of them and I just kept raging but he left. I wrote a letter to the PD about it after, to complain but also so as not to get myself on some crazy lady list, and actually got a call back about it. Of course, I am white and it was Bellevue, fairly upscale burb.
Sandra Bland happened not long after that. Even that day after it happened I told both my sister and nephew that had we not lived where I lived and had we been black, God only knows what would have happened. I might very well have ended up in jail and my own lack of control and indignation would most definitely have "escalated" things. For those people who say "just don't resist" and only morons fight back, yeah? Wait til it's you. Wait til some cop treats you like a criminal for nothing and tell me how easy you'll just nod along with that. Please. When I see protestors getting up in their smug cop faces and yelling at them full bore I completely understand the feeling. And white people best start paying attention, while racism most definitely is a huge part of it, get up in the wrong one's face and you might find he really is color blind, heh.
7 users have voted.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
The way to stop these horrific acts of police brutality is to require much more training before they allowed to carry a gun.
At any point one cop could have handcuffed him because he was unarmed and "obeying" the cops and he kept telling them not to kill him. "I don’t want to die." This was cold blooded murder imo.
people drive me nuts. There are tons of videos of people trying to do just that and they get killed anyway. I watched one of a Latino man being told by 5 cops something different for 20 minutes in a hallway. At any point he could have been handcuffed because he was lying flat on the ground with his arms out. But no. He was finally told to crawl towards them and he was almost there when his shorts started falling off. He reached to pull them up and blam. They killed him. It was like a cat playing with its food. It was called a righteous shooting.
6 users have voted.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
do while you raged at him? And before then? Was he professional and said that he was investigating a complaint and needed information from you or was he belligerent and accusatory? As written, your encounter with the LEO says nothing negative about him. but perhaps you left that part out.
(I once raged at an auto dealer service manager. Knowing full well that it was unlikely to get me what I wanted, the car repaired that day as had been promised. He'd screwed up by not seeing that it was fixed and it was more than inconvenient to me that it hadn't been done. While I was yelling at him, another part of my brain observed how skilled he was at calmly letting me rage. Training, much experience, or thick skinned? It's what cops need.)
#2.1 like a criminal and you're not that you see it. I've had MANY speeding tickets in my time, way too many and always deserved. I have never been afraid of cops and never had to be.
I had a really stupid traffic interaction with an older woman and her adult son one day. They were in the car ahead, she kept hitting brakes, turned on her hazards at one point, looked like she might turn right but then got back into the lane, blah, blah. I can be a real asshole on the road, or used to be. But I didn't even bother to honk or do any aggressive moves to get out from behind her, I knew I was turning soon, no big deal but annoying.
My nephew made the unfortunate move to roll down his passenger window and yell at her when we passed them. The woman then followed us into the parking lot and stopped her car to let her adult son get out. I see this in my mirror and then I'm irritated, thinking really, for this you're going to have your son come talk to me? Try to scare me? I stopped the car, got out and asked her to calm down, I had not DONE anything, etc. By this time my nephew and her son had gotten into a nice screaming match. When I asked that woman what she wanted me to do, her son stopped and said "don't worry mommy, we know people on the PD, we'll call the cops." Well, I said do what you need to do and vacated the scene. We went into the store and both of them FOLLOWED us in there, with the woman on the phone calling the cops from what it sounded like. All this over not even honking but my nephew's loud mouth. Stupid. We left the store with her standing in the parking lot on the phone, and 10 minutes after we got to my house, there was a cop at my door.
I was furious at that. Unreasonable, unreachable, defensive, I yelled at him and I do not even remember half of what I said. I do remember telling him that I was being treated like I had DONE something to these people when NO such thing happened. He was there in my living room, wearing his vest and gun, and he had driven up to my peaceful small condo and come to MY door with my neighbors perhaps seeing that! I feel the anger again now. My sister finally got him to leave, it was only one of them and I just kept raging but he left. I wrote a letter to the PD about it after, to complain but also so as not to get myself on some crazy lady list, and actually got a call back about it. Of course, I am white and it was Bellevue, fairly upscale burb.
Sandra Bland happened not long after that. Even that day after it happened I told both my sister and nephew that had we not lived where I lived and had we been black, God only knows what would have happened. I might very well have ended up in jail and my own lack of control and indignation would most definitely have "escalated" things. For those people who say "just don't resist" and only morons fight back, yeah? Wait til it's you. Wait til some cop treats you like a criminal for nothing and tell me how easy you'll just nod along with that. Please. When I see protestors getting up in their smug cop faces and yelling at them full bore I completely understand the feeling. And white people best start paying attention, while racism most definitely is a huge part of it, get up in the wrong one's face and you might find he really is color blind, heh.
His story was that the woman was the recent widow of a retired cop. He basically told me I needed to have been more reasonable with her, and that I should understand that maybe she was under stress. Or grief. Or whatever. I know I shot back something about him doing the same for me or some such, but I honestly do not remember well. The surge of anger was overwhelming though. And that scared me, because I really was out of control. I just could not believe that a cop was called for such a stupid thing! I know I basically told him that. And my nephew learned that day to NEVER do that in my car. He looked a bit scared while I was ranting too. I did not let him out of my car to yell at her son, he jumped out before I could stop him. Dumb, and I told him so.
As it turned out her husband was a contractor who'd done some work on the PD building and her son was friends with some of the PD. The cop who called me after I sent a detailed letter was very professional, obviously. He was undoubtedly public relations. That's fine, I didn't expect that but while I was nice in my letter I was pissed about cops responding to that kind of thing. Coming to my house for that, just no.
#2.1.1 do while you raged at him? And before then? Was he professional and said that he was investigating a complaint and needed information from you or was he belligerent and accusatory? As written, your encounter with the LEO says nothing negative about him. but perhaps you left that part out.
(I once raged at an auto dealer service manager. Knowing full well that it was unlikely to get me what I wanted, the car repaired that day as had been promised. He'd screwed up by not seeing that it was fixed and it was more than inconvenient to me that it hadn't been done. While I was yelling at him, another part of my brain observed how skilled he was at calmly letting me rage. Training, much experience, or thick skinned? It's what cops need.)
3 users have voted.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
for them to investigate an altercation in a store parking lot that didn't include any physical assault or even battery. Sounds as if they sent a low level cop to your house for what would normally be viewed as a nuisance complaint; although her son probably greatly embellished it. A good reason to ask for a copy of the complaint because filing a false complaint is a crime. Who cares what the neighbors may have thought? Plenty of totally innocent reasons why a cop appears at a person's home and the neighbors could see that no arrest was made.
# His story was that the woman was the recent widow of a retired cop. He basically told me I needed to have been more reasonable with her, and that I should understand that maybe she was under stress. Or grief. Or whatever. I know I shot back something about him doing the same for me or some such, but I honestly do not remember well. The surge of anger was overwhelming though. And that scared me, because I really was out of control. I just could not believe that a cop was called for such a stupid thing! I know I basically told him that. And my nephew learned that day to NEVER do that in my car. He looked a bit scared while I was ranting too. I did not let him out of my car to yell at her son, he jumped out before I could stop him. Dumb, and I told him so.
As it turned out her husband was a contractor who'd done some work on the PD building and her son was friends with some of the PD. The cop who called me after I sent a detailed letter was very professional, obviously. He was undoubtedly public relations. That's fine, I didn't expect that but while I was nice in my letter I was pissed about cops responding to that kind of thing. Coming to my house for that, just no.
# His story was that the woman was the recent widow of a retired cop. He basically told me I needed to have been more reasonable with her, and that I should understand that maybe she was under stress. Or grief. Or whatever. I know I shot back something about him doing the same for me or some such, but I honestly do not remember well. The surge of anger was overwhelming though. And that scared me, because I really was out of control. I just could not believe that a cop was called for such a stupid thing! I know I basically told him that. And my nephew learned that day to NEVER do that in my car. He looked a bit scared while I was ranting too. I did not let him out of my car to yell at her son, he jumped out before I could stop him. Dumb, and I told him so.
As it turned out her husband was a contractor who'd done some work on the PD building and her son was friends with some of the PD. The cop who called me after I sent a detailed letter was very professional, obviously. He was undoubtedly public relations. That's fine, I didn't expect that but while I was nice in my letter I was pissed about cops responding to that kind of thing. Coming to my house for that, just no.
— Qasim Rashid for Congress (@QasimRashid) June 14, 2020
This is just as bad as the one I posted in the other essay yesterday where 2 cops tried to arrest a white guy who resisted arrest, took a cop’s baton and beat them with it. I’ll bring up Dylan Roof again who killed 9 Blacks at the church and cops took him for fast food on the way to jail. Plus the Colorado movie killer who was peacefully arrested even though he was carrying his rifle at the time. This isn’t a problem with racism I’m told. Just people not obeying cops.
Then they should stop acting
like THUGS, which is what they are! What a whining, snowflake asswipe. And yes, I am sorry, but a big fat one who looks like he'd stroke out if he ever had to actually work to apprehend a suspect. Run? Who, me? To the donut shop maybe....
Far too many of them ARE snowflakes, strapping on their gun in the morning and thinking they're big shit. Walking around every day in riot gear with their bullet proof vests and Kevlar and drivin' them big old vehicles, perhaps even a tank, YAY! It's like the guy in the military who tells you he saw combat, was a SEAL, or some such other steaming bullshit, and you find out later he was NOTHING of the sort. I knew one of these types and I would bet today his ass is cheering on these cops and wanting so badly to be out there "on the street" with them. Asshole bragged about being Special Forces I believe it was, and upon further examination he had done physical education training FOR SF but was not one of them. Just another weak ass blowhard who could not fight against a real enemy who might fight back. With all the hardware they have at their disposal you'd think they'd have some guts but they do not, and that's how our owners want it. I look at some of the pictures of our military and I see the fear on their faces, fear along with the massive arrogance of knowing they can blow anyone away immediately who dares question them. Or call them out for the gutless blowhards they really are. How DARE some civilian in the town they are "moving in to" question why they are there? How DARE some civilian tell them to get the hell out of their town.
Personally, I think this is just the type cops recruit now, the ones who have a massive inferiority complex and cannot function in normal society, the ones who are steeped in video game live war or whatever the fuck they call it, who think life IS a vidiot game and they are the tough guys, when in reality if they actually had to fight for real they simply are not capable. Too weak. Too scared underneath it all, the kind who should be rejects from moment one of applying for the job but now this makes them qualified and loyal servants, which IS what they are. I have always wanted to ask one, do you think you'll get that pension when they're done with you? Do you really think your masters give ONE SHIT about YOU? Do you not see how easily you could end up on the other side of that police line? And when you see that, will you go on blaming the "other" while you slowly starve to death? Are you really THAT fucking stupid? But of course, to ask that question just might get one either very hurt or very dead, even as a white middle aged woman.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Epic Rant!
Bingo and ditto, Lizzy.
I have asked this question numerous times after seeing this video of the police union guy and after reading letters from cops saying that they are going to leave the force because of the environment right now and their not being respected. And as you so eloquently point out it is not just the police culture that is the problem, but also the military culture that adds to it. Probably the same people who think that our military is protecting our freedoms instead of seeing that they are just fodder for corporate raiding are the ones who think that cops can do no wrong. Anyone who reads comments on either from a red state perspective knows what this is.
I posted a letter from one whining cop in Wendy's essay. Here is another one
‘You won’t need to abolish us – we won’t be around for it’: Why many police officers like me are quitting the force
Um dude look in a mirror and turn to YouTube and see how very wrong you are. There is so much wrong with this letter. Seriously this is on par with those who think Obama was the best president since FDR. It totally ignores reality.
Well said.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I will give him one point
As for his victimhood and cops wanting to quit, well good then, do it. Just like someone who helps make a mess wanting to run away from what they have helped create, that attitude shows me he and the rest of the "quitters" want to take the easy way out - they are the wimps I have portrayed them to be, video game warriors who can't handle the real world. Don't work to really serve and protect anymore, don't work to reform your very own work place, just run away because things now are too ugly. Jesus, does this idiot know what is coming? He thinks things are bad now? Wait a bit dude, and when the shit really hits the fan I am sure you and those like you will be hiding out in your bunkers while the owners of this country run to New Zealand and there you'll be, left behind cowering, armed to the teeth and waiting for the hordes to come get you. Talk about chicken shit? I know I have used too many sort of macho themes in my little rant today, but if these guys can't take the blowback from their own vicious brutality they're even bigger snowflakes than I think they are.
And yeah, sure man, I'm sure you "don't see race" just like most of America doesn't today. Uh huh. Tell us another fairy story and shout about your virtue while we watch the tapes...
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yes -
Add in the transfer of funding to police salaries and pensions and bigger and new police vehicles that give the an illusion of power and it's in their interest not to see.
Uh ...
1990 -- as a juror, didn't take many brain cells to figure out that the cop testifying was lying. (Yes, the defendant was Black and female.) So obviously that the prosecutor brought in the cop's partner for corroboration after the defense had rested. Except the partner couldn't corroborate anything other than that the two of them were partners.
This is why I highlighted that sentence as well as the others, but there are more things wrong with his letter and the other ones I’ve read.
Cops lie quite frequently. In court. In their action reports and to the media. And especially the ones who just happen to make a big drug bust. Broken tail lights on a car carrying millions in drugs? Or driving erratically with same scenario? Speeding? Please. The cops and judges know that they got their information from the drug agencies and more often than not illegally or unconstitutionally. But then they all get a cut off the proceeds and money and cars.
Hey dude who wrote this letter. Did you ever take someone’s money just because of civil asset forfeiture laws? People everywhere get their money for buying cars or other things stolen from them without due process or even being charged for any crimes. Thanks Biden and the ones who wrote this law before him.
If you haven’t read Ray Balko,s book The Rise of the Warrior Cop you would enjoy it. Or search for him in the search bar on this site. Me, gulfgal and others have written about him.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Breonna Taylor murder:
The LEO lies about the police raid and murder of Fred Hampton took far more time to uncover.
The reality is that legislatures have passed an inordinate number of bs laws, including the drug laws, that give LEOs something to do with their time since they're mostly useless at solving real major crimes.
A Taoist teacher held
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
That is how I understand it, JimP.
The Tao te Ching was written as a guide for an Enlightened Emperor. In a political sense, it emphasizes the effortless, natural Way to Lead People (as opposed to enforcing a Rule over or against them). Following the Tao is sensing and utilizing the natural forces of the seasons and the moods and aspirations of the People as they constantly adapt to environmental change, overcome adversity, and fulfill their ambitions. At any point along the way, the People could stop to celebrate the harmonious communal civilization they were evolving. They would believe they were leading themselves and this would empower them to accomplish even more.
In times when there was no Enlightened Leader, a Ruler would emerge. Unnatural, top-down laws would be imposed — laws and decrees that did not directly benefit the People. Power and greed would concentrate in bureaucratic authorities, and corruption would blossom throughout the government and among the elite. Laws would get meaner and punishments would become harsher. Resistance and conflict would grow among the People. Happiness and harmony would become thin and insincere. Desires would become unnatural and counter-productive.
The Chinese have had thousands of years of continuous civilization to recognize these patterns and guard against them. Confucianism is a more methodical way to arrive at the same destination — because Enlightened Leaders, unfortunately, are rare. (Or rarely survive for long.)
Lots of time to dwell on these principles now that they are so visible.
Of all those so-called interactions how many were negative?
Except once, every inaction my family has had with the police has been negative. From the stories others have told me, same experience. One guy I used to work with was a right wing Christian and was absolutely supportive of the cops until he got a ticket and the cop in court lied about it. A female relative on my ex-in-laws side became a cop, and she was stopped in CA for a minor traffic violation and she became fearful and apprehensive her self.
I have a theory that there is another type of profiling the cops do and that is profiling of potential victims. They look for people who they know that will not fight back and will peacefully take their abuse. Those types of interactions are all over youtube. Although I suspect that youtube will be taking down as many of those videos as possible as they make the cops look very bad.
I remember watching a video of policing in NYC which is horridly racist, and a young black woman sitting on some stairs asked why don't the cops go after the drug dealers standing openly in the streets. I did not take it as rhetorical but a serious question. Yah, cops can make up any excuse they want to stop you. For me, it as apparent that confronting street criminals was a step too far for most cops--an interaction with a high probability of becoming violent. Instead a cop looks for a Sandra Bland--black and peaceful. Or white and peaceful--whichever victims is at hand.
A problem for many white people is that
It isn't until they treat you
I had a really stupid traffic interaction with an older woman and her adult son one day. They were in the car ahead, she kept hitting brakes, turned on her hazards at one point, looked like she might turn right but then got back into the lane, blah, blah. I can be a real asshole on the road, or used to be. But I didn't even bother to honk or do any aggressive moves to get out from behind her, I knew I was turning soon, no big deal but annoying.
My nephew made the unfortunate move to roll down his passenger window and yell at her when we passed them. The woman then followed us into the parking lot and stopped her car to let her adult son get out. I see this in my mirror and then I'm irritated, thinking really, for this you're going to have your son come talk to me? Try to scare me? I stopped the car, got out and asked her to calm down, I had not DONE anything, etc. By this time my nephew and her son had gotten into a nice screaming match. When I asked that woman what she wanted me to do, her son stopped and said "don't worry mommy, we know people on the PD, we'll call the cops." Well, I said do what you need to do and vacated the scene. We went into the store and both of them FOLLOWED us in there, with the woman on the phone calling the cops from what it sounded like. All this over not even honking but my nephew's loud mouth. Stupid. We left the store with her standing in the parking lot on the phone, and 10 minutes after we got to my house, there was a cop at my door.
I was furious at that. Unreasonable, unreachable, defensive, I yelled at him and I do not even remember half of what I said. I do remember telling him that I was being treated like I had DONE something to these people when NO such thing happened. He was there in my living room, wearing his vest and gun, and he had driven up to my peaceful small condo and come to MY door with my neighbors perhaps seeing that! I feel the anger again now. My sister finally got him to leave, it was only one of them and I just kept raging but he left. I wrote a letter to the PD about it after, to complain but also so as not to get myself on some crazy lady list, and actually got a call back about it. Of course, I am white and it was Bellevue, fairly upscale burb.
Sandra Bland happened not long after that. Even that day after it happened I told both my sister and nephew that had we not lived where I lived and had we been black, God only knows what would have happened. I might very well have ended up in jail and my own lack of control and indignation would most definitely have "escalated" things. For those people who say "just don't resist" and only morons fight back, yeah? Wait til it's you. Wait til some cop treats you like a criminal for nothing and tell me how easy you'll just nod along with that. Please. When I see protestors getting up in their smug cop faces and yelling at them full bore I completely understand the feeling. And white people best start paying attention, while racism most definitely is a huge part of it, get up in the wrong one's face and you might find he really is color blind, heh.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Don’t resist and just obey the cops
people drive me nuts. There are tons of videos of people trying to do just that and they get killed anyway. I watched one of a Latino man being told by 5 cops something different for 20 minutes in a hallway. At any point he could have been handcuffed because he was lying flat on the ground with his arms out. But no. He was finally told to crawl towards them and he was almost there when his shorts started falling off. He reached to pull them up and blam. They killed him. It was like a cat playing with its food. It was called a righteous shooting.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Here is the tail end of the video I’m talking about
Second tweet
At any point one cop could have handcuffed him because he was unarmed and "obeying" the cops and he kept telling them not to kill him. "I don’t want to die." This was cold blooded murder imo.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
What did the cop at your door
(I once raged at an auto dealer service manager. Knowing full well that it was unlikely to get me what I wanted, the car repaired that day as had been promised. He'd screwed up by not seeing that it was fixed and it was more than inconvenient to me that it hadn't been done. While I was yelling at him, another part of my brain observed how skilled he was at calmly letting me rage. Training, much experience, or thick skinned? It's what cops need.)
He got a bit accusatory.
As it turned out her husband was a contractor who'd done some work on the PD building and her son was friends with some of the PD. The cop who called me after I sent a detailed letter was very professional, obviously. He was undoubtedly public relations. That's fine, I didn't expect that but while I was nice in my letter I was pissed about cops responding to that kind of thing. Coming to my house for that, just no.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Must have been a slow day at the PD
A parking lot altercation]
[video:Pigs getting abused by white folks, no worries, we won't shoot
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Oh my
This is just as bad as the one I posted in the other essay yesterday where 2 cops tried to arrest a white guy who resisted arrest, took a cop’s baton and beat them with it. I’ll bring up Dylan Roof again who killed 9 Blacks at the church and cops took him for fast food on the way to jail. Plus the Colorado movie killer who was peacefully arrested even though he was carrying his rifle at the time. This isn’t a problem with racism I’m told. Just people not obeying cops.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Don’t act like animals and thugs
And you won’t be treated like animals and thugs. Isn’t that what they tell us?
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
oh, come on now.
chris rock told us the 'How To Not Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police' rules long ago; it's simple: