After watching a Youtube Video

Actually after watching the first two minutes of a youtube video. I won't give you a link because the video is not really the point and I don't want to enable an idiot, but the gist is that the Democratic response to the "stimulus bill" is so bad that the person is voting for Trump.
She's deluded, but right.

I don't know the details of the Republican bill - I don't care. It's inadequate for the people and an enormous giveaway for the 1%. The details don't matter. But the Democrap "plan" is nothing but a wish list of identity politics demands with a couple of Berniecrat proposals ($15/hr anyone?) thrown in to be killed by association. In the early 90s there was beginning to be a movement for single payer because health care was becoming too expensive. Enter Hillary and her health care initiative, which was so bad it was instantly rejected by the people. The result? The Clinton administration used it as an excuse to deny any attempt at reform and the health insurance companies started jacking up their prices with impunity. The same thing is happening now. The Democrats are sabotaging any good idea so that the 1% - their owners - can get even more wealth and power and to hell with us. Who cares if the board of directors of Evil Monopoly Inc. has a token black oligarch?

And here in CA the Democrats, who killed a single payer program, have passed a personal mandate. That's right, buy health insurance, even though it is probably crap and you definitely can't afford it, or pay a penalty. For what? So that the Democrats can claim that they are "working for the people" while actually ripping us off for the insurance companies, which are probably giving more to the Republicans anyway. Eff them, maybe I'll vote for Trump too. (nah)

19 users have voted.


Roy Blakeley's picture

has been to convert the Democratic party into a militarist, corporatist party that does little for working people. There are still a few decent Democrats in the House and Senate, but there is not much good in the leadership.

23 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@Roy Blakeley

corporate bailout even though that was one of the reasons she said she ran for congress in the first place. Wall Street parade has an article on how bad the bailout is and it asks why Liz, Bernie, Sherrod and other anti bank folks voted for the bill. Yes Bernie did stick up for unemployment benefits for us, but then he voted for the 900 page bill. Warren says that she will do better next time....

Joe posted a link to another great article if anyone is interested.

9 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

@snoopydawg And WTF Bernie? I'm beyond disgusted with the whole lot of them. They all know exactly what they are doing. While John and Jane Q Public are out trying to find toilet paper, they gave the 1% what they didn't get in the last bailout. Who has the emotional energy to care about this now? So evil...

Right now, I feel like we're in all those nuclear warning movies like The Day After where the ones who make it through are the ones who are really screwed. They've even surpassed my considerable level of cynicism. Just unbelieveable.

Sorry to rant. I made the mistake of listening to Jimmy Dore's interview with Dylan Ratigan first thing this morning and, well, he knocked JD speechless if that tells you anything. Totally unbelievable times we live in.

5 users have voted.

Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Pricknick's picture

I was accused of voting for trump (even though I voted green) because I didn't vote for her.
This time I'm voting for trump so that my vote is not wasted.
I will not vote blech no matter who.

9 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

there are a lot of small businesses (comic book shops are the poster children on youtube) that will simply not repoen when the pandemic is past. What will happen to all those people? What's going to happen when taxis and delivery trucks are self driving? Don't ask the Democrats.

16 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

PriceRip's picture

          I on the other hand have never, nor will I ever submit a "Protest Vote". Some will claim my write-in vote for Bernie Sanders is in fact a protest vote. But, that would not be true because the truth is if enough people (a very large number indeed) actually participate in a write-in campaign, that vote would count.

          To those that disagree, I would point out: It doesn't matter what the rules are if truly, We The People, want Bernie Sanders to be President of the USofA, we can make it happen. This is a part of Reality of which I am very familiar. I feel sorry for those that haven't ever exercised the power they have as they are very poor indeed.


14 users have voted.
Situational Lefty's picture

Why on earth would you do such a thing?

5 users have voted.

"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian

but realistically an up front mortal enemy just might be a lesser evil against a quisling. If Trump wins we can fight him. If Biden wins we're on our own with a rubber knife in a gunfight.

8 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

PriceRip's picture

3 users have voted.