Russia is not responsible for racism in America
Susan Rice on unrest and violence at the George Floyd protests: "This is right out of the Russian playbook as well."
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) May 31, 2020
#Seattle. Police throw a man to the ground. A cop kneel on the man’s neck, the same exact way they murdered #GeorgeFloyd.
People can be heard screaming “GET YOUR KNEE OFF HIS NECK! GET YOUR F*CKING KNEE OFF HIS NECK!” before his partner finally
— Chad Loder (@chadloder) May 31, 2020
Lots of videos compiled in this tweet
The police are out of control. They want to punish citizens for criticizing them, for filming them, for exposing their violence.
Police targeted my friend, a photojournalist. Shot her in the face with rubber bullets. Doctors couldn’t save her eye.
— Chad Loder (@chadloder) May 31, 2020
Minneapolis police march on a parking lot where VICE reporter @MichaelAdams317 is sheltering. He is wears a press badge.
“I’m Press! Press! Press!”
Cop shouts “I DON’T CARE” and throws him to the ground. Another cop pepper sprays him directly in the
— Chad Loder (@chadloder) May 31, 2020
Salt Lake City: Police violently shove an elderly man with a cane to the ground, for the crime of standing and watching.
He couldn’t hear their commands.
— Chad Loder (@chadloder) May 31, 2020
Linda Tirano, a photojournalist in #Minneapolis who has worked for The Guardian, was shot in the face with a rubber bullet by the police.
The doctors performed emergency surgery, but they were unable to save her eye. She is now permanently blind in that eye.
— Chad Loder (@chadloder) May 31, 2020
cw: police violence, children
Seattle: At a rainy and peaceful rally yesterday.Police advanced and pepper sprayed a young child in the face.
— Chad Loder (@chadloder) May 31, 2020
More tweets inside these articles that I have been collecting over the last few days.
The knee was a brutal coward’s knee.
The line of cops waiting to audition for leading roles stretches like a blue highway around the neck of this country. But who buys the tickets? Who fills the theater? Whose will is being done in this tedious, blood-curdling, repetitious, racist drama?
The “tell” for me was not just the brutality of this cops knee, but his hand in his pocket as he looked out at the cameras/crowd as he strangled the life out of Floyd for over seven minutes. His face was also seen by those those he serves - the elite rulers of the globe. His face and his cold heart demonstrated to them that he was their true servant.
Attorney General William P. Barr's Statement on Riots and Domestic Terrorism
— Justice Department (@TheJusticeDept) May 31, 2020
WAR on Antifa: As Trump vows to declare it a ‘TERRORIST GROUP,’ AG Barr equates rioting to domestic terrorism
Barr is calling what is happening Domestic Terrorism and the reason he is saying that is so that all the laws such as the patriot act and the 2012 NDAA can come into play. This is why the NDAA that was passed during Obama's tenure was so dangerous. With Barr claiming this then if the pentagon does roll out the military police they can arrest anyone they want and throw them into prison for as long as they want. No access to a lawyer. No Trial. No Habeas Corpus. Indefinitely until the president decides that the incident is past.
Sirota says that this country is a tinder box just waiting for the match. I thought the match would have been lit when millions of us started starving to death and being thrown out of their houses because they were fired from their jobs and congress would not extend unemployment benefits or do what other sane countries have done and paid their workers until they were allowed back to work. But it was Chauvin/George that lit the match and here we are. Read the links I have posted here to see how ......
Can we honestly ask African American people to keep voting, in a system that is historically and institutionally racist, for more powerful white people – or, in the case of Barack Obama, an acceptable black man who believes in and upholds the same system as his oppressors?
I urge, as my hero Lucy Parsons did before me, that fundamental societal change cannot come from “vote begging, nor political campaigns.” They need the space to breathe.
After the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, the Justice Department commissioned an after-action report to evaluate the response of law enforcement officers. The report stated that less-lethal munitions could be warranted in many protest situations, but that officers should take care not to use those weapons against citizens simply exercising their constitutional rights and choose a course of action that is not just authorized, but “is right.”
Unfuckingbelievable that cops let a dawg attack some who had his hands up and was cooperating with them.
And still more.
— JoanMarDK (@JoanMarM) May 31, 2020
Too much work for me to post links properly but each article is a good read.

Excellent article by Paul Street
Riots in Covid-19 era are the ‘language of the unheard’, looted bare by white elite
Read the rest....
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No wonder so many people are uniformed if they just
watch main stream media.
If they aren’t making it up then they censor out what they know the PTB don’t want people to see.
Edward Murrow would be pissed if he saw how low the media has become.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Rice just made Democratic politicians
look even stupider. After all, what could be stupider than believing Putin/Russia invented American racism and police violence.
While all forms of violence and looting distress me, at least it's understandable why those subjected to police violence and are poor would respond in kind. Unlike all those that order state violence at home and abroad and the wealthy people that keep looting state coffers and the people. They kill, maim, and steal by the millions for sport and a bigger bank accounts; they are the true psychopaths.
Essential comment on Rice and democratic party elites
Thanks Obama
You know the greatest president since FDR.
Obama to Reinforce the Militarized Police Occupation of Black America
Let’s remember that the first black American president brought slavery to Libya too. Damn now that is some legacy don’t you think? And yet people are begging for Obama to address the nation because Trump is a bad man. Plus he’s orange.
Vote blue no matter who folks because democrats are your friends and republicans are not.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Video of cops and Floyd inside cop car
It’s not obvious what they are doing inside the car though in my opinion.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
bad shit
unlax dude
gonna to get worse
trust me
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
(Gotta say it)
I realize this probably isn't the time or place, but that cut of Loan Me a Dime was the original mix! I haven't heard that in years! The new mixes put Duane way too far forward. It wasn't like that originally. Now I can finally hear Jimmy Johnson again! Thank you SO much QMS!
Now back to our regularly scheduled outrage....
it's cool
had no idea
you are very welcome
just stumble into this kinda stuff
sometimes without purpose
just happens
glad you like it
soda eye
digs into the soul after a bit
see you around
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Not all police departments and cops are braindead:
There's a good reason to suspect that a lot of police officers were disgusted by the killing of George Floyd. Those that let that be known should be applauded.
this is a good look
at an otherwise ugly situation
Thank you
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
This is how all police departments should have
You make good points Marie
Wish I could hold your mystical mind on this.
I find the role of most cops is to dominate others
due to their basic lack of self worth.
Just my own experience.
Keep up the good fight.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Mystical? Moi?
me too
we try to help where we can
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Cities across the Country have to pay out multi millions
Taxpayers pay that, and like other professions why aren't they required to have insurance?
Cops would have to act better or no one would insure them, or at least not for long after enough big settlements were handed down by the Courts.
As it is now law enforcement pay nothing for their crimes against the very people who have to pay for their own unjust treatment.
Every year as cities and towns cut their budget because they don't have the money after being hit with the tab for rogue cops, and entire departments, actions against the people that they advertise they are there to "serve and protect".
One other thing worth noting is how the police department budgets are always rising, while anything for the "community" is always getting cut.
Civil Liberties?
No question that a lot of LEOs don't belong in that job and that the cop culture (including its approval in the general public) is toxic. They're insufficiently trained in deescalating conflict which is further subverted by cops 'juicing.' However, there are required to intervene in many violent situation not of their making. ie for good reason, cops hate DV calls.
WRT city payment settlements for wrongful X, many of those are appropriate either because the cop was a rotten apple or the department is rotten. Either way, corrective action should be taken including zero tolerance for any cop covering for another. OTOH, we're a nation of blamers ever ready to hold someone/something responsible and make him/her/it pay; zero tolerance for understandable mistakes, accidents, etc. (I suspect this is why many cops can't defend the killing of George Floyd. It wasn't a situation demanding a split second decision with no recourse or rethink, and several cops can easily restrain a suspect with no serious injuries to anyone.) ie Clinton/DP/DNC Russia/Putin. A lot of those payments (like many auto and medical insurance payments) fall into the category of nuisance suits that are cheaper to settle than defend. I don't think we want city officials to dismiss a good enough police officer over a nuisance suit.
Thank you Marie for initiating this conversation between you
and QMS, and for all the insightful comments you both contributed.
The vision of police en masse joining blacks in solidarity is a very potent image, and a great solution to quelling the more destructive behaviour all around. It leaves more room for possibility. What we need is a lot more imagination and mutual understanding to begin to even approach this fundamental American disease called racism.
Karma is a bitch
Pelosi is such a putz (n/t)
The United States should hang its head in shame
The world is watching this shit show brought to us by the government going back 400 years.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This was absolutely uncalled for
Apparently they were breaking curfew, but.....
.....check out who was in the car ahead of them.
Oops looks like the pigf*ckers are still doing racial profiling. I have never been ashamed of my white privilege as much as I have this week. I can’t begin to imagine what it’s like being black in America. Fuck every cop that abuses their power of authority.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I feel ya snoopy
I don’t practice or recommend violence, but I sure can understand the urge.
Even though I avert my eyes from the current videos, I hang my head in shame.
I am glad people are seeing what
I have been seeing even before I got my law license 35 years ago. Believe me, I have seen it.
I intend to read the Paul Street article before I head to bed.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yellow Vests in France paid big price: eyes blinded, hands lost
And so, though gruesome, ghastly, and a shock, it should not be a surprise if many are maimed in the course of challenging the American elite and their enforcers.
What I really LOVE is reading about Joe Biden's
moralistic statements about racism over the last couple of days, especially after spending some time reading about how he lied about his record on civil rights... not just lied, but made up a whole narrative that even his staff asked him to stop talking about. This man uses the black community for self advancement and political power. He's been getting away with it for years. What's even sadder is that the older generation of blacks generally do not see him for what he is (note Doug Wilder called him out for racism). The younger generation sees it.
But it's not just the elder black community who are clueless to Joe, it's the Democratic Party and its followers. The more I read about Biden's record, the sadder and more confused I get about Bernie continuing to call him a "friend".
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin