Buttigieg drops out

I'm surprised he didn't wait until Wednesday.

Pete Buttigieg dropped out of the 2020 presidential race Sunday night after a roller-coaster campaign that saw him rise from total obscurity to Iowa victor — only to stall out Democratic primary race turned to more diverse states.

The 38-year-old former South Bend, Ind., mayor’s exit comes two days before Super Tuesday, opening up a wider path for former Vice President Joe Biden to become the moderate alternative to Bernie Sanders.

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Wally's picture

We'll see if he endorses Biden.

His name will still be on Super Tuesday ballots which will take some votes away from Biden, Bloomberg and Warren.

It will be interesting to see how many votes he winds up with in those states in any event.

17 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

@Wally @Wally
It will mean he's been promised something.

He will probably, though, say something vague about this uniquely American experience which binds us together as a nation.

25 users have voted.
WoodsDweller's picture

he'll endorse Bloomberg, who will have been the top bidder.

19 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Pricknick's picture

so bloomin rotton onion is likely.

9 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Alligator Ed's picture

@Pricknick Check out numerous George Webb videos. Now the CIA is gonna remove Pete's "Running for President" microchip. Probably he'll go back to Mackenzie or to the DNC.

13 users have voted.

which will be the ultimate tell for the rest of us.

21 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

@Wally California especially.

15 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@TB mare The elections are run by the California Secretary of State, one Xavier Becerra, formerly a Congresscritter from the People's Republic of Californicate, who also headed the DCCC in the House made sure that Imran Awan and co. get a sweet coverup. "See NO Evil, Hear NO Evil, Speak no Evil" Becerra, that's who.

9 users have voted.

@Alligator Ed … Don't know much about him, but from what I've read, he's done something his predecessor (Kamabama Harris) did not, which is to take some interest in investing cases of clergy abuse and coverups of same by Catholic Church officials in the State of California.

3 users have voted.
travelerxxx's picture

Good riddance.

So, who's the CIA candidate now?

17 users have voted.

@travelerxxx if he was the CIA's candidate, the Boys in the Basement at Langley would have arranged for a better outcome, certainly not one ending this quickly.

7 users have voted.
edg's picture


Hillary Clinton was the CIA Girl and they didn't secure the win for her.

13 users have voted.

@edg and the gets wider and deeper to this day. They beat the crap out of progressives, and are trying to go for two in a row.

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Alligator Ed's picture

@wokkamile They are on the 7th floor, with SCIFs which go unused.

Gina Haspel, I love you!!!!

5 users have voted.

@wokkamile just isn't time for Petey boy YET. If he runs for governor, which I expect he will, maybe they rig that one for him, gives him a bit more supposed credibility to become POTUS. Maybe in 2024 after another 4 years of Trump devastation? I'm sure they hope the "left" is even more desperate then and will elect anyone supposedly from that said left. I saw a headline this morning in The Guardian (purely propaganda check) that says Pete may be the most progressive candidate to ever run, or some such bullshit. No worry, they've got plans for Petey boy I imagine.

2 users have voted.

Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

WoodsDweller's picture

Morning Consult's front page, dated Feb 28.

Buttigieg Supporters
Second Choice Selections
Bernie Sanders 21%
Joe Biden/Elizabeth Warren 19%
Michael Bloomberg 17%

So, it seems, basically everybody.

I'm surprised he didn't wait until Wednesday.

As I said in the last thread, Deval Patrick did the same thing, waited a day to drop out to get the news cycle to himself.

Does anyone know what happens to votes for candidates that have suspended their campaigns? Not delegates, but actual votes. For example, early voting has been happening in CA among others, Pete surely received some votes. By suspending his campaign before the election date, are those votes just discarded, and thus the overall vote total reduced? That would favor candidates near the 15% threashold, their same number of votes would be a larger percentage of the smaller vote total. Or is it something else entirely?

14 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

@WoodsDweller cast for candidates no longer in the race but on the ballot are counted and go into the official books, I'm pretty sure. It wouldn't be sensible for election officials to cast them aside, and as it is (in CA) there were already several names on the ballot of candidates who are no longer in the race (Steyer, Patrick, Sestak and a few others), or who have disappeared without a trace. I have never heard of any state erasing the votes for discontinued political product and then reevaluating others' viability based on the reduced total votes. Just typing that seems a little dicey.

9 users have voted.
Wally's picture

@WoodsDweller @wokkamile

of the vote towards more delegates. That's how Biden is going to wind up with more and more delegates having won by such a big margin in SC.

Each state has it's own formula.

This is why I've been arguing for months that it makes little sense in terms of outcomes to vote for candidates sure to get less than 15% of the vote in any state (in some states they can still get a delegate or more if they get 15% in a county or however many but are still short of the 15% statewide).

7 users have voted.
WoodsDweller's picture

Votes for candidates no longer running are counted as part of the total (since they're votes), but pooled. The pool is then apportioned to the viable (15%+) candidates according to their votes as a percentage of the total. So if there were 100k votes for phantom candidates, and Sanders had 30% of the total, then he would get an additional 30k votes, against the same total, which would increase his percentage slightly, and thus potentially give him a few more delegates.
Is that right?

2 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Alligator Ed's picture


are those votes just discarded

Here is a dose of reality for you: Do any of you hold the idea that Democrats, i.e., the DP, give a crap about you?

Let me ask that question again: Does anybody think the Dems give a rat's ass for you? Come on, let's see a show of hands or claws or wings or fucking flippers. Damn, I can't see any protruding appendages in the crowd.

I'll have to inform JtC to improve the sound quality on this site because I cannot hear the howls of derision which I fully would have expected could we but hear ourselves, instead of merely reading, that question.
The effing D Partei surrogates are already talking about superdelegates. Here is an equation for y'all (I'm a Southern californigator):


7 users have voted.
Wally's picture


They share 19% of Buttigieg's former vote?

Why were they listed together?

It will be hilarious if Bernie actually winds up getting the largest share of the Buttigieg vote.

5 users have voted.
WoodsDweller's picture

as Biden and Warren each getting 19%. I'm open to other interpretations. That was how it was written at the site.

2 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Bollox Ref's picture

performance of “Rhapsody in Blue” with the South Bend Symphony Orchestra isn't parlaying into votes.

The life of a misunderstood artiste........


17 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

Another neoliberal we won't need to worry about (at least this time around).

Guess who has the most signs up in Berkeley? Yep. Pete 2020. I'm guessing there'll be a break there for Sanders who carried the Bay Area against Clinton last time.

16 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture

...to concentrate the Centrist vote to create a bandwagon effect.

Warren is now the outlier. She's positioned to suck up votes from the Left, and then throw in with Biden or Bloomberg for a place on the ticket.

20 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@Pluto's Republic But really, what the F do the Dems aka DNC have? Heh, heh, lemme tell you about Godzilla again (shameless self-plug).

8 users have voted.
Daenerys's picture

He's only a year older than me, ugh.

No more moderates!!

10 users have voted.

This shit is bananas.

Socialprogressive's picture

10 users have voted.

We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

snoopydawg's picture


lol poor Liz. She can't even beat Herheinous who is despised by so many.

Drop out now Liz and you might just keep your seat. Stop Bernie and you're done.

15 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Wally's picture

Let the centrists devour each other.

So much the better for Bernie.

8 users have voted.

but unfortunately it's only very confusing.

4 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

@Wally … helps Biden the most, IMHO. There were some California polls that had no one other than Bernie getting to 15%. As I understand it (and I may be wrong), that would have had the potential of all 400+ delegates going to Bernie. So, if Buttigieg and the other so-called moderates like Klobuchar had waited until Wed. to pull out, then that was a possibility (probably less so with Steyer's withdrawal), but still a possibility, given the polling. Now, with Booty dropping out and Biden surging in SC, it certainly looks like Biden is going to exceed 15% in CAL (and maybe Warren, too), all of which takes delegates away from Bernie, keeping him from running away with the race on Tuesday.

2 users have voted.
WoodsDweller's picture

and everyone is packing up and heading home.

Who's left?
Sanders, Biden, Bloomberg
Warren, Klobuchar -- one or both likely to drop out after Tuesday

Am I forgetting anyone?

7 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Alligator Ed's picture

@WoodsDweller providing she has enough money, then stays in until the Convention.

I'm gonna keep pitching in a few bucks more.

5 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

"what can we do for America?" Well he certainly valiantly pushed the causes of insincerity and smarminess.

The key phrase that I heard was about "down-ballot" so he's not going to endorse Bernie, who he perceives, or says he does, will hurt the Dems in Louisiana and Mississippi.

10 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I thought we'd get another word salad like that one he said about democracy. You've posted a few times.

I think he was told to drop out before Tuesday so they can easily rig votes better. Biden or Warren will get a better turnout cuz they got his votes whether they did or not.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Shahryar's picture


but he really did say this

the shape of our democracy is the issue that affects every other issue.

I was thinking that it's a really good idea for Pete to drop out now in order to stop Bernie. I recommend, because they believe it's important to derail the front-runner, that Biden, Bloomberg, Warren and Klobuchar also drop out...to stop Bernie.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I love this quote because it's just so Pete. Speaking of... the centrists are having a sad cuz he dropped out. Oh well.


6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

WoodsDweller's picture

Amy Klobuchar event canceled in Minnesota after protesters storm the stage chanting ‘Free Myon’ Burrell

Myon Burrell is serving a life sentence for the murder of 11-year-old Tyesha Edwards in 2002. He maintains he never committed it, however. Burrell was just a child and activists criticize Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) who was the county attorney at the time.

Interesting. Who? Why? Why now?
Latest poll I see is from Feb 23, with Klobuchar +6. Who knows what's happened to the race since then. A little bad press just before the election? Or am I trying too hard to read something into this?

8 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

dystopian's picture

Pete the Cheat is dropping out to boost other candidates which are under the 15% threshold, over. Plus he hasn't paid for any apps to do the adding in the rest of the states like he did on the one state he is said to have kinda sorta won. The Biden, Warren, Klobuchair, and Bloombucks camps will all get votes that can push them over the line. One more split was no longer useful. Such a good little boy to fall on the silver spoon like that. Amy will drop out after taking all the dels she can from MN. Warren is just a player in the evil game. Wednesday will not come soon enough.

8 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

… Caught a bit of his withdrawal speech on CSPAN tonight -- enjoyed the part where he said "We can't retreat to the sidelines when there are issues so important" -- more of his campaign BS message that still illustrates the ultimate hypocrisy -- he's the one retreating to the sidelines while saying how important it is to not do so.

So much BS and hypocrisy -- can't trust a word the guy says.

At least my favorite, Tulsi, has outlasted my two least favorite candidates (Kamabama and Booty), but it looks like the lower polling moderates are pulling out to unite against Bernie winning the nomination, IMHO. Expect Klobuchar to do the same after MN votes. Looking forward to see if Warren does the same after she loses her home state to Bernie on Tuesday.

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Situational Lefty's picture

for Uncle Joe Biden to win all the southern states that voted for Hillary in 2016.

I hope we don't repeat what happened last election.

The Democratic nominee shouldn't be the one who wins all the red states.

One would hope that the winner of the blue states would be the nominee of the Party representing the blue states.

8 users have voted.

"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian

and endorsing Bye-Done.........Seems like all the moderates have gotten their marching orders.

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