SARS2 random notes on recent developments

Whether we start from mid-December 2019 or mid-February, 2020, the amount of new information is increasingly rapid. With in a remarkably short time, so much is being learned about the disease that it must now be called a disease spectrum. Of course the primary end-organ affected is the ACE2 receptor bearing lungs.

But as the chart below indicates, ACE2 receptors, in varying amounts occur in almost any organ. Thus, any organ may be targeted by SARS2 for penetration, insertion and replication.

For those interested in the electron microscopic scale of analysis the following diagram of viral penetration of cellular outer membrane and pirating of reverse transcriptase activity is illustrated here. By the way, zinc interference with viral activation of reverse transcriptase is a major factor in disease suppression.

Continuing the subject of zinc, this following chart tells of similarities between SARS2 symptoms and zinc deficiency.

Ontology (taxonomy) of the corona viruses. Note the absence of influenza genera in this list. SARS2 is not the flu. Certain similarities are present, just as there are certain similarities between monkeys and men.

Here's more detail than most of you likely care for. The following diagram indicates some of the intricacies of viral machinery operating it's Henry Ford-like assembly line. Henry didn't use enzymes but SARS2 likes those friendly turncoats against the body housing them.

The above diagram and many others used here come from the excellent MedCram series by intensivist-pulmonologist Dr. Seheult.


What is the R0 (R naught)? No answer. Initially the U.sS. associated figure was 2.6. I have previously shown that such a figure did not represent the case of real life giant petri dish experiment occurring on the Diamond Princess. Refreshing your memories, this was a boat docked in Yokohama harbor on Jan. 31. It then cruise back to the good old U.S.A. but was quarantined at sea until Feb. 26. Of 3700 passengers and crew, only 600+ were infected by the disembarkment of Feb. 26. With R0 of 2.6, more would have been affected. Also death rate was relatively low, less than the 6 to 8 % figure often bandied about. I'll try to reference this essay.

Morbidity by the numbers:

As a percentage of the population, this number is unknown. Amongst those I consider Class B patients, the rate is largely mystery. Class B = persons with proven infection, who develop antibodies and never had a single symptom, of which there are many.

CFR (case fatality rate) is still undetermined and indeterminable until a statistically satisfactory population is sample, chosen at random, regardless of health status, contact information, genetics, etc. This knowledge deficit cannot be remedied until adequate testing occurs.

Here is an example of influenza mortality in the past 10 years to use as a comparator:

Washington State figures 2014-2020 are illustrative of regional results. These figures definitely will only roughly correspond to results from other geographic regions.

The following slides are reproduced by the excelled Peak Prosperity programs hosted by Dr. Chris Martensen, PhD Pathology.

Of which step 4 is more closely analyzed and then followed by some conclusions as of today's date. These conclusions are definitely likely to change.

Brief notes on therapy

Waiting for a vaccine is a death sentence for society. This wait fritters away the "golden hour" during which the critically ill patient may yet be saved. But awaiting the Big Pharma trillion dollar vaccines allows the prostrate patient to exsanguinate. Millicent, we have the cure! Oh, poor Millie succumbed three months ago. But don't send flowers, please.

Morphogensis of an old reliable, eminently safe drug into a hellish MONSTER. Chloroquine (CQ) and it's younger scion Plaquenil (HCQ) have been tolerated by tens of millions of people taking hundreds of millions of doses. But now, CQ and HCQ are being equated by the MSM and Mousey Fauci (sorry about the politics, folks, but that's life as we know it) equated to Zyklon B.

Yes, the Trumpites, working diligently in their underground laboratories beneath Cheyenne Mountain for at least 30 years, have now translated essentially safe CQ into a man-killer the likes of which have not been seen since the aforementioned I.G. Farben pharmaceutical grade cure-all.

The following slide comes from W.H.O. generated during the innocent pre-SARS2 era. In it, please note an absence:

How's that again?

"Despite hundreds of millions of doses administered in the treatment of malaria, there have been no reports of sudden unexplained death associated with quince, chloroquine or amodiaquine, although each drug causes QT/QTc interval prolongation. Unfortunately there are relatively few prospective studies of the electrocardiac effects of these drugs.

Oh, but certainly this drug is evil. I can smell it from the fevered denunciations (all greater than 38˚C) by the Mostly Swamp News. Awful. What are they hiding? Alligator Ed, what are you hiding? Other than my enormous appetite, I hide nothing.

Let us read along with the following scientific article discussing precisely arrhthmogenicity of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. The illustration is the article's conclusion. Look for MedCram videos on HC and HCQ for more information.

Look at the list of CQ side-effects as listed frequently occurring with CQ and HCQ. Frequency generally implies an incidence of between 1 to 3 percent of the population using a drug.

It seems the QT/QTc and other cardiac rhythm disturbances in the top problems.

Precious little information has come from studies. There is a duplicitous and misleading VA study showing increased death amongst treated patient compared to non-CQ treated patients. This paper amounts to scientific deception, bordering on fraud. One of the videos listed below deals with that.

But do these drugs do any good? Once again, gold-standard randomized controlled sample tests (RCTs) are missing. The following results illustrated from Brazil does not satisfy the criteria for adequate randomization but the results, nevertheless, are impressive.

Reduction of hospitalization in the treated patient was 2.8 times less than non-CQ-treated patients.

There lots of new things which I have not discussed, such as multi-organ involvement, atypical presentation. Class B patients can't be said to be atypical, since I believe future testing will indicate that less than half of confirmed cases will have been symptomatic.

In my field, knowledge, to be shared later involves neurologic manifestations of SARS2. Some of these can occur as the only symptom, e.g., anosmia.

Discussion of Diamond Princess epidemiology in relation to R0 calculation.

Lies, damned lies and coronavirus statistics.

This is not the flu.

Thorough rebuttal of CQ unfounded criticisms

Lack of supporting data for cardiac deaths due to CQ and HCQ.

More to come.

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Alligator Ed's picture

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CB's picture

I quit smoking 15 years ago - so now I'm going to die of COVID19 instead of lung cancer. I just can't win.

On The Coronavirus And Smoking, Infection Fatality Rates And More
Nicotine is known to influence the process that regulates the number of ACE2 receptors on the cell surface. Current smokers do have less ACE2 receptors than non smokers. SARS-CoV-2 bonds to that receptor to enter a cell.

The study was led by Professor Jean-Pierre Changeux who is quite famous for his discovery of that general regulation process and other findings. He now plans to use nicotine patches on Covid-19 patients to see if it can help in current cases.
A non-scientific study by Quillette has looked a super spreading events during which dozens or hundreds were infected at one time in one place. The result in short is that everything that is fun should now be prohibited:

When do COVID-19 SSEs happen? Based on the list I’ve assembled, the short answer is: Wherever and whenever people are up in each other’s faces, laughing, shouting, cheering, sobbing, singing, greeting, and praying.

A Chinese study found that more that 99% of all infections happen indoor:

Home outbreaks were the dominant category (254 of 318 outbreaks; 79.9%), followed by transport (108; 34.0%; note that many outbreaks involved more than one venue category). Most home outbreaks involved three to five cases. We identified only a single outbreak in an outdoor environment, which involved two cases. Conclusions: All identified outbreaks of three or more cases occurred in an indoor environment, which confirms that sharing indoor space is a major SARS-CoV-2 infection risk.


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Alligator Ed's picture


Scratch one-s head

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CB's picture

@Alligator Ed
This year's crop has just sprouted.

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Good article. Why are there no studies of Dr Zelenko's treatment prescribing early intervention with hydroxycloroquine, azithomycin (sic), and ZINC SULFATE! as a three ingredient treatment for something like 5 days (I've forgotten). He had excellent results and theorized that the cloroquine opened a pathway for the zinc to enter cells. Others have used this treatment with success. It would be so easy to test. The drugs are not expensive. I don't understand. Either there has been some new knowledge about it or it is outside the ken of the medical orthodox. Herd think can sometimes deny anything new, especially if it comes from an unknown country doctor who probably did not go to Harvard.
Do you have any info on this? Thanks

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Alligator Ed's picture

@wetterau @wetterau Can you say: "media blackout"? Besides Zelenko's work was not randomized.

It would be be considered the next lowest level of medical reliability. The lowest is anecdote. This is case study. The gold standard are RCTs. His impressive results need better formulations. Such as: pre and post treatment levels of Vitamins C, D, and Zinc. Other determinants affecting outcome need to be collected also. These may have been done. Examples include total lymphocyte counts, d-dimer levels, platelet counts, C-reactive protein, etc. All tests should have been done at time of treatment initiation and at discharge. Antibody levels would be compared between responders to see if numerical correlations of antibody levels and functional recovery could be made.

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@Alligator Ed Absolutely. I understand. That is why these tests should be undertaken. Why haven't they been done? Case study, sure. But excellent results and a reasonable hypothesis... I know nothing about medicine, but I'm pretty good on people. Dr. Zelenko is solid, experienced, and definitely not a bullshitter. Every promising approach should be tested as quickly as possible. Thanks for your interest and research.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

There are a lot of good points in this essay Alligator Ed. There was discussion on DemocracyNow last week of doctors noticing cardiovascular problems (notably strokes) at high frequency with COVID-19 such that they were routinely prescribing anticoagulants for COVID-19 patients. This is anecdotal, but it is consistent with large numbers of people dying at home in NYC and excess death data. If lots of people with COVID-19 are dying of heart failure with chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, one has to ask if it is just COVID-19 or the combination of chloroquine and COVID-19.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Roy Blakeley (Journal of the American Medical Association) within the past 17 days indicates that cardiac and cerebrovascular events occur in SARS2 patients not taking HCQ, CQ, or Az. This is part of newly discovered case information.

One example:

Coagulopathy and Antiphospholipid Antibodies in Patients with Covid-19

I have the pdf of the article but don't know how to post pdf's. This appeared in JAMA April 8, 2020.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@Alligator Ed @Alligator Ed This is also informative:

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CB's picture

for US Trump failure to respond.

Fresh allegations against China are mounting as COVID-19 continues to impact lives around the world. U.S. politicians are ramping up attacks on China. What's fueling the fury? What are the consequences if the China-U.S. relationship keeps unraveling?


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snoopydawg's picture


Talking about how China is responsible for everything and that they didn't shut down the wet markets I thought people in my state might see that as the new Russia Gate, but sadly no. I could only read 30 comments before I had to bail. Every person agreed with him.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

CB's picture

Americans are. But, the truth will eventually sink in as we watch China and other nations surpass the US. I don't think Americans really understand how far they have fallen behind.

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Coronaviruses reproduce via RNA dependent RNA polymerase. They aren't reverse transcribed and inserted into the genome as retroviruses or lentiviruses (HIV). I don't think that the zinc connection works here

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TheOtherMaven's picture


There's more stuff like that in medicine than most people realize (I don't think they ever figured out how aspirin works, for instance).

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Lookout's picture


5 pretty nerdy minutes

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

@innatimm @innatimm

MedCram update 32
If you watch it from the start he goes through the RNA transcription. The clip to other maven is cued to how Zn is involved.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

Chris has been knocking out of the park this week. I like medcram too, as well as Dr John.

Another blacked out treatment is Vitamin C IV.
The 3rd Large Dose VIt C Clinical Study for NCP Approved (1.5 min)

Seems some of the NYC hospitals are using this approach...

Sure has been lost in the CQ and HCQ controversy.

And let's not forget other approaches...

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Deja's picture

Just like with the stroke treatment that, if administered within a very small window of time after a person has a stroke, can result in almost miraculous recovery, and Tamiflu can greatly reduce flu symptoms IF administered within a short period of time after first symptoms, HCQ + zinc can reduce symptoms of COVID19.

According to Dr. Chris (Peak Prosperity), the cardio issues seem to arise when it's administered near time of being placed on a respirator. But, he states that because no one is notating time/dosage/length of symptoms and all symptoms at time of administration of the drug, whether it was one drug, or included the antibiotic or also included zinc, we really don't have any definitive proof what is best, when it's best, and won't know for sure until the documentation is created, studied and replicated.

To be fair, it's hard to notate all the necessary information in a viral war zone. I still think Dr. Chris has a point in that if you wait until a respirator is needed before administering the drug/combo, you've waiting too long. And at this point, due to lack of data, we don't know if a drug with low indicators of cardio damage is causing the actual cardio damage, or if it's the virus itself.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Deja Severa journal articles (peer-reviewed)) have confirmed several cardiotoxic properties of SARS2 ABSENT any treatment at all. One such complication is rhabdomyolysis, meaning inflammation (thence tissue death) of muscles, including cardiac. Antiphospholipid syndromes have recently been reported in JAMA. Lupus is an anti phospholipid syndrome. So is cardiomyopathy. And disorder damaging heart muscles has potential to damage the cardiac conduction systems from atrium to atrioventricular node.

Furthermore, microemboli occur with SARS2 probably both secondary and independent from antiphospholipids. Microthrombi cause micro infarctions. When the number is large, even though the myocardial volume affected by each microthrombus is small, total volume loss of myocardium can be great. Great enough to cause pump failure and subsequent death.

SAARS2 is predominantly lung disease. But it is in no way only lung disease. As more is learned and more people have ben affected, numerous additional disease manifestations become apparent.

In my field of interest, neurology, these syndromes:
1. can precede other symptoms / signs
2. occur in the absence of other signs / symptoms

Symptoms / signs can include:
syncope (fainting)
peripheral neuropathy
brainstem injury, including affecting respiratory centers
dysgeusia (loss or perversion of taste sensation)
cognitive impairment absent stroke
very likely emotional lability and other changes (no firm data on this aspect yet).

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Lies, damned lies and coronavirus statistics.

The soaring death toll has been fueled by the adding of 3,778 people who were not tested for COVID-19 but are presumed to have died from it.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@entrepreneur The fact that deaths reportedly due to SARS2 were due to unrelated conditions has been known for weeks. Other commentators on YouTube have made this point as well.

Fraud pervades this entire plandemic. Very serious disease with serious consequences--but the mortality statistics are exaggerated for the sole political purpose of keeping this country shut down.

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