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Unbelievably we are told to expect death, a lot of death. Unnecessary death due to incompetence. But please accept lots of it. Saying so somehow makes it okay. The memo has been sent. The meme prepares us. Blooding the hounds.

We are all getting tired of this. Already. And this is just the beginning. A recession is now likely. We are told to expect 30% unemployment. More words. A panacea. Because there is no safety net, no social infrastructure. So, exactly what are ‘they’ going to do with so many hungry people? Food banks are overwhelmed. Now. The worst case scenario will be a dystopian nightmare.

So, yes, people are fucking stressed. It’s so tangible you could cut it with a knife.

I have deep cleaned my kitchen, organized my pantry, planted a victory garden. Cleaned the labels off of two sake bottles, saved to use for flower vases over a year ago. Made cookies. The last time I made cookies, I was in the sixth grade.

I am a cartoon tightly drawn into a box. A shadow running down a long grey road with The Scream. But we are running six feet apart. We are told that ten feet apart is better. Where are our masks? The next day we have happy hour over FaceTime because Zoom has been collecting our personal information.

The Scream is working from home. He is moving at a time when social distancing makes it difficult, close to impossible. Her husband is a very social person and a nurse, who insists on walking with friends twice a day and she is worried. She is a nurse in Texas and trying to home school her son while doing a full time job. She is working on her dissertation in mathematics and trying to home school her daughter. They are trying to conduct their Peace Chorale together over zoom. It’s not working. She is trying to coordinate drugs for addicts throughout this and wants to scream. Choose your personal pronoun. They want to scream.

Really, I see no easy way back to normal, no way out.

 zz Sun Black trees.jpg

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Raggedy Ann's picture

There will be a new normal. We will not be going back to our lives as they were. We are in a shift of consciousness. All the societal agreements will change. We are all perceiving our own reality, at this point in time. We must all figure out what is right for us, what our truth is, and live our lives in that truth.

Mother Nature has taken over. She grew tired of the human species not paying attention to what is right for all. The species will not survive, otherwise.

Come to your center. Take this time to look around and see how you can make that difference. Look for love. Live in love.

Revolution will come. It is all about the timing.

Enjoy the day and be grateful. Pleasantry

27 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

magiamma's picture

@Raggedy Ann
Yes. Center. Even as I see those around me flailing. I send them light, good energy, peace. And I walk. All is good. At the same time I cannot not see the stress that everyone is feeling. Those who are close and the masses who are not. It is real and everywhere. The impacts are far reaching. Just read that 40% of voters think jesus will come back in their lifetime in the nyt. Was not expecting that. Yet another indication that people are searching. There are so many fronts that people are struggling on.

Thanks. Be well and have a good one.

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Raggedy Ann's picture


There is innate intelligence moving through all things… even a virus. Trust that. Life is smart enough to use ‘whatever we create’ for our next best step. Conspiracy theories or not, deep state or darkness, virus from bats or engineered... even these things are utilized in life’s grand and divine plan. Life will use everything at its disposal to achieve its end of balancing nature’s energy. There can be no wrong. Only the judgment of such. Be present to your fear, panic, depression, rage, greed, oppression … and also to your love, compassion, kindness, heartbreak and hope that authentically unfolds.

What better way for life to gently and compassionately heal than to physically isolate everyone so they must be with themselves, hear, see and acknowledge their lives, words, thoughts and actions?

You’ve been given a gift of time… presence… space… rest.. and devotion. This is an opportune moment to do ‘your inner work’:

Feel your feelings.
Clear through your viruses (of thought) held within the mind.
Notice the sensations of the body, and what they are revealing to you.
Let go of the resentments and anger that has been long held.
Discover lost dreams, longings, desires and needs that would create greater fulfillment.
Listen to the voice within.
Connect to your soul, and your Source.

Much of what occupied your mind, time and energy prior to the coronavirus has been ego and identity based. These preoccupations are minuscule within the grand scheme of life. The gift that is present supports your return to a more natural state, which is quite opposite the human condition. You are likely not even aware of the degree to which you have been conditioned.

Connecting vulnerably and intimately with your heart and soul offer the ‘art’ of you that has been ignored, abandoned and dismissed. This spiritually disciplined moment puts you in a corner, to look at how you have created your life thus far, how you have engaged in relationship, and how you have contributed to the world’s collective experience. Life is parenting you right now; placing you in a time-out. You are not being punished. You are simply being given a moment to think about what you have done.

Your Inquiry for Contemplation and Journaling

How might this time of social distancing serving you?
Have you ever silently wished the world would pause for just a moment? If so, why?
What did you want to do during that pause?
If all things serve a ‘greater good’, how is the virus serving the greater good. For you? For your family? For your country? For the world?
How are you embracing, or resisting, your ‘inner work’?

This series reflects the positivity of what is occurring as ‘proactive-transformational social distancing’. If it resonates, let it sink deeply in. If it does not, then let breathe it in, breathe it out, and let it go. The most supportive way to empower you during this ‘down time’ is in prompting inquiry, so that you may focus inward for your own answers.

Continue to follow this series for more insights and prompts… Utilize this important time to be present to self. Hold the vision of a sacred gift being offered, rather than a fearful curse being dealt. Let each writing serve in bringing you ‘Home’ more deeply.

**** Share this message with others so we collectively bring the presence called for.

Continue to follow this series for greater insights and prompts…

In love, Of Love, With Love, As Love…


16 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

magiamma's picture

@Raggedy Ann
beautiful words and grounding.

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mhagle's picture

@Raggedy Ann

I liked your comment to PriceRip the other day too.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Raggedy Ann's picture

What is happening is bigger than any one person, any one state, any one country. This is being engineered by the universe, which is in charge of all.

10 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Don't despair if you can help it. After first taking care to stay healthy and acquire needed supplies try to find ways to use this crisis as a path to enact positive progressive change. If you see a chance to advance progressive thinking take it and run with it. Many people will be open to hearing about ways we can help each other. Lots of people will be looking to governments for public programs that help citizens. Meanwhile for us, We were supposed to be waking up looking at the pyramids in Giza this morning. The travel company "Archeological Paths" has allowed us to change our dates for a tour in Egypt while holding on to our over $25K US dollars as a "deposit" interest free. I can't wait for them to quietly go bankrupt and screw us over! We can and will make it through these tough times.

17 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

Sorry to hear about your canceled trip. Hopefully you will be able to go.

Myself, I am taking good care. I worry about others. I hear a low rumbling, an almost audible hum. And I worry about those who have lost their jobs, and those who live on the streets. How are they going to feed themselves and their families. Oh good lord show me the way. Here, Food Not Bombs is feeding people, now every day. Doing what they have done for years but as always with little confidence from the city. I check on people who worked on the campaign. California is more prepared than most states. But there is the whole country and many people are clueless. And there is the whole world. Right? We knew this was coming and did not prepare. The Climate Crisis is ticking along. And now this. We can see it coming. But what to do. Thanks for your good thoughts.

Be well, be safe, and take good care.


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Lookout's picture

I can't help but see the parallels between COVID and climate chaos. Denial, denial, SCREAM.

We will perhaps stop oil production when NYC, Miami, and New Orleans are flooded. We are a reactive species unable to collectively create a positive future because of our immediate greed.

COVID will pass. The question is what will we have become on the other side. I'm with RA in hoping we will use this event to redefine ourselves and our society. My fear is we end up with some totalitarian police state that prevents forward progress. With the complete union of government and corporations last week, we will have more challenges than ever. Will we rise to the challenge or be so discouraged that we take the crumbs they offer? I don't know. Time will tell.

I've never felt better about my situation back here in the boonies. Last year you asked about vole problems. Try this:

Vole repellent
1 gallon of water
add to water
1 teaspoon liquid dish soap
1 teaspoon castor oil
Spray around beds where they are a problem.

You can also trap them with peanut butter on a trap by any exit holes you see.

In this situation it is easy to become discouraged, but keep a good heart. It is lots better to be in isolation at home than sentenced to a year or more in jail. We just have to do our time and create plans for what happens when we exit off this runaway virus. Sure would be nice if we could muster a united global response to the global corporate take over.

All the best to all of you!

20 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

The climate crisis is still there. Not as up close and personal as Covid-19.

We are a reactive species unable to collectively create a positive future because of our immediate greed.

And because of our immediate greed we do not plan for the future. I wonder how this will all pan out. What will come out on the other side?

Thanks for the recipe. I have moved the taters to the back in a frame so they are safe. Will dose the other things they attack. Heh. I am good as long as I can walk. We are lucky here to have the beach. I now walk on the sand far away from people. Better exercise as well.

Be well and have a good one.

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Cassiodorus's picture

and if we lodge daily appeals to the guilt of liberals for having allowed Donald Trump into the White House, we can make sure that the individual presiding over this nonstop catastrophe has a (D) next to his name. And then we can relax, because the Republicans are always worse.

This is the end-result of the American public's having no standards as regards our political class.

Another thought: September 1st of this year will be the occasion for the release of the English-language translation for Volker Ullrich's book Hitler: Downfall: 1939-1945. Now, if you read the first portion of Ullrich's biography (in English; I do not read German), you can see what is interesting about all this. Adolf Hitler was a man of extraordinary ability as a politician, with incredible megalomania and single-minded purpose. The German politicians who appointed him to power on 30 January 1933 were mental midgets whose elite pedigrees and nostalgia for the old Prussian monarchy were important factors in their underestimation of Hitler and in their granting him what in short order became unlimited power over Germany.

It is also important to see the historical background that Hitler inherited. Germany was the philosophical and technical epicenter of the 19th century. People forget a lot of this because German ingenuity became a taboo topic in World War I -- my family on my Dad's side doubtless lost their German-language abilities at that time -- but 19th-century Germany gave the world Marx and the socialists, the young Hegelians, the Kantians, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and all of the important ancestors of 20th-century philosophy, just to name a few. Germany was the 19th century's Athens. Here I will say little about the 19th-century Germans as rivals to Thomas Edison and inventors of the automobile, since I don't know as much.

Germany did not, however, have a vast empire, which is what the British and the French had, and so the Germans had to be content with a few possessions in Africa and with their jealousy. World War I, the inter-imperial conflict, was a war of attrition, destroying both Germany and France. It was ended in the middle of a pandemic, accompanied by catastrophic information suppression to keep troop morale "up." Hitler capitalized upon the later German resentment of all this while pursuing a two-fold political program: "Lebensraum," which mandated the destruction of Poland and the Ukraine (and the slaughter of 90% of their inhabitants) to create new German homelands, and "Judenfrage," which mandated the slaughter of the world's Jews.

Today's political landscape, especially in the United States, is reminiscent of the people who appointed Hitler, but not of Hitler himself. It is full of arrogant, clueless elites. Its most arrogant ideological hope is Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again"; but the elites do not know how to make America great again, nor are they the least bit interested in such a thing, and there is no Hitler on any horizon to take advantage of their idiocy. Political empire was still a robust concept in the 19th and 20th centuries, and in this regard Hitler appeared as an ardent mid-century revivalist. Political empire today is a mere exercise in depletion, the glories of Rome having given way to ecological catastrophe. There are no Hitlers anymore, just bad people.

But yeah, September 1st.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo


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Cassiodorus's picture

@MrWebster that Trump has neither Hitler's ambition, nor his intelligence, nor his historical "good" fortune. Pelosi, however, is a Franz von Papen of the worst sort.

I am sure that the idiots in power today would love to have some sort of American version of Adolf Hitler to take charge at this time. The problem is that Trump is not that version, nor is there anything of the sort available in America outside of maybe a few teevee preachers whose followings do not extend outside of the South. (And I might add that the teevee preachers are killing their flocks as we speak, by holding services in the middle of shelter-in-place orders.)

We just don't have a Hitler. In that regard we are more likely to die of neglect than in some sort of organized pogrom.

8 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

magiamma's picture

Thanks for the history. Spent some time living in Berlin and a lot of time visiting the Deutsches Historisches Museum among many others.

Today's political landscape, especially in the United States, is reminiscent of the people who appointed Hitler,

With or without a "Hitler" I think we are in for a rough ride.

Always enjoy your comments. Have a good one.

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QMS's picture

on the other side of this tunnel

also, in response to your description

I am a cartoon tightly drawn into a box.

covid cartoon

thanks magi and good luck to all

13 users have voted.

question everything

magiamma's picture

Great cartoon.

This from the nyt this morning. From time to time there is some good stuff there.

The cells of genetic females have two X chromosomes — one from their mothers, and one from their fathers — while those of genetic males have only the one X chromosome, from their mothers, and one Y chromosome.

This is crucial, because X chromosomes come in handy for vital functions like building and maintaining the human brain and the immune system. And biologists have long understood that XX chromosomes give females an advantage in some arenas: Having the use of a spare X in case the other is somehow defective is why females are less susceptible to disorders like color blindness, for instance.

But we’re only just now beginning to understand the full advantage that this extra X chromosome confers: It’s not just that women have a spare X chromosome to swap in. Rather, the more than 2,000 genes that, combined, make up two X chromosomes, are used by cells that actually interact and cooperatewithin a woman’s body. Each cell predominantly uses one X chromosome over the other — so if one X chromosome has genes that are better at recognizing invading viruses like Covid-19, for instance, immune cells using that X can focus on that task, while immune cells using the other X chromosome focus on, say, killing cells infected with Covid-19 instead, making the fight against the virus more efficient. ...

My wife doesn’t win only when it comes to overall longevity. Her risk for developing cancers in organs we both have, for example, is lower than mine. And if she does develop cancer, she has better odds of surviving, as research shows that women respond better than men to treatments.

And our sex chromosomes by and large determine our sex hormones — which also give her an advantage: Higher levels of testosterone appear to suppress the immune system; conversely, estrogens have been found to stimulate a more vigorous immunological response.

Have a good one.

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pigment genes on their X chromosomes -- meaning, they have two different alleles for one of the opsins -- sometimes have "super-color-vision": They see differences that the rest of us can't.

Basically, any time you find yourself in an argument with a woman who is insisting that two color samples Really. Are. Different. OMG. I can't believe you think they're the same!, you should probably just shut up -- especially if you're an XY individiual.

5 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

magiamma's picture

that's me. And apparently there are people with extra sensitive taste as well.

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How did THIS get on yahoo finance?

Jeremiah 5:28 cries out: “They have grown fat and sleek. They know no bounds in deeds of evil; they judge not with justice the cause of the fatherless, to make it prosper, and they do not defend the rights of the needy.”

If we do not want to be enablers of evil, we must speak out and stand up against it. To write a bill in the time of a pandemic that includes $500 billion for the already wealth and greedy is–according to the word of God–evil.

23 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

magiamma's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness

These are the authors

The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, II, president of Repairers of the Breach, is a co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign, a movement to build the power of poor people and change the public narrative on poverty.

Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, president of the Kairos Center, is a co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign, a movement to build the power of poor people and change the public narrative on poverty.

Maybe they did not read the article. Heh.

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13 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

enhydra lutris's picture

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Granma's picture

@UntimelyRippd Thank you. It cheers me to learn about people working on solutions that can help right away.

7 users have voted.

it's a short video clip from Robert Irwin (son of the tragically deceased Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin), who appears to be following in his father's footsteps. He misspelled "elusive" though. (or ... did he?)

6 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Granma's picture

@UntimelyRippd He has a good sense of humor.

3 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

Good to "see" you. Have a good one.

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magiamma's picture


Possibly going into production next week. Interesting. Definitely could take the load off. High grade, high quality and trustworthy - built by teams of doctors and robotic engineers. One thought, plastic off gasses. Could be problematic for people with asthma.

Thanks. Have a good one.

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$300 or $30,000, is going to include various synthetic materials that might cause a problem for sensitive individuals. After all, the "bag" that is the bellows for this system is itself an approved medical device already used to ventilate patients -- except it's used only in emergency situations, until it can be replaced by an automated unit.

5 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

mimi's picture

are probably all illegal, at least in Germany. There is a long interview here, which discuss the possible illegality of the 'solitary confinement' order into your own the government May be there are articles in English from the US which discuss the same. I am not a lawyer. Here are a couple. May be it's time to discuss that? I would be interested in your opinion about it.

12 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

@mimi @mimi
Germany would definitely have that issue in the forefront. But it looks like it's working in CA. We are keeping hordes of people out of the hospitals so far. So that is saving lives.

The big question is what do we do when the numbers go down. How do we restart without a resurgence of the virus.

Be well mimi. Have a good one.

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But he just forgot the questions.

21 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

magiamma's picture

@The Voice In the Wilderness
boondoggle byedone. Lol Have a good one.

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The government will do little to help us. In most ways it has abdicated it's reason to exist. It has neglected it's fundamental tasks, allowed it's responsibly to it's citizens to become abuse. It's gone on so long we identify with our abusers. We hear over and over how those morons vote against their own interests....but really, both sides do it.

As for the wealthy, their republican/democrat government and their propaganda media, like it or not they have 300 million plus people dropped on their doorstep needing help. I don't think they're up to the challenge. They threw away the tools to fix things. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

I only hope by depending on each other, helping each other we can see who really deserves our respect. I can only hope that on the other side of this people examine why we have a "government" that is hostile, neglectful or indifferent to it's citizens. After all, isn't a government supposed to be for all of us? I can only hope

18 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

This !!!

they have 300 million plus people dropped on their doorstep needing help. I don't think they're up to the challenge. They threw away the tools to fix things.

Well said. I too hope that there is a way outta here. Be well and have a good one.

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QMS's picture

money for god's sake


7 users have voted.

question everything

WoodsDweller's picture


Yes, it's bad. Really bad. And will get worse under the most hopeful scenarios.
The economy, flawed as it was (past tense), is done. Headline this morning: 6.6 million new unemployed this week, on top of last week. Weeks more quarantine under the most hopeful scenarios. The economy-that-was is gone and it ain't coming back.
Where's the aggressive new leadership to build a new economy from the ground up? The political system in the US is broken. The incumbent is an old man with half the conditions in the DSM, who surrounds himself with incompetents to camouflage his own incompetence. His opponent is an old man with cognitive decline whose promise to the wealthy was that nothing would fundamentally change. The American Empire is a dinosaur whose body still flails in the swamp, unaware that it's already dead.
Given time new world leaders would arise. Maybe China? Russia?
Will planting happen this spring? Where are the farm workers? Will credit be available to finance seed, fuel, fertilizer, pesticides? Will the supply lines be intact to deliver them when needed? The growing season can't be delayed for more than a couple of weeks. Will workers be available for harvest? Locusts in East Africa. We don't have the numbers yet.
Arctic sea ice has declined sharply the last two weeks. Could be any number of things, but we're running a global experiment in aerosol reduction, and this is one of the expected results. Clean air might be the last straw.
I don't see there being any more time. Sanders in 2016 would have been the absolute last stand, it was almost certainly too late for meaningful action then.
Humanity is in hospice now. Be kind to one another.

17 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

magiamma's picture

Thanks. That's how it looks to me too. Worse under the best scenarios - economy, unemployment, quarantine, no leadership at best, fucked up elections - if you even want to call them that. What about food production, supply lines and workers? These just for starters. Yep, Sanders was our best bet.

Oh right, and the Arctic is melting a bunch more.

My mind is on the same merry go round. Whee


Be well and take good care.

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enhydra lutris's picture

Made cookies. The last time I made cookies,

Years ago I got a 9x7 bar pan and same size sheet pan, maybe 1/2 to 3/4 deep, for use in out toaster oven. Made brownies, maybe 1/2 to 3/8 thick, now gone, very rich, but used 1 egg and not too much for 1 egg. Then an apple cake, using frozen apple slices from our tree. 13x9 cake pan maybe 1 to 1.25 thick, 1 egg, so much more bang per egg, but we eat bigger pieces so it doesn't really last too much longer. This has convinced me to make my fall back, which we got bored of, but which we can limit ourselves better: cookies, but "refrigerator-freezer cookies". Uses 2 eggs, makes dozens of not-oversweet cookies.


1 cup butter
1 cup white sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda }
2 teaspoons cream of tartar } OR use 1 1/2t = 1/2T baking powder instead of these

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
I also add about 1/8 t ginger and plan on gradually increasing to 1/4 or more
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts


In a medium bowl, cream the butter with the white sugar and brown sugar. Stir in the eggs and vanilla. Sift together the flour, baking powder or baking soda + cream of tartar, cinnamon and salt; stir into the creamed mixture. Finally, mix in the nuts.

Divide dough into 3 equal parts, shape each piece into a log about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Wrap logs in wax paper and chill for 3 hours or overnight.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Cut dough logs into 1/4 inch slices and place them on an unprepared cookie sheet. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes, until light brown. Many commenters say 7 minutes, I do 10.

So throw 2 of those "logs" into the freezer and one in fridge. I usually cut up and bake about 1/2 log at a time. If you roll them to a smaller diameter, you get more cookies per, sometimes I get up to 2 dz per "log" = 2 ea 1 dz batches. Stuff keeps longer than you will let it.

Happy baking.

be well and have a good one
edited to correct to 1/2 T

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris @enhydra lutris
Of the two figures, I'm guessing it's the "1 Tablespoon" that's correct, based on the quantities of baking soda and cream of tartar being replaced.

2 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

enhydra lutris's picture

@UntimelyRippd @UntimelyRippd
rearranged the original to format it better, I screwed up and made it one T instead of 1/2 T.

Thanks for noticing that.

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
Excellent. The recipe is similar proportions to the one I used. Mine was very stiff so I threw in an extra egg.

So stiff is normal?

Just checking. I have no reference point. When I first started doing glaze chemistry they said it was just like baking. Meh. The first time I tried to cook I was boiling water and melted the bottom out of an aluminum pan. Lol

The cookies came out fine. A bit too much baking soda - too puffy. I like them chewier. I will try your brownie recipe. I like the idea of big batches and less work.

Thanks and have a good one.

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Chaos sets the environment for revolution. In 1917 Russia had lost WWI and was in an ungovernable state of chaos. Tsar Nicholas II abdicated in this environment in 1917. Into this chaos there many factions vying for power. Vladimir Lenin proved to be the strongest. The Bolsheviks eventually won out, but it wasn't until 1922 that the revolution was secure and complete. First the Bolsheviks had to defeat the conservatives, known as the Whites or the White Army. They were anti-communists and were supported by troops from many Western nations, including the US. Trotsky and eventually Stalin defeated the Whites and consolidated the USSR under Communism as an ideology. Anyway here's my point, it took chaos and a strong leader(s) to make it happen.

Today the Western World is coming apart. The economies, wealth and the markets are coming apart. This is the post WWII Western world, and it's 75 years old this year. I believe that anything can happen at this point. The reactionists are lead by a merry band of utterly mediocre incompetents, Trump, Biden, Johnson, Merkel and Macron. Don't be lulled into thinking that the Western World can take care of itself with no leadership. The USSR collapsed precisely because Gorbachev was the last of a string of incredibly weak leaders and Yeltsin was a greedy buffoon and wanted the USSR to collapse so that he could rule Russia unopposed. (MIRGA - Make Imperial Russia Great Again). In fact he was totally incompetent and ignorant of any plan to reconstruct a healthy Russia, and got nothing but bad advice from his good buddy Clinton. He imagined himself a peer and that Clinton would allow him domination over Europe.

I bring this up because the pandemic is setting the stage for chaos in the West. There's no doubt that it is going to expose the contradictions of a 75 year old system, economy, culture and military. All complex human systems contain the seeds of their destruction, just add chaos and breakdown of existing organizations and lack of leadership. Do you think that our military has even a clue of what to do as the pandemic infects its ranks and there is no civilian leadership? Same for the economy? The bailouts will prove to be a complete failure as a desperate attempt to keep the US as it was. We are blowing up our powder, US wealth and currency as it is, without any idea of where we are going. I could easily predict that the US dollar will become worthless as no nation has ever gotten away with printing its way out of a depression. Right now the value of our currency is our most precious economic asset and we are destroying it as fast as possible, at a breathless rate.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

QMS's picture

@The Wizard

the US dollar will become worthless

no denomination, value is in substance .999 fine
useful for trading chips in our dystopian future
selling now at about $US 16 / troy oz

Simon Stalenhag
5 users have voted.

question everything

other dire circumstances.

2 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

QMS's picture


flip wilson on the ed sullivan show ca 1970
can't load u-tube

1 user has voted.

question everything

Browne spells out Zevon's name to make sure the audience gets it right, because nobody'd heard of WZ at the time. That's being a great friend, right there.

3 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

magiamma's picture

@The Wizard
The pandemic IS setting the stage for chaos in the West. And that chaos will be taken advantage of. But with the Climate Chaos as well, all bets are off imho.

Thanks for your comment and have a good one....

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Caitlin's not with the program

"Yeah we're super interested in getting rid of Maduro because his country's got so much... uhhh... drug trafficking."

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TheOtherMaven's picture


"Department of Defense" is an illusion, a deception, and a lie.

14 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

magiamma's picture

What a waste. So much goid could be done.

Have a good one

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CB's picture

the Navy ships to the wrong area if his intention is to interdict drug trafficking from South America. The largest source of cocaine from South America comes from Columbia. Why do the largest global drug sources have a very large US military and CIA presence? And why do these sources increase rather than decrease with the number of the US forces?

US Escalates Warmongering Against Venezuela Because Of… Drug Trafficking?
The Trump administration is sending Navy ships to patrol Venezuela, the latest escalation against the government targeted by an aggressive hybrid US regime change intervention.

“President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that Navy ships are being moved toward Venezuela as his administration beefs up counter-narcotics operations in the Caribbean following a U.S. drug indictment against Nicolás Maduro,” AP reports in an article packed with pro-US disinformation.

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magiamma's picture

Great graphic. Looks like they missed the mark, eh?

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magiamma's picture

Best question yet...

What on Earth is an anti-drug ship ??

Trump: US to deploy anti-drug Navy ships near Venezuela

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QMS's picture


is one without an onboard pharmacy
the chaplain prays the sailors' ills away

4 users have voted.

question everything

mhagle's picture

Planning to go out and plant seeds today, what I have left. Hope to come back and read everything more thoroughly later.

8 users have voted.


"Make dirt, not war." eyo

magiamma's picture

Happy planting. I am going to plant more potatoes today. New bed in the back.

Have a good day planting.

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magiamma's picture

Insane. But what is new. Won't happen. Thanks for the link.

Have a good one.

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QMS's picture

a neighbor is emptying his firearm...


Simon Stalenhag

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question everything

enhydra lutris's picture

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

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Granma's picture

This is a great time to learn to crochet or knit, or build a model plane, boat, car. I'm helping my daughter 2000 miles away learn to crochet. There are some great ho-to videos for beginners. Bonus for me has been that even without doing, finding videos for her and immersing myself in that skill once again is very calming. The doing is even more relaxing.

I think it will have the same relaxing effect to focus on any craft project right now.

8 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

and walking interspersed with a little yoga. Really keeps me in my body. Knitting is good too. Have not done that for a while. Smile

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lotlizard's picture

Their tendency towards stoicism — and cynicism? — turns out to be useful in times of crisis.

Old instincts on how to stick together, scrimp, and survive are returning, now that the Free World they thought they were joining ALSO turns out to be a locked-down, dysfunctional system of government and economy, made to look good only by the efforts of an elite-controlled, party-line-toeing media and cultural establishment …

5 users have voted.

@lotlizard It was all bullshit.
Hang tough!

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

magiamma's picture

Same is true for us who grew up post ww2. Good skills to have. The depression was too close to forget.

Have a good one

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enhydra lutris's picture

salvaged nuts, bolts, screws and other hardware. Wink

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris
I’ll up my collection of nut, bolts, screws, snd miscellaneous metal bits against yours anytime. Lol

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