Biden is another Rorschach's test
Biden is running on the Most Progressive Platform ever. Seriously? Has anyone even heard what Biden is running on? Joe has got humanity?
I don't know what word I want to use here, but Obama has some huge brass balls to say what he does here.
- He talks about how wealth inequality is crushing so many of us.
- Students are being crushed by their loans and need some relief.
- Needed more structural change.
- People have been under payed financially stressed and under supported
- Do more that tinker around the edges.
- The ACA Go forward with affordable for everyone
- Health care a reality for everyone
- Paris agreement but open drilling everywhere.
- Bold new green initiatives.
Does Obama know that those were the same ponies and unicorns that he ran on and then walked away from every damn one of them? Sure he does. But once again his job is to corral the left and shut down any movement of the democrat party to the left. If Obama actually wanted us to have those things he would have endorsed Bernie Sanders. He didn't and he doesn't. Let's remember who Biden has hinted who he will put in his cabinet. Michael Bloomberg and Jamie Dimon and other DC insiders.
Krystal expands on what Saagar talked about.
Bernie is SHAMING own supporters
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Bernie vote shaming?
And then Bernie folded up like a cheap umbrella without getting any concessions and made a video alongside Joe in which Bernie endorsed Biden. It made me wonder if Bernie really wanted to be President. It was a gross insult to all those who donated to Bernie's campaign and put in long volunteer hours, only to have Bernie drop out and then vote shame them into voting for Biden. Disgusting.
Now Kyle Kulinski has come out saying that he will not vote for either Biden or Trump with the predictable vote shaming responses.
I too have been vote shamed on Twitter and I just throw it back at them. Votes should be earned and if the Democrats choose a corrupt, racist, rapist of a candidate who cannot put together a coherent thought, then it is their fault not mine.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
When Bernie talked about canceling student loans
did he once explain why they couldn't be discharged through bankruptcy? Or tell people how Obama ran on getting them relief from them, but then went in the opposite direction?
As I said previously I didn't want him to fight dirty because he had enough ammo to fight fairly. But that is what he refused to even do. And "yes I think Biden could beat Trump" was just awful. The correct answer was "no and here is why:"
He at least called out Hillary for sucking up to Wall Street. How many companies did Biden suck up to in 40 years? Why not mention that.
I agree with your first sentence. See the two responses to his tweet below. This is why people have decided to no longer play their game.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
"Fool me once.., Fool me... You can't get fooled again!" GWB
Obama pulled the progressive fake act twice to get elected. Hopey - changey bullshit. It worked twice. Those of us who are part of the Progressive movement in the US feel particularly that we were shit on by Barack Obama. Now he pops up with his totally bullshit faux progressive lines stumping for Empty Joe. This is totally bullshit, as Joe is unexcelled in being in the pocket of the banks, the MIC, the corporations, the insurance companies and screwing workers, minorities, students, the poor, and everyone who is not an elite. It's been reported clearly now that Obama engineered the Super Tuesday screwing of Bernie. Now Obama is doing a victory lap. And he wants you to finish the job again for him. He sounds so sincere, but he is lying, lying lying. I consider him the second worst President in my lifetime, just behind GWB. He completely knee-capped real Progressive progress and sold out to Wall Street.
Having been screwed by Obama with two elections are you ready to be screwed again by him and vote for Biden? He will pick Biden's cabinet and he'll be the real power since Biden is brain dead. This will be Obama's third term. No way in hell.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
You ask the question:
Obama is a psychopath. Does he understand that he ran on those very same things listed as problems. That is neither here nor there as he lives in a amoral universe of his own power. As a pundit from Yale whose name I forgot and is very good, said, Obama believes he is the smartest guy in the room. He is just showing how smart he is taking Bernie's agenda and ascribing it to Biden.
Is hubris the right word for what he did?
Tone deaf certainly is because he acts like he has no responsibility for where this country is right now. It was during his corrupt tenure that everything he listed happened.
This just makes him look like the disingenuous asshole that he is.
This is a response to Krystal's tweet above.
I am seeing so many people giving Biden a pass for his rape accusations because Trump's are worse. So on top of quantifying evil we are quantifying rape too? SMDH. Well except for the ones who think Tara is a Russian puppet. But hey if Putin wanted Bernie to win, but now he's endorsing Joe wholeheartedly is Biden now a Putin asset? Asking for millions of friends.
ETA this response:
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Interesting that I only hear the rape charge here
and at Moon of Alabama. Nothing on television except Trump Trump Trump. I walk out of the room when trump comes on. I have friends that are avowed Communists. I have friends that are pacifists. I have friends that are extreme environmentalists. I have friends that are racists. I have friends that are gun nuts. I have friends that are religious fanatics ( both Catholic and Protestant). I have friends that are Jews. I have friends that are anti-Semites.. I have friends that are gay. I have friends that are gay-haters.
But I have NO friends that are liars. I will not listen to a babbling liar.
I wonder if I will hear the rape charge at future impeachment hearings?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Jimmy Dore deconstructs Obama's pitch:
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Watch how Obama's eyebrows go up
like a sort of roof-shape as they near his nose when he's promoting an especially egregious lie.
It's a real tell, just as it was with Cruz in the last election -- and in many others.
Krystal so rocks.
The ruling classes need an extra party to make the rest of us feel as if we participate in democracy. That's what the Democrats are for. They make the US more durable than the Soviet Union was.
Don't piss on a corpse until you're sure it's dead
Obama gave a Bernie stump speech and then ascribed it to Biden, until he had the chutzpah to claim that M4A was the ACA. Thanks Saagar - I guess - I suppose there are some people who still need a mask falls off moment from the Antichrist. After that performance if anyone still votes for Biden it won't be for any reason possessed by a human with morality or self respect.
On to Biden since 1973
Great take down of O's endorsement
Yep and well said. This is why Trump is Obama's legacy. And the fact that the first black American president brought slavery back to Libya. Well done, Barak. Well done.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.