Toilet Paper Solutions

On the lighter side . . .

The toilet paper supply has been dwindling! Ordered some from China, but it is not supposed to be here until the end of May. Actually purchased eBay Chinese TP at at the beginning of this ordeal too. When it arrived I was surprised that the package was so small, but these had no cardboard tubes in the middle.

Maybe someone has already talked about these issues in comments and I have missed it.

Discovered two solutions the past couple of days. On Friday I saw an ad for a kit to turn your toilet into a part-time bidet. Told my husband about it and he said he saw someone creating their own on YouTube. Handy guy that he is, he created it in several hours. Now one of our thrones has a kitchen sink sprayer attached to the water pipe leading to the tank. Handy Dandy! Now we could go paperless if we had to!

Today, however, I read an article about the toilet paper crisis that said it really is not from hoarding. Yes, some are hoarding, true. But the real reason is that the residential toilet paper industry is completely separate from the commercial toilet paper industry. Everyone is at home, so the residential industry cannot keep up. But there is lots of commercial TP out there. Sure enough, I went online and purchased 8 of those giant rolls for 25 bucks, to be delivered Wednesday.

Fearing we may have to go to old magazines, I am relieved!

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Granma's picture

Available for sale to the public. Aren't you a smart one to find and order some of that kind.

I think they ought to donate or sell some of those giant rolls to food banks. I'm guessing people would be quite pleased to get it.

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Lookout's picture


Luckily before the episode I bought a dozen roll bargain not knowing of the approaching roll apocalypse. Still have plenty. I guess we're not as full of it as most. A bidet is a good way to clean up the problem.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Bollox Ref's picture

a few times in the past, and have a large box in the basement.

Still can't find yeast in the local store. Apparently, people are baking like there's no tomorrow.

Sounds like you've found some relief however. I have contemplated the newspaper solution. Max Reger, the German composer is supposed to have said, about a critic's work (paraphrase) 'I'm sitting in the smallest room in the house. Your review is before me. It shall soon be behind me.'

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from a reasonably stable genius.

mhagle's picture

@Bollox Ref .


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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

is pretty slick or harsh, it is there because they have to put something, hopefully not too expensive, out. Think back to what you found the last time in a low-rent gas station. Retail stuff goes for the "soft/plush" style.

With some you get splinters, and others can seem like they are Teflon (TM) coated for all the good they do.

The local Safeway here in SF has had empty shelves for 4 weeks now when I've been there. I saw a few packages in carts when I tried a bit before 8AM one day (the "senior" hour) but the early birds had snatched all of it up.

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snoopydawg's picture

because of the stronger TP that people like that is made with wood pulp IIRC. I picked up an 18 roll pack the other day just because I think we're going to start seeing problems with supplies getting to stores. How many truckers have gotten sick or died? I think that there is so much bad news that is being hidden or just not known yet, but it's going to hit us like a bat out of hell one day. The biggest thing is going to be how many businesses will have permanently closed down because congress f'cked us? many companies have offshored their profits that are in the trillions? Funny how no one made them use that before they got it from congress. Or that they didn't have to sell their stocks that they had been busy buying. Y'all should watch the tweet of Pelosi I posted in the defeat Trump essay. Her mannerisms are a hoot. Watch it with the sound off. Then on to hear how flippant she is.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

I do have an extra box of Kleenex if necessary. I'm saving the coffee filters to make face masks. The commercial TP may not be great, but sometimes it is better not to be picky.


TP shortages are not new:

And there are other alternatives.

UPDATE: I found some! I was down to my last roll, but the Dollar Tree had some!
I was afraid I might have to try out their suggestion about the efficacy of Weeds and leaves and a handful of grass.
The corncob sounds rough and I have not seen a new Sear's catalog in quite a few years.
They did recommend the New York Times which could be a locally available option for me

But I got some more actual TP today!
As the song points out

Toilet paper was a rich man's luxury

Now I, too, can have toilet paper like the rich folks.

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Pricknick's picture


I'm saving the coffee filters to make face masks.

you dump the coffee first.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

GreatLakeSailor's picture

Fun Fact: When it opened in 1997 Woodman's in Southeastern Wisconsin was the largest grocery store in the United States. I'm sure there are larger stores now. Also, Woodman's is Employee Owned.

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Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.

mhagle's picture


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"Make dirt, not war." eyo