Scorched Earth Evil in Two Tweets

It's not all that much wheat, so is it just for the sadistic fun of it?

'Caesar Civilian Protection Act' (H.R. 31), WaPo, Dec. 11, 2019

The text of H.R. 31. (57 cosponsors) placed on Senate Legislative Calendar No. 107

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Let me start by saying that I have detested Donald Trump as a public personality for decades. Although I think that most of his supporters and opponents share a warped sense of what this asshole is all about, he is an embarrassment on every conceivable level.

His shitty personality and non-existent political philosophy provide massive cover for all the rest of the slime balls running our lives. Instead of both parties in Congress voting over and over again to make war, to expand surveillance and to give trillions of dollars of fiat money to the already too rich -- it is all Trump's doing.

It is debatable how much, if any, influence Donnie Shrimpfingers has over public policy in this country. My own view is that he has virtually no functional authority other than over his own Twitter Account. Whatever.

What is not debatable is that the news articles in this OP put Trump's name in the headlines as the moving party, as though he was poring over the satellite pics of Syria and "ordered" a particular wheat field to be burned out. As so often happens these days, the text of the story contradicts the headline and says that Trump approved the operation.

That could mean a lot of different things, and Trump deserves condemnation for NOT ending all this bullshit in Syria. He is guilty of war crimes in many different capacities and conceivably he really just has a hard-on for Syrian Wheat Farmers.

I find that very hard to believe. Instead, I think this loudmouthed jackass in the White House does not even bother to see how almost a trillion bucks a year on "defense" is spent.

The OP correctly links this "operation" to an Act of Congress from late last year:

President Trump is expected to sign the National Defense Authorization Act of 2020 after Congress passes it, as early as this week. With bipartisan and bicameral agreement, Congress added to it the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act of 2019, which authorizes sanctions on top Syrian government officials, military leaders and anyone else responsible for more than eight years of Assad’s mass atrocities, war crimes against innocent civilians and crimes against humanity.

In short, Trump is the worst President we have ever had, along with the Congress being the worst we have ever had -- as well as the permanent government for the most part. All the worst ever. Trump remains a major part of our problem -- but only a part.

Yes, burning up a wheat field is a war crime. If it is being done in a systematic way to starve out the people of Syria, it is genocide. If that happens, and it will not surprise me if that effort is made, it would be a real good reason to impeach Trump and remove him from office.

Anybody really think that this Congress would take action against the President for using food depravation as a geopolitical tactic?

22 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

@fire with fire It seems that the Oval Office lost war policy under Obama when the military leadership bombed a Syrian position after Obama and Putin arranged for a cease fire. Trump ordered troops out of Syria and was give the finger by the deep state.

But for four years as pundits have said, liberals and the media have "valorized" the deep state.

15 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


i've long theorized that there may be several versions: some in harmony, some in opposition.

9 users have voted.

@wendy davis There was a book awhile ago that wrote about the seven interest groups controlling America. And yes, there will be times when they fight with each other. An example of that is Walmart vs. the banks. Walmart wanted the banks to lower their service fees which were paid by their customers. They almost won as many lawmakers were on their side. I think it was an Obama fiat ruling that gave the day to the banksters.

8 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


such a book, but i'd sure stick the CIA as one of them, as well as NGOs such as the atlantic council, thus NATO/africom. dunno if the book had pinged those; do you remember any other for instances? and i loved your use of 'valorized'; another word i'd forgotten. the image it conveys, oh my.

(i'd got caught in a trap after having seen a Tweet about leonard peltier's having been convicted on false testimony, false documents, and so on. but i did finally found it, checked every single link, and really it's about #FreeingHimNow, after 44 years, because the prison he's in is full of coronavirus.) his defense committee had nothing new besides that, either. he's been so very ill, as has julian assange; both political prisoners, of course...)

7 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@MrWebster Title? Author? Jacket artist? Papermill of origin? This sounds good!

*imagines a Deep State reality TV show..."ACTUAL Big Brother!"*....

4 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

wendy davis's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

mike lofgren (and the shadow government rings a bell) here's a page of images, although there are a few novels among them.

3 users have voted.
CB's picture

@wendy davis
She actually makes Trump look good in comparison while talking about how corrupt the US "Deep State" became under Hillary and Obama's watch. The woman has guts and smarts. She will give you a whole new point of view.


7 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


esp. as it sounds like the author mr. webster may have been pinging. but i'd watch two 17-min videos earlier today (in snatches) and got the same barfy-thingy goin' on in my belly. yeah, i'm a video wimp.

thanks for bringing it, though, CB; most C99% denizens love videos. i just can't do them, even were i to have the time. and i'm meetin' myself comin' and goin' this evening, and more RL chores to come.

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@fire with fire

after all, 'assad gassed his own people', everyone knows that./s (never mind 4 OCPW whistleblowers having shown that the white helmets, stars of stage and screen had managed to plant those false flag events.

as to this (and i may get seriously in the weeds as i try to respond):

What is not debatable is that the news articles in this OP put Trump's name in the headlines as the moving party, as though he was poring over the satellite pics of Syria and "ordered" a particular wheat field to be burned out. As so often happens these days, the text of the story contradicts the headline and says that Trump approved the operation.

what the ib times had said was:

The report titled Confirmed Trump Ordered Syria's Wheat Crop Burning During Pandemic claimed that the US forces were carrying out the orders that were sanctioned by The White House. President Donald Trump had signed the orders for the burning of agriculture lands in Syria.


then linked to veterans today, author Stephen Sahionie.

now i'd found coverage earlier at

The US is using wheat as a weapon of war in Syria; Since the beginning of the US-NATO attack on Syria in 2011, wheat production has fallen from an average of 4.1 million tons per year to just 2.2 million tons in 2019’, Stephen Sahionie, May 20, 2020

same fellow, IOW. i can't say that all of what he'd written was the same at both sites, including, but not limited to this, as i've read too much by now:

Youssef Qassem, the General Director of the Syrian Grain Establishment, said 200,000 tons of wheat from Russia has been ordered, and a ship carrying 26,000 tons of wheat coming from Russia had arrived at the port of Tartus, with further shipments to arrive. He added that the wheat is immediately moved from the port to the mills, and said “Preparations are underway to receive the wheat when the harvest season begins next month where 49 centers have been equipped to facilitate the reception of wheat and pay the farmers,” while pointing out that the reopening of the Aleppo-Damascus road has contributed greatly to reducing the costs of transporting wheat.

and maybe this? i'd copied it with an eye toward checking:

The AA has talked repeatedly to the Syrian government in Damascus, concerning the future of the northeast, but has not resolved their differences. Ilham Ahmed, co-president of the Executive Council of AA, has been negotiating with Damascus and she is also working closely with the US government representatives in Syria. Ilham Ahmed is rumored to be the one who gave the idea recently for the US military to target a specific farm in Hasaka, after she had met with Syrian Arab tribal leaders, and found some opposition to selling to the AA.

The armed wing of the AA is the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), led by the Kurdish YPG militia, who partnered with the US occupation forces in the fight against ISIS, which ended in 2017. Even though Trump allowed President Erdogan of Turkey to invade Syria, the US military is still working in support of the SDF and AA on many levels. The Kurds and their US ally hold the wheat as a trump card in ongoing negotiations.

nor am i positive that the hyperinks are were useful but i had checked a few of the duran's coverage, one claiming that the reason there was so little wheat, is that assad had 'liberalized' the economy in favor of other products than agriculture. but that link and a couple others had gone to Syria Direct, so i'd wikied that organization and found:

Syria Direct or Syria:direct, founded in 2013, is an independent news organization based in Amman, Jordan, that provides news coverage on Syria's war and politics, and trains journalists. They have been funded by an American organization, the Global Peace and Development (GPD) Charitable Trust, as well as by the US State Department and several embassies in Amman.

so, i'd also gone to southfront to familiarize myself with a map of syria, as well as the military sit rep, and it does show some wheat fields burned (likely by) Isil in 2019, on the euphrates river on the border of the autonomous zone. click for larger, and there are magnifiers as well.

gotta scoot for now. hope i haven't muddied the waters even further.

on later edit: the southfront syria map hadn't worked as i'd expected: here's the address.

on even later edit: i've corrected some of my typos. some of my keys are sticky, many blank because the print's worn off, and i really don't know how to type in any event.

11 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

@fire with fire

in the second tweet.

on later edit: i'd been saying no to this:

Anybody really think that this Congress would take action against the President for using food depravation as a geopolitical tactic?

the D team has actually increased the military budget over what Boss Tweet had requested, haven't they? and cool screen name, by the way. ; )

Trump's military must have caused him and mafia don pompeo to 'blink' over nor (so far) permitting the 5 iranian gasoline tankers to travel to VZ, although only 2 are in port, 3 others seem to be 'days away', according to a former editor of telesur english via today.

now whether or not that 'blink' was due to the fact that the US may have been seen as more of a Pariah Nation than ever, or that if any vessels were stopped, blown up...surely china and russia (all great allies of VZ, as is cuba) would have gotten involved. The RT author claims their are 'top level anonymous insider' rumors that the white house is mulling over possible responses. but for now? Woooot!

7 users have voted.

@fire with fire it's the military that draws up the plans of operation, and the CnC approves/disapproves them. In the end, it's on the president, and paragraphs of prose trying to pass the buck and excuse him for responsibility as just a doofus weakling in the face of the mighty power of the MIC is not going to suffice.

And as Donald has shown, he is not averse to firing generals under his command. If this was something the JCS tried to sneak by and muscle over him, he can send them packing.

As an historical note, it does happen that a plan originates with the president or he is otherwise intimately involved in drawing up battle plans. As with, e.g., LBJ's tendency to want to play general and identify bombing targets on the map of Vietnam which the generals would duly note and then, presumably, bomb.

And sometimes a president will tell the JCS that he wants X done, now go and figure out how to do it and get back to me. In the Trump Syria case, we just don't know. But if it happens by his people on his watch, it's on him.

7 users have voted.


@fire with fire it's the military that draws up the plans of operation, and the CnC approves/disapproves them. In the end, it's on the president, and paragraphs of prose trying to pass the buck and excuse him for responsibility as just a doofus weakling in the face of the mighty power of the MIC is not going to suffice.

I have no idea why you say that "paragraphs of prose trying to pass the buck and excuse him of responsibility . . . is not going to suffice."

In case I did not express myself clearly, I do not want to excuse him of anything. I want honesty in journalism. Yup, most of the time, the military draws up plans and then submits them for approval by the President. I was not aware that the figure was 98%. Your authoritative tone clearly proves that this may have been in the 2% or the 98% category. Thanks for explaining that. It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that my bitching about the article has a 98% chance of being accurate. Not bad odds, really.

So, if he really did dream up that campaign to starve the Syrians into submission, he is guilty of yet another war crime, and the article correctly specified it as HIS work. On the other hand, if the entire military and political power structure created a Mission of Regime Change in Syria and uniformed personnel came up with this particular war crime and Trump only approved it, he is guilty of yet another war crime and the article was misleading about it being ONLY on Trump.

I have no patience with letting the entire government pass the buck for its responsibility to follow international law and not commit war crimes. In case you have any doubt about my opinion, let me assure you that Trump deserves to be incarcerated for his part in war crimes.

But he don't do this shit by himself.

3 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

RantingRooster's picture

generally forgotten, we have absolutely ZERO legal authority to be militarily involved in Syria, for any reason what so ever.

Not to be all sadistic, but how does burning a wheat field compare to the destruction of say Libya, in terms of war crimes, genocide and or crimes against humanity? Or making any "stimulus" for "the people" in the US, having to be means tested to get help, from not dying of starvation?

How does it compare to crime against humanity committed right here in our own country, of Flint Michigan, where tens of thousands were poisoned, but no terrorist was required, and no one has been held accountable?

Gee, over 100,000 US citizens are DEAD because of his, and this governments completely and utterly criminal negligence to this pandemic.

Trump should not be impeached. He should be arrested and fucking perp walked to jail post haste!



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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

wendy davis's picture


from this #ShitHole (including Imperialism and capitalism) i never say 'We', but 'the US'. but russia has been invited to syria, which makes it another proxy war, as does Pipelineistan (h/t pepe escobar). hasn't syria been at the epicenter of that? pepe believes so.

i won't even offer any measurements as to how this compares, but i really don't believe boss tweet is 'the worst' (and most loud-mouthed & crass), just one of many war criminal presidents who should have been permanently consigned to the prion at the hague...even though they'd smiled purdy for the cameras.

8 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture

@wendy davis

and Jackson's little lapdog Van Buren, who let the atrocities continue. And he's got a ways to go to catch up with James Buchanan....

1 user has voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Shahryar's picture

...said Nixon.

Similarly it's not a war crime if the united states does it. The Hague exists to try/punish opponents of the U.S.

The a-bomb, instead of ushering in a time of peace, has given us a world where the biggest bully is free to do as it wants because the other countries know the real consequences.

14 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


was the only one to launch a-bombs? and yet, trump was stopped from dropping a low-yield nuclear bomb on one iranian nuclear his generals? who pulled out of the JCPOA but pretends the US is still a signatory, and demands that iran 'renegotiate it'? but now it's the US and the START treaty (china mut alo join!), the list just goes on and on, doesn't it, Sharyar?

how many 'undeclared nukes' does israel own? few even care, as the US behaves like a vassal state to Israel.

12 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

@wendy davis  

few even care, as the US behaves like a vassal state to Israel

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


i'd send you 3 amerikan dollars if you swear not to tell Bibi, amiga. okay, i might stretch to 4...

wonder how bibi's corruption trial's going, by the by. sounded like kinda weak tea, though.

meanwhile, and ya gotta love the AP's spin:

MINSK, Belarus (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Wednesday that prosecutors have opened a criminal inquiry into leaked tapes that allegedly feature the country's former leader discussing conditions for a $1 billion loan with former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden.

The tapes, which are yet to be authenticated, were released on Tuesday by Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Derkach, who long has aired unsubstantiated corruption accusations against Biden and his son, who used to serve on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

The recordings don't appear to contain anything that would incriminate Biden or his son and were seen by some observers as a political effort to help U.S. President Donald Trump's reelection bid.

The Ukrainian investigation was opened on treason and abuse of office charges, indicating it was mostly directed against former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Poroshenko rejected the tapes as a fabrication by pro-Russian forces in Ukraine.

There was no immediate sign that the probe could be directed against Biden. The Prosecutor General’s Office gave no further details.

hope all is well with you and yours, miz lizard.

4 users have voted.
QMS's picture

an american backing up a killer regime
least wise with those emitting a conscience
plug the pentagon
stop the violence

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

wendy davis's picture


that clearly demonstrate that a vast preponderance of nations globally see the US as the largest exporter of violence and terrorism on the planet.

8 users have voted.
CB's picture

@wendy davis

They use that shit every generation and the plebs fall for it every fucking time.

7 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


"i did a bad job with the letters".

amerikkka only exports Democracy©! (by pith helmet)

to say the truth, i'd seen that graphic at the tag end of Marvel Comics 'Captain America', but i couldn't find a stand-alone one. that worked for both VZ and pepelineistan syria.

4 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

Forget my earlier considerations of actually voting for Fat Bastard this time. He can line up right behind Tsarbomba, Hitlerry, George Damn-You Bush, and rest of the Usual Gang of Idiots at the oil-blackened gallows with the ropes woven from teddy bear cholla and gympie-gympie and staffed by literal clones of Charles Manson and John Wayne Gacy.

If all else fails, I can always vote for

5 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

wendy davis's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

some of the stuff with his face on it? maybe...a T-shirt', so you can later say: 'I campaigned for Vermin Supreme and all i got was this lousy T-shirt for my efforts'?

of course, i'm assuming he may not win whatever office he's running for... : )

3 users have voted.

I have not been a fan since day one. Back in the DailyKos days I wrote against it. Then a bunch of Clinton State Dept goons that didn't know Syria for their behind started bombarding the internet with posts of nonsense. Wonderful freedom loving Syrians against an evil leader...meanwhile ignoring the throat slitters.

That should be, and probably is, illegal. But no one gives a damn. Just like Ceasar. No one actually wants to do documentation on his photos. He is just to be accepted as true. Not unlike the 'fact' that DNC files were stolen by Russia. No need for documented evidence. This feels like it is true, so therefore everyone will report it as true.

Anyway, I bring this up because I doubt the stories we did this. Another fire broke out near Palmyra. It has been hot as bejeezus in Syria lately. Way above normal.

When I lived in Greece every time a fire started in late summer they blamed it on Turkey. The fact that everyone smoked and everyone threw their cigs out the window never entered the discussion.

I would love a focus on just what Hillary did to support the initial uprising. She is evil.

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wendy davis's picture

to respond. a rare commenter at the café stopped by ad said it amounted to a kitchen fire. i'd directed him here for updates (as i'd forgotten to add 'cross-posed from', cross-posted at'), but i won't argue that you're wrong, because as the stories said: the crops caught fire in other locales because 'hot dry winds'.

you've obviously lived with wildland fires blowing up via wind sparks as we have here in SW colorado, so i'll honor your comment. the end.

on edit: see the second tweet as part II of the 'scorched earth evil'.

4 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture


it's enemies, both here and in yemen lately, but it's a long list. the large fire on the border was assumed to have been isis/isil, but who knows? and this is a bit too convenient:

The AA has talked repeatedly to the Syrian government in Damascus, concerning the future of the northeast, but has not resolved their differences. Ilham Ahmed, co-president of the Executive Council of AA, has been negotiating with Damascus and she is also working closely with the US government representatives in Syria. Ilham Ahmed is rumored to be the one who gave the idea recently for the US military to target a specific farm in Hasaka, after she had met with Syrian Arab tribal leaders, and found some opposition to selling to the AA.

The armed wing of the AA is the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), led by the Kurdish YPG militia, who partnered with the US occupation forces in the fight against ISIS, which ended in 2017. Even though Trump allowed President Erdogan of Turkey to invade Syria, the US military is still working in support of the SDF and AA on many levels. The Kurds and their US ally hold the wheat as a trump card in ongoing negotiations.

and the AA refuses to sell wheat to the assad government. Kissinger Doctrine: 'He who controls the world's food...controls the world', or close to that. soon it will be fresh water, though, i think.

but Slow Draw McGraw here re: this:

I would love a focus on just what Hillary did to support the initial uprising. She is evil.

where? how? i suppose you're free to do that here, and might be prompted by CB's sidney powell video, no?

2 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

of 'Arthur' w/ clive owen. Saxons: talk about scorched earth! whooosh!; )

a closing song? guess playing for change's cover of Gimme Shelter sounds about right just now:


hello: even Washboard Chaz!

3 users have voted.

I placed my bet that the Elites practice, literally, Black Magic as the driving force of US/European actions. Looking at the history of the aristocratic involvement in secret societies and their rituals and stated purposes, going back centuries, plus the fact that their actions result in massive terror, misery, and death I could only conclude that in the Elites' mind they saw all they've wrought as food. Sounds crazy, and I don't want to start a thread on conspiracy theories, but damn...

This story supports my conclusion. There's no real world advantage to this: it's purely for fear and torture, nothing else.

8 users have voted.

Orwell: Where's the omelette?

wendy davis's picture

@jim p

causing me to try to time-travel back centuries to even remember extant secret societies, but the few i recalled were masons, skull and bones, and secret societies within the catholic church, especially.

this is fear, torture, and the biggie (imo): Control. it's one of the ways that western policy works: throw a populace into dire precarity, throw in a few CIA provocateurs to agitate for the overthrow of a duly elected government in favor of a US/Western puppet, and ya got ballgame.

remember Pompeo's Tweets to the iranians? "send us your photos and stories of iranian oppression and citizen torment"?

gawd's blood, what a Thug:

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