Und lächle wenn du dich deinen Betters näherst. Eine grosse Lächeln, verstehst du?
One can cure the plague--this one with HCQ plus AZ. Can one cure Jewishness other than convert or die? Yours is a faulty conceptualization. You, meine unschuldige Knaben, will be tagged by the S.S. (State Security) from then on. You. for your own good will be vaccinated with Herr Wilhelm von Gates' ID2020 chip. This one monitors your location more efficiently and cheaply than an ankle bracelet.
Ja, Herr Outsourcing, even if you are of Pure Aryan blood, WE will monitor you. Best of all, next year's vaccine-chip will include electroshock cables leading to your spinothalamic tract, causing painful flexor spasms, if WE detect impure thoughts. Certainly, in favor of the Common Good, you will enthusiastically volunteer for next year's improved chip with your unlikely-to-cause-Guillain-Barre-inducing influenza vaccine.
I'm sure, you will be the first in your block to obtain one.
The people who test positive for COVID-19 really ARE carrying a plague.
Sir Gates' envisioned microchips and blue ink subcutaneous tattoos w/ vaccinations. iirc, they were from Billy Gates on 'ask me anything' on reddit. too lazy to search for it, but i had it on a recent (march?) diary. and...he answered. who made him Gawd? oh...he crowned himself w/ his mega-billions for philanthro-capitalism. who crowned the current Tedros head of the WHO?
billy did, that's WHOOOOOOO.
#3 Ja, du Untermensch müssen seine gelbische Abzeichen tragen.
Und lächle wenn du dich deinen Betters näherst. Eine grosse Lächeln, verstehst du?
One can cure the plague--this one with HCQ plus AZ. Can one cure Jewishness other than convert or die? Yours is a faulty conceptualization. You, meine unschuldige Knaben, will be tagged by the S.S. (State Security) from then on. You. for your own good will be vaccinated with Herr Wilhelm von Gates' ID2020 chip. This one monitors your location more efficiently and cheaply than an ankle bracelet.
Ja, Herr Outsourcing, even if you are of Pure Aryan blood, WE will monitor you. Best of all, next year's vaccine-chip will include electroshock cables leading to your spinothalamic tract, causing painful flexor spasms, if WE detect impure thoughts. Certainly, in favor of the Common Good, you will enthusiastically volunteer for next year's improved chip with your unlikely-to-cause-Guillain-Barre-inducing influenza vaccine.
I'm sure, you will be the first in your block to obtain one.
Sir Gates' envisioned microchips and blue ink subcutaneous tattoos w/ vaccinations. iirc, they were from Billy Gates on 'ask me anything' on reddit. too lazy to search for it, but i had it on a recent (march?) diary. and...he answered. who made him Gawd? oh...he crowned himself w/ his mega-billions for philanthro-capitalism. who crowned the current Tedros head of the WHO?
@Alligator Ed
parrot tattoo. Sir Gates has developed a tattoo that is invisible. It fluoresces under a UV light for reading with special software. This way they can put it on the middle of your forehead as a backup to facial recognition cameras.
No grass grows underneath the feet of WvG. He got it all figured out. Invisible except under UV light--well at least the light will kill viruses over the tattoo.
parrot tattoo. Sir Gates has developed a tattoo that is invisible. It fluoresces under a UV light for reading with special software. This way they can put it on the middle of your forehead as a backup to facial recognition cameras.
BTW, I goofed. The tattoo is read by infrared NOT UV light. (I'm getting sloppy in my advanced age. Pretty soon I'm going to need someone to wipe the drool off my chin when I eat.)
Bill Gates, MIT Develop New ‘Tattoo ID’ to Check For Vaccinations
December 23, 2019
“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”
# No grass grows underneath the feet of WvG. He got it all figured out. Invisible except under UV light--well at least the light will kill viruses over the tattoo.
BTW, I goofed. The tattoo is read by infrared NOT UV light. (I'm getting sloppy in my advanced age. Pretty soon I'm going to need someone to wipe the drool off my chin when I eat.)
Bill Gates, MIT Develop New ‘Tattoo ID’ to Check For Vaccinations
December 23, 2019
“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”
Your unexpressive feline features give you an air of mystery. That far is better than the putrified air of Herr Wilhelm von Gates' exhalations. And just how old are you? Only your groomer knows, perhaps? My age, if you should wish to learn, is Three Score Eighteen. As of yet, I do not need a drool-minder. Lovely phrasing, sir.
Some amongst us are unable to distinguish the virus for what it most likely is. If you are of a proper mind-set and like to watch videos, then perhaps you might enjoy:
BTW, I goofed. The tattoo is read by infrared NOT UV light. (I'm getting sloppy in my advanced age. Pretty soon I'm going to need someone to wipe the drool off my chin when I eat.)
Bill Gates, MIT Develop New ‘Tattoo ID’ to Check For Vaccinations
December 23, 2019
“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”
Amazing Polly is a little too CT for my taste (Q, Satan, et. al.). Tedros is not the dictator of the WHO. He is also not a doctor. Final decisions come from a group of experts not him. Polly gives him way too much power. She should have looked at what Tedros's position entailed first. He certainly is not the Evil Mastermind our dear Polly makes him out to be. He's just an appointed political flunky. Only Dog knows why he got that position.
The WHO is just an advisory board. China went it's own way and took strong action to shut down Wuhan when they themselves determined the severity of the coronavirus. China has little control of the WHO's executive or staff functioning. All they can do is follow the rules and report their findings to the WHO which they dutifully did on Dec 31, 2019. The WHO was to automatically pass this information on to all member nations.
The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed programme budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.
The US doesn't like to be part of any international agencies where it doesn't have full control or veto power.
The Executive Board is composed of 34 persons who are technically qualified in the field of health, each designated by a Member State that has been elected to serve by the World Health Assembly. Member States are elected for three-year terms.
CHINA (2018-2021)
Ms Zhang Yang
Director General, Department of International Cooperation
National Health Commission
To be communicated
Gotta run. I've things to see and people to do.
# Your unexpressive feline features give you an air of mystery. That far is better than the putrified air of Herr Wilhelm von Gates' exhalations. And just how old are you? Only your groomer knows, perhaps? My age, if you should wish to learn, is Three Score Eighteen. As of yet, I do not need a drool-minder. Lovely phrasing, sir.
Some amongst us are unable to distinguish the virus for what it most likely is. If you are of a proper mind-set and like to watch videos, then perhaps you might enjoy:
Do you mean like Doctor Tedros, former health minister of Ethiopia? That guy. The guy who perfused to admit 3 cholera epidemic ravished his country while he was health minister? Oh, yes, they had episodic epidemics of "acute watery diarrhea"--but, no, it wasn't the same cholera afflicting nations on both sides of Ethiopia. For some reason no cholera episodes blemished adhanom's pristine record.
As far as boards of directors, may I remind you of Hunter Biden, who was a member of Burisma's directoreship?
And what is the nationality of
Ms Zhang Yang, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, National Health Commission
? Hint: her office is in Beijing--CB, is that a part of Ireland? No. Please supply your answer so that your refutation of my contention, shared by many others not so enamored of Chairman Xi, also share.
Amazing Polly is a little too CT for my taste (Q, Satan, et. al.). Tedros is not the dictator of the WHO. He is also not a doctor. Final decisions come from a group of experts not him. Polly gives him way too much power. She should have looked at what Tedros's position entailed first. He certainly is not the Evil Mastermind our dear Polly makes him out to be. He's just an appointed political flunky. Only Dog knows why he got that position.
The WHO is just an advisory board. China went it's own way and took strong action to shut down Wuhan when they themselves determined the severity of the coronavirus. China has little control of the WHO's executive or staff functioning. All they can do is follow the rules and report their findings to the WHO which they dutifully did on Dec 31, 2019. The WHO was to automatically pass this information on to all member nations.
The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed programme budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.
The US doesn't like to be part of any international agencies where it doesn't have full control or veto power.
The Executive Board is composed of 34 persons who are technically qualified in the field of health, each designated by a Member State that has been elected to serve by the World Health Assembly. Member States are elected for three-year terms.
CHINA (2018-2021)
Ms Zhang Yang
Director General, Department of International Cooperation
National Health Commission
To be communicated
@Alligator Ed
to your questions. I'm tired of your fucking CT.
BENIN (2017-2020)
Docteur Codjo Didier Agossadou
Secrétaire général, Ministère de la Santé
Porto Novo
BURKINA FASO (2019-2022)
Professeur Adama Traore
Professeur agrégé en dermatologie
ESWATINI (2017-2020)
Dr Simon Mfanzile Zwane
Principal Secretary
Ministry of Health
GABON (2018-2021)
M. Martin Essono Ndoutoumou
Directeur général de la Planification des Infrastructures sanitaires et des équipements
Ministère de la Santé
KENYA (2019-2022)
Dr J. Wekesa Masasabi
Acting Director General for Health, Ministry of Health
Dr Zainab A.S. Chaula
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children
ZAMBIA (2017-2020)
Dr Kennedy Malama
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Health
ARGENTINA (2019-2022)
Sra. Jorgelina Costanzi
Directora Nacional de Relaciones Sanitarias Internacionales
Secretaría de Gobierno
Buenos Aires
BRAZIL (2017-2020)
Mrs Maria Nazareth Farani Azevêdo
Ambassador, Permanent Representative
CHILE (2018-2021)
Mr Emilio Santelices Cuevas
Minister of Health
GRENADA (2019-2022)
Mr Nickolas Steele
Minister for Health, Social Security and International Business
Saint George’s
GUYANA (2019-2022)
Ms Volda Lawerence
Minister of Public Health
To be communicated
BANGLADESH (2019-2022)
Mr Zahid Maleque
Minister, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
INDONESIA (2018-2021)
Professor Dr Nila Farid Moeloek
SRI LANKA (2017-2020)
Mrs Pavithra Wanniarachchi
Minister of Health and Indigenous Medical Services
AUSTRIA (2019-2022)
Dr Clemens Martin Auer
Special Envoy for Health, Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection
FINLAND (2018-2021)
Dr Päivi Sillanaukee
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
GEORGIA (2017-2020)
Ms Tamar Gabunia
First Deputy Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs
GERMANY (2018-2021)
Mr Björn Kümmel
Deputy Head of Division Global Health
Federal Ministry of Health
ISRAEL (2018-2021)
Professor Itamar Grotto
Associate Director General
Ministry of Health
ITALY (2017-2020)
Professor Gualtiero Ricciardi
Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
ROMANIA (2018-2021)
Professor Alexandru Rafila
Personal Adviser for Health Policies of the Minister
Ministry of Health
TAJIKISTAN (2019-2022)
Professor Salomuddin Yusufi
Vice-Principal of Scientific Affairs, Tajik State Medical University
DJIBOUTI (2018-2021)
Dr Saleh Banoita Tourab
Inspecteur général des Services de Santé
Ministère de la Santé
IRAQ (2017-2020)
Dr Jaffar Sadiq Allawi
Minister of Health and Environment
SUDAN (2018-2021)
Dr Akram Ali Al Tom
Federal Minister of Health
TUNISIA (2019-2022)
Dr Abdellatif Mekki
Ministre de la Santé
Mr Abdulrahman Al Owais
Minister of Health and Prevention
Abu Dhabi
AUSTRALIA (2018-2021)
Ms Glenys Beauchamp
Secretary, Department of Health
CHINA (2018-2021)
Ms Zhang Yang
Director General, Department of International Cooperation
National Health Commission
JAPAN (2017-2020)
Dr Hiroki Nakatani
Advisor for International Affairs to the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare
SINGAPORE (2019-2022)
Dr Lam Pin Min
Senior Minister of State for Health and Transport
TONGA (2019-2022)
Dr Amelia Afuha’amango Tu’ipulotu
Minister for Health and Public Enterprises
# Do you mean like Doctor Tedros, former health minister of Ethiopia? That guy. The guy who perfused to admit 3 cholera epidemic ravished his country while he was health minister? Oh, yes, they had episodic epidemics of "acute watery diarrhea"--but, no, it wasn't the same cholera afflicting nations on both sides of Ethiopia. For some reason no cholera episodes blemished adhanom's pristine record.
As far as boards of directors, may I remind you of Hunter Biden, who was a member of Burisma's directoreship?
And what is the nationality of
Ms Zhang Yang, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, National Health Commission
? Hint: her office is in Beijing--CB, is that a part of Ireland? No. Please supply your answer so that your refutation of my contention, shared by many others not so enamored of Chairman Xi, also share.
Amazing Polly has her facts and priorities straight
and Johnny Horton's Greatest Hits on the wall -
what's not to like?
Well, there is that global dystopian nightmare she's
trying to warn us about.
BTW - Natural News (that CB seems to love to hate) and Infowars were reporting last fall on what Polly mentions in passing: the ID2020 Program - coordinating with GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) which is connected to the CDC... which seeks to combine the wonders of vaccination with implanted microchip ID's. Rolling out pilot programs in Bangladesh and the homeless population in Austin, Texas.
But it's only because they want to make the world a better place.
Of course.
# Your unexpressive feline features give you an air of mystery. That far is better than the putrified air of Herr Wilhelm von Gates' exhalations. And just how old are you? Only your groomer knows, perhaps? My age, if you should wish to learn, is Three Score Eighteen. As of yet, I do not need a drool-minder. Lovely phrasing, sir.
Some amongst us are unable to distinguish the virus for what it most likely is. If you are of a proper mind-set and like to watch videos, then perhaps you might enjoy:
Amazing Polly has her facts and priorities straight
and Johnny Horton's Greatest Hits on the wall -
what's not to like?
Well, there is that global dystopian nightmare she's
trying to warn us about.
BTW - Natural News (that CB seems to love to hate) and Infowars were reporting last fall on what Polly mentions in passing: the ID2020 Program - coordinating with GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) which is connected to the CDC... which seeks to combine the wonders of vaccination with implanted microchip ID's. Rolling out pilot programs in Bangladesh and the homeless population in Austin, Texas.
But it's only because they want to make the world a better place.
# Your unexpressive feline features give you an air of mystery. That far is better than the putrified air of Herr Wilhelm von Gates' exhalations. And just how old are you? Only your groomer knows, perhaps? My age, if you should wish to learn, is Three Score Eighteen. As of yet, I do not need a drool-minder. Lovely phrasing, sir.
Some amongst us are unable to distinguish the virus for what it most likely is. If you are of a proper mind-set and like to watch videos, then perhaps you might enjoy:
@Outsourcing Is Treason
right now, people who test positive for COVID-19 are required to go into specially designated "quarantine" houses. In various places in the US right now, people who test positive are being asked to self-quarantine at home. People living in assisted care facilities are living under a facility-imposed quarantine.
Those kinds of things are quarantine.
What is *not* quarantine is requiring everyone who tests positive to wear physical insignia saying "Infected with COVID! Beware!"
The tags are to prevent the virus from jumping from infected people to non-infected people. Their purpose is to save lives. There’s no “stigma” in that.
OTOH, the yellow Star of David was an instrument used in genocide. The exact opposite of saving lives. And THAT is what makes this a very poor analogy.
right now, people who test positive for COVID-19 are required to go into specially designated "quarantine" houses. In various places in the US right now, people who test positive are being asked to self-quarantine at home. People living in assisted care facilities are living under a facility-imposed quarantine.
Those kinds of things are quarantine.
What is *not* quarantine is requiring everyone who tests positive to wear physical insignia saying "Infected with COVID! Beware!"
@Outsourcing Is Treason@Outsourcing Is Treason
How about a touch of reality. All "advances" in technology are double-edged weapons. They can cut toward the Good or toward the Evil. Take your blinders off man! AH ascended to the Reichstag January 1933, but the Nürnberg LaWs took a few more years. Then the tattoos. Then the Labor Camps (Arbeit Macht Frei). Have we not learned the lessons yet? Look around at the sheep penned fearfully in their pens. Yes, meine unschuldige Knaben, how long before you are verborten from leaving your house? Are your papers in order? Superfluous question. The implanted microchip, for which you seemingly have approval, will tell where you've been. The Polizei will scan your forearm, etc. to find out what your social obeisance score.
Reflect, you Sheeple, what Herr WvG wants for you and from you?
The tags are to prevent the virus from jumping from infected people to non-infected people. Their purpose is to save lives. There’s no “stigma” in that.
OTOH, the yellow Star of David was an instrument used in genocide. The exact opposite of saving lives. And THAT is what makes this a very poor analogy.
The tags are to prevent the virus from jumping from infected people to non-infected people.
I guess the idea is that we'd see people wearing the dreaded coronavirus tag, and we'd know to shun them?
Wouldn't it be more effective to practice social distancing, self-quarantine, and wear PPE when outside our homes, operating under the correct assumption that anyone can be a carrier even if they're asymptomatic?
The tags are to prevent the virus from jumping from infected people to non-infected people. Their purpose is to save lives. There’s no “stigma” in that.
OTOH, the yellow Star of David was an instrument used in genocide. The exact opposite of saving lives. And THAT is what makes this a very poor analogy.
3 users have voted.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep." ~Rumi
"If you want revolution, be it." ~Caitlin Johnstone
Looks like war. Looks like death. Looks like destruction
They should come in red and blue, so you know who's who. Half n' halfs for the independents and yellow for the socialists 'cause nobody likes them.
Worst analogy ever
The people who test positive for COVID-19 really ARE carrying a plague.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
Jawohl, Meine feiner Arier Knaben.
Und lächle wenn du dich deinen Betters näherst. Eine grosse Lächeln, verstehst du?
One can cure the plague--this one with HCQ plus AZ. Can one cure Jewishness other than convert or die? Yours is a faulty conceptualization. You, meine unschuldige Knaben, will be tagged by the S.S. (State Security) from then on. You. for your own good will be vaccinated with Herr Wilhelm von Gates' ID2020 chip. This one monitors your location more efficiently and cheaply than an ankle bracelet.
Ja, Herr Outsourcing, even if you are of Pure Aryan blood, WE will monitor you. Best of all, next year's vaccine-chip will include electroshock cables leading to your spinothalamic tract, causing painful flexor spasms, if WE detect impure thoughts. Certainly, in favor of the Common Good, you will enthusiastically volunteer for next year's improved chip with your unlikely-to-cause-Guillain-Barre-inducing influenza vaccine.
I'm sure, you will be the first in your block to obtain one.
i was about to mention
Sir Gates' envisioned microchips and blue ink subcutaneous tattoos w/ vaccinations. iirc, they were from Billy Gates on 'ask me anything' on reddit. too lazy to search for it, but i had it on a recent (march?) diary. and...he answered. who made him Gawd? oh...he crowned himself w/ his mega-billions for philanthro-capitalism. who crowned the current Tedros head of the WHO?
billy did, that's WHOOOOOOO.
Permit me to guess what said Vaccine tattoos would like
Nope. Too easy to cover it up with a
parrot tattoo. Sir Gates has developed a tattoo that is invisible. It fluoresces under a UV light for reading with special software. This way they can put it on the middle of your forehead as a backup to facial recognition cameras.
CB, you are one diabolical cat.
I'm not the diabolical one
I just play one on C99.
The tattoo method was developed by Gates and MIT.
BTW, I goofed. The tattoo is read by infrared NOT UV light. (I'm getting sloppy in my advanced age. Pretty soon I'm going to need someone to wipe the drool off my chin when I eat.)
how X-files of them,
yes, as is ID2020 collecting blood so that everyone will have universal dna names & signatures, else: unpersons. pardon me: Digital ID.
Thanks for the laughs, CB
Some amongst us are unable to distinguish the virus for what it most likely is. If you are of a proper mind-set and like to watch videos, then perhaps you might enjoy:
The expression is sardonic
Matches my personality.
I understand alligator is the new white meat....

I'm almost 3/4 of a century old.
Amazing Polly is a little too CT for my taste (Q, Satan, et. al.). Tedros is not the dictator of the WHO. He is also not a doctor. Final decisions come from a group of experts not him. Polly gives him way too much power. She should have looked at what Tedros's position entailed first. He certainly is not the Evil Mastermind our dear Polly makes him out to be. He's just an appointed political flunky. Only Dog knows why he got that position.
The WHO is just an advisory board. China went it's own way and took strong action to shut down Wuhan when they themselves determined the severity of the coronavirus. China has little control of the WHO's executive or staff functioning. All they can do is follow the rules and report their findings to the WHO which they dutifully did on Dec 31, 2019. The WHO was to automatically pass this information on to all member nations.
The US doesn't like to be part of any international agencies where it doesn't have full control or veto power.
Gotta run. I've things to see and people to do.
The executive board of qualified medical people?
As far as boards of directors, may I remind you of Hunter Biden, who was a member of Burisma's directoreship?
And what is the nationality of
? Hint: her office is in Beijing--CB, is that a part of Ireland? No. Please supply your answer so that your refutation of my contention, shared by many others not so enamored of Chairman Xi, also share.
Read the goddamn links if you want answers
to your questions. I'm tired of your fucking CT.
BENIN (2017-2020)
Docteur Codjo Didier Agossadou
Secrétaire général, Ministère de la Santé
Porto Novo
BURKINA FASO (2019-2022)
Professeur Adama Traore
Professeur agrégé en dermatologie
ESWATINI (2017-2020)
Dr Simon Mfanzile Zwane
Principal Secretary
Ministry of Health
GABON (2018-2021)
M. Martin Essono Ndoutoumou
Directeur général de la Planification des Infrastructures sanitaires et des équipements
Ministère de la Santé
KENYA (2019-2022)
Dr J. Wekesa Masasabi
Acting Director General for Health, Ministry of Health
Dr Zainab A.S. Chaula
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children
ZAMBIA (2017-2020)
Dr Kennedy Malama
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Health
ARGENTINA (2019-2022)
Sra. Jorgelina Costanzi
Directora Nacional de Relaciones Sanitarias Internacionales
Secretaría de Gobierno
Buenos Aires
BRAZIL (2017-2020)
Mrs Maria Nazareth Farani Azevêdo
Ambassador, Permanent Representative
CHILE (2018-2021)
Mr Emilio Santelices Cuevas
Minister of Health
GRENADA (2019-2022)
Mr Nickolas Steele
Minister for Health, Social Security and International Business
Saint George’s
GUYANA (2019-2022)
Ms Volda Lawerence
Minister of Public Health
To be communicated
BANGLADESH (2019-2022)
Mr Zahid Maleque
Minister, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
INDONESIA (2018-2021)
Professor Dr Nila Farid Moeloek
SRI LANKA (2017-2020)
Mrs Pavithra Wanniarachchi
Minister of Health and Indigenous Medical Services
AUSTRIA (2019-2022)
Dr Clemens Martin Auer
Special Envoy for Health, Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection
FINLAND (2018-2021)
Dr Päivi Sillanaukee
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
GEORGIA (2017-2020)
Ms Tamar Gabunia
First Deputy Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs
GERMANY (2018-2021)
Mr Björn Kümmel
Deputy Head of Division Global Health
Federal Ministry of Health
ISRAEL (2018-2021)
Professor Itamar Grotto
Associate Director General
Ministry of Health
ITALY (2017-2020)
Professor Gualtiero Ricciardi
Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
ROMANIA (2018-2021)
Professor Alexandru Rafila
Personal Adviser for Health Policies of the Minister
Ministry of Health
TAJIKISTAN (2019-2022)
Professor Salomuddin Yusufi
Vice-Principal of Scientific Affairs, Tajik State Medical University
DJIBOUTI (2018-2021)
Dr Saleh Banoita Tourab
Inspecteur général des Services de Santé
Ministère de la Santé
IRAQ (2017-2020)
Dr Jaffar Sadiq Allawi
Minister of Health and Environment
SUDAN (2018-2021)
Dr Akram Ali Al Tom
Federal Minister of Health
TUNISIA (2019-2022)
Dr Abdellatif Mekki
Ministre de la Santé
Mr Abdulrahman Al Owais
Minister of Health and Prevention
Abu Dhabi
AUSTRALIA (2018-2021)
Ms Glenys Beauchamp
Secretary, Department of Health
CHINA (2018-2021)
Ms Zhang Yang
Director General, Department of International Cooperation
National Health Commission
JAPAN (2017-2020)
Dr Hiroki Nakatani
Advisor for International Affairs to the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare
SINGAPORE (2019-2022)
Dr Lam Pin Min
Senior Minister of State for Health and Transport
TONGA (2019-2022)
Dr Amelia Afuha’amango Tu’ipulotu
Minister for Health and Public Enterprises
As it turned out
I was definitely in the mood to watch that video.
Amazing Polly has her facts and priorities straight
and Johnny Horton's Greatest Hits on the wall -
what's not to like?
Well, there is that global dystopian nightmare she's
trying to warn us about.
BTW - Natural News (that CB seems to love to hate) and Infowars were reporting last fall on what Polly mentions in passing: the ID2020 Program - coordinating with GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations) which is connected to the CDC... which seeks to combine the wonders of vaccination with implanted microchip ID's. Rolling out pilot programs in Bangladesh and the homeless population in Austin, Texas.
But it's only because they want to make the world a better place.
Of course.
Yes, the blinders must come off.
and who is this lady? /nt
She's Canadian on YouTube
Check her out on duckduckgo or google.
Thx /nt
In the history of the world
it has never worked out well for a society to ostracize, stigmatize, and essentially scapegoat selected groups of citizens.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Missing word
The word you’re missing is “quarantine”.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
In some countries
right now, people who test positive for COVID-19 are required to go into specially designated "quarantine" houses. In various places in the US right now, people who test positive are being asked to self-quarantine at home. People living in assisted care facilities are living under a facility-imposed quarantine.
Those kinds of things are quarantine.
What is *not* quarantine is requiring everyone who tests positive to wear physical insignia saying "Infected with COVID! Beware!"
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
The tags are to prevent the virus from jumping from infected people to non-infected people. Their purpose is to save lives. There’s no “stigma” in that.
OTOH, the yellow Star of David was an instrument used in genocide. The exact opposite of saving lives. And THAT is what makes this a very poor analogy.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
And what makes you think this tagging will be any different?
Reflect, you Sheeple, what Herr WvG wants for you and from you?
I'm trying to envision exactly how that would work
I guess the idea is that we'd see people wearing the dreaded coronavirus tag, and we'd know to shun them?
Wouldn't it be more effective to practice social distancing, self-quarantine, and wear PPE when outside our homes, operating under the correct assumption that anyone can be a carrier even if they're asymptomatic?
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
yes, this.
including the several imprisoned palestinians in gaza who've apparently died of coronovirus; more to come.
Somebody needs to lose his fatcat job
and join us peons down here groveling in the dirt.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Just an FYI
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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
gives new meaning to:
'We don't need no stinking badges!'