Sanders: "I have no doubt Biden can defeat Trump"
Sanders Endorses Biden? It’s Coming….
You heard it here first. No, Sanders hasn’t formally endorsed Biden yet, but make no mistake. It’s coming — guaranteed, maybe before month’s end.
Just like he endorsed legally challenged war criminal, racketeer, perjurer Hillary, a Biden endorsement is virtually certain.
It’s coming once he drops out of the race, despite Biden’s near-half century of high crimes, racism, and betrayal of the public trust, his rap sheet as bad or worse than Hillary’s.
When endorsing her in 2016, Sanders falsely claimed she understands the need to “fix an economy in America that is rigged and that sends almost all new wealth and income to the top one percent.”
She was bought off multiple times over by Wall Street, other corporate interests, and super-wealthy domestic and foreign contributors — directly or through the Clinton Foundation racket, a self-enrichment scheme masquerading as a charitable NGO.
Sanders lied claiming the regressive 2016 party platform was “by far the most progressive (one) in the history of the (Dem) party.” Polar opposite was true.
There was nothing in it against corporate coup d’etat trade deals. Nothing about reigning in Wall Street or war-profiteering. Nothing about universal healthcare.
Nothing about ending endless wars of aggression. Nothing about rescinding police state repression.
Nothing about holding killer cops accountable or putting people above privilege and profits.
Biden: "I have no doubt Bernie will campaign for me"
Or Cuomo?

redacted - Jimmy Dore
I leave it at this.
edit to add: I am so disappointed. Gobsmacked.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
right, I didn't follow the US news for one day, so I didn't
understand what was going on. I will redact my previous comment.
I had to go to work for a while, only had 10 minutes or so
left to see.
Lots and lots of people are complaining how abrasive and angry Dore is, so he is finding clips of these slick, smooth progressive saying the same thing, except in a calmer tone.
Dore is not al all alone in his criticisms, and they are to make a point, make a difference on the behalf of the working people and the poor. He cares a helluva lot more about them than about offending a politician or Neera Tanden.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I like Jimmy Dore a lot and watch him often, this specific
one had another quality than others before. I wondered why. Didn't understand what exactly made him so furious.
My bad. From as far away as I am, the distance makes the content feel a little less important, expecially now when most of us have their minds somewhere else.
It's clear if you watched the video
Jimmy explains it numerous times that Bernie didn't leave everything on the table this time. He went after Hillary more than he has Biden's history.
Plus he's upset that Bernie, AOC and other so called progressive democrats didn't do everything they could to stop the corporate coup bailout or even try to explain to people how bad it was. After voting for it Bernie is now asking congress to do more for the people who were left out even though he has no leverage to get them to.
Does this help?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
yes, it's ok, I was too tired, and I am tired now, it's 1:30 am
in the middle of the night and I need to sleep. I am not Jimmy Dore, who seems to never sleep.
I understand unemployment benefits
will be raised an extra $600/week until July 31.
Is this right?
And most of us will receive $1,200 at some point. Some sooner than others. Corporations will get to divie up $4.5 trillion and whatever else they need in the future. This is on top of all the banks already getting close to $40 trillion since 2008 including foreign banks. They are in on this bailout too. Again.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I think my check will be
At any rate, it isn't particularly helpful.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
From what I understand
This $1,200 is going to count against your taxes next year so people will have to pay it back. I got this from what Pelosi said. But I don't think it fair that people who file taxes have to pay it back while those that don't do not.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
If I get it, I intend to set it in an account and ignore it
They can shove it up their asses.
I feel better now.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The $1200 single slice is not
according to BI, it is not taxable.
like a loan that has to be "paid back", andThe meaning of your last statement is unclear, but those who filed electronically for 2018 or 2019 and normally get their tax refunds sent directly to their bank account will have a shorter wait, which is probably the majority of filers. The rest will have to wait a few weeks longer to get a physical check.
Rumor has it that McTurtle and Pelosi are considering replacing
replacing the $1200 with a coupon for a Big Mac and 1/2 off a mixed drink at Trump hotels.
Actually I just read that McConnell has told Nancy
that he is done for now. He wants to see how well the last one does. He got what he wanted just like Ryan did with the tax cuts. But yeah I can see them yanking away the money for food.
BTW if you know someone who is on unemployment or if they can't get it right now tell them to sign up for food stamps. Lots of people are eligible for them. They can call 211 or see it on the net and it will have lots of ideas for how they can get help. Medicaid is also available in most states.
ETA link to McConnell.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Yeah. Bernie and AOC really blew it when they went along with
with the corporate give-away, and gave away any little leverage they had. Of course, my statement presumes that their priority was in fact average people, which is no longer a certainty.
The bubble effect sure is a real thing. So many of us non-experts saw this crap coming from miles away.
yes, but:
From (sorry, no hyperlink, from an earlier diary)
oh, here it is:
Giving people money via unemployment benefits
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
New Jersey is looking for COBOL programmers
Because the system is breaking under load. Most of them are over 60 and may not understand modern load balancing systems.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Thanks for that video.
Jimmy used to annoy me sometimes and I'd stopped watching him as much. Right now I find him comforting, a strange way to put it but a voice of sanity and yes, righteous anger. Love Danny too, I read him at the BAR and they too are a voice of sanity and blunt truth, love them.
I for one am tired of hearing from some in my circle to not be so angry. It's better than despair. Far better than just rolling over too. I had a little screed with my neighbor yesterday, it went very well actually and he voted for Trump. I did my best to debunk his Fox news stuff about China and hopefully made a little dent there. We shall see. He is fairly receptive especially when I emphasize the major problems with this country are not and should not be partisan arguments, that is what our owners want, pure distraction.
I stopped my donating to Bernie a few weeks ago. Not really much more need be said there.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
BAR was one of the few sites that went after Obama
and showed people how he was leaving most of the country behind with his policies and bailouts. I admit that I didn't see as much during the his first term with regards to what he wasn't doing for us. I did call him out on his warmongering, his increasing the spying on us state and his secret courts making up secret laws that were unconstitutional, and his increasing the police state and their power.
Guess this is why hindsight is 20/20 huh? I did not vote for Obama's second term for those reasons.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I wonder if the plague
has taken the fight out of Bernie. If he's done, where does that leave us in the way of options? Any other decent candidates out there?
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
We put up with Bernie endorsing HRC because he would run again
We figured that he was forced to do this and hated it. When he endorses Biden, which is a given, then we will know for sure what a dishonest, craven politician he is. Again, he will not run again so he clearly does not need the Democrat Party blessing so he is totally deciding between principle and ass kissing someone with a diametrically opposed political agenda. M4a? Student Debt, College for all????? At that point all Progressives need to unload on Bernie. I hope we make Jimmy Dore look like a kind gentle softee. Bernie needs to understand that he is thoroughly despised by the Progressives that he just threw under the bus.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Amen to this
I still want to know just why Bernie thought he had to sign on to Russia Gate? Jimmy talks about this too and he asked Bernie's campaign manager why he did. He was told that he saw the evidence. Huh? Remember this crap came out just before the first states voted. SMDH.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
That clip of Bernie backing off MfA is out on Youtube.
Just popped up minutes ago.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks Bernie...
but no thanks.
Time to retire mate, and enjoy the grandchildren.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I watched about 4 minutes of that JD video
He sounds like he’s completely lost his mind. What on earth is the point of attacking Bernie Sanders with such sputtering vitriolic rage?
Dore needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror. He puts this up like it means something:
Great, so stop begging Bernie Sanders to be the authority who gives you power. That means you’ve already failed, regardless of the response. Stop begging him to choose for you. That makes you a slave.
He screams that Bernie isn’t doing anything and flings a ton of hateful shit at him. Ok, so what is Jimmy Dore doing then, other than ranting on his YouTube show? Fucking NOTHING! HE’s DOING NOTHING!!! (As Dore would say.) Jesus H. On a Cracker. Bernie Sanders is not your monkey. He’s not Obi-Wan Kenobi. He’s not Batman. He’s not Gandalf. He’s a Democratic Party politician! Surprise!!!!
Dore needs to grow up and get a clue. He sounds like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. Jimmy: stop looking for politicians to be your savior. Stop thinking they can or ever will be heroes. Stop putting all your hope and energy into them and then screeching when they don’t do the magic tricks you wanted to see them perform. It’s a huge waste of your energy.
If you CARE, Jimmy, about those people being evicted, you can speak out about the issues, you can try to organize something to fight back, you can do something to actually try help people in some way. And NO, screaming at Bernie Sanders and calling him names isn’t doing anything to help the people you claim to be so concerned about. I guess it makes you, and evidently some other people, feel better somehow. But it does jack to actually solve any problems.
Can't say how strongly I agree with Jimmy Dore.
He is not looking for a politician savior figure. He is scolding the progressives for their failures, telling them that they need to be very wary of the mass protests to come, and the new movement, the new party that will come, as well.
If you had continued to view it, you would have seen that he is calling out for Bernie and other progressive Democrats to organize protests, push left, the exact things you say Jimmy should be doing.
Jimmy is, in fact, helping to organize protests.
Bernie is not, and none of the other so-called progressive politicians are, either.
Belt down a little booze, turn it back on, watch it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I have a self-imposed rule
that I don’t start drinking until 5:00 pm (Arizona time). So that drink will have to wait another 35 minutes (but who’s counting?).
But honestly, I really can’t watch Jimmy Dore right now. I find his ranting and raving to be ridiculous, and his demands that Bernie Sanders should be doing x, y, and z are nonsensical. It’s as annoying as listening to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.
If JD wants to inform about or help fix a specific problem, like people needing rent help, and actually DO something about it, then let him talk about that, and do it in an adult way. Then I will happily listen to him. I am just not interested in his temper tantrums about Bernie. Sorry.
I wanted to also respond to another part of your comment:
Yes, exactly right. That is why I did NOT say that what Jimmy “should be doing“ is yelling at politicians about what they are not doing.
I said STOP putting all of his hopes and energy into effing politicians. And that is exactly what he is doing. That’s why his quote struck me as so ironic. He uses it to attack Bernie, without noticing he is doing exactly the same thing he’s accusing Bernie of. That was my first thought when he got started on his roll.
I see your point about making the effort to influence
I also see that the biggest impediment out there to people organizing and so forth, is some damn politicians are telling them CONSTANTLY "Hey! We got this!" Like, they say they are going to do something, so just take it easy folks, leave it to us!
Bottom line: If Bernie is not going to lead or organize, he needs to stop placating the class of people he is supposed to be representing, and get the flying fuck out of the way. any given time of the day or night, CZ, it is happy hour somewhere in the world. Cheers!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Well, yes
although I think that is on the people who listen to such drivel. No one in their right mind should believe any politician who says people should sit back and relax...
But of all politicians out there, you really cannot say that Bernie “Not Me, Us” Sanders ever suggested anything like this.
Literally, Sanders has said the exact opposite of that message throughout both of his Presidential campaigns.
It’s so weird that I find myself defending Bernie Sanders. As I’ve said, but to make sure it’s clear or if anyone missed it, I have not been supporting Bernie in 2020. I learned my lesson there in 2016. Some of us even did try to warn people Away from going down this road again, and as such were deemed Negative Nancys and David Downers for reminding people that Bernie is not going to be who you want him to be. People needed their hope, damn it. So here we are.
It was always going to end up here. Bernie has’t changed since 2016. He’s a loyal politician who is fully committed to the duopoly and he will NEVER be the hero Jimmy and others want. That has been clear since at least 2016. Bernie is who HE is, not who Jimmy Dore or anyone else wishes him to be.
That is why I personally did not even want him not run again in 2020. So many people poured so much into him in 2016, and got crushed under the heel of HRC for their efforts, with Bernie’s acquiesce. So I have not donated or put any hope into him this time around.
Those who did choose to do so, either knew or should have known what they were buying. Some did and chose with their eyes wide open. Good for them, and I’ll bet they are not complaining now either. He does what good he can from within the constraints of party politics. That is who he is. It makes no sense to expect anything more, or any less, from him.
I'm not looking for a hero
But if someone runs on getting people help like Bernie has been then at least go through motions of doing it. This is what Jimmy is saying which you will have to watch this video to see. I just saw a new tweet from Bernie saying we need unicorns and fairy dust which people are taking he's working on doing. Millions of people are not as awake as many of us here are and they are holding on to hope because their lives are beyond horrible right now. If Bernie is just stringing them along then Jimmy is right to call him on it. One thing he talks about is how the DNC turned the lights out over Bernie's sections at the convention and Bernie said nothing. As well as how he signed on with Russia Gate. His campaign manager said they had seen the evidence. Seriously WTF?
I never got behind Bernie this time either, but I did post positive things about him for those who were so I wasn't Debbie downer. I wish he could win though just to see if he'd be better than Trump. I know he'd be much better than Biden.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
You defend him
I mostly disregarded him this go around.
He voted to give our country's wealth to the oligarchs he always rants about.
I applaud anyone who smacks him down.
I will not defend him unless it is an outright lie.
Nothing Jimmy said about his was a lie.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Jimmy may be not only talking about progressive politicians, but I believe he is really talking to those of us who self identify as progressive. For far too long those of us on the real left have stood by waiting for a savior figure. I know that I am guilty of this myself.
No one gives you power. You must be willing to put yourself out on the line to take power away from those who have been using us as sacrificial pawns in their game of world domination.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Here is the WfA video
*to jump to the Bernie email, start at the 16 minute mark
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
If I may look between the lines here
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
You could be absolutely correct.
We, the sheeple, are always the last ones to know, if we ever do, that is.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Dore is, frankly, full of shit here
If you cannot pass MfA during a pandemic
This is the best opportunity of the past 70 years or so when it isn't politics that drives it on.
It is the pandemic.
Or, we can wait until...
we return to the usual politics. Incrementalism.
And sucking dick, or something as rewarding.
"Now, during a pandemic, to prevent our citizens from dying for lack of access to health care, me must make MfA the law of the land. Not to do so will kill tens of thousands of our fellow Americans. They are out brothers and our sisters, and they need us to help them NOW. The pandemic will not allow us to wait."
Or something similar.
Give me a mike on a public square, that's what I would say.
Give him a mike on the floor of the Senate or on CNN, it means a whole lot more.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
If Sanders was President
a pandemic would be the ideal time to force MfA through a reluctant, Democratic-controlled Congress. It would be Sanders on TV for two hours a day saying it's the change we need, and even then it would be tooth and nail to overcome corruption.
But he isn't. A multi-trillion dollar corruption package sailed through Congress, but there is no political will to make any long term changes, particularly those that might help the people.
Trump is telling people what they want to hear, that this is going to just go away in a few weeks. We'll all go back to "normal". All those jobs are going to come back. The stock market is going to go back up. We don't need to do anything except print money and give it to the wealthy. And people believe it because they want to believe it. The Senate is out of town on vacation. The leadership wants to "wait and see" if what they did was enough.
So where's the will to enact sweeping change? It isn't there yet.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Political will starts and ends with politicians.
It has to start some damn where from SOME damn body.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It starts with the voters
and right now we're all sitting on the sofa eating snacks and watching Netflix. More than usual.
10 million people have lost their jobs and a comparable number have lost their health insurance. I don't think it's sunk in yet just how screwed they (we) are. It's too easy to think that this is about to peak and return to normal, and that's the drumbeat of propaganda. This isn't the peak, it's not the beginning of the peak, but perhaps it's the peak of the beginning. This Depression is just getting started. But that hasn't sunk in yet.
In another month when they want their prescriptions refilled, when they get a dry cough, when their kid is sick, when they go to the doctor and find out that the insurance card they're carrying isn't valid any more, they'll start to care. The media has a whole month to explain how MfA would be a terrible idea. Batty Biden will tell them it's a terrible idea.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
No argument from me.
I certainly won't be bothered by standing in a line.
The politicians are telling us they do not have us in mind.
Can't get much clearer.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I wonder if he's waiting to see what Trump will do.
The orange buffoon has been making mouth noises about getting people something that looks and sounds a bit like "Medicare for All", though it's supposedly just Covid-19 related. If he isn't just talking out of his arse, which he usually is, this could be an...interesting development.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
This is just for COVID
He announced that Friday when Hillary was telling him to open up the ACA enrollment period and while Biden was still saying he was against MFA. You can see the tweet on it that I posted in Friday's evening blues or in BAL'S essay.. I haven't seen Bernie, Hillary, Neera or Biden saying anything about it. It's a great step, but hopefully it's just the start. It's beyond asinine that during a global pandemic this country still doesn't have single payer health care.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I agree that MFA can't pass right now
But what Jimmy is saying is that Bernie has lots of power right now. He can tell democrats that if they want him to tell his supporters to get behind Biden then they need to offer them some concessions that will stick. He can hold out for a better bailout for people who have just become unemployed and other things. I don't remember which video it's in where this was discussed. Biden will not win unless enough Bernie supporters vote for him rather then Trump or stay home. This will only matter though if democrats actually want Biden to be president.
During the run up to the vote for the bailout Bernie said that unless Graham stopped being against the unemployed benefits he would place a hold against the whole bill. If he could have done this then could he have done it anyway until it was better structured with more help for us?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Bernie needed to
Once negotiated, and with the brief grandstanding sideshow of Lindsay Graham and a few other Rs easily dispensed with, the bill passed 96-0. Iow, once Chuck and Mitch reached a deal, it was going to pass overwhelmingly, and it was then too late for Bernie to influence the bill. The time to speak up was in the early stages in the backrooms and publicly to build up grassroots support for a much stronger bill.
Bernie and AOC, Liz too, should have been getting together to strategize and could have been forceful public proponents for a more populist relief package. But we know Bernie doesn't get along well with Liz, and maybe isn't inclined to do the work to organize in big ways. This was a huge opportunity missed by the Left, and Mitch & Co were the big winners.
Meantime, Bernie should be using what leverage he has left (dwindling by the day) to influence Biden to get on board with M4A, or at least something approximating that, in return for a withdrawal and endorsement.
Bernie has no power over this legislation
"I have no doubt Biden can defeat Trump"
That's the biggest lie of them all.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
OT but it's my essay..:)
If you are able to please support your local food bank
Counties are seeing huge increases in people getting food from theirs. Increases up to 900%. People are waiting in lines for long hours. Congress should do an emergency tax on people who can spare it especially Bezos and the Walmart heirs to fund them.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
is just appalling. Our "enemies", Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea, must be shaking in their combat boots over our power.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Local food banks
Traditionally food banks involve the public during their seasonal drives for donations of non-perishable food items and items that are not covered by SNAP. However, monetary donations are very much needed because they can be used to purchase needed items discount prices to stock the food bank.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thanks for supporting the food banks in your area
I read that Florida did a hatchet job on them and people are now really hurting. I have been lucky that I haven't needed to use the one here, but it's only because my brother gives me gift cards to buy what I can't.
Yesterday boy did I feel dumb. The store had chicken for a great price but after I checked out he asked for more money. "Huh?" Its because they had been cooked already and warm so it was off limits. Maybe if it was cooked and cold? But I can buy the same damn thing as long as it's raw. But of course the line was long and everyone in it witnessed it.
I have bought some things I usually don't eat in case I get sick or locked down, but after this is over I'll donate it to mine.
Here's another article on how bad it's getting. Congress must help them across this country even if that means Bezos has to come up with some money.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
With the rules about groups Food banks have to change
Now what they are doing is basically a drive-thru, they set up three times a week at locations that change each week and you get in line and when your vehicle gets to the front they want you to pop the trunk or allow them to place in in your car (or in the back of my truck)so there is no contact made. People without a car can walk up to the trucks they are pulling the food boxes from and with two lanes working the auto lines move quickly.
Here is something that is not good, I've been going to that food bank for over ten years and having been in missions and around a lot of other food banks I can say this was the best food bank I've ever seen. They always had a lot of produce, a lot locally grown,bread, cookies, pies etc.,milk, eggs, a lot of other assorted foods, including meat, and a package of 4 rolls of toilet paper on hand to give out.
That was standard, plus you could go twice a week,now you can only go once a week and now it's efficient but hardly worth the trip. Without food stamps, myself and others, would be sunk.
This was what was in my box for me for a can of sliced pears, one can of cream of mushroom soup, one can of 'mixed vegetables',one can of spaghetti sauce (no spaghetti), one jar of peanut butter, two apples, three onions, two potatoes and a box of 'Organic unsweetened Almond non dairy beverage Vanilla'(devoid of taste). Chow down!
That's it, now if its a couple they will get double of what I got, time to celebrate! that means four potatoes for the week, and of course according how many children some has they will get even more worthless crap.
A couple of other things, I found out where they were set up last week by going online to their website, of course I told everyone in this building but I have no idea how or where the Food Bank people are sharing this information other than online.
My last thing is that because I've been going to the food bank for so many years I know personally almost everyone there but in this new operation I have not seen one person I've known from the food bank workers,none.
The food bank that I am familiar with
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I hope that one puts in a lot more healthy food than here
This guy really puts Bernie in
perspective. Jimmy is out of his mind, right now, and I cannot watch him.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thank you for posting that I hope more here watch it n/t
Only those
that have open minds.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Bernie is not Christ, god or daddy.
He's a 78-year-old Independent politician. I don't watch Dore, cos I've seen video (not edited) examples of his foaming at the mouth. Not interested. My bitch is where is/are another politician(s) in this bushwacked country who believe(s) in my issues?!? Medicare For All, Green/Ecological New Deal, and Repairing Public Education? I backed Jay Inslee after Bernie only cos of his environmental stand. So, anybody out there with the wisdom and experience to maneuver through the sharkpit of powerful, craporate, greedball stupids, and help the People? There will be plenty of blank spots on my ballot this election. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.