The Weekly Watch
COVID-19 Questions?
Many mysteries remain about the nature and origin of the virus and the best ways to combat it. Somehow things that are known are not widely said, the benefit of Vitamin D, selenium, zinc, and the promise of hydroxychloroquine among them...all pretty inexpensive preventatives. There's the effect (benefit or harm) of diet. Another inexpensive treatment, intravenous Vitamin C is rarely mentioned. Blood thinners are also being used as blood clots are problematic. Doctors have developed a COVID protocol which is updated regularly. It is as though the pandemic is being managed to maximize profit for big pharma. Everyone is in a race for an effective vaccine. Additionally, COVID certainly has provided cover for a massive transfer of US treasuries to the elite.

Critical Care COVID-19 Management Protocol(updated 5-4-2020)
Prophylaxis (prevention):
While there is very limited data (and none specific for COVID-19), the following “cocktail” may have a role in the prevention/mitigation of COVID-19 disease.
■ Vitamin C 500 mg BID and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID
■ Zinc 75-100 mg/day
■ Melatonin (slow release): Begin with 0.3mg and increase as tolerated to 2 mg at night
■ Vitamin D3 1000-4000 u/day
Mildly Symptomatic patients (at home):
■ Vitamin C 500mg BID and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID
■ Zinc 75-100 mg/day
■ Melatonin 6-12 mg at night (the optimal dose is unknown)
■ Vitamin D3 1000-4000 u/day
■ Optional:Hydroxychloroquine 400mg BID day 1 followed by 200mg BID for 4 days
■ Optional: ASA 81/325mg/day
■ Optional: In highly symptomatic patients, monitoring with home pulse oximetry is recommended
More at:
I've been watching Chris at Peak Prosperity this week and getting some interesting information. I've tried to clump the big ideas together and cue them to the appropriate spot. I've also included some information from John Campbell as well. Let's start with the question of virus engineering. Did people create this bug or is it naturally evolved?
Genetic manipulation?
One of the more acutely-asked questions since the covid-19 pandemic broke out has been: Is the virus man-made?
Debate on the matter has been wild and furious. After much investigation, Chris is now chiming in on the heels of an explosive Newsweek report.
Newsweek reveals that as recently as last year, the US funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 'gain of function' research on bat coronaviruses.
The source of that funding? The National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease, headed by.....(drumroll please)....Dr Anthony Fauci, lead medical expert for America's Covid-19 task force.
Now, this doesn't mean the virus was lab-engineered as a bio-weapon. But it does suggest a naturally-occuring bat virus could have been artificially accelerated along certain vectors.
Natural or man-made/manipulated?
The debate rages on, though evidence is starting to mount on the side of at least *some* manipulation.
In Tuesday's video, Chris talked about the polybasic furin cleavage site PRRA which looks suspiciously like an 'insert' in covid-19's genetic coding.
In today's video, he focuses on the RaTG13 sequence, which raises even more questions. It suggests that either the sequence itself is not natural OR that the larger covid-19 virus isn't. (15 min)
Is the Virus Mutating?
Jimmy thinks so: (4 min)
But Chris presents the idea with better evidence...
Well, it seems we are closer to solving the mystery of why some regions of the world exhibit higher covid-19 mortality infection rates than others.
New research is revealing that covid-19 mutated early on in the pandemic to create a more transmissive strain: the G clade, which may also be associated with a higher viral load.
The G clade was dominant in Italy, which suggests that's why the virus hit that country so much harder than many others.
In the US, New York appears to have suffered from a high percentage of G clade cases. That's likely why the infection rate has been much higher there than in other states.
In addition to the news about the new strain, we're also now seeing evidence that the impact of covid-19 can linger for much longer than previously appreciated. There are reports of patients still struggling with symptoms 50 or more days after onset. (20 min)
Hydroxchloroquine (HCQ)
Amy on DN repeatedly says there is no evidence HCQ is effective. She need to listen to Chris. Her TDS has clouded her rational thought.
There sure has been a lot of recent press about how ineffective hydroxychloroquine is proving to be. That's a real letdown given how promising it was thought to be.
But are the headlines true?
To answer that, Chris pulls up the original VA study all of the recent headlines are referencing. Well, it turns out, it's based on quite poor "science"
For example, it wasn't randomized; by its own admission, hydroxychloroquine was given to sicker patients, closer to death, when we know HCQ works best when given early on. And zinc, a key component to its efficacy, wasn't administered. Nor was azithromycin in a number of cases.
Right now, the "HCQ shows no benefit" claim appears more an intentional narrative than a science-backed finding. In fact, there is growing empirical evidence, notably in France and Costa Rica, that it can work amazingly well when applied under the right conditions. (35 min) (about 10 min)
EDIT to add:
John Campbell disagrees. He put up a piece today suggesting HCQ does not work. He failed to look at timing however. As Chris describes, when given early with zinc it apprears quite helpful. (19 min)
Vitamin D
Might explain the higher percentage of COVID in the black community.
John Campbell has been promoting the use of Vitamin D for weeks. (20 min)
Chris looks at another study showing benefits of Vit D (3 min)
Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study (26th April)
Retrospective cohort study which included two cohorts (active and expired) of
780 cases with laboratory-confirmed infection of SARS-CoV-2 in IndonesiaAge, sex, co-morbidity, Vitamin D status, and disease outcome (mortality) were recorded
Serum 25(OH) D levels
1. Normal, greater than 30 ng/ml
2. Insufficient, 21-29 ng/ml
3. Deficient, less than 20 ng/ml. ThisResults
Death risk factors, male, increasing age, pre-existing condition, below normal Vitamin D serum levelWhen controlling for age, sex, and comorbidity, Vitamin D status is strongly associated with COVID-19 mortality outcome of cases.
When compared to cases with normal Vitamin D status, death was approximately 10.12 times more likely for Vitamin D deficient cases (OR=10.12; p less than 0.001).
Ivor Cummins also takes on the benefits of Vit D. (17 min)
The influence of latitude (16 min)
Diet can improve your resistance to COVID. Aseem describes a healthy diet and suggests that you can improve your health in just one month of healthy eating. (about 5 min)
For more on diet, here's Dr Mark Hyman and Dr. Malhotra (1 hour)
As we continue to learn more about COVID-19, we continue to see a pattern in those more at risk. People who aren’t metabolically healthy (think obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension) are much more likely to experience severe complications if they are to get the virus. And to put that in perspective, only 1 in 8 Americans are considered metabolically healthy. That means a lot of us are at risk during this already alarming time. We can start changing that today, though, and create a newfound health baseline while creating a greater level of resilience when it comes to chronic disease and future situations like this.
Under Cover of COVID...
is the largest transfer of wealth to the elite in our lifetime.
Chris has focused on this as well as COVID...
All that the $trillions in rescue bailouts/stimulus are doing is making the wealthy elites and the large corporations whole on their bad bets, while simultaneously making them richer by deforming stock prices higher.
And what do the rest of us get? Lost jobs. A promise of a measly $1,200 check that few have yet to receive. Shattered prospects.
Those who have pillaged our system are filling their pockets before it collapses. Why the heck are we not fighting back at this more forcefully? (about 20 min)
But Max and Stacy tell the story best using their central bank money guns...(1st 15 min)
Republican lawmakers and finance industry lobbyists are using the coronavirus pandemic to press regulators into rapidly waiving financial safeguards for community banks.
The ruling class has no policy to deal with the social catastrophe. On Friday, the Trump administration declared that the jobs that have been destroyed “will be back and they’ll be back soon.” He added that “we’re in no rush” to pass a bill that would provide some assistance. The administration’s top economic advisor, Larry Kudlow, said that talks over further “stimulus” measures are “in a lull right now.”
There's a new documentary out, Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Based on the international bestseller by rock-star economist Thomas Piketty (which sold over three million copies worldwide and landed Piketty on Time's list of most influential people), this captivating documentary is an eye-opening journey through wealth and power, a film that breaks the popular assumption that the accumulation of capital runs hand in hand with social progress, and shines a new light on today’s growing inequalities. Traveling through time, the film assembles accessible pop-culture references coupled with interviews of some of the world’s most influential experts delivering an insightful and empowering journey through the past and into our future.
Grassroots advocacy groups representing millions of retirees and seniors across the United States are speaking out against and urging Congress to oppose President Donald Trump's threat to block desperately needed Covid-19 relief legislation if it does not slash the payroll tax, which funds Social Security and Medicare.
Will this economic malfeasance lead to a war with China?
Here's an excellent explanation of how Dollars and Yuans are exchanged... (4 min)
Mike also does a good job explaining bitcoin (6 min)
The US simply loves war...even during a pandemic. International diplomats were stunned and frustrated Friday night after the U.S. again blocked a United Nations resolution to call for a global ceasefire during the coronavirus pandemic.
Donald Trump on Wednesday vetoed legislation passed by both houses of Congress to limit a president’s ability to wage war against Iran, as Trump wages a campaign of maximum pressure against the Islamic Republic.
“This was a very insulting resolution, introduced by Democrats as part of a strategy to win an election on November 3 by dividing the Republican Party,” Trump said in a statement released by the White House. “The few Republicans who voted for it played right into their hands.”
Even as COVID-19 threatens to claim the lives of millions, the threat of a new world war that could wipe out billions, far from being diminished by the global pandemic, has only escalated.
Imperialism has taken neither sick leave nor a holiday; it does not sleep. For all of the vapid talk about us all being in it together, the US ruling class views the pandemic as an instrument of war. It has relentlessly sought to weaponize the virus to achieve the same geo-strategic aims that it was pursuing before the coronavirus began claiming hundreds of thousands of lives and forcing the shutdown of entire economies.
More effort at overthrowing Maduro in Venezuela with private mecenaries.
The Grayzone speaks to Drew White – a close friend and business partner of Silvercorp mercenary firm founder and failed Venezuela coup leader Jordan Goudreau – about the botched invasion and potential involvement of the Trump administration. (video or text)

So it is a good news, bad news world. The good news is we are learning more about COVID and ways to prevent or mitigate its damage. The picture above shows Chris' supplements that he takes. We use an elderberry tincture (in alcohol) made by a local herbalist rather that a sugary syrup. Chris said he's adding Melatonin to his list too. We can limit the spread if EVERYONE would wear a mask when out and about. Young folks have few risks other than being vectors spreading the virus to older folks.
On the negative side. The US is propping up the world central banks and large global corporations by creating literally trillions of dollars. The US continues its aggression against countries that don't allow us to take their resources and oppress their people. In a rush to restart the economy, people are being pushed back to work. We all know this means more COVID in the US. We're number one!
As many of you have speculated over the last few weeks, this could be an opportunity to re-invent ourselves and society. Instead it is being used to enlarge the global corporate oligarchy and promote war to expand their grip over people and economies.
Well, have a nice Sunday, and keep a good thought. Be well!

Doctor's Advice
A group of us are learning to be backpack hikers, with the goal of eventually trekking all of the Sheltowee Trace. But this damned virus has put that on hold.
I asked a friend (eyes/nose/throat MD with Mayo Clinic ties) when he would feel safe sharing a car ride.
I think his answer applies to returning to athletic clubs or indoor dining ---"One month after taking a safe and effective vaccine for SARS COV-2 ,earliest date late Spring or early summer 2021 but most likely not until 2022."
Be well
Few are guilty, but all are responsible.”
― Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Prophets
Sorry about your hike...
Sounds like fun. In my youth I hiked the AT in GA and some of NC. Have not backpacked in the last few decades. Used to love it. Still hike...almost everyday for a couple of miles. Though that's a good bit different than packing a load.
It may be 2022 before we have a new normal. There are clinical human trials ongoing.
Have a good jitsi gathering!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sticking with my prediction
That a safe effective SARS-2 vaccine will arrive at about the same time we can declare victory in the Wars on Drugs and Terror. That is to say, never.
But anyone who wants to hunker down in their closet for the next couple years waiting, knock yourself out.
BTW - your doctor acquaintance must be assuming that he hasn't or won't have had the disease and recovered before 2021 as multiple millions have or will have done.
If you've had it and recovered, what would be the issue with sharing a car ride?
So much for going all-in on mass transit and car-pooling-to-work
as a response to global warming / climate chaos, eh?
Will city planners be scrapping the idea of having reserved HOV (high-occupancy vehicle) lanes on highways now?
That's an interesting question....
about mass transit. We're not planning on flying anywhere either.
Hope all is well on your side of the pond.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
Give it time - the weight of their actions will cause them to fall. The Covid is doing it's work to bring about our new world.
Thank you for all the information you provide. People need to be discerning in what they believe. Presenting many viewpoints is essential in this time so that people can decide what is truth for them.
Again - the universe is at work here. Nothing man does can change what is happening. We are in the birth canal of a new world. I know what I say is hard for many to comprehend, but it is our reality. Sit back and watch it unfold.
Have a marvelous day, everyone!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good morning
I can be patient. No choice but to see how it unfolds. If we do come out of this with a more compassionate and loving world, I will be delighted. Sure seems the empire is in collapse.
I design and plan our many farm projects, and would like to see folks begin to design and plan for a new system. We are indeed living in interesting times. Glad we have this community in which to share them.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Pretty sure I had it....
late last year before we all even heard about it.
I was coming back from a family wedding in Australia and transferred though Fiji, where I sat in the densely packed terminal close the gate where planeload after planeload of travelers to and from China filed past.
Back at home six days later the symptoms started. Some vomiting early but mostly a low-grade fever and a heavy migraine-like headache that didn't quit for about three days. Also had a bad cough but no runny nose. I remember saying how weird it all was because whenever I get sick it almost always starts in my sinuses, yet I never had any nasal symptoms whatsoever throughout the whole term.
Laid me on my back for a solid two weeks, and even after I became ambulatory again I just wasn't right for another month. Patients talk about the 'malaise' and I definitely had that - run down and fuzzy and frustrated that whatever you do you just can't seem to shake it.
That whole experience went on for a little less two months (50 days?), but then just as I began to finally feel better the illness came back - this time in my throat, and I completely lost my voice for nearly a week (which has never happened to me before) accompanied by strong but milder headaches and yet more malaise lasted for at least another couple of weeks.
Finally, after a little more than three months I began to feel something like my old self, and the symptoms haven't returned.
Here's the kicker: I flew through Fiji the beginning of NOVEMBER - make of that what you will.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Chris has suggested this may have started in October
He wonders why person 0 (the first victim) hasn't been sought.
Sure will be nice when they get an antibody test so you can know for sure if it was COVID. They say it is a prick your finger at home test that should be easy to mail.
Glad to hear your symptoms appear to be over.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The headache was the worst part.
But that malaise is very frustrating as well.
Gotta admit I've been reluctant to say anything because I didn't want a bunch of over zealous epidemiologists deciding they want to use me as their play toy.
So don't tell anybody.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I won't tell...
They know it was around in Nov.
China is claiming the US brought COVID during the military games in Oct.
He said, she said...and we'll never probably know.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
A lot of this sounds like what I had in early January
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I had that in late December.
They diagnosed norovirus, but I wonder.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
"It is as though
the pandemic is being managed to maximize profit for big pharma." You hit it on the head. That's the one thing that is constant these days. Every disruption is managed for maximum profit. In Katrina there was no profit, at least until they dispersed the poors and remade the city into what they wanted.
Today, millions paid to producers to make masks, who have no experience in producing masks, and have so far produced none. Media outrage? Nope, they spend more time on cute vids pulled from social media.
I promised to not comment on the C19 anymore....(I guess I lied)... but if the virus was edited, I think China would have had more data on the disease. On the other hand if the reports of Chinas rapid stockpiling are true, maybe they knew what was coming.
Glad you're commenting...
here at c99 and in the WW.
The evil of capitalism is the sole focus on profit over people, planet, cultures, everything.
They use every opportunity and COVID is huge!
Screen New Deal
Under Cover of Mass Death, Andrew Cuomo Calls in the Billionaires to Build a High-Tech Dystopia
You can't make this shit up.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
China was NOT stockpiling masks
The country has 1.4 billion people and at least 1 billion people were required by law to wear a mask when they went out in public.
They started buying the PPE in late January until the end of February as well as increasing domestic production exponentially. It was no secret they were preparing for a dangerous epidemic in the country. It was not kept secret.
I personally followed the COVID-19 news coming out from China almost from the beginning (Jan 7) just by watching English language Chinese YouTube videos available to anyone who cared to look. I watched them building the two special hospitals designed especially for treating contagious patients (wards had negate pressure to prevent infection) from the dirt up with live feeds for 10 days. I watched as almost 20 huge military planes flew into the Wuhan airport at the very moment these hospitals were completed bringing tons of materiel and thousands of military medical personnel. I watched these very same medical personnel welcome patients brought by ambulance and roll them into the hospital for treatment.
Australian media is arguably the very worst source in reporting on China during this period. EVERYTHING China does is written up with a negative bias. When Wuhan went into lockdown they raged it was the worst abuse of human rights violations in the world. Then they wrote that China completely failed to contain the virus. They scoured Chinese media to find the odd person upset and screaming in the street. Pictures of people who died from a stoke were used to prove how rampant the disease was raging. Constant barrage of negative spin, repeated over and over. It's even worse on the Tubes.
Beware the spin given to "defective face masks from China". There are different grades in face masks. The N95 rated masks are not the same as the KN95. Due to shortages of the N95 masks (which are more difficult and expensive to make) the CDC said the KN95 could be used. Three weeks later they changed their mind and rejected them as defective. Many US manufacturers were also found to be supplying defective masks but this is not widely reported.
China has strict new rules for the export of face masks. They must be certified for their use and the orders must be confirmed with the bill of lading. Too many foreign purchasers were ordering the wrong product because the price was cheaper. As soon as this was done, the Chinese government was accused of stopping masks from being shipped. The same thing with test kits from China.
The US wants free and open trade from China but when the country stops faulty product from being shipped they scream government interference. This is a well planned propaganda game by the Five Eyes controlled media. We saw it working in high gear after 9-11 to gin up conflict with Iraq. It's China's turn now but they won't take it laying down.
A safe and effective vaccine is my benchmark, but
with Sina Bavari spin-off deals with potential vaccine makers and increasing indications that we may be dealing with a manipulated RNA strand I may never feel safe with any vaccine from companies with any ties to NIH or USAID researchers.
I passed through SFO in mid January and had an ill advised visit from daughter and well traveled hubby in early March. I’m actually hoping I’ve had a very mild case and am looking forward to reliable antibody testing to set me free. Otherwise it’s going to be a very long haul sporting masks, gloves and rigorous social distancing.
I figure I have a few more good years ahead of me if I can avoid the COVID.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
My thinking is similar
Like most of us here, I'm in the target age range. So it is easy as you go. We continue with a one trip out per week. I did drop some extra tomato plants at one friend's place, but we stayed 6+ ft away. Also took some surplus lettuce to another friend where we stayed apart. Otherwise it has been a grocery, bank, recycling run once a week (with gloves and mask), and staying home the rest of the time.
Whatta world, but we make the best of things as we can.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Morning lo
Great covid roundup. I am beginning to think that there us more to this than meets the eye.
This just out...
Criminal Negligence': Trump Officials Ignored Company's Offer to Make 7 Million N95 Masks Per Month in Early Days of Pandemic
Cloudy here for a few days now. Still out in the garden from morning to evening. It has become my sanctuary.
Thanks for the update. Take good care and have a good one.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
The garden is a refuge
with the dance of birds, butterfly, and bees. Our early greens are so beautiful this year that it is just fun to hang out in the garden. I've been really pleased with my tree and berry bush plantings too. Having fun with the espalier apple trees and overhead muscadine arbor. Only had one failure...a hazelnut that never leafed out.
Plants behave so much better than people. They add O2 and take in CO2. Speaking of which, did you see the record CO2 levels this week? 418 ppm.
It is (always) the right time to appreciate what remains of the ecosystem.
Thanks for the visit and have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
But let's open up the country
Slide 10-11 doesn't paint a pretty picture, a case for criminal negligence possibly
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
The US guidelines don't include wearing masks
Just die people and get off SS, medicare, and other social programs.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The US not only loves war
it needs war. Washington has so fucked up the response to COVID-19 that it has tanked the economy and no amount of bailouts to the corporations are going to stop it from bottoming out.
Meanwhile, China is on the road to recovery, having survived comparatively unscathed. It has sufficient domestic demand and large infrastructure projects, both at home and within the BRI, that it will come out of these dark days in reasonably good financial shape considering the situation.
What will Washington's response to this be? I suggest it will a very strong push to gin up conflict with China in order to put the country on a war footing. Conflicts unite the populace by giving them a "greater enemy". They will put away their political and personal differences and join together if the threat is sufficient. COVID-19 is a very good threat to be leveraged for this purpose. It will also be very usefull during an election cycle.
We can already see signs of this occurring. (my comment on C99 yesterday)
Preparing for new cold war with China
Meanwhile, China has upped their game in counteracting anti-China propaganda now being hyped within the US, UK and Australian media. This propaganda push is a sure sign for the conflict to come.
Whitney Webb puts the puzzle pieces
together in a backgrounder of the current COVID-19 pandemic. It's either a lot of coincidences or some very scary shiite is afoot.
Thanks for the links and clip!
If we step back and look...
China sends aid, we add sanctions and send mercenaries
China builds, we destroy with bombs and drones
China creates alliances and uses diplomacy, we promote war and ally with the worst actors on the planet (Israel and Saudi).
Not to say they don't have issues, but our problems are exponential in comparison.
I'll look forward to listening to Whitney. She also writes for the Last American Vagabond
Thanks again.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks! Intend to listen
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good morning to the WW ...
RIP Little Richard.
An interesting piece from Caitlin Johnstone: Internet Censorship, Ego Death, And Other Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
I thought this was good, from The Duran:
[video: width:500 height:300]
Here's a link to the documentary they talk about in the above vid: The Weight of Chains
The film is two hours long but well worth watching. It's a good reminder, a short course on the destruction of Yugoslavia, the New World Order, the Washington Consensus, the perversion of NATO and the birth of "humanitarian intervention".
Happy Mutha's Day
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Happy mother's day ...
Just talked with my 88YO mom.
RIP Little Richard!
Thanks for the links. Caitlin has been doing good work. The Duran and documentary sound interesting.
The region that was Yugoslavia is also really interesting. Quite the botanical zone of origin.
Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Chris Hedges was 'formed' through his reporting on
Yugoslavia, I sense so.
In Yugoslavia, the Consequences of Not Reporting the Truth -
Journalists’ Failure to Report Honestly Empowers Tyrants
That can be so, sadly.
great post, Azazello, thanks, cheers to lookout
this Mutha, can't believe what Biden said back in the days. If one just could understand the things being said by politicians when they happen and not just years later. Will watch "The Weight of Chains" later. I am more or less reading the whole day on C99p. It's my drug.
Do you have a 'papa's day' in the US? If yes, we have one here and most people can't stand it, but if you have one over there, don't drink too much beer to celebrate it.
Cheers to lookout for another excellent Weekly Watch.
C99p is a great site.
Loved German Bier. Hope to visit again if travel ever becomes "normal".
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I remember back in the day at TOS
bringing up some of these facts. I got absolutely mauled with little to no support.
R2P was/is held sacrosanct by the majority there. When faced with the many failures they simply go silent. But the moment it is dredged up to be used for another regime change op (Ukraine, Syria) they climbed right back on board in a flash completely oblivious to the past. It was a very effective DNC Pavlovian trigger point at TOS - like holding up a dead fish in front of trained seals.
R2P = manufacturing consent
Another technique that was pioneered in Yugoslavia was the use of foreign jihadis shipped in by the Saudis to escalate violence.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Rinse and repeat...
Sad to say.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
All done at the request of
and with the financial assistance of the US government.
In related news...
...thoughts/insights on this? At face value, it sounds like a good thing:
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
My bet is they subsidize corporate CAFO's
and large scale production of GMO's and processed foods that are bad for us.
from last week:
...and of course they are not targeting help to farmers providing local produce.
...when the USDA finally announced how it planned to allocate the $9.5 billion from the CARES Act, it appeared that no money would be reserved specifically for small farmers.
Not to be debbie downer, just sayin'.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
China has already bought $5 billion
worth of farm produce in the first three months of this year despite the shut-down. They are scheduled to buy $20 billion of soybeans, pork, beef and poultry this year under the terms of Trump's new trade deal. If anything goes awry with US producers for the domestic market (increased prices, shortages), China will get blamed.
Good day, lookout,
thanks for all the news. Put it this way, this country was fucked before the virus, and now the criminal fascist deeds are exponentially exposed.
Going to be a long and painful slog for millions, i fear, as the refrain of when will they ever learn plays in the ear.
Personally, i do not relish not hugging people for two more years and as to vaccines; i've yet to receive the new shingle's shot, been waiting, in line since last summer.
Anyways, most is beyond my controll.
Do be safe on the mountain, the virus, like spring is creeping up our hill, an explosion in neighboring country from a meet processing plant and workers there live in our community and high tourist season begins soon.
on it will go my friend
Reminds me of a wildfire spreading so chaotically. Stay safe. Continue to take care. This will pass and a new tomorrow will come.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great summary of actions for individuals and current
understanding of the virus in general. Navigating our own health and economics is quite treacherous at this time. A few trustable signposts are valuable.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
This pandemic will be studied for decades...
And still not totally understood. It has been an interesting progression with ripples across all aspects our lives. I can't help but be fascinated.
Hope all is well on the farm, and you've warmed enough to garden. Sweet potato slips are getting ready soon, but been way too cool to plant them.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Excellent Roundup
It's SNOWING here! Was 26 last night!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
"When you're a hammer everything looks like a nail."
Remember hearing this? There's a lot of truth to it. As an example, not long after I began flying internationally I began having constant congestion, a sore throat that wouldn't go away, minor gastric problems, and repeated sinus infections. Our family GP finally sent me to an ENT. The first thing he does is allergy testing. That discovered a slight sensitivity to oak pollen. Middle TN is famous for allergies and oak pollen is in abundance. Still, nothing either doctor found explained what was going on. 70 - 100 hours a month in an airplane, sometimes 15+ hours at a whack, with 1-2% humidity, multiple time zone changes, up to 11 at a time, different and interrupted eating and sleep patterns, and unfamiliar environments all were candidates.
We met an internist and his wife who were big time gardeners and cat people like my wife at about the same time. His specialty was ID (Infectious Disease). He was now in a big internal medicine group. Susan and my wife were talking one day and somehow my health problems came up. Susan told her to tell me to go see Stephen. I did. While he was taking a very thorough history he heard about the allergy testing and chuckled. "Name the specialty and I can name the ailment/treatment they'll recommend." was close to what he said. He said that's what an ENT sees here so that's what he looks for. Hammer, nail. Stephen's treatment plan was along the same lines hammer - nail. Only instead of a general antibiotic he went after the suspected chronic sinus infection with two sledgehammer antibiotics. He told me he also suspected reflux but wanted to deal with the sinus problem first. It turned out he was right that is was a sinus infection that wouldn't go completely away and acid reflux. We began treating both with success. The sinus infections and reflux wouldn't go away completely until I moved to a new environment in Ecuador. Both as well as swollen tonsils and a swollen, damaged lymph node from a cat scratch infection disappeared along with 40#, eating better, and a clean environment. Imagine that.
Of course, doctors are going to look to treatments they know and understand. When they see something unique and unknown like COVID they may widen their search for solutions but they stay mostly within the lines of their specialties. I'm encouraged by the stories like this one and this one. They're looking beyond traditional treatments and talking between specialties to find something that offers some relief to their patients. That lack of a team approach to medicine seen in much of the developed world, first tried in the US at the Mayo Clinic according to Stephen, is one of his biggest complaints about the medical profession in the US. Medicine doesn't know nearly everything they need to know about the virus and will only slowly figure out how to effectively deal with it. They'll make mistakes, grifters will take advantage trying to make a bunch of bucks, and there will be successes that lead to solutions. All of it will take time and anyone bemoaning the lack of certainty and immediate answers is going to be bitching constantly and unhappy. That's the nature of a pandemic.
That brings me to us: those of us sitting around with way too much time on our hands and worrying about the future course of our lives. When I see sentences like this one in a well written and thorough post like this I wonder:
How in such times of stress, a deluge of mis/disinformation, and decades of being lied to for power and profit do people avoid becoming overwhelmed by their own prejudices, confirmation bias, and skepticism bordering on paranoia?
There's a lot of good things in this post. I agree with some and also see some info that has been discarded around the world as more harmful than beneficial, like HCQ, and some that has no or little basis for thinking it might be beneficial. There's little certainty in either direction besides our own biases and beliefs. None of it has much chance of being a miracle cure which I think most secretly hope will appear. Life is seldom that simple. The wise choice is to try something as long as it's not likely to be harmful. That's personally helpful because we feel like we're doing something even if it makes little difference. It's a placebo.
I guess what I'm saying that stepping back from the crush of information of unknown value that few of us have the expertise to evaluate might just be a good idea. Let the experts do what they do and save ourselves the rollercoaster ride. Not everything is a con, a conspiracy, or a power play on our freedumbs. Even though that's what it feels like has been happening for decades. It has. There are good people doing their best, let it be.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Well said.
Thanks for your story...
very interesting.
As to why I suggest management for profit, why didn't the US use the test developed by China and WHO? We lost two months of testing in order to contract out test development. And that's just one example.
Hope you're doing well in the deep South!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
No need to defend the sentence.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Thank you for this wealth of information.
I hope everyone stays safe. I try to limit my public contact to the grocery store when needed and always wear a mask. I do not wear gloves but carry paper towels saturated with alcohol to wipe my hands and other things I have touched immediate upon leaving the store.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Glad you found it useful
Always nice to see you around the site!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not entirely on topic.
This just popped up on my preferred expat daily. It's a surprise since it so late on Mother's Day. I offer it as a rare thoughtful approach to a answering tough question. Originally from The Atlantic.
"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now..."
Too busy to spend a lot of time
but the notion that Fauci funded recent corona virus gain of function experiments is not accurate. First, Fauci doesn't fund any grants. They are funded through a competitive peer review process. Stating that Fauci funded grants reflects an active attempt to mislead or a serious lack of understanding. There was a joint grant between a lab at the University of North Carolina and the Virology Institute in Wuhan that carried out and published some gain of function experiments. (I think they were actually carried out in Chapel Hill.) These experiments were permissible under the NIH guidelines that were in effect at the time, and were directed toward figuring out how to respond to/deal with corona viruses. The NIH guidelines were subsequently changed to make it impermissible to carry out such experiments with NIH funding. There was a sort of grandfather clause in the revised guidelines, that permitted previously approved work to be finished. There would be little incentive to continue such work in an academic setting in that it would not be publishable. It could be carried out in a bioweapons facility, but viruses are damnably bad weapons. The only people that would benefit from releasing an engineered coronavirus would be someone who wanted to kill lots of people and wreck the world economy. China, the US and the capitalist oligarchs certainly want to continue to benefit from the world economy, not wreck it. With respect to the coincidence of the virus emerging proximal to the Wuhan virology institute, the institute was put in an area that where there is a likelihood of zoonotic diseases emerging naturally in order to facilitate their study. The viral sequence doesn't suggest anything other than a natural origin. Novel, lethal coronaviruses emerge about every 10 years. This one is nasty because it is quite infective and has a goldilocks death rate--high enough to kill a lot of people but no so high as to be self limiitng.
Couldn't find the source
just now - but was reading a while back some Defense Dept. testimony before Congress in 2015 or so on bio-warfare threats and it touched on
Reason I remember is because they gave another plausible scenario which had never occurred to me: the use of a bioweapon that was not necessarily designed just for mass death, but one in which the perpetrator held the only means of treating or preventing the disease. This could enable direct intimidation, but could be possibly even more effective if the outbreak was attributed to a natural occurrence or to another party.
This would have the effect of creating a dependence on the part of the targeted population and the perpetrator could be regarded as the benevolent savior...
Also, it's pretty well established that there have been attempts made at creating ethnically-targeted bioweapons. Given China's multi-decade interest in Africa and the nature of their build-up there: enclaves that are akin to military bases without overt weaponry, the near-exclusive use of Chinese
materials and labor for their projects, etc. - about the only thing wrong with Africa from the Chinese perspective (along the lines of what I used to semi-jokingly tell Australian friends) is that it is full of Africans. I can see China considering the utility of a targeted epidemic as a way of addressing this "problem".
Social media and MSM are working overtime to discredit those who claim that there is an agenda here to use fear to convince people that the only possible deliverance from this crisis (probably should have quotes on that) are the Big Pharma/Global Health cabal.
Question people should be asking themselves is why, if all that is so ludicrous and wrong that, instead of just refuting it they are attempting to ridicule, censor and silence anyone going off the official messaging?
Think its because the PTB have your best interests at heart?
Re: the Newsweek article, not the video
The Newsweek article is meticulous in its wording stating, "But just last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses."
Intentional release isn't the only possibility, accidents do happen.
That may be but in the case of a release, accidental or otherwise, siting it where they did could add cover to the laboratory.
Fauci has clearly been
with and supportive of gain of function research in the past - he was in favor of publishing the details of groundbreaking work in the area by Ron Fouchier at the Erasmus Institute and by Yoshiro Kawaoka (University of Wisconsin, University of Tokyo) back in 2012 although other scientists criticized the release and others contended the work should not have been done at all...
Fouchier's 2012 study here
Might be worth the time to listen to Chris
He's a PhD pathologist, and does a good job looking at scientific papers.
He provides some persuasive evidence on the engineering aspect.
Sorry there's not a transcript. I like to listen to him and John Campbell while busying around.
However as I've said before, the question of origin is moot. COVID is here. What is the best course of action? Is a more important point.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Can confirm
glad you found it helpful
Come back next Sunday for another round.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
No harm taking vitamins
counterpoint to the "it was engineered" assertion
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!