DNC: You were warned that if you cheated again....
If Trump Wins Again, Don’t Blame Progressives
The corporate conservatives who control the Democratic Party are suffering from cheaters’ remorse.
The DNC and their media allies (NPR, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, Vox, etc.) subverted the will of primary voters, undermining initial frontrunner Bernie Sanders in order to install the worst candidate of the 20 centrists in the campaign.
Now the power brokers are worried that the befuddled Biden, whom they touted as the Most Electable Against Donald Trump, will lose to him. Rather than take responsibility for their idiocy and force Biden to pull out of a race for which he is obviously physically and mentally unprepared, the corporatist sellouts are preemptively blaming the progressives who warned them about this exact scenario.
Sorry, right wingers. Biden is on you. You made him the presumptive nominee. If Trump wins again, it’s your fault.
Just as it was last time.
Establishment panic over Biden is most palpable in the pages of the official party organ of the Democratic Party, the Times. “While [Biden] has held consistent leads in most national and swing-state polls, they have not been altogether comfortable one,” the paper noted on May 15th.
If Biden is to squeak by Trump in November, he requires a comfortable lead now. “A CNN poll released on Wednesday found Mr. Biden leading the president by five percentage points nationwide, but trailing by seven points among voters in crucial battleground states…for some Democrats, the results of the CNN poll again raised the specter that Mr. Biden could win the popular vote but lose the Electoral College, as Hillary Clinton and Al Gore both did.”
Bloomberg. Jaimie Dimon. Larry Summers.
Bruni’s argument involves magical thinking too. “At the end of the day, Biden can be trusted to do what Trump didn’t and won’t: stock his administration with qualified professionals. He could compensate for any supposed cognitive deficit with a surplus of talent,” Bruni says. There is no evidence, none, zero, zip, that this is true. Biden could validate that argument by announcing his cabinet nominations now. But he’s not.
Actually he has as I noted above.
Let’s not forget how we got here.
When Bernie Sanders announced he was running again, Democratic-aligned media outlets said he was too old. “Mr. Sanders would be 79 when he assumed office, and after an October heart attack, his health is a serious concern,” the Times said in its absurd editorial joint endorsement of Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren.
Then, when Bernie emerged as frontrunner for the nomination, corporate media presented him as an existential threat. Head-to-head polls showed he was at least as electable as his rivals, yet “journalistic” organizations stated, without evidence, that a left-wing Democrat couldn’t beat Trump. Headlines proliferated:
“Can Bernie Be Stopped?”
“Bernie Sanders Can Still Be Stopped.”
“The Stop Sanders Movement Has Gone Public.”
CNN even compared Sanders to the coronavirus.

(Links in article)
Bernie Sanders won the key Iowa caucus but Democratic vote-counting chicanery cheated him out of the PR for his win. Party insiders believe that Barack Obama personally arranged for Beto O’Rourke, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg to endorse Joe Biden the day before Super Tuesday. Speaking of which, Sanders won California, the biggest state—but the vote count mysteriously took days, denying him a big headline and an accurately optimistic delegate count in media coverage.
A Times headline from February 20th proved prescient: “Democratic Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Bernie Sanders.”
They got what they wanted.

This is more true than ever after we’ve seen Pelosi shoot down every bill that would keep people from living in abject squalor.
Congress gave $4 trillion to big corporations.
$4 trillion is enough to give every household in the country $33,000, so that people can at least pay for food & rent.
But they deliberately chose to give the money to corporations instead of people.
That’s it. That’s the tweet.
— David Sirota (@davidsirota) May 14, 2020

Watch the whole thing
Behind the scenes of a Correct the Record/Shareblue recruitment center
ETA: You guys remember Hillary's Correct the Record online trolls that were paid to go on to any social media thread where people were accurately criticizing her for her failed policies? We saw them flood into daily kos to Correct us when we were telling the truth about her and they told us how much we were wrong. Anyway this video is about that and the new recruits for Brock's new gig are in a boot camp scenario getting their talking points and at the end people blurt out the truth. Worth a watch.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
It gets even better
Now the Sanders campaign is requiring all its delegates to sign a loyalty oath to Joe Biden and the Democratic party. This agreement extends down to personal social media accounts including Twitter.
From the article.
In less than two months, Bernie Sanders has betrayed all those people who scraped their hard earned dollars to support his campaign and has gutted his movement. This agreement adds insult to injury to all those people who worked so hard for him.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well, we were warned
"... would it compromise Bernie Sanders’s message, credibility,
Do they live in a bubble much? His credibility? His reputation? Just fucking wow!
Yeah I saw that last night
and posted an excerpt from the Post. Joe responded that the coronation is progressing as planned. Paraphrasing. Isabel is spot on because it is censorship. And it is hypocrisy on Bernie's part because he still went after some of Hillary's policies after he conceded to her and when he was stumping for her which she said that he didn't leave enough of his blood, sweat and tears on the floor and that was why she lost.
Of course Rising talks about it this morning. Krystal points out that he is doing more for Biden's campaign they Biden is doing to bring progressives into his campaign. Absolutely correct. Yes Trump is doing some very shady shit right now with relaxing all regulations across all industries, but let's remember that Obama didn't do many things he could have until he had one foot out the door and since they didn't go into affect for months and years the GOP rolled most of them back during Trump's 1st 100 days. But boy didn't it make Obama look like he was finally stepping up? But again where are the democrats to oppose what he is doing?
I held my tongue during the primary this time, but I just saw Bernie phoning it in this time and his constantly calling Biden his friend when he knew damn well that the issues he was running against were put in place by his good friend in the first place. And yet he rarely mentioned that. The Iraq war got a lot of play, but what about his other policies and especially the bankruptcy bill. Bernie was strong on student loan cancellation, but why didn't he ever mention why people couldn't discharge them because of Biden's bankruptcy bill?
One last thing. I will literally LMAO if Warren gets selected as his VP. Full circle sell out because she said she got into politics because of the bankruptcy bill.
Oh Bernie. Biden has never been on the side of the working class. We have seen so much evidence of that through the 40 plus years Biden has been in government. Wake up.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
You're irrepaceable gg
in pointing to the crucial central matters
Very doubtful:
At all costs, the ConservaDemCons need to protect their franchise among 55% of Democratic primary voters. If they lose that, they will be hard pressed to get all those general election voters who still show up to cast their ballots for what they continue to believe is the New Deal party. That party was wobbly after 1976, but almost all the remaining dregs were cleared out in 1994.
Both parties are now about nothing more than the power to serve their high net worth masters. The various single issue factions (pro/anti environmentalism, pro/anti war, pro/anti civil liberties, pro/anti-slavery, pro/anti-equality for women and minorities, pro/anti-economic equity) are nothing more than bothersome gnats during election cycles. Gnats that return to their nests after elections so that "they" can get on with doing what their masters expect of them.
wrt coronavirus, not one of all those nationwide elected officials has demonstrated the leadership qualities required in such a situation. Xi did better than western leaders, but had two advantages, a structural system that allowed for the sledgehammer response and a population that honors their senior citizens and a collectivist mentality. Unlike other countries that had a few days to weeks of lead time, Moon Jae-in, South Korea, impressively managed the epidemic by first putting public health in the lead and refrained from politicizing it. The case study for excellent management may be Vietnam (limited infections and zero deaths to date) but information on how they've been managing it isn't being reported in the US.
The wrong countries doing it right
This article from last year did not age very well.
These are the top 10 countries for pandemic preparedness
US and UK ranked 1 and 2.
Did you mean China, not Russia?
That picture of Sanders with the betrayal text is perfect.
I dumped a lot of money (for me) into his campaign, but that's all in the rear view mirror now. Until there is actually a People's Party, I'm voting Green.
Sure but wasn't Bernie complicit in it this time around?
In hindsight it almost looks like Bernie was in on the ruse.
And if he was running to sheepdog, it would explain a lot of things. He treated Tulsi Gabbard who had sacrificed everything politically to support him in 2016 as a pariah. It was so bad that even one of her brothers posted about it on Facebook. Meanwhile he called Joe Biden "his good friend" and refused to attack Biden even on policy grounds. He also sucked up to Warren even though her whole purpose was to deep six his campaign. Either Bernie was a sheepdog or a coward or perhaps both, but long term it has damaged his movement and possibly turned off lots of young people from politics forever. It has also hurt his legacy.
I had a saying when I worked in local government. "No matter what, I would do everything to protect my credibility. I am the only person who has to live with myself 24/7 and I want to be able to look into the mirror and know that my integrity is intact." And when I did stand up for what was right, I suffered retribution, but I could still look in the mirror.
When you say that you want to lead a "revolution," you have to be willing to be vilified and even hated for doing the right thing and taking the right stands. Apparently, Bernie was more worried about becoming hated like Ralph Nader than he was about his own credibility and doing the right thing.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Here are some of the candidates to be in Bidens cabinet
We already knew of some of the names, but the New York Times did a poll to see who the people think should be in it. Anyone think that the Times wouldn't have gotten permission from his campaign before they did this?
Hey Bernie, are you going to muzzle your delegates so that they can't speak out about this? If You do then I have a name for what you are doing. Which is something I have thought all along. How very sad to see this from him.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I would like to hear what Chris Hedges would
aay ot those lists.
Tough tobacco, again. Almost fainting.
This is all so hard to see and watch
It's almost like that movie They Live where you need special glasses to see the monster/alien. Say it ain't so Bernie. AND btw, what are you doing with all that "unprecedented" fundraised money? It sure couldn't have been used for you campaign, as you were robotic and even listless at times. But to do this turning of your back to your most ardent supporters is the ultimate betrayal.
Never thought I would agree with Hildebeast, but she may have had a point when she informed us that "nobody" likes him. (Bernie) Nobody likes a back-stabber.
Anyway, that being said, I am still grateful to Bernie for making progressive policies mainstream.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
The Dream team is really
We are living in a very broken country.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Warn't no stealing.
Maybe last time. Not in 2020. Bernie lost this one on his own doing.
And it was, uh, slightly misleading advertising by the Bernie camp about that "Revolution" copy. Because nothing quite says Revolution like bringing in as campaign manager someone from the Harry Reid camp. And revolutionary Bernie talking consistently on the phone during the campaign with revolutionary Barack Obama. And calling revolutionary Joe Biden "my good friend" and refusing to take it to him during the many debates.
I guess he meant Revolution in some polite D.C Beltway Miss Manners way, all cleaned up and suitable for younger viewers.
And if it never was a real Revolution, and he's now further sold out with this latest speech-muzzling effort, why the need to reach for scapegoats about his failed campaign? Isn't that what Hillary did after 2016 with the Rooskies?
I tried telling them this 3 years ago...
The following nightmare was what I got in response when I tried saying something very similar (and that's not even including how the primary responder here wound up chasing me around the site for the next 48 hours, also going after me when I posted on completely unrelated diaries) - I don't know why I've become so fragile (sometimes I wonder if there's actually a grain of truth to the conspiracy rumors about fluoridated water, it seems like emotional fragility is itself a pandemic among those of us under the age of 35), but I remain literally traumatized by this: https://www.dailykos.com/comments/1681024/67146985#comment_67146985
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Which one followed you? The doctor or the E person? Wow. Either way this type of crap is still being flung over there. It’s never the fault of the candidate or party. Oh noes it’s the fault of voters. This is tribalism at its finest. Even Warren said that there was some hinky with that primary.
Now anyone that with a tiny ounce of criticism of democrats are told to come here. Nancy bailed out her donors, but shhh don’t bring that up.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
The latter
Can you share the bit where Warren acknowledges "hinky"?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
After Donna Brazil told us about the deal that Hillary
made with the DNC without Bernie’s knowledge someone in the media asked Warren if she thought the primary hadn’t been run fairly and she said YES. But only for a day until she walked it back. Today I’m reading that she has abandoned MFA in its entirety just so she can get picked for Biden’s VP. But he’s looking hard at Klobuchar. The female Tim Kaine or Lieberman. Yeah there’s that bone again that Bernie keeps asking for.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
You argued well, but perservered far too long
It's unknowable if Sanders could have won in 2016, but the odds were in his favor. Strangely enough his strength in that election cycle was what ClintonDems claimed was his biggest deficit: he isn't a Democrat. A third WH term for one party is a tough nut, particularly if that party has lost congressional seats in the prior midterm and more so if it flips the majority in the House or Senate. Thus, the macro-landscape for a Democratic party stalwart was poor in 2016. That doesn't compute for those that believe Obama was the bestest POTUS evah when in fact he wasn't good at all except for the banksters and MIC. The same macro-landscape existed in 2008 and 1988, but then it was advantage Democrat and why I've always viewed Dukakis as the worst Democratic nominee in the past few decades.
One thing I'm kicking myself for...
Did anyone else around here participate in the 'Hamilton Electors' Hail-Mary from that Winter? My father and I did.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
We don't do constitutional amendments anymore --
But if we still did, the necessary political alignment to ditch the electoral college is difficult to imagine:
The electoral college isn't much more than an abstract of that last clause in Article V. And that's the one that operates continuously and not simply once every four years. It's the "equal suffrage in the Senate" that has become grossly unequal for a democracy. As that provision was only protected from an amendment until 1808, it didn't escape the framers that it was undemocratic.
Both political parties may actually prefer to keep the electoral college as it reduces the number of state, and therefore the money required, that are competitive. The trick is to correctly identify and focus on the one(s) that are winnable. Based on where the Clinton campaign put its time and money, it appeared that she wanted to replicate Obama's '08 win (with the exception of IN). Hence, the focus on FL and NC and to a lesser extent OH (gone long before election day) and PA.
i know it's unwise to even add anything,
not having watched one of the videos, but:
Recording of calls between Joe Biden and ex-Ukraine President Poroshenko leaked | New York Post, •May 20, 2020
So Joe Biden wants a female sexual assault survivor as his running mate. Why on Earth does he think that might be helpful?, RT.com, may 20
and ya gotta love this: