The Weekly Watch
Promoting Injustice and Rigging Elections
(now that leap day has passed and it is now March)
Julian Assange's trial is a farce. First, they are charging an Australian journalist with treason against the United States for revealing blatant US war crimes. Second, the CIA spied and listened to all his conversations with his lawyers while he was in the embassy. Third, they still will not allow Julian to work with his lawyers on his defense, and actually have him in a bullet proof glass cage during the trial where he has difficulty even hearing the proceedings. Fourth, the Judge has conflicts of interest which should require her to be recused. Fifth, and perhaps most important, is the silence of the MSM about this joke and absolute miscarriage of justice. This whole trial is a shameful scam that shows the depth of the erosion of the rule and respect of law. Meanwhile on the home front, the MSM is quite actively trying to thwart Bernie's movement, as is the DNC. They're back with the no-evidence Russia, Russia, Russia interference without mention of their own bias and election interference.
Watch 3-4 min of this clip to hear directly from the FBI how they subvert democracy in the US.
The whole clip is good but over a year old.
So the job of the FBI is to make sure socialists don't get elected. Somehow I think that isn't part of their mission statement, but a part of their secret mission. Speaking of secret, Julian's (mis)trial has been all but ignored. Joe Lauria at Consortium News has been on the story. Here's the most recent of several articles there...
Many more are available here:
...and here:
Wendy has also been posting on c99 about the Assange travesty
Joe was on Chris' show yesterday discussing the horrid nature of this injustice...
The relatively muted coverage of this press-freedom fight-of-our-times in the mainstream American media is as remarkable as it is disturbing. But it isn’t surprising.
George Galloway has been speaking in support of Julian too. Here's a couple of examples -
Shocking allegations are surfacing on the third day of Julian Assange's extradition hearing. Lawyers of the WikiLeaks founder are now suggesting that Washington may have contemplated kidnapping or poisoning him. 8 min
Attorneys for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange are citing a 20-year-old extradition treaty between the US and UK at day four of the embattled journalist's extradition hearing. The treaty prohibits extradition for political offenses. (8 min)

But so much for imprisoning journalists for treason when they tell us about our war crimes, the big news has been about the Democratic primary. Yesterday in South Carolina the election was called with all precincts reporting...
Joe Biden 255,660 votes 48.4% and got 33 delegates.
Bernie Sanders 105,068 votes 19.9% and got 11 delegates.
No other candidates reached the delegate threshold.
Not insurmountable, but now the anti-Sanders spin will be intolerable.
I'm expecting similar results here in Alabama on Tuesday.
I'm hearing McGovern comparisons being bandied about Bernie. Reich has a piece up disputing that idea.

The specter of Super Tuesday now looms. I printed out my county democratic ballot to see what all to vote for (and against). The only items on the ballot are the presidential candidates and an amendment to allow the governor to appoint school board members (which I will vote against). On the other hand, the Rethuglican ballot is full of options. In the 30+ years we've been here there has been a total reversal. Used to be all local candidates were Dims, but that has flipped. Dim's no longer stand a chance in the general election... oddly enough much of it driven by the churches.
TPTB are pulling all the levers of power to smear Bernie.
CIA linked oligarch Anderson Cooper uses 80's quote to attack Bernie
So that set them up for Russia, Russia, Russia...
With a familiar playbook of evidence-free, anonymously sourced red-baiting, the forces behind Russiagate try to stop Bernie Sanders’ primary success. Aaron and Max discuss the situation.
So far, the establishment has made no progress in consolidating its forces against Sanders, who has only continued to rise in the polls. The double-digit win in Nevada has given him momentum, though polls have him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in South Carolina today. Still, Sanders is well positioned in most Super Tuesday states, from which he could emerge the presumptive nominee.
(5 min)
We will know the outcome in a few days...
Who are the dim stupid-delegates?
William Owen, a Tennessee-based Democratic National Committee member backing an effort to use so-called superdelegates to select the party’s presidential nominee — potentially subverting the candidate with the most voter support — is a Republican donor and health care lobbyist.

My first thought is, "Hey folks, the flu kills thousands EVERY year." Yes, it is true this virus is more virulent, and we should take precautions. One thing going for us is that the flu is primarily a wintertime condition, and spring is around the corner. It does appear the number of new cases in China are in decline.
Saudi Arabia cut travel to Islam’s holiest sites, South Korea toughened penalties for those breaking quarantines and airports across Latin America looked for signs of sick passengers Thursday as the new virus troubled a mushrooming swath of the globe.
Perhaps the real issue creating the panic is...
Fears over the virus have hammered stock markets worldwide, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping nearly 1,200 points Thursday — the single largest point drop in its history.
And don't think this won't be politicized...
Coronavirus Spending Bill Could Be Used to Cement Spying Powers, Surveillance Critics in Congress Warned
...and this slimy trick too -
Radio personality and CNN weekend host Michael Smerconish came under fire Saturday morning—along with the network—for "casually" portraying the surging prospects of Democratic presidential frontrunner Sen. Bernie Sanders as comparable to the threat of the infectious coronavirus which continues to spread in the United States and around the world.

What is likely to damage our species is our addiction to fossil fuels. Every week another study reveals the extent of our problem...
Basically this study shows that fracked wells are leaking vast amounts of methane into the atmosphere. The answer is to stop fracking. No wonder it is under reported.
Here's what happens despite such studies...
On Feb. 12, the European Parliament voted to provide what could amount to over $26 billion in financing to 32 different natural gas projects, a decision one climate advocacy group called “climate hypocrisy.” The decision came just a week before a new study published in the journal Nature concluded that accounting for global methane emissions from oil and gas drilling has been underestimated by a whopping 25-40%.
And this is global!
The government of Argentina together with major transnational oil companies is working on a plan to double its production of oil and natural gas via hydraulic fracturing or fracking as it’s commonly known. The plan though has been running into trouble recently. This week on Wednesday, workers at a fracking sand production mine went on strike demanding a doubling of their wages. Also, the recently elected government of Alberta Fernandez introduced price freezes for fuel to help bring inflation under control, but this has affected investment in the fracking sector. Still, the project moves forward as the world’s second most important fracking effort after the United States

And finally it is time for the War is Peace news of the day...
"So-Called 'Peace Deal' Is Anything But": Critics Warn US-Taliban Deal Exposes Fallacies of Endless War Paradigm The agreement, warned Rep. Barbara Lee, "leaves thousands of troops in Afghanistan and lacks the critical investments in peacebuilding, human-centered development, or governance reform needed to rebuild Afghan society."
Poor Syria is still in the crosshairs...
Anya Parampil speaks with Syrian journalist Bashar Bazari, who works as a correspondent for HispanTV in Damascus. Bashari criticizes international media’s coverage of the Syrian military’s efforts to retake Idlib province, the last territory in the country controlled by al-Qaeda affiliated extremist groups. He also discusses the intensification of the US-led economic war on Syria, and its devastating impact on the lives of average Syrians. (23 min)
It isn't just Turkey and Russia, Israel is also bombing Syria.

We live in interesting times indeed. The oligarchs have, I think, successfully mounted their global corporate coup. People are awakening. Will it be fast enough to head off massive environmental catastrophes? Like this week's primary election we'll simply have to wait and see. We vote in a couple of days. I'm accustomed to losing. We're splitting our votes between Tulsi and Bernie. Yesterday someone asked me how I would vote this week. I answered I'm voting for Tulsi Gabbard. They said, "Who?". And it think that is it in a nutshell. People are so horribly ill-informed...especially older folks using cable and broadcast news for their information. The DNC et al effectively disappeared Tulsi. Well on we go. Time to get back to the garden here, and believe me it is more pleasant to shovel horse manure there than in this news cycle. Have a good week my friends. Keep speaking truth to power, and thank you for your excellent reporting and commentary here at c99!

South Carolina, another stolen election.
I don't know why TPTB bother with election propaganda when they have black box voting machines and tabulators. So long as votes are are not hand-counted in public, are not verified, or are simply unverifiable, the election is a fraud.
I agree...
I posted this clip yesterday in smiley's OT (5 min on GA hackable system).
We need exit polls as well as paper ballots.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This is
very bleak. I fear no matter what country we view, and it's political parties and elections, it's always the Capitalist Party that wins, and we lose.
Sure seems that way to me too...
...and whenever there is a people's movement somewhere in the world the US steps in to bring it to a screeching halt. One of the most recent example being Bolivia. As well as our ongoing efforts in Venezuela and Nicaragua.
I know the MSM doesn't inform, but it does seem like the people could do a little bit of thinking on their own and see some of what is going on.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Attending a signature gathering today
Working on getting progressive locals
assigned as state delegates for the
Milwaukee dance
Go Bernie / Tulsi
Thanks Lookout
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks for your work on the ground...
Have you seen any of this info about the MN convention?
From Nick Branna of the People's Party...
Our movement has been the one sounding the alarm from the start. Just hours after the DNC announced their new primary rules in the summer of 2018, we issued a statement predicting a superdelegate coup at the convention. Since then we’ve been organizing and laying the groundwork for this moment.
That’s why we’re planning the People’s Convention in Milwaukee during the DNC Convention this July. We are going to gather hundreds and perhaps thousands of working people, progressives and Bernie delegates at the People’s Convention and vote to create the major new party that most Americans are calling for.
It’s an epic plan for a historic moment and we’re going to need your help. To plan the People’s Convention, we’re organizing into these ten working groups, each handling a different part of the organizing. Please click here to volunteer for the one you’d like to be a part of.
Action — planning direct actions including civil disobedience
Programming — planning the general convention agenda and breakout groups
Social media — spreading the word online
Media — helping with press outreach and creating written and video content
Venues and lodging — organizing venues, permits, places to stay
Fundraising — budgeting, raising money for the venue and expenses
Organizing — mobilizing people to the convention and into hubs at the state level, both physically and online
Political outreach — inviting groups and potential allies
Promotion — developing promotional material, gear, graphics
Tech — website, app support, texting software
General purpose — anything else you want to contribute
Edit to add:
Thought you might be interested. Hope you have a great day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
What a topsy-turvy world we are in. A great shift is happening and it is discombobulating everything! Where will we land? Over the rainbow? Hmmm....
Thanks for the WW. I've got a few things to go back and watch/read. I've been pretty caught up on things, just a few videos that need my attention.
My daughter has been sending me information on the corona virus hype and how we need to be critical thinkers at this time. You reference that above, thank you. One of the articles she sent suggests some of what we're seeing is being caused by 5G. It is being tested in these quarantined cities. It could be adding to the problems. My IT fellow at work told me that 5G is not good for us and to have our phones in cases that protect our bodies and don't sleep with it next to your bed. It can see through you, etc. 5G bad. Anyone interested in the article, let me know.
Nice weather today and rain moving in tomorrow. Getting into the low-mid 60's these days and nights are warming up into the high 20's. I'll take it.
Have a resourceful Sunday, folks!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
5G may be dangerous
Over 180 scientists and doctors in almost 40 countries are warning the world about 5G health risks.
“We, the undersigned scientists, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF)… and has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”
With download speeds up to 20 to 30X faster than 4G, 5G promises a new world, including becoming the foundation for self-driving cars while also causing a long list of potential health risks. “5G Cancer” is actually a thing. The cities of Brussels and Geneva have even blocked trials and banned upgrades to 5G out of this concern.
Dr Mercola is concerned about all cell phone radiation (esp iphones and galaxy)...
It is lovely here today, but like you, rain due tomorrow. Hoping to get a few things done in the garden today. Thanks for the visit. Have a good day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
5G : long article by investigative journalist
DB is the journalist at a meeting with Mayor and Verizon
The 5G Trojan Horse: What You’re Not Being Told As the saying goes: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Good to "see" you Don
It would seem prudent to find out if 5G kills us before widespread implementation... but you know gotta make some bucks before the collapse.
Over and over again my friends...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning, Lookout,
When data nears a mimicking of opinion, one feels more free to express and the expressway to victory in defeating Trump runs through the working class, the electoral college matters.
And the tolls on that expressway seem prohibitive to Senator Warren, no data to suggest that more money poured in from supers works, witness Steyer. Data shows Warren's support to comes from a narrow demographic, especially compared to Sanders. Why? Could it be that viewers, the voters, watching this play sense uneasiness, not a sense of well-being from her, not fitting the costume she's chosen which like a chameleon constantly changes colors, do they smell expediency instead of truth?
I have a deepening fear that Warren, as she said last night, is banking on a few delegates and a brokered convention. Chicago 68, even David Plouffe says this destroys parties for a generation.
After Tuesday, if Warren continues to cut Sanders down thus weakening the progressive cause, the political gloves should come off.
Of interest, Biden's sweep received 61% of Black voters, Hillary got 85%.
Blue sky and a littler warmer today, but rain on the horizon.
Have a wonderful week.
That's a reasonable analysis
I feel the rigging is deeply embedded, but I hope I'm wrong.
Wishing Bernie good results Tuesday, but Tulsi is my pick. Snoop posted Tulsi's Op Ed, and here's a 2 min summary.
...and here's another good one from Tulsi about Turkey and Syria (2 min)
So I'm with Bernie, but endless war is my big issue.
Have a great week and we'll all hope for good news.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Buenos morning Weekly Watchers ...
Here's the Duran:
Joe Biden, Ukraine and Viktor Shokin Mercury Poisoning
[video: width:500 height:300]
Graham Elwood thinks Bernie need assassination insurance:
Bernie Needs Progressive VP For Protection From Assassination
[video: width:500 height:300]
Here's Tulsi's op-ed at The Hill if you haven't seen it:
Tulsi Gabbard: Presidential candidates must also condemn election interference by US intelligence agencies
Do y'all know what a javelina is ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Tulsi's op ed was sure on target
...and George Galloway is concerned about Bernie too (1.5 min)
We all should be concerned. Thanks as always for the clips. The Rising suggested AZ will go strong for Bernie.
Never had heard of a javalina, but did recently see peccaries -
Arizona Javelina
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Canvassing here in California
And people have been very receptive to Bernie. Which brings me to my thoughts of the very strange alchemy of AA Voters in SC, and the Democratic Party. Not exactly representative of the rest of the country, and certainly not the monolith Rachel Madfow laughingly makes the case for. Basically you have Biden who banked on SC, who may get a bump from it and be able to talk a good game, but he hasn't campaigned in any of the Super Tuesday states in almost a month and I think we all know why. The more people see of Biden, the lower his numbers go. Terrible strategy going forward bc I think the NV results are much more indicative of where Super Tuesday is gonna go.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I sure hope so!
It is going to be a long grind through the primaries collecting delegates till the convention hoping for a 1st ballot win. I'm trying to be hopeful.
Good to "see" you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It can be very difficult to remain hopeful
in this political environment. That's why canvassing has been so helpful for me in blunting the despair I felt in 2016. Essentially taking me away from the soul crushing media and putting me in situations where I can talk to real people about stuff that matters. Definitely helps direct the momentum of my inner dialogue into something more positive.
Edit: typo
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Man, the dope's that there's still hope.
And yes, if anyone is wondering, I could easily limit my contributions on this site to nothing but offhand and cryptic invocations of pop/rock/folk songs.
key phrase at 4:02. never before heard a version anything like this one.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Perhaps hope is dope...
The anecdotal evidence is that it makes me feel better for does dope too.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
My capacity to remain hopeful
can be a challenge at times, but seeing what an absence of hope has done to the people I've loved, and some of the people I've worked with, has been brutally instructive. Sometimes having hope in things that seem daunting at best, futile at worst, comes down to what I call the kitschy Santa Claus metaphor. If there in fact is no "Santa Claus" but the belief in him has brought a little whimsy into my life that I've gifted to others, then the question of the existence or non existence becomes of less value. In my unconventional thought process, I'm ok with that.
Merry Christmas!
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thanks for the pro-active work!
Helping others help ourselves doesn't it?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This just came up.
Krystal Ball: panicked DNC elites try to stop Bernie’s big Super Tuesday
[video: width:500 height:300]
I'm not sure how Arizona's Presidential Preference Election will play out.
Here in Southern AZ, the "Grijalva machine" is going with Warren and they're a pretty strong faction. I would expect Bernie to win in Flagstaff. The big question, as ever, is Phoenix and Maricopa County. I've already voted for Bernie.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Thanks! Aaron is a good journalist/interviewer
So glad he found a home at the grayzone.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not to be all prickly, but if you're gonna rick-roll us
with a clip that has Tom Friedman nodding knowledgeably, you could at least warn us to go purge before pressing play.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
ICYM Ryker being a good dawg
I still get tears from laughing so hard.
This is despicable and the Jewish community is not speaking out against the anti-Semitism against Bernie.
We have been talking about how much things have changed in a few decades and it looks like others are not seeing it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It is so absurd that most folks should see the farce...
...but I'm not sure they can.
It should be an interesting week to watch unfold.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I haven't been as interested in politics this last few weeks
due to a development in my personal life that has taken the No. 1 position in my extremely limited free time, so thanks for all of you, and especially you, Lookout, for keeping me, and others, updated.
As well as being disgusted about dirty politics and the smears that are encouraged about progressives on the media, I have a concern about the politics of this damn corona virus.
It occurs to me that if I was quarantined, it would be disastrous for my law practice. Bad enough if it is with locals. But if I was quarantine in Scotland or Austria, there would be a huge stigma attached.
I have clients walking in my office with the flu, always deadlier than corona virus, and it is just a thing. But put some evil Chinese label to the cough, which is much less likelier to kill anybody, I would be ostracized.
*edited to add the word "less".Sorry about that. I am very distracted this morning, but in a good way!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A month or two will tell the story I think...
So my thought is to be prudent, but carry on with life including your work. I would hate to see you lose your trip to Scotland! A buddy is planning a bike trip along the Danube in May and he's concerned too. We are human. Humans are adaptable in many ways.
Eat well, sleep well, and minimize stress to keep your immune system strong is probably good advice too.
Let's see how it plays out. Glad you came by!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I hope your friend can go!
Here of late, I am actually experiencing some calm, and I am getting more rest. I sometimes sleep no more than 3 hours a night. Sometimes my food consumption might be a cup of yogurt and a granola bar. My schedule is under a judge's control, never mine.
I am within 5 lbs. of my ideal weight, still have no diagnosed condition of any kind that requires daily medicine to control.
If I can survived the flu, two bouts of pneumonia, a snake bite, all within an 18 month stretch, WITHOUT LOSING A SINGLE DAY OF WORK, I have no fear of coronavirus, beyond stigma.
Hope you are well!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Sounds like you've got nothing to worry about...
I too am in good health and feel equipped to deal with the virus. I typically sleep 8-9 hours unless a music session gets in the way. We all must tap into our personal biology and listen to our bodies.
I did have the opportunity to travel along the Danube by train, and it was a treat as you say. Don't work too hard - I don't care what the judge says!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
afternoon lo
Commented earlier but got lost in the ether. Two more days and that's the end of the push. It looks like I'm not the only one that sees a slight of hand in the SC results. And Butthead dropping out only helps Biden get a brokered convention. Her2.0. Thanks for all you do. Hope to be back to read this on Wednesday. Be well...
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We must just wait and see what happens...
Many have already voted...some for butthead. They will pull every trick to cheat us. No option other than patience.
i appreciate your efforts. Perhaps we will see progress???
All the best to all of us!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”