Please pardon my frankness.

Obama can kiss my ass.
I reared a child on my own. I taught him/her that they could make a difference.
I encourage him/her to make a statement that they would be happy to fight for.
Then 2008 happened. Without help from me, they decided that it was a just cause to elect the first Obama.
Then they were informed that we had to look forward and forget the past.

Now, twelve years later, they have to listen to a priveledged power broker tell them what they shoud do.
It amazes me that we need one of those dirty foreigners to speak truth to americans.

"I want to acknowledge the folks in law enforcement that share the goals of re-imagining policing," Obama said. "Because there are folks out there who took their oath to serve your communities to your countries [who] have a tough job, and I know you’re just as outraged about the tragedies in the recent weeks as are many of the protesters. So we’re grateful for the vast majority of you who protect and serve. I’ve been heartened to see those in law enforcement who recognize, 'Let me march along with these protestors. Let me stand side by side and recognize that I want to be part of the solution,' and have shown restraint and volunteered and engaged and listened because you’re a vital part of the conversation, and change is going to require everyone’s participation."

What a complete asshole.

Thanks Caitlin.

Barack Obama has given his perfunctory speech about the Black Lives Matter protests taking place in America today, and it was every bit as full of pretty words and empty of actual substance as you’d expect from a president who spent eight years stagnating the progressive movement with empty hope narrative while advancing the same murderous oppressive agendas as his predecessors.

The former president talked about changes that need to be made as though he wasn’t the most powerful politician in America for two full terms, praised the nation’s police officers saying “the vast majority” of them protect and serve the people, and encouraged them to continue making empty gestures of solidarity with the protesters to calm them down.

“I want to acknowledge the folks in law enforcement that share the goals of re-imagining policing,” Obama said. “Because there are folks out there who took their oath to serve your communities to your countries [who] have a tough job, and I know you’re just as outraged about the tragedies in the recent weeks as are many of the protesters. So we’re grateful for the vast majority of you who protect and serve. I’ve been heartened to see those in law enforcement who recognize, ‘Let me march along with these protestors. Let me stand side by side and recognize that I want to be part of the solution,’ and have shown restraint and volunteered and engaged and listened because you’re a vital part of the conversation, and change is going to require everyone’s participation.”

George W Bush also weighed in on the protests, with the “compassionate conservative” who murdered a million Iraqis sending liberals throughout the Twitterverse into fits of ecstasy with his emotional plea for “empathy, and shared commitment, and bold action, and a peace rooted in justice.”

Establishment narrative managers on both sides of America’s imaginary partisan divide have been saturating the mass media with gushing praise for the two former presidents and their wonderful words of healing and unity, and indeed, the words are quite nice. They will change exactly nothing, but they sound nice.

And that is exactly what a US president’s real job is. Not to end police brutality and systemic racism, not to make changes which benefit the American people, and certainly not to make the world a less violent and murderous place, but to say pretty words which lull the public into a pleasant propaganda-induced coma while the sociopathic oligarchs who really run things rob them blind.

This is not accomplished by tweeting obnoxious things about shooting “thugs” and getting censored by Twitter. It is not accomplished by threatening to implement martial law against the will of the states. It is not accomplished by using the military to brutalize protesters so you can pose in front of a burnt church with an upside-down Bible. It is not accomplished by calling the brother of George Floyd and being curt, uninterested and dismissive. It is not accomplished by first mismanaging a pandemic, then mismanaging a response to an incendiary police murder, then having nothing soothing or sympathetic to say that makes people feel like you’re listening and you care. It is not accomplished by creating an environment which allows photos to circulate of the nation’s capital burning.

And that, right there, is the one and only reason why certain elements of the establishment do not like President Trump.

Whenever I point out the many, many evil establishment agendas that have been advanced by the current US president, I always get Trump supporters asking me “Well if he’s serving the establishment, how come establishment media and politicians attack him so hysterically, huh?”

This is why. At first glance it might seem strange to see Democrats and their aligned media shrieking about Trump with such an unprecedented degree of vitriol, but they aren’t doing this because Trump resists the establishment in any meaningful way on domestic or foreign policy; he provides no significant resistance to toxic establishment agendas at all. The reason there’s been such shrill, hysterical rhetoric about this president from establishment narrative managers is because unlike his predecessors, Trump puts an ugly face on the empire.

People who have dedicated their lives to advancing the interests of the oligarchic empire see Trump as an incompetent manager whose oafish, ham-fisted approach to his role risks drawing attention to the evil things the empire does. The US police force, for example, hasn’t gotten any more brutal or racist since Trump has been in office, he just hasn’t been able to manage events and narratives competently to keep the peasants from waking up and revolting.

Establishment narrative managers understand how to skilfully manipulate public perception without being obvious about it, and they understand how easily an incompetent steward of empire can snap people out of their propaganda trance. They therefore dislike Trump for the same reason a new mother dislikes a noisy neighbor: they’ll wake the baby. They don’t dislike Trump because he does good things, and they certainly don’t dislike Trump because he does bad things. They dislike Trump because he does bad things in a way that startles the people out of their sleep.

That’s the real reason the political/media class has been behaving so weird the last four years. It isn’t because Trump’s not a loyal empire lackey (he is), it isn’t because he’s a Russian secret agent (he’s not), and it isn’t because he’s a uniquely depraved president (he’s not). It’s because he allows people to see the perverse mechanics of a globe-sprawling murderous empire for the sick, evil thing that it actually is. That and nothing more.


37 users have voted.


janis b's picture

I don't know what to say except to say I'm sorry.

14 users have voted.
Pricknick's picture

@janis b
I'm proud of my child.
A valuable and powerful lesson was learned with very little help.
Those who curse the millennials can rot.
And they will.

15 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

janis b's picture


and I know what you mean having one of those myself.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

I’m right here with you on telling Obama to kiss your ass. He can kiss mine too while he is down there kissing yours. That so many people are blind to how horrible his tenure was is gonna fill books. He was one of the worst presidents in my lifetime and while every one of them were war criminals at least we got some good things from Nixon such as the EPA and a few other things. What did we get from Clinton or Obama? Did either one pass anything that helped our lives?

Caitlin has such a great way with words doesn’t she?

Here’s another excellent expose from her.

The operators of this globe-spanning empire have always been acutely aware that the weakest point in their machine is the possibility that the hundreds of millions of people who live in this nation may one day decide that the imperial status quo is not serving them, and that they do not want to be ruled anymore. They know that the last line of defense against this happening is their ability to use extreme violence upon the population until they stop revolting, so they have no intention of ever giving up this ability. An entire planetary empire depends on it.

Now, if you’d been hearing the bedtime story your whole life but not the waking up story, you would naturally assume that demanding an end to police brutality was the most reasonable thing in the world. You would naturally expect that if a police officer was caught on video deliberately strangling a man to death and then was not immediately arrested and prosecuted for murder, people would be understandably outraged and drastic systemic changes would be swiftly implemented to appease their anger. You would naturally expect the shining city on the hill to side with the people over a police force’s murderous tendencies.

If you’ve heard the waking up story, you would expect no such thing. You would understand that racial disparities never left the nation in question, and that the establishment which still keeps J Edgar Hoover’s name on the FBI building has no intention of doing anything about the police force’s role in it. You would understand that the role of the police is not to protect and serve the people but to protect and serve the empire, in the exact same way that this is the role of the military. You would understand that the empire is no more likely to voluntarily dispense with the violent tactics of its increasingly militarized police force than it is to dispense with its air force or nuclear warheads.

They’ll supply all the empty words and take-a-knee photo ops you like, but actually voluntarily disarming themselves against their subjects is not something they’re planning on doing.


That so many people have forgotten about Biden’s true history and legacy just baffles me. And how can anyone think that Pelosi was putting Trump down here


That wasn’t her secretly saying that trump is an idiot. It’s her saying, "job well done."

Your kid was lucky to have you as her/her dad.

20 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

janis b's picture


that is both uniquely and universally powerful.

12 users have voted.

That’s the real reason the political/media class has been behaving so weird the last four years. It isn’t because Trump’s not a loyal empire lackey (he is), it isn’t because he’s a Russian secret agent (he’s not), and it isn’t because he’s a uniquely depraved president (he’s not). It’s because he allows people to see the perverse mechanics of a globe-sprawling murderous empire for the sick, evil thing that it actually is. That and nothing more.

She nails it.

The more comfortable classes buy into that particular kind of bullshit that Obama is so good at selling but regular working people all over the world seem pretty fed up with the order of things, so I'm not sure trotting out the Nice Dad act is going to be as effective as it has been even in the recent past. Guess we'll see.

16 users have voted.
gulfgal98's picture

In 2012, I participated in Occupy Tallahassee. I was not a full time Occupier, but participated in nearly all the GA's and all the other events involving Occupy Tallahassee including marches on the Capitol and attending presentations of ideas for a better future. Occupy Tallahassee was a mix of young and old, with most of the participants being either millennials or boomers. The millennials were ones I looked up to and they assumed most of the leadership roles. My impression of them in the context of Occupy was that they were incredibly smart, very inclusive, had their values in the right places, and were willing to fight for a better tomorrow for everyone.

17 users have voted.

Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

on this issue are so powerful, and they've been expressed many times since 2016 by many observers. Harry Truman's assertion, that American Democrats would vote for a real Republican over a fake Democrat, was quoted many times online, and Michael Moore's observation, that a vote for Trump was a Molotov Cocktail thrown at the system, was also published widely.

So I'm not saying Caitlin's late to the party. Nobody says it better than she does. But when people like me can be pushed to the point of even considering voting for Trump for the reasons she so strongly points out -- that he has no clothes, he has no mask, he illustrates exactly what our government stands for-- her point is just stating the obvious, that the hypnotised American public will think slicing children in half with cluster bombs is the right thing to do if a really nice guy tells you it's good, but if an obnoxious boor tells you it's good, the American people will scream with rage and horror.

This is the sad reality of our time.

9 users have voted.

It’s interesting to me that the left has grown so cynical of “thoughts and prayers” type rhetoric from the right when someone shoots up a school or music festival but when Biden, Obama, even W. Goddamn Bush, give a “thoughts and prayers” type statement regarding racial injustice, it’s applauded as some magical heading spell. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that calling out the later would force libs to take a look at some things they really don’t want to see.

Edit to add: the lack of agency in these people is galling. I read Pelosi and Schumer’s statement and you’d think they were just some average powerless citizens rather than some of the most powerful politicians in the country, if not world! More “fight for” type language with no plans, no real anything. I see what’s going on. Power is circling the wagons and blaming it all on Trump. Yeah, he’s not helping at all, but don’t act like you haven’t helped create where we are now and that you are powerless to fight until Trump is gone. Pretending your hands are tied and countering Trump’s bible photo op with your own rather than anything of actual substance is complicity.

14 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Dr. John Carpenter @Dr. John Carpenter

I read Pelosi and Schumer’s statement and you’d think they were just some average powerless citizens rather than some of the most powerful politicians in the country, if not world!

I saw Bernie Sanders give a speech urging people to call Congress about the first stimulus package have them change and add stuff. Like he had no power to change Congress. I heard Matt Stoller say basically what the fk is Bernie talking about. Sanders is Congress. He could have put a hold on the bill as a senator and form coalitions among progressives in the House and Senate. "Hey, not up to me, I can't do crap."

According to insiders watching Pelosi with the stimulus package she was making all the decisions. Congressmen were privately complaining that none had any say in the package. Pelosi and Schumer are strong on the corporatist agenda, but then shrug their shoulders like oh gosh they will try but don't expect any results because ... republicans.

And this whole narrative of dems weak and gop strong is supported by a good part of the base. This excuse of weakness was always used to defend Obama cause you know, republicans always stopped him.

12 users have voted.
Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Obama's prescription:

On Wednesday, former President Barack Obama made three specific suggestions regarding police reform as he delivered his first on-camera comments regarding the death of George Floyd and its resulting protests in a town hall on Wednesday called "Reimagining Policing in the Wake of Continued Police Violence."

STEP 1: Everybody needs to READ read the report I wrote on my way out the door after eight years of doing everything the report says not to do.

Foremost, Obama said he wanted every U.S. citizen to read the report from his administration's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, a report originally released on May 18, 2015 which outlines "specific evidence-based reforms ways to build trust [between police and community members] and save lives without creating an increase in crime."

"A lot of mayors and local elected officials, read and supported the Task Force report," Obama said. "But then there wasn't enough follow-through. So today I'm urging every mayor in this country to review your use-of-force policies with members of your community, and commit to reforms."

STEP 2: Political leaders need to TALK more about specific responses that I am only generally talking about.

"We have more information and more data as to what works," Obama continued, "and there are organizations like Campaign Zero, Color of Change and others that are out there, highlighting what the data shows that works and what doesn't in terms of reducing incidents of police misconduct and violence. Let's go ahead and start implementing those."

"We need mayors, executives and others who are in positions of power to say 'This is a priority, this is our specific response," Obama added.

STEP 3: DONATE to my non-profit.

Third, Obama said he hopes very city in American would become a "My Brother's Keeper community," an Obama initiative to help to reduce barriers and expand opportunities for boys and young men of color through programs, policy reforms, and public-private partnerships.

Et Voila! Racist, violent policing solved!

8 users have voted.

The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger

Everybody needs to READ read the report I wrote on my way out the door after eight years of doing everything the report says not to do.

Democrats/liberals/leftists have long approvingly cited Eisenhower's parting words about the MIC. The man who did nothing for eight years gets no credit from me for stating what any informed American adult could figure out for themselves and many of whom did what they could to act on that information before 1961.

Trump is having a hissy fit because it became publicly known that he cowered in a WH bunker a few days ago. He's a thin-skinned coward always looking for a PR stunt that makes him look tough and coincidentally is viewed by evangelicals as confirmation of his godliness. He and they are nuts.

Meanwhile Biden is licking his chops that Trump is becoming too toxic to win reelection and Biden is the only alternative. Not one losing Democratic presidential nominee from 1952-2004 was as unacceptable as Biden, and many of them weren't all that good.

Is it too late to draft a candidate that could easily shine a light on these two nincompoops and defeat both?

3 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture


Anything that comes out with a "D" brand is going to to be center-right or far right, and won't derail the gravy train. About the "best" we can expect is an executioner with a smiley mask.

Anybody *not* wearing an "R" or "D" brand will have a humongous PR mountain to climb, with heavy artillery both "R" and "D" trained on him/her.

5 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

@TheOtherMaven the "R" and "D" brands are both highly toxic. That's a unique condition in an era when a majority doesn't identify with either of those two parties. Recall that Perot (who really was a nutcase) got almost 20% of the national vote when those parties were in the majority of registered voters and Perot was essentially a single-issue candidate in opposition to NAFTA which both Bush and Clinton supported. Oddly, it was Congressional Democrats that had blocked it during Bush's tenure.

2 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

When I heard him say now might be a good time to consider change, I wished I could throw up on him. For him to come back after tricking everyone into thinking he was going to change something, anything, then change nothing, and now suggest this might be the time is beyond the pale. He is so narcissistic, arrogant, and out-of-touch he fails to see himself.

It ought to be illegal for Obama to suggest we hope for change for the rest of his life.

6 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

You just made me feel sane again.

It's pretty hard, even for somebody with my training, to bear up under what seems like almost everyone buying into this blood-soaked wrestling angle.

I keep thinking, "It's like a face and a heel squaring off in pro wrestling--except that what the heel does to prove he's a heel is climb up into the crowd and actually kill people."

It is one of the most demoralizing things I've experienced, to watch the deaths of innocents used to fuel these bullshit narratives, where everyone who *isn't* Trump proves what great guys they are by saying they don't like Trump and that they do like Black Lives Matter, or that they want us all to be nice to each other. Words are cheap. In fact, after the past twenty-five years, words are wooden nickles.

I can't fucking believe I'm supposed to accept people like George W. Bush, John Brennan, and Mad Dog Mattis as my allies (or leaders, even?) I can't fucking believe I'm supposed to accept people like Jamie Dimon, Lachlan Murdoch, and Laurence Fink (what a great name for him, BTW) as my allies (or leaders, even). I'm supposed to believe that these bastards give a shit what happens to black people, when they obviously didn't give a shit when Eric Garner was killed in almost the exact same way. Or when Sandra Bland was killed in almost the exact same way. Or when Tamir Rice, a twelve-year-old boy, was shot for being black while owning a BB gun. And, by the way, wasn't George W. Bush the one who only got elected by bringing Jim Crow into the 21st century? Didn't he do that twice? Didn't we have a problem with how he treated black citizens of New Orleans during and after Katrina? Didn't his friends, in fact, make a quick buck by seizing the property of black citizens of New Orleans after Katrina? Speaking of making a quick buck, didn't Jamie Dimon sell "ghetto mortgages" (Wall St's words, not mine) to black people and Latino people especially? Didn't he target them? Didn't Wall St go through the black middle class (and the homeowning black working class) like locusts through wheat? Should I go on to describe how the Clintons did a similar thing in Haiti, or do Haitians still not count as real black people?

All this bad behavior, all this mistreatment of black people, just disappears down the memory hole. Because Trump. Trump bad. People who hate Trump good.

So, if I can get this straight, you can go from being someone who harms black people daily and uses racism to extract wealth from them constantly, to being a civil rights champion, in three minutes or less. However long it takes you to cut your promo on Trump and tell everybody in the crowd they should be nice to each other.

This image is the key to the Trump era:

7 users have voted.

"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver