Corona virus--a conspiracy theory?
Since the emergence of the coronavirus, which has escaped from China, it has the potential to drastically affect our lives--all of us, regardless of political persuasion. In fact, there is a definite associated mortality rate associated with this relatively novel disease. Corona virus is actually a variation on an old theme. The disease is also known by other, more scientific designations, the most common of which is COVID-19. Another name is 2019-nCoV.
The old theme is that of "the flu", otherwise known as influenza
Influenza, commonly known as "the flu", is an infectious disease caused by an influenza virus.[1] Symptoms can be mild to severe.[5] The most common symptoms include: high fever, runny nose, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, headache, coughing, and feeling tired.[1] These symptoms typically begin two days after exposure to the virus and most last less than a week.[1] The cough, however, may last for more than two weeks.[1] In children, there may be diarrhea and vomiting, but these are not common in adults.[6] Diarrhea and vomiting occur more commonly in gastroenteritis, which is an unrelated disease and sometimes inaccurately referred to as "stomach flu" or the "24-hour flu".[6] Complications of influenza may include viral pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, sinus infections, and worsening of previous health problems such as asthma or heart failure.[2][5]
Three of the four types of influenza viruses affect humans: Type A, Type B, and Type C.[2][7] Type D has not been known to infect humans, but is believed to have the potential to do so.[7][8] Usually, the virus is spread through the air from coughs or sneezes.[1] This is believed to occur mostly over relatively short distances.[9] It can also be spread by touching surfaces contaminated by the virus and then touching the eyes, nose, or mouth.[5][9][10] A person may be infectious to others both before and during the time they are showing symptoms.[5] The infection may be confirmed by testing the throat, sputum, or nose for the virus.[2] A number of rapid tests are available; however, people may still have the infection even if the results are negative.[2] A type of polymerase chain reaction that detects the virus's RNA is more accurate.[2]....
Approximately 33% of people with influenza are asymptomatic.[23][24]
Symptoms of influenza can start quite suddenly one to two days after infection. Usually the first symptoms are chills and body aches, but fever is also common early in the infection, with body temperatures ranging from 38 to 39 °C (approximately 100 to 103 °F).[25] Many people are so ill that they are confined to bed for several days, with aches and pains throughout their bodies, which are worse in their backs and legs.[26]...
Viruses can replicate only in living cells.[81] Influenza infection and replication is a multi-step process: First, the virus has to bind to and enter the cell, then deliver its genome to a site where it can produce new copies of viral proteins and RNA, assemble these components into new viral particles, and, last, exit the host cell.[73]
Potential lethality of influenza
The elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions are more prone to die during an influenza attack from any of the viral types, although the lethality of one strain versus another can vary significantly, with some strains being relatively benign and others more often life-threatening.
Trends in recorded influenza mortality: United States, 1900-2004. Note article publication date is 2008, at which time corona virus was not yet recognized.
Three influenza pandemics occurred in the 20th century: in 1918–1919, 1957–1958, and 1968–1969. Today, there is widespread concern, in the medical community as well as the public, regarding the deadly potential of a future influenza pandemic. Many national governments have begun to prepare for such a future threat. In the United States, this preparation has taken the form of the multi-billion-dollar National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza.
Overall Decline in Death Rate
Influenza death rates in the United States substantially declined across the 20th century, in line with the simultaneous decline in the mortality burden from most infectious diseases, often referred to as the “epidemiological transition.”7(p61) In particular, influenza death rates dropped sharply around the end of World War II (1944–1945; Figure 1 ▶).
Learn more about the corona virus here
There are a limited number of reports that describe the clinical presentation of patients with confirmed 2019-nCoV infection, and most are limited to hospitalized patients with pneumonia. The incubation period is estimated at ~5 days (95% confidence interval, 4 to 7 days). [1] Some studies have estimated a wider range for the incubation period; data for human infection with other coronaviruses (e.g. MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV) suggest that the incubation period may range from 2-14 days. Frequently reported signs and symptoms include fever (83–98%), cough (46%–82%), myalgia or fatigue (11–44%), and shortness of breath (31%) at illness onset. [2–4] Sore throat has also been reported in some patients early in the clinical course. Less commonly reported symptoms include sputum production, headache, hemoptysis, and diarrhea. Some patients have experienced gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and nausea prior to developing fever and lower respiratory tract signs and symptoms. The fever course among patients with 2019-nCoV infection is not fully understood; it may be prolonged and intermittent. Asymptomatic infection has been described in one child with confirmed 2019-nCoV infection and chest computed tomography (CT) abnormalities. [5]
Anecdotal reports have stated incubation period may be as long as 45 days.
The most common laboratory abnormalities reported among hospitalized patients with pneumonia on admission included leukopenia (9–25%), leukocytosis (24–30%), lymphopenia (63%), and elevated alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase levels (37%). [2,4] Most patients had normal serum levels of procalcitonin on admission. Chest CT images have shown bilateral involvement in most patients. Multiple areas of consolidation and ground glass opacities are typical findings reported to date. [2–4, 6–9]
Clinical Management and Treatment
Healthcare personnel should care for patients in an Airborne Infection Isolation Room (AIIR). Standard Precautions, Contact Precautions, and Airborne Precautions with eye protection should be used when caring for the patient. See Interim Health Care Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients Under Investigation for 2019 Novel Coronavirus.
Patients with a mild clinical presentation may not initially require hospitalization. However, clinical signs and symptoms may worsen with progression to lower respiratory tract disease in the second week of illness; all patients should be monitored closely. Possible risk factors for progressing to severe illness may include, but are not limited to, older age, and underlying chronic medical conditions such as lung disease, cancer, heart failure, cerebrovascular disease, renal disease, liver disease, diabetes, immunocompromising conditions, and pregnancy....
No specific treatment for 2019-nCoV infection is currently available. Clinical management includes prompt implementation of recommended infection prevention and control measures and supportive management of complications, including advanced organ support if indicated.
Antiviral drugs have been used in prior influenza outbreaks and several have been studied and are being studied currently. None are yet available for efficacy trials, known as Phase 2 testing.
China has been hit the hardest. Several reasons account for this. First, China has a huge population, about 1.5B people. Most of the Chinese live in megalopolises. Wuhan has 11M people. This city is the putative epicenter of the infection's origin. Interestingly, Wuhan has a grade 4 virology laboratory, the highest level, which is only a few hundred meters from a huge fish market.
Chinese authorities look with disfavor upon carriers of bad news, to put it mildly. This encourages a widely prevalent reluctance for people, even physicians, from sticking their necks out. The first Chinese MD to recognize the virus and report it was officially (i.e., politically) castigated. He has since succumbed to the disease (or perhaps acute lead poisoning).
Since the reportage was quite slow, stalled for at least 2 months according to some reports, the disease happily multiplied in the surrounding locale and has spread widely throughout the country--sparing some of the more outlying areas. A massive coverup of epidemiological information has been fomented by the Communist government. I personally do not believe the results, especially the report within the past week that the infection rate is slowing.
That the virus has escaped quarantine, said to involve a type of "lockdown" of half the Chinese populace; and is being reported in other countries, including Iran, Brazil (1 case), the U.S. and others.
China's economy has acutely stalled.
The Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) fell to 50.0 in January from 50.2 in December, China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said on Friday. The reading was in line with analysts’ forecasts and hit the neutral 50-point mark that separates growth from contraction on a monthly basis.
Illustrative graphs can be found about the complete stagnation of internal transportation of material from one center to another. The US and other countries have placed embargoes on outbound shipment of Chinese products and people from the country. This of course slows or sometimes eliminates supply chain logistics, preventing utilizers of Chinese imports in their own manufacturing sectors to continue usual activity.
China has the world's second largest activity. Until the outbreak of COVID-19, the GDP was steadily growing, although at less than the rapid rate seen in the previous decade. Now GDP has almost stopped growing and economic retraction may be underway. You won't get this news from Xi's government.
Conspiracy Theory
This story is slowly growing in the US, and elsewhere, originally propagated by conservative outlets. I do not subscribe to the theory but it bears examination. The theory of course involves President Trump. Surprise? What news story today doesn't have at least peripheral mention of the Orange Man?
Background: the shampeachment has failed disastrously. Not only has Trump's popularity increased, Republican coffers are fattening. But more importantly, the Dems have now completely lost the political battle, pending the 2020 election, which I predict will return Trump to office, dealing the Dems a McGovern scale defeat--and the end of their party as a viable political force.
According to the theorists, the DS (Deep State) has expended all their political ammunition. Dem calls for administration resignations, recusals, prosecutions have been impotent since Pelosi et. al. suffered a political defeat worse the Custer at Little Big Horn. Nothing can stop Trump politically, at least until after the election. The conservative Supreme Court majority, soon to be enhanced by RBG's loss, has been upholding Trump's executive actions and orders. Trump, in fact, has been going around the Congress, by taking proposed Executive Orders to SCOTUS to see if they will past legal muster. Once approved, he promulgates them, leaving the Dems powerless to stop, protest though they will.
A creeping purge of Obomba and HRC appointees or loyalists is occurring, gradually gaining momentum. The Dems do not have a viable top-tier candidate to oppose Trump, even Bernie.
Virus starts near or in viral laboratory. Virus paralyzes China's economy. Virus, even without foreign spread, strangles world economy, although the U.S. will be less affected than most other nations. Virus reportedly resembles artificial viral influenza strains, including COVID-19, produced at the lab. Weaponized. Exfiltrated. Invasive.
Crash goes the U.S. economy. That takes down Trump's strongest card for re-election: the prospering U.S. economy. Trump, ill-tempered and crude, gets the exit door while virtuous Dem nominee climbs into the White House on a wave of desperation due to our crumbling economy.
Far-fetched? Maybe. But answer this question: why are the Dems blaming the infection on Trump? More specifically blame him for not doing something to stop it. If this were the plague of the 20th century, wouldn't they be more alarmed about the putative mortality of this disease and vowing to cooperate with Trump rather than rage against him?
Yes, the House authorized billions for emergency use to fight the looming pandemic but then Nervous Nancy has the Chutzpah to complain that Trump didn't ask for more money? Conversely, we know damn well, that she would loudly complain that he asked for too much.
Corollaries to the CT plot: even though this virus may not be a DS trick to destroy Trump, Commander Cheeto gets to brag about building the wall and protecting the border. The New Way Forward, an immigration regulation nightmare, would destroy any semblance of southern border control, thus allowing hordes of illegals into the country. This in turn heightens risk of invading bacterial, viral, and fungal diseases. How well do you think Open Border is going to play if the U.S./ gets hit really severely with proven cases due to border jumping?
Trump has used the incipient threat of economic slowdown, not yet realized, as a bludgeon to coerce the Federal Reserve into lowering interest rates further.
For those not reading carefully: I acknowledge that COVID-19 is real. It is influenza-like and carries risk of death.
My medical experience with Influenza
This is my experience. What I write here is not medical advice. For those with detailed questions, consult your healthcare provider.
When I started private practice, the swine flu was the big thing. People were getting flu shots right and left (arms, that is). Although one of the articles cited above states that the risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a demyelinating disorder of the central nervous system, occurs rarely, I saw more cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, and encephalopathy in 1975-76 due to vaccine recipients than from all causes in the rest of my 4 decades practicing medicine. Don't let anybody tell you that the flu shot is innocuous. It is not.
What would I do about corona virus prevention?
1. Avoid crowds
2. Wash hands frequently
3. If unwell, stay home, even if not having severe symptoms
Why not get a shot?
On a scientific basis, influenza is one of the most rapidly mutating viruses. The vaccines concocted at the start of an outbreak may be aimed at the strong virus. Once the actual infectious agent is identified, the virus likely has mutated. Perhaps the mutation then renders the vaccine ineffective.
On the experiential side, I have seen the devastating effects of influenza vaccines.
Repeat: get medical advice from your healthcare providers.

Thanks Ed
Thanks for taking the time to give us this info. I appreciate it!
Should we buy masks? Stockpile food?
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Hi, Marilyn
"Should we buy masks? Stockpile food?"
Well, there are those who contend that that is something you should be doing anyway.
But then they are mostly gun-toting white rednecks going on about "prepping","SHTF", "End Times" and other such gibberish. Or black "sovereigns" or Jack Mormons, or old dirt hippies or social media billionaires. Hardly anyone credible.
OTOH, those *are* the folks who do have beans, rice and ammo and don't have to panic at the sight of empty shelves in the supermarket when the S does impact the F.
Seriously, reasonable prepping is a good idea.
Here's one source, there are many others:
Happy surviving!
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you."
from Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
Thank you!
Rice and dry beans came to mind first here as well. As for weapons . . . . ah . . . I married a native Texan. Everyone here has them. Although, what a terrible thought that we would ever want to use them except for hunting deer and wild hogs!
Some canned goods. And gardening. Over 144 tomato plants in the greenhouse and over 200 onions. Last night was 29 so I hope that is the end of freezing temps. All the more reason to be diligent with the effort.
My two college students are taking the semester off. Glad they are home.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Sounds like
you all are *way* ahead, preparedness-wise, of most people already.
The mainstream sources
Wearing a mask might also a) give a false sense of security and cause lax behavior on other defensive steps, and b) wearing it could lead to more touching of the face than normal, as you adjust for comfort and tightness.
I"m also hearing there are shortages being reported of the masks -- it isn't always specific whether the shortage involves the N95 ones. Apparently some of them are manuf'd in China, and export at this time is problematic.
To each his own, but I'm going to pass on the masks. I really think they're a waste a money, won't prevent catching the virus, and the better ones (not necessarily effective though) are expensive.
That was how
I looked at masks. Here in Japan they are common in normal times, especially during hay fever season which is on now.
I don't like them and have never used them, on the grounds that:
most are not really effective at filtering, at least not for long or for something as small as a virus
I have a beard and that undermines the effectiveness
the are just annoying
I have revised my thinking upon seeing it pointed out (this was on Japanese TV, but it's kind of a no-brainer) that masks can offer protection because they prevent, or anyway limit your touching your own face - which most people are prone to do more than 20 time and hour.
even though they may be of limited use in protecting yourself, they may help prevent the wearer from infecting other people
So, I'm willing to give up the beard for a while and wear a mask, but they are sold out everywhere here so the whole thing is kind of moot at the moment.
Haven't tried this yet, but here are instructions for making your own mask.
Heard a silk scarf is the next best thing...
I love those craft safety clips on NHK. Before the
coronavirus was given much attention here in the news I relied on NHK World News reports to get an idea of what was going on since I had family in China. They made it back safely with no apparent ill effects.
Very early news had it that only the elderly were dying. Not so much now.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Thanks for the practical advice
If more occurs to you please post your thoughts. I have the feeling that whatever the PTB suggests, masks, disinfectants, gloves, rabbits feet, will suddenly be in short supply and extremely expensive. Any DIY substitutes or alternative will be helpful.
I am not smart enough or worldly enough to comment on your analysis, except for the US political class. I do know one thing. Capitalism waits for situations like this. While the Great Recession was a disaster for us, it was golden opportunity for a massive transfer of wealth from us to the 1%. Getting back to a new "normal" gets back to a modest slow accumulation of profit. Even disaster is an opportunity to make a killing, as long as you have no compassion or sense of duty.
In the Hot Zone
If Japan - where I live - is not the hottest zone, let's say it's getting warmer fast. There had been no confirmed cases in the prefecture where I live as of yesterday, and a thousand or so people had been tested, but "community spread" is occurring - cases popping up that have no known China connection where carriers have transmitted the virus to others. Continued spread is inevitable and most likely the Olympics are doomed (after Japan bribed their way to getting them and spent $25 billion on them - three times the initial estimate).
Economy is already being impacted - where I live is not a main draw for sightseers, but is located about halfway between Tokyo and Osaka - typical tour itineraries would go between the two and lots of tours would stay overnight
here - Chinese and Korean tourists could be encountered around downtown and hotel areas on pretty much a nightly basis, but almost never in daytime.
That's done, and so hospitality business is impacted - domestic side, too as all sorts of events (weddings, concerts, quilting show, soccer matches..) are cancelled. Japanese school year ends in March and starts in April. New employees enter companies then also and *all* of this usually entails groups of people gathering for ceremonies, training and such.
All of this is going to be disrupted and that's before you get to the impact of Chinese-made consumer products and components and materials for manufacturing failing to arrive.
Anyway, as to measures to deal with the outbreak, in my prefecture they have so far designated ten hospitals as lead institutions to deal with COV-19 cases. and are going to designate another ten soon. Makes sense, seemingly, since a lot of the people who were infected early on in China were hospital patients that were there being treated for some other problem and this would lessen the chances of such infection at the non-COV-19 institutions.
They are urging people to limit gatherings and contact and for people with mild symptoms to stay home unless symptoms persist for four days or more,, or two days for elderly and otherwise vulnerable people.
People are not finding the government very credible, but don't have much access to information other than that provided by the government/Japanese MSM. Don't know if I can characterize the mood well - some combination of fear and fatalism, I guess. Not really getting how serious a hit it's going to be economically, yet.
But not really complacency, which from here looks more like what the attitude tending to in Der Homeland.
But just because the Japanese are operating in an information-deprived environment doesn't mean you have to!
(See my next comment)
Update - Feb. 27th
Prime Minister Abe today said he would "request" closure of all schools in Japan from March 2 until the beginning of the new school year in early April.
Technically, it's up to individual prefectures and local school boards, but as a practical matter it likely means a total shutdown - probably of kindergartens and nursery schools also...
What are the actual symptoms? Could it already be here and we don't know it? My family and I were sick last month. It lasted a month for me, horrible constant coughing and spitting.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Thank you, a question:
What kind of equipment need those, who are allowed to make the tests? How expensive is that equipment. Apparently there are regions, who don't have the equipment or are not given enough money to buy them. (HI ?)
What kind of 'machinery' do they need?
No, not a conspiracy theory, just scared people. In Germany we had new cases yesterday. Folks who returned from Northern Italy with contacts there. A young man is in severe conditions, his wife, a kindergarden teacher worked with children before she had been diagnosed as well. So, yeah, it is reasonable to be worried and the German Secretary of Health made no fuss about it. It's not under control.
Less than 500 Tested Nationwide per CDC Website 02.25.2020
No testing has been done.
I'd like to recommend Dr John Campbell again, largely for his evidentiary based commentary on the topic for the Dr in the house: - he's covered this heroically for over a month...
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Basic reproduction rate, Ro
Basic reproduction rate
This relates to the number of people infected by contact with a given individual with confirmed disease.
There have been about 15 test systems developed in China
in the last several weeks.
Here an article about the situation in Germany today
written in English. There was a discussion on a German talk show panel about the situation and one of the virologists just said: "You say we are preparing for the event of a potential pandemic, but how can you prepare for an outbreak if you have patients who carry the virus but have no symptoms that might indicate he/she is infected and on the other hand you have many, many people who simply show flue-like symptoms and you can't know if they carry the virus or not? If they would test everyone who has flue-like symptoms, I think they mentioned a number of severao million people needed to be tested. That can't be done.
Why not?
Germany just needs to increase production (they have been sending out hundreds of thousands of test kits around the world) and set testing as a priority just as China has done. I'm sure they could develop computer programs to determine who and where the tests should be done. About 75% of the people who contract the virus infection recover w/o medical intervention - much like a normal influenza outbreak.
First do the tests on people over 65 with existing exacerbating health problems. There are tons of data on these factors that the Chinese experts can supply. I have read that no cases in healthy children under 10 have resulted in death and 10% of the population make up 80% of the deaths. Just need to set priorities and get it done - China's socialistic government is at an advantage here.
yeah, if he had the virus, he would want to be treated
in China ... the question is, why? He can only know if he has the virus, after he has been tested, and then, as long as no drug is available to kill this sucker virus, why would make the location of the treatment make any difference?
Seems to me, that this 'a what comes first' thingy, the chicken or the egg. I feel that the self-imposed quarantaine and usual hygiene measures is all one can do and then hope for the best, by shich I mean hope your body is strong enough to fight the virus, in case you really carry it, which of course you don't know, if you haven't been tested.
Enforced quarantaine and enforced testing of millions of people based upon a suspicion --- ? I don't think people will follow that route and rebel against such measures. At least not in big cities and crowded, overpopulated regions.
So ???
Censorship can kill?
In a previous comment, I gave some info on the current situation in Japan and impact of the coronavirus here.
Here are some suggestions on sources to understand and keep up with the situation.
I've been trying to follow this from early on - and my best resource, overall has been Zerohedge.
(Zerohedge was where I first discovered Caitlin Johnstone!)
ZH was banned from Twitter (permanently) for their publication of this article: Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic? which pointed out that the Wuhan Virology Institute had not only been researching bat coronaviruses but still had help wanted ads up (as of the other day they still did) for PhD level researchers for the team working on them.
Someone at that bastion of integrity in journalism, Buzzfeed, claimed that ZH was doxxing and harassing the WIV's head bat virus researcher - by publishing information from the institute's public website.
And you did not likely find the published conclusions of a top Chinese scientist that the novel coronavirus probably came from a laboratory in Wuhan (or that a laboratory just 300 meters from the Wuhan fish market kept bats and was researching bat viruses) covered by the MSM, unless it was to mock it as conspiracy theory - but there is is on Zerohedge.
Infowars - the site progressives are supposed to love to hate and subject of the biggest de-platforming and censorship takedown ever - has been urging preparation for SHTF disasters pretty much forever, and sell a lot of products related to doing just that. I'm pretty sure this pandemic qualifies as a mierda impacting the ventilador-level event.
They have also conducted two fairly long interviews with Dr. Francis Boyle who, in addition to being Professor of International Law at Northwestern University (holds three advanced degrees from Harvard) and an extensive international resume of peacenik activism has also studied and written extensively on biowarfare issues.
You won't see Boyle on the MSM either as he was blackballed in the aftermath of the anthrax scare that helped usher in the Patriot Act - when he went public with claims that the anthrax used could only have come from military-grade stock and not terrorist home brew.
Transcript of the (2nd) interview is here - so those with low Alex Jones tolerance don't have to actually listen to him - but the video is linked to for the more intrepid.
Third - and importantly a just-launched sister site of the heavily-censored
Pandemic news page has links to relevant scientific articles, or at least to abstracts and pre-prints (for example) as well as up-to-date articles such as this,
"The state of California has tested ZERO people for coronavirus… all testing done by the CDC, which has so far tested fewer than 200 Californians IN TOTAL"
or this,
"Did the 5G rollout in Wuhan damage the innate cellular defense cells of the population, putting the people at risk of complications and death from coronavirus?"
Not suggesting you take the information on anything on these or any other sites at face value, but I find their information to be pretty credible for the most part.
There are situations where complacency and censorship can literally cost lives - this may be one of them.
- Blue "Never had no flu shot" Republic
"Siempre Listo!" ("Be Prepared") - the Boy Scout Motto
Thanks for both posts
and all the informational links! Interesting to hear about what is going on in Japan from the inside!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Excellent post about the politics of COVID-19
Oh, Man... I Can do the CT Stuff on This...
I founded da Church of Eppie on the Tao and Conspiracy Theory. CT to open the mind and the Tao to accept the unreality we're left with. Epic be his name... May he lay his healing paws upon you...
It's a joke, but not really. I'm no longer shutting out information that runs counter to my existential reality. You want to talk about demons or inter-dimensional shape shifting reptilian aliens? Go ahead and shoot. I'll give it a listen. Can't be any stranger than the shit we're peddled on a daily basis...
I'll give some search terms and some search engine summary and spare you the rambling crazy town. as there is more than a bit of it...
Friends of David Goldberg Zyphr & Pogo (could be your untimely demise becoming familiar with it...)
Winnipeg L4 Facility - Wuhan University - virus stolen from there and taken to that facility 50% hotel and 1st class travel costs.
5G interactions with novel corona virus. 5G in Wuhan at same time. Military Olympics at same time in China - all Oct 2019.
Event 201. Gates and the masters of the universe pandemic simulation to control data and information - protect people not so much... featured corona virus as pandemic disease vector out of Brazil
Soros Food Chain Reaction Game... claimed to be piggy backed with Event 201 - double whammy
The Event - ( been looking for this one for a while, it was in an open tab so here you go...)
That's about it off the top of my head. Again, doxing myself - good thing it's too nutty to be believed.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Nice comment but you shouldn't blow my cover
Please do not doxx me further or you shall be visited by strange space creatures
You Are Right. I Should Have Buried the Lede...
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
This will not surprise anyone.
Ex-Obama health adviser calls Trump comments on coronavirus response 'incoherent' reads the headline of a short article at The Hill.
This paragraph:
And this paragraph:
illustrate how out of touch Trump and his administration have become with the real world.
It is nice we have people like Alligator Ed on this site to provide actual information. I remember a time when at least some reporters and presidents listened to experts (there's that evil word) and conveyed information to the public.
Notice how I didn't "go ballistic" over 'ready to adapt' and 'We’re very, very ready for this.' , whatever that was supposed to convey in this context. Must be the Valium™, or was it the … the fog gently envelops …
The fog...
naw, I won't suggest any advice
other than to echo Alligator Ed's "see your medical professional", for more information...
James Corbett has a theory about this.
About a month ago, 01/30/2020, Corbett briefly touched on the Coronavirus scare in this audio (it's also on video):
At about 02:20 James and his bright enthusiastic young colleague James Evan Pilato discuss the Coronavirus, and at about 04:30 they get down to the interesting part. After that, they move on to other subjects (also interesting). Essentially, he considers the coronavirus scare a test case on the part of the DS, something they're running on the populace to learn how we react.
James Corbett & family have been on vacation in Mexico all month, but today, Corbett and Pilato mentioned the Coronavirus situation again, also starting about 02:25, and James will be writing a deeper analysis this weekend.
James Corbett is libertarian (leaning anarchist, I believe), and though I don't agree with him on everything (he considers global warming a hoax), I do find him smart, logical and honest, a pov worth considering.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Actually if he thinks
Suggest you check out Corbett's
series on the origins of WWI before concluding all his theories are crackpot.
No thanks.
And above I said "his crackpot theories". Didn't say "all". One of the features of those -- like this guy apparently and Alex Jones -- who constantly traffic in wild CTs (as opposed to the evidence-based one grounded in reality) is they occasionally mix in reasonable CTs. It tends to make the crazier ones more believable.
It's just not a productive use of my time to wade through 98% junk to get at the 2% truth.
Yes, that's a worthy read,
. And his 5-minute debunking of 9/11 is a classic. It got quite a bit of play among fellow progressives because it's spot on.I don't always agree with Corbett (he would probably call me a statist), but I check him out maybe once a week since he puts so much research and thought into his work that I usually learn something. He's not the least bit crazy, wild-eyed, crackpot or nutty. Am pretty sure he has angered the establishment, though.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
I have to admit
I'm a little perplexed that the CDC is indicating 16,000 deaths for this flu season alone and I'm supposed to be concerned about COVID 19?
Even in China with 1.5 billion people only 2700 deaths and waning.
I just don't get all the concern.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Perhaps scare tactics?
Another way to keep the population nervous.
New meme -- don't go outside, avoid others,
don't caucus without a mask.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
No, not scare tactics.
MSM in the US . . .
does not circulate fake news that prevents people from shopping.
Please Read
It appears that this particular strain is easily spread.
An aberrant variant?
That makes me wonder all the more about it’s origins. The initial reporting of local meat market/bat meat being the suspected source has been discounted. Perhaps the nearby Level IV bio lab and ill advised genetic innovation looks to be a more likely suspect.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
why ???
Okay, my expertise suggests this sort of speculation is not helpful. I want to have an inspection report in hand before I will make any comment regarding the Level IV lab.
Variants occur "all of the time" such is the nature of Realty. The vast majority of variants are never even detected because they don't survive the rigors of emerging (diverging) (or whatever words work for you) from the "norm" from which that variant manifested. Most (because of the nature of physical processed governed by QM, my specialty) variants are resorbed (discombobulated, mutated, or otherwise denatured) before becoming virulent (or perhaps a better word is viable). As the CDC site notes those viruses that easily cross species can (CAN !!) but not necessarily
MUSTtravel fast.Fold this in with the fact that the onset of symptoms is delayed and you have the potential for a pandemic. This is not intended to be a "scare the shit out of the rubes" message. It is intended to be a too brief description of what it is like to actually know what is happening in Reality (as in Red Pill reality not Blue Pill reality).
Your comment is right on target
Two caveats:
1. Asymptomatic individuals will spread the disease involuntarily
2. The scarcity of accurate diagnostic kits makes large scale screening impossible. By the time accurate test kits production has been ramped up sufficiently to meet the demand, the infection may already have peaked, rendering their utilization moot.
Where did the "aberrant" enter this stream.
A bit of ignorant conflation of terms
on my part? I don’t want to be “unhelpful” in my speculations, but it surely is difficult not to suspect human intervention when there is a level 4 bio lab in the neighborhood of the initial outbreak. Good science involves training and discipline, and I have only modest amounts of both. So I speculate. Sorry.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Speculation is always warranted as long as it is so identified
Ah, but do not conflate speculation with speculation.
My position
To answer a "simple" malformed question grounded in a speculation may require (and too often does) a large volume of exposition.
As a creator of new knowledge, I find myself being crushed in this vise (as being between a rock and a hard spot) often. So, I am a bit gun shy as we used to say.
In a proper forum there is no problem. In fact my favorite mode is to field questions extemporaneously, keeps the blood flowing
as they say. But here it is difficult to slice in all the necessary caveats and nuances.
Warning: Invoking Yangism
Doing the math.
24 million infected
280,000 hospitalized
16,000 deaths
Just this year and only in America. I'm sure worldwide figures are even more startling.
The World Health Organization estimates that worldwide, annual influenza epidemics result in about 3-5 million cases of severe illness and about 250,000 to 500,000 deaths. [21] We're not even close to a fraction of that number.
Don't get me wrong, I hope we stop this in it's tracks. Or at least slow it down until we have a vaccine.
But then, Guillain-Barre.
What to do o' what to do.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I am seeing people wearing mask horribly wrong
If you wear a mask to keep those pesky germs out then it has to cover you face properly and thoroughly. One photo of people in masks there is guy is wearing glasses which masks love to fog up so he has it pulled down where it barely covers his nostrils which leave a huge gap right next to them on both sides. This is giving him a false sense of security as it will to others that don't have proper masks.
When I worked at the hospital we were fitted with the 95N masks so that they you know did their job. Keep that in mind when you go looking for them. Another thing is if you have a bushy beard you will not get a tight fit.
My doctor never got the flu shot until the swine flu was making its rounds and he promptly got Guillain-Barre which kept him out of the OR for 6 months. During that time he never knew if he would get his operating skills back. Fortunately he did.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Excellent advice about masks
I have a ?
If you have had a flue shot for ten years strait and never developed Guillain-Barre, can you still contract this disorder?
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Iirc you can still get side effects from the flu shot
One reason is because it changes every year. Not sure if there are different ingredients or what. Someone more knowledgeable might know more.
I'd had them throughout my working years, but the last one caused inflammation in the muscles of my arm well away from the injection site. I took my aching and very warm arm to the nurse and she just poo poo'd my symptoms. I couldn't make a fist without lots of pain. Myelitis I think is what it's called. It hurt. Next year she hounded me to get one and I refused. I wasn't working with patients then so I could.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for responding, Snoop
My arm gets sore for a couple of days too. But I haven't had the flu for years.
And I used to get it almost every year. Then, when it consistantly turned to bronchitist, I had to do something different.
I guess YMMV.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
This was more severe than just a sore arm
My one time of the flu kicking my butt helped me quit smoking. I was home for two weeks with the flu and I went back to work for 3 days and back in bed for the next 4. I think it was made worse because my body was detoxing from the smokes. Now I wonder what I had then. It was bad.
I'm pretty isolated from people so I'm okay going commando on the shot. I wash my hands frequently and especially after going to the store.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Right you are about Guillain-Barre developing
Diagnosing your condition of arm / hand weakness post-injection may not have been myelitis (which means inflammation of the spinal cord, leading to more profound symptoms). This could have been one of the following:
regional neuritis
brachial plexopathy
ischemic neuropathy from compression of the brachial artery
If you have totally recovered, the ability to retrospectively diagnose the pathology is lost--but the treatment is NO MORE FLU SHOTS FOR YOU.
Yep that is what it was. Thanks for the right word. I was winging it and went with bad. But I can still remember how painful it was. I knew I shouldn't have any more, but that nurse hounded me daily after not being concerned about it then.
I can't have a TB skin test anymore either. I watched an autopsy in my teens and he had it. I had to fight with people about that too.
Speaking of autopsies. I'm an avid watcher of crime shows and not once since I saw the one in person have I seen a autopsied body look real. Until right now. The show finally exposed that body fat is bright yellow. Kudos for reality. I couldn't eat ribs or use ketchup and mustard for years after seeing it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
You are missing out on British Crime dramas then
Small correction
The fish market is actually 8.6 miles (13,840 meters) away from the lab.

But, the Wuhan Fish Market is within walking distance from the Hankou Railway Station which has hundreds of daily high speed and regular trains connecting most of China. This was probably the worst possible location for the virus to originate from in terms of contagion.
BTW, fish is a traditional food for Chinese New Year as it is believed to bring prosperity in the coming year. A gift of food is one the most popular items the Chinese bring home to their relatives in the countryside during holidays. Fresh fish and other specialty items would be a highly appreciated gift.
The lab close to the market
is the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and Prevention - also reported to have been keeping and conducting research on bats...
What is the chance that the US would
(or could) emulate China's response to the virus outbreak?
Cool video
And I don't think it is just Chinese propaganda because they told the story of the doctor who first exposed the outbreak, revealing that he was locally politically persecuted.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
video taken down since you posted
what was it concerning, please?
It showed how China handled the situation in Wuhan
in the last 40 days. It talked about the failure of the government to respond on Dec 30 when the virus outbreak was first detected. Basically it showed that the government had the opportunity to respond 2-3 weeks earlier but failed to do so. But, to give credit, when the government did eventually respond, they did it in force.
The video also showed that some of the people did not want to be quarantined but were forced by the police to comply. But, generally, the video (to my mind) was very positive. Maybe the Chinese government is oversensitive to criticism (they did replace some of the police and provincial level bureaucrats by Jan 20) for failing to report the truth of the situation.
The efforts to stop the virus as quickly as was done in Wuhan with a population of 11 million could not be done in NYC (pop. 8 million). The military would have to have been brought in and probably more people would have died from gunshot wounds. The Chinese citizens showed a remarkable ability to come together and even sacrifice themselves for the greater good. The only Chinese military that were brought to Wuhan were medical teams.
These three videos give the gist of that deleted video:
Thoughtful and educational links
Now here is a thought for consideration, imagine what governmental response to a national medical emergency if Hillary had been elected. Now ask yourselves the same question What Trump is going to do, should it come to that.
These links might be worthy of attention
So far it's fatal to mostly the elderly that already had health issues. Do I believe that our government will be of any use during this, think Dubya and Katrina on steroids.
If possible I suggest stocking up on necessities that will last at least a few weeks as the chain of distribution will cease to run, if that doesn't occur no harm and that will be a good thing........
my fingers are crossed that the millennials of the world survive and take charge
Was the 2020 Wuhan Coronavirus an Engineered Biological Attack on China by America for Geopolitical Advantage?
Metallicman • 692 Comments • 5 New
Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent Darpa Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
Whitney Webb • 277 Comments • 247 Newh
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I found something at the link above,
#11 That I think is worth keeping in mind. It's long, but IMO worth it.
"Another possible explanation for the false assumption that pandemics are necessarily more deadly than nonpandemics may lie in an inaccurate understanding–and inconsistent use–of the word “pandemic.” Influenza virus circulates the globe on an annual basis, but is usually not labeled a pandemic until the strain of virus in wide circulation is substantially novel (i.e., it carries a different hemagglutinin or neuraminidase protein than the strains already in circulation). The 1977–1978 season illustrates this confusion, for although the season is not generally recognized as a pandemic, some have called it a pandemic because of the reemergence of the H1N1 virus.Thus, there is no a priori connection between influenza pandemics and exceptional mortality."
Looks like you have missed out on being triggered by hearing PANDEMIC!!!
EDIT: Rats. This was supposed to be a reply to earthling1, but I messed it up.
Thanks, I got the message
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
wonderful news
we have a doctor of medicine (an alligator)
a doctor of philosophy (many, many degrees)
an asian interpreter (thanks soe)
boots on the ground in japan
and many street smart opinions
if you can't figure out the SUV19 thing here
you probably won't get it
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I have at least three months
of food stored, just in case I get sick and can't work.
That is normal.
What I do not have is cleaning products, otc meds, and paper towels, Kleenex, and tp for that long.
I will skip the mask.
One day I am sure this will do great damage to the world's health, then read something, think it just may be overblown.
I know my tour to Sicily beginning March 20 has not been cancelled.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Don't know if this thread is still alive
but I'll post this here anyway.
Trump believed coronavirus would disappear next month
So don't do anything, don't say anything, don't take any action, because that might make the stock market go down and it'll just go away in a few weeks on its own.
Remember how Trump was mystified about how he could be impeached if the stock market is up? That's the measure of a president, don't ya know.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Just watched an excellent report
on how China responded to the COVID-19 epidemic and the lessons that the rest of the world can learn from them. (Fuckwit Trump is going to do the very opposite.)
“In every crisis, there is opportunity.”
Here's another good video. China will come out of this stronger than before.
“If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want ten years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want one hundred years of prosperity, grow people.”
Two things I've never, ever had in all my life:
A flu shot, and the flu.
Let me be clear: I am NOT an anti-vaxxer*, but by this point I figure I must be doing something right (kind of like the forever-unknown "vital impurity" alluded to in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde).
* = As a matter of fact, I think it's a shame vaccines DON'T cause autism - imagine if we could cure measles/mumps/rubella AND groupthink/nationalism/war at the same time?!?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
This is FAR More Dangerous Than the Flu...
Those of you thinking this is like the flu should take a look at my last essay. I've been following it seriously since Jan 20. COVID-19 has a R0 that is similar to smallpox (3-6.7). And there are no symptoms to scare humans off from the infected. This is a NASTY bug. NOT the flu which has an R0 of right around 1.
I am quite disappointed by the responses and incredulity in this thread (comparing it to flu #s). This place should be smarter than that. I've been hitting on accepted numbers and metaphors to dispel this kind of ignorance for several days now on social media. I can't do it much longer. Think I'm done.
Be safe and protect yourself. Get food and supplies while you can. Please don't treat it like the flu, for your sake and your friend's and family's.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu