Political Discussions
Submitted by PriceRip on Thu, 03/05/2020 - 4:03pm
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V06QTSp-0g width:600 loop:1]
Progressing at 45 knots … Tango-Alpha-5-5-5 at 5050, over.
Discussions full of sound and fury
Nothing changes until the votes are counted. Then, nothing changes.
heat or light?
Political discussion can generate lots of heat and no light...
but not at C99, always some light here.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
That's why I
hang around here and have shelled my accounts elsewhere.
Reminds me of a story...
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Except he was flying in this situation off the coast of Chile (?). Water below, many miles out to sea, making no progress and the fuel gauge is pointing to empty.
I guess one has several options, keep on keeping on and hope the wind turns? Change altitude and hope for better conditions? Ditch it and hope for rescue?
The only problem is I feel like with climate change etc. we might be in an equivalent situation, but we are stuck in the air over an active volcano....
Edit to add:
OK after thinking about it for a second that is not the best analogy perhaps. Thermals from the volcano would... yeah...ok, how about over the amazon with no landing strip...you get the idea.
I feel like with climate change etc.
Seriously, I am thinking of stealing your thought to construct an analogy for our current situation in the Bear Creek Valley.
There are several environmental organizations (with politically active members) that need some prodding. I am in the process of developing presentation to see if I can get them to focus their collective efforts toward accomplishing a goal.
There is such potential but to see such a lack of progress it is disheartening.
Bear Creek? That flows into the wild-and-scenic Rogue? Mmmm.
That area is *special*. If you have time, I'd like to hear how that goes. Write it up for us?
Depends upon your particular starting point.
Bear Creek flows into Rogue River to the east of where I-5 intersects the Rogue near Gold Hill. For far too many years we visited this area sporadically and only hiked short distances. We were so fortunate to be able to "trade up" to this place. How that I live here, I am getting to know the geographic details so much better.
You've gotten me to thinking I should get back into photography mode and produce some "traveling the back roads, and day hiking" articles. There are a lot of people that have traveled through this part of Oregon but have never seen anything much beyond the I-5 corridor. It's nice that you had the opportunity to get out and stretch you legs.
With all the political strife, maybe the only hope we have is just getting people out "taking a walk in the woods". This component of our interactions in Nebraska might have been more effective than anticipated.
Rogue River got my attention
Great river, fished a lot of it east and west of I5 when living in Ashland. Boy, howdy, is she a masterpiece as she nears the coast.
Appreciate any and all news from the area, one of the sweetest places to reside in the lower 48.
Like Most Tourists
I have travelled along 101, and only in a few spots explored more than a mile or so to the side. Now that I live here I plan to explore much more, and start creating a photo/video journal.
As for the Lower Rogue I have only "seen" it via my topo maps. So, yea I will have to move that one up the list a bit. Several years ago my daughter did some "high angle rescue" training along the Rogue North of Grants Pass. When we came out to visit we took a drive and she showed us the training sites and an awesome "day hike" along the river where the road crossed the Rogue going toward Wolf Creek at I-5.
Those "hidden" excursions are awesome. When we were getting ready to move back here we were talking about all the places we would explore. During the past (about) 30 months we have been busy and barely covered 2 or 3 counties. I think I need a few more lifetimes to complete this task.