Expect the Worst from Democratic Party - A Cancellation of Remaining Primaries
Louisiana has postponed its primary. Don't be surprised if more states follow their lead. And then watch the increased push by media pundits and Dem Elites to declare that Biden, who leads in delegates (thanks to obvious election fraud) should be the nominee. Carville and Clyburn have already called for an end to the primaries to declare Biden the winner. They won't be the last.
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), who endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden ahead of the South Carolina primary, is calling for the Democratic National Committee to “shut this primary down” after Biden racked up a series of wins on Tuesday, including the key state of Michigan.In an interview with NPR Tuesday, Clyburn said that at the end of the night, Biden will reach a point where he is “the prohibitive nominee of the party.”
Clyburn argued that “the DNC should then step in, make an assessment and determine whether or not they ought to have any more debates” following Biden’s wins, which came a week after his strong showing on Super Tuesday.
As previously noted, just as in 2016, exit polling has shown wide discrepancies between expected results and the official count, all that favor the most conservative candidate running, Biden, and all showing lower than expected votes for Sanders. The media glosses over Biden's continual gaffes, lies, and outbursts of anger, while simultaneously painting Sanders as selfish, angry, divisive and a communist. They also claim Sanders is likely to lose to Trump, but a man whose mental state is clearly questionable, Biden, is the only Democratic candidate who can win in November. This despite polling showing primary voters (based on exit polls) favor Sanders' policies by large majorities, particularly Medicare for all, which Biden has promised to veto, and despite polling that show Sanders beats Trump in a head to head race.
I now expect more election fraud in the coming primaries (assuming they are held) that favor Biden, and an early end to the primary season. How will this happen? The DNC committee, stocked with lobbyists and former Obama/Clinton supporters, will meet and declare Biden the winner, ignoring their own Charter once again, to select Biden, a man who by all appearances is mentally incompetent, is known for his long history of telling lies and possessing a political record that would make John McCain proud. Alternatively, state parties controlled by the Dem establishment, could meet to cancel their primaries and award all delegates to Biden, since he leads in delegates among states that have held their primaries. Regardless of the method chosen, the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus will be used as the excuse not to continue the remaining primary elections. The DNC might also choose to cancel the convention in Milwaukee, thus avoiding large and ugly protests, both inside and outside the convention hall, that are certain to occur.
It's my opinion that the strategy to capture the Democratic Party from within, which Sanders and his allies have pursued since 2016, has failed. I no longer see the Democratic party as a viable option for left-leaning Democrats and independents, i.e., all those who are not willing to settle for the status quo: continuation of our forever wars, massive increases in defense spending, further damage to unions under the law, a weakening of the social safety net, more bailouts for banks and other large financial institutions when the next economic collapse occurs, more deregulation of big business, more use of fossil fuels to accelerate the climate crisis, and little if anything to benefit those who do not earn incomes or have a net worth in the 95th percentile or above.
The only option I can see worth pursuing is to work toward the creating a third party over the next four years, one based on the progressive agenda that Sanders, Gabbard and others of like mind have advocated. That will not be an easy task, since it will be hard to get any new party on the ballot in all fifty states prior to the 2024 election. However, it seems a better alternative than continuing to work within the Democratic Party, which continually abuses its base supporters as it moves ever farther to the right, chasing the tail of an ever more extreme right wing Republican party.
The past four years have shown us just how entrenched Centrist/ThirdWay/Neoliberal Democrats are within the party infrastructure, and the extent to which they and their corporate media supporters are willing to go to destroy even moderate, center-left candidates, in favor of those who prefer the current corrupt system dedicated to taking bribes from wealthy and corporate sponsors to maintain that power. Because they control the Democrats at all levels from state to national, I view any further attempts to take the levers of power from them a quixotic quest, at best. In any event, it appears to me it's an approach that would require a decade or more to accomplish anything regarding the makeup fo the Democratic party, time we do not have in light of the numerous crises that we face domestically and globally. The only way I see to give progressive leftists a voice in our politics, and obtain enough political leverage to enact the policies we want, is to abandon the rotting hull of the Democratic Party, which long ago abandoned us. We should fashion a clear alternative to the Democrats, one opposed to its corruption and advancement of corporate interests over the interest of most Americans.
If anyone has any better ideas, or wishes to make the case for continuing to work to change the Democrats from within, please feel free to do so in the comments.

I agree. We should pick an arbitrary metric to decide the
nominee. Let's choose that metric to be the results of the Nevada primary.
Yea! Bernie is the Democratic nominee. We did it!
Well, coronavirus gives them a good excuse
to do what they surely would have done anyway, though I still expect them to replace Biden at the convention (or tele-convention?? not sure they will actually meet) with someone like Hillary, Kamala, or Booker, perhaps with a Warren or Buttigieg or Klobuchar VP.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
They are trying to get us accustomed
to having no say.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
As for avoiding ugly protests
Although mass protests do still have some good points, I don't think they are the best tactic for fighting these folks. Especially since they are well prepared for us to do the same thing we've been doing for 150 years or so.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I don't advocate protests necessarily
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
What kind of protest do you still see in the future? Singing ?
Gatherings of so many people are already 'verboten' and if not adhered to the military and police will make sure those gatherings on the streets will not be successful.
I don't know about the latest developments over in the US, but in Europe, quarantaine, imposed "I stay home" regulations are met in Italy with their very lovable attitudes.
People stand on their balcony and all make music together to lift up their spirits for each other.
I saw that video in the late evening news in Germany around two hours ago and it had more close up shots of people on the balconies all making music, singing and dancing.
Italians are singing songs from their windows to boost morale during coronavirus lockdown
Have difficulties to embed the videos but try to look at them. For EB music lovers I think it warms your hearts.
look for videos from Italians singing or here
Imagine a patient with stage 3 cancer.
Now, in any other country, doctors would come in to attempt some sort of Hail Mary treatment to keep the cancer from progressing to Stage 4. Here in America, though, medical opinion will be replaced by election hoopla. We are allowed the choice of two candidates for the post of Doctor.
Candidate #1 recommends that a Band-Aid be placed upon the affected area.
Candidate #2 recommends no Band-Aid, and blames the cancer upon the supporters of Candidate #1.
The sum-total of election rhetoric, in this regard, was, is, and will be the relentless bullying by the supporters of Candidate #1: IF WE DON'T APPLY THE BAND-AID THE PATIENT WILL DIE AND YOU WILL BE TO BLAME!
That's America in a nutshell.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Perhaps the only real solution ...
Is there any truth to the notion that: By some reasonable definition of Reality there is in fact a majority of actual USofA voters that prefer Sanders to Trump.
If the above is true and not just some π in the sky, wishful thinking, echo-chamber nonsense: A massive, targeted "Get Out The Vote" campaign coupled with an equally massive, targeted "Write In Bernie" campaign would do the trick.
Is there any indication that we, the citizens of the USofA, have any desire to restore sanity to our electoral process.
Get out the vote, write in Bernie
In most staes it eould be difficult to make the deadline
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Harshing my Mellow ... Man ...
Thanks, , for the reality check. But, I still wonder if there is any truth to the rumor that We The People would really like to live in a country of our own design. We The People have always had the power: Everyone here knows the truth of this statement, even if they pretend to not know this fundamental truth for whatever constellation of reasons.
The failure to act is a failure of the majority. As one of the minority, it really hurts to hear the stories of "defeat" that precede the ever receding "never tried".
Good idea.
But Bernie would fight it. He will support the Dem's nominee.(even against himself)
Bet on it.
"I could be wrong, but I'm not. No, I'm not." - Victim of Love
me too
Bernie should address this issue in the post mortem.
After all, people gave him almost $400 million this time.
Probably have better luck getting a straight answer from Gabbard.
This was the chance
The DNC got caught in 2016 and in 2020, they persisted. Can't blame it on a few fools anymore. To a sizeable part of the electorate there isn't much difference between the d's and the r's having a positive outcome on your life. Until there is a third party, what can be done for this election, even as a protest?
Yep, now more brazen than ever
This bothers me.
If the Dems cancel the primaries, will that be a precedent for Trump to cancel the general election?
"When my wife makes Harvard beets they taste like they went to Brooklyn College. "-Henny Youngman
No because the general election
is a US Constitutional mandate. Nominees are selected by private clubs (in the past) and private corporations today. The DNC made sure to get that affirmed in a post 2016 court ruling.
State's rights concessions made it possible for states to create this mess of how votes are collected within their disparate borders.
We The People could, if We The People saw fit, change all these rules to better reflect the will of We The People. But then, of course, the minority, particularly the very wealthy would be very unhappy.
Ladies and gentlemen your next pres of the USofA
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
So pretty much more of the same.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Saw this coming days ago
No surprise - the DNC plays totally dirty and totally for keeps.
They'll get out-cheated again by the Repukes, who are professionals at cheating - even if the DNC Coronation doesn't drive large numbers screaming away.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Expect the obvious
How long before the conspiracy theory starts that the corona virus was developed and unleashed by Deep State operatives to fix the election for Biden? (The theory that it was an American attack on China has already started) I say it would take three days after the Democrats cancel the primaries, and less than two weeks before a Donna Brazille type admits that the DNC chose to use the outbreak to stop Bernie once and for all and not out of any concern for public health. The confirmation of the Democrats did it to cheat Bernie story would be seen as confirmation of a Democrats did it to steal the election from Trump story, and there would be calls for mass executions of the Democratic leadership.
(snark) I'm seriously going to tell my investment manager to buy stock in the Corona brewer.
On to Biden since 1973
Clyburn and Carville are proof that the Democratic Party
is not interested in anyone's right to vote. Just give them enough to crown their king and the rest of us can take our votes and stuff them in the round file. Bernie voters should take heed and walk away from the general election en masse. It appears that a little shock and awe might be the only thing that teaches the Dems the lesson that they refused to learn in 2016.
They must be celebrating this virus situation. Great excuse to hide what they've been doing all along and keep Biden out of sight and under the scrutiny he should be facing right now
On Clyburn,it's especially upsetting to see a black man trying to stop people from having their say through the vote. In fact, it's downright infuriating. So glad I spent all those years complaining when the black vote was being disenfranchised.
As for Carville, no surprise there. He's a fuck head.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Bernie called Carville "a political hack."
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed https://tinyurl.com/vgvuhcl
And why not institute Vote By Mail?
"Oh, no, we could NEVER do THAT!"
As for third parties, I much prefer NO party. By whatever means, get ranked choice voting instituted, with all candidates qualifying through petition, and no taxpayer-subsidized primaries.
Problem: Once the numbers reach the machine
Just as corporations change work hours and numbers to get highest output for lowest pay.
That's why we need the Venezuelan option.
Ladies and gentlemen elections don't matter
Either we all die or it's time to fight back
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I bought the Pelosi did the right thing
It's just a drop in the ocean.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I recall Carville doing the same thing--
calling the primary over, before it began--in 2016 on national teevee. (posted it, at the time) So, none of this is particularly surprising to me.
Having said that, I believe that Bernie will strongly and directly challenge Biden (during the Debate) on a whole host of pressing issues. And, for that, I'm very grateful.
When you think about it, with the power of the entire DP Machine against you, it's almost impossible to fight the situation, and come out on top. But, you never know. If the contrast is compelling enough, maybe it will change the projected outcome (this coming Tuesday's primaries). Especially, Florida.
Remember when John Kerry and Dick Gephardt ganged up on Howard Dean--with the help of the MSM--to blow 'the scream' completely out of proportion, virtually destroying his campaign almost overnight? That was when Mr M and I Demexited. (Never regretted it, either.)
Still trying to find out what the House Bill contained, especially, regarding elderly people (the cohort supposed who'll be most directly/adversely affected). As far as I can tell, not a penny was allocated for feeding them. I'm not counting the SNAP program--that's for all age groups--which, of course, I think should also be greatly increased.
Specifically, I'm concerned about "Meals On Wheels," since so many seniors/disabled people are self-quarantining, and, fearful, or, in some cases, unable, to go grocery shopping. Still checking--hopefully, I'm wrong.
Take care.
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.”
~~Will Rogers, Actor & Social Commentator
“Love makes you stronger, so that you can reach out and become involved with life in ways you dared not risk alone.”
~~Author Unknown, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD) Website
“In a world where you can be anything–be kind.”
~~Author Unknown
“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I wish it was Tulsi at the debate instead of Bernie.
I only hope that this time people get The idea
That taking over the Dems isn’t going to work. Nice thought and all but I’ll never stop thinking about what could have been if all the time, money, effort, etc. since 2016 was spent putting together a third party rather than pretending if Bernie plaid the game fairly and followed the rules that the DNC would too.
Edit to add: The other problem is that Bernie doesn’t want to work outside the Democrat party. That’s always been his M.O. I never understood his insistence on not joining them because for all intents and purposes, he is one. While I appreciate Jimmy Dore and The Rising increasingly calling him out on his “my friend Joe” and refusal to go for the kill against the Dems, it ain’t gonna happen.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Or if it had been spent taking over the Green Party
and building it up to viable status - might have been easier than starting from scratch.
But NOOO-oo, "wiser" heads decided that "taking over" a rotting corpse teeming with maggots was "easier".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Jill Stein had less than 4 million dollars in 2016
Bernie raised about 230 million that run and almost 400 million so far in this race.
Tulsi has taken in about 13.5 million.