Submitted by RantingRooster on Sun, 05/31/2020 - 11:31am
I am beside myself with anger. I seriously want to punch the fuck out of someone. I am so pissed off, I can't see straight. This is totally, and utterly un-acceptable.
Share widely: National guard and MPD sweeping our residential street. Shooting paint canisters at us on our own front porch. Yelling “light em up” #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #JusticeForGeorge #BlackLivesMatter
— Tanya Kerssen (@tkerssen) May 31, 2020
I hope people will remember this the next time they want to thank a service member. They shoot at unarmed civilians, on their own property. This is not "crowd" control. Everyone of these thugs should be prosecuted as a fucking TERRORIST!

In Philadelphia in 1985, police dropped a bomb on a row house
which caused a fire that burned down an entire city block.
I moved to Philly six years after that.
The memory was still pretty fresh. I saw a play about it by a local playwright.
One thing about Philly, you could (in the nineties) see a lot of plays and dance for pretty damned cheap.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I moved there about three years after
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
To see the video.
To see the video, click on the part of the above link.
This was a quiet residential neighborhood and police marched down the street like an invading army and then ordered the men to fire upon the people standing on their own front porch. One family member was hit but unhurt, however they could have severely injured someone with their random firing. It is absolutely shocking that police can do this with impunity. This is what a totalitarian state looks like.
Nearly every video i have seen over the weekend increases my anger but this one takes the cake.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It's an occupation army
simple as that
The Empire comes home.
Just another day in Baghdad - oops, I mean Minneapolis.
The only difference being the security forces in MN aren't using lethal rounds - yet.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I feel you today.
I too am so angry I could just scream. I would love to say to one of these cops one day "do you think the people who send you to do this will pay your pension when they are done with you? DO YOU? Do you really think you aren't as disposable to them as the people you just beat the shit out of? DO YOU?" And to the people who think this behavior out of cops is not only acceptable but heroic, I would like to ask them how long do you think before they turn that behavior on you? Do you really think they won't kill you because you are white? DO YOU? I invite you to test that little theory out, anytime, dumb shit.
I talked to my stepmother last night which is ALWAYS a challenge, she's Repugnant and always has been but laments the sorry state of the US. Well, when you vote FOR this kind of thing over and over, cutting taxes for the already filthy rich and somehow thinking those filthy rich are just like you, voting over and over to gut your own SS and Medicare but knowing that won't happen to YOU because you're already on it, voting enthusiastically for an openly racist party over and over again but refusing to see just how you bought into it, hell, refusing to see that Trump in a very typical con man way USED that spoon fed racism to win the presidency and you voted FOR it anyway, on and on I went.
And of course, when saying ANY of these things I also tell her that it isn't like Democrats are any better, which to me, goes without saying, but one HAS to say that now or be perceived as merely a loony Trump hater and not one who sees just how fucked we truly are by both wings of the same bird of prey. Of course, one also has to qualify every time one slams a Democrat since our oh so virtuous liberal "friends" will simply label one a Trump supporter when one points out the fallacy of party politics and the idea that we can merely vote our way out of this mess. Divide and conquer, ya know, MAGA!
I never get through but it does somehow feel good at times to beat my head against that wall and try. Cathartic to let the anger come out and be vented. She actually had the gall to say that if she had been there when that killer cop tortured George Floyd she would have stepped in and tried to stop it! What a fucking moron! Like those cops would give ONE tiny shit about some old white woman coming in to "save the day." Like they'd listen to her spew about that Bible and how we all just need to love each other while they're choking a man to death! The audacity of a woman who's led a very nice sheltered life to think SHE somehow now has the power to stop what she and her ilk helped put into place. That said, she is proudly ignorant, hasn't read much at all and thinks that is a good thing, gotta keep that negativity at bay ya know, just be positive, so again, I should NOT find one bit of what she blathers on about surprising in any way, shape or form, but I still do. Heh, so who's the dumbass in that scenario? Well, I am, of course, but that doesn't stop my behavior and she can pound sand if she doesn't like it - she called me after all and invited me to start. Don't give an asshole that kinda opening Idiot American, that asshole just might take it and you might not like what you're bound to hear...
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Well, I guess it's better
than if she'd said she would have helped the cops who were murdering him. There are plenty of people who feel like that.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
SS Troops on the march in Suburbia
Thanks for making this an essay post, rr. CB had posted this early in the morning, last night, but I doubt many saw it due to the time. EVERYONE needs to see this.
The tanks are rolling, the black-uniformed SS marching. "Light 'um up!" cried the SS troops. Isn't that what was said before the American gunships murdered the Iraqi civilians in the famous video? (I don't even want to post it, but I'll answer my own question: Yes, it was.
Those troops came home and some joined
police forces around the country. It’s a,logical progression really.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Some of those who work forces
Hold on to your butts.
This shit is bananas.
If I may cap your quote:
"I think I heard a shot."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
"And now you do what they told ya"
More of same song by Rage Against the Machine.
It's going to be too heavy for some, but here's the video in case someone is curious.
Killing in the Name Of by Rage Against the Machine with lyrics:
Unrelated but interesting RATM & Noam Chomsky
Rage Against The Machine - Interview with Noam Chomsky (from The Battle Of Mexico City)
As I understand it...
there are people who join the military with the specific intention of becoming
police officers because, for at least some departments/positions education
requirements are lower for veterans than for non-vets.
article on why police in the US kill so often
Police in the US kill people at a far higher rate than European nations even when both the officer and the victim are both white. This article examines some of the reasons why this is true. This part stood out to me.
I personally do not believe that the above quoted portion is the only reason that police in the US are so easily inclined to use force. I also believe that the culture of policing itself is fraught with bad practices, not the least of which is the use of an internal investigation into improper use of force and the way police automatically close ranks around bad cops. Even those who may come into the force with good intentions are immediately immersed into the culture of us versus them. Cops need to see themselves as part of the community, not above the rest of us.
No one, not even a cop, would want to see an army marching down his quiet neighborhood street, firing at his family or neighbors while they are standing on the front porch of their homes.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
That's not police or military action in any reasonable sense.
It is an armed mob making a show of force in what looks like a normal middle class neighborhood. No, it doesn't matter if it was the projects either. It is straight up intimidation or there would be no reason to fire paintballs or anything else at someone on their own porch. That street could be anywhere I remember from the time I lived there in the mid-80s. It's outrageous.
What is the situation? Is the whole city under martial law? Curfew? I don't get the justification for armed police sweeps of neighborhoods.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
vtcc--the sweeps were for 'breaking curfews'
on the second, or third night they were imposed.
(cops/National Guard mostly stood down, first night, or two)
You might say, Governors and Mayors began to take the curfews, seriously, once protests spread to the upscale, gentrified parts of the various cities.
I suspect that many residents said, "NIMBY." And, they responded.
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks for the info.
NIMBY...yeah. What's happening feels different than it has in many years. People who have been on the receiving end forever feel they have nothing to lose. The comfortable feel threatened and have no defenses or coping mechanisms. This is where it becomes dangerous and has some potential for driving change. The direction of the changhe, though, is never certain. I never really thought I'd see this much strong pushback from the discontent of average people in my lifetime. I may be wrong. I'm not sure how I feel about it either. It has that 1968 feel but nobody is suggesting peace. That's a bit discomforting.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Heh, totally agree it was unnecessary to run folks off
their own veranda. Googled Governor Walz's order - suppose one could argue that it 'indirectly' gives the Cops/the Military the authority to do so. Here you go,
The greatest influence on me growing up, my Father, took huge risks protesting in Selma and Montgomery (AL). As I recall, he never condoned violence in any form. So, I have somewhat mixed emotions, watching so much destruction.
(Guess I should say 'listening to'--we pulled the cord on cable teevee years ago, so, we're listening to various news channels on XM Radio. But, have heard an average of about 8-10 hours of real-time reporting, for several days.)
Having said that--hope they lock up the four officers, and throw away the key.
[Edited: Made language more diplomatic--last sentence.
"Those who choose the lesser of evil, tend very fast to forget they have chosen the evil."
~~Hannah Arendt, Philosopher
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
There is another way!
Few are guilty, but all are responsible.”
― Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Prophets
Join us
This shit is bananas.
To join in protest?
Or in looting a liquor store? Or are the two not to be distinguished?
I know what's really destroying small businesses
and small businesspeople in this country, and it's not a few dickweeds breaking your window and looting your store.
Given the grand context of looting within which we live, it's hard to do more than shrug when a member of the 99% throws a brick through a window and empties a cash register. Not because I don't care about the small business owner, but because I kind of feel like the samurai: we're all dead already.
That's assuming that it is always an ordinary person/protester and not a saboteur who's looting and pillaging. Which is far from the case.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
This is beyond outrageous
These are opening salvos of a police state establishing their
dominance over an unruly populace. If homeowners are no longer allowed
be on their porches while the military grade cop storm troopers march down
a quiet suburban street raising hell, screaming and shooting... well they are asking
for more resistance. A free populace will not tolerate this type of heavy handed bullying
without some sort of push back. The over zealous cops are begging for confrontation
and inciting violence. Perhaps proving their power but losing authority and respect.
Some may recognize the stupidity within their ranks. War tactics domestically is not a
good look. Think the rulers are getting a bit nervous?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The rulers know worse is yet to come.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Happened after Katrina too
I remember watching video of them going door to door in boats and disarming the residents. Not rescuing, because the houses of ones I remember seeing weren't underwater, had a second floor and were armed to protect themselves and their property, so weren't going anywhere. They did not aim the weapons they had in their hands, but were unconstitutionally disarmed, nonetheless.
Later, stories escaped that cops shot people who were on foot trying to cross a bridge to escape the flooded city.
Most of the populace went along with their own house arrest just fine.
And those who took it upon themselves to oppose it weren't getting much support
around here, were they? Maybe I missed the reports of vandalism, arson and looting
associated with the anti-lockdown protests, someone can point them out, maybe?
Medford, OR (May 16) -
State Capitol, Salem (may 3)
Dometic terrorism, state sponsored domestic terrorism,
and nothing will happen. Probably camera suppression instinct at work, which is an additinal crime, beyond assault and battery, violent intimidation and who knows what else. Toss in conspiracy, clearly it was, and they would. But no charges will be brought and if the victims try to press some the DA won't take it. The victims should at least sue the state/city and demand clean-up and clothes replacement plus punitive damages.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
A response worth sharing:
National Guard troops are taught
just like the regular military in counter-insurgency operations and military operation urban training for deployment overseas where they have to deal with an aggressive and hostile civilian population.
Their tactics failed miserably in foreign theaters so why the fuck did they think they would be successful to use them on a domestic population? All these operational tactics will do is alienate, anger and exacerbate the situation.
All those military goons had to do is politely address the women, who were rightly concerned about the commotion on their street, to please stay off the street for their safety during curfew hours. A bit of dialogue between them and the 'soldiers' would have left the women confident that the men were just checking to ensure the safety of the neighborhood.
"Light 'em up!" Same fucking behavior as they were trained for in the myriad regime change wars the US has been involved in. The 'enemy' doesn't wear uniforms so the MO is to shoot civilians (man, woman or child) if they fail to respond immediately.
There is only one word that describes this kind of armed violence against civilians to make them comply - fascist.
America's fascism has come home to roost.
I joined a protester this afternoon.
A young white woman was on the courthouse square, carrying a sign that read, "stop killing them". I joined her for 20 minutes. The sheriff's office is half a block away, and numerous police cars drove by to stare.
She said an elderly black woman had joined her briefly, and thanked her.
We got quite a few honks. Wish I had more time to be with her.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Anything thing that comes out of the mouth of Susan Rice a lie. She is wrong for America.
Throw her in the garbage with the other deep snakes: Samantha Powers, Victoria Nuland, and Hillary Clinton.
They have been stinking this nation up for long enough.
What an incredible smell they've discovered.
I often feel like talking this way to people like Rice.
"Garbage chute. A really wonderful idea!"
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
We need an update for this
to reflect the 'new normal' covid tamping down of human freedom
it's dying to get better
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I’ve been singing this for months now.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
on the porch
does not appear to violate curfew.
not required to be inside the house.
looks like the cops were out of order.
First one of the city's 'finest'
kills a man for suspected 'forgery' on film with no remorse
pent-up populace responds by burning down 3 cop shops
cops go full f*ing military shooting demonstrators with
rubber bullets, tear gas and clubs, then do storm trooping
people respond by demanding arrest of out-of-control cops
authorities compromise by charging one a with manslaughter
which will see no prison (save that for the protestors)
now the fear factor is increased by shooting anyone on their
porches. Does anyone see the consequences of this escalation?
The cops and authorities have already lost the battle. It is out
of their control now. They are only going to make it worse by
intensifying the violence and fear. The people will not back down.
Who loses what at this point? The people their dignity and freedoms,
the cops their respect and authority. Some major stupid moves by the
authorities. Suggest you stand down. Admit errors. Do not escalate. Perhaps you may
not see the consequences of immoral rule. If you stop now.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Ranting Rooster, I am going to make an outrageous comment,
because spontaneous reactions to a post or comment are what I mostly I do here.
So, reading your sentence:
I thought:
1. If your are black, I would advise you not to punch the fuck out of someone.
2. If you are white, you may want to think about who you would punch (psstt don't punch a black person).
3. If you are mixed black-white together, I would say, I understand why you may be totally lost and pissed and just take a hike. (psst .. you can do a zig-zag hike, that is most effective to confuse those who are upset with your reactions to wanting to get the hell out of the situation).
Now, coming to think about, how many people in the US are NOT mixed black-white-brown people. I guess the majority, right? Majorities will survive and win, says my logic.
Organize, keep fighting and surviving and taking hikes when you need to.
PS. I like how you made the video for c99P.
And I don't want to know anything about the pigments in your skin. Sigh. Just saying.
We are the journalsts now
If you see something, record it. If you record it, post it. The media is useless. They follow whatever is sensational, then fall back to mouthing fretful both siderisms and the official pronouncements. Unless there's video they can't ignore.
Probably the truest words spoken today.
Sometimes YOU are the One you are looking for.
Sometimes you are the voice people need to hear.
Sometimes what meeds to be said comes through you. It uses your hands and your mind to convey its message.
Sometimes, because you are capable, you simply step up and report what is happening, then tell us what it means.
and unless the video they can't ignore
isn't manipulated by a wicked video editor to get a kick out of having tricked out the viewers of said video.
How do you prove a video is not manipulated with a suitable software?
PS I should add that most of the time I can recognize if a video is manipulated with a purpose and those who reflect what happened at the ground.
I don't know, Mimi
An excellent video on this topic
Wise Marianne Williamson:
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I like her and this video! Thank you /nt