Babbling Brooks
Why Sanders Will Probably Win the Nomination
David Brooks might be on to something here. Let's take a look:
For example, if you look at Mike Bloomberg through a certain lens you see a successful entrepreneur who took his management skills into public service and then started giving his wealth away to reduce gun violence and climate change. If, on the other hand, you look at Bloomberg through the Bernie lens you see a rapacious billionaire who amassed a gross amount of wealth, who became an authoritarian mayor and targeted young black men and then tried to buy his way to power.
Same person through different lenses.
Okay, so you have a lens of objectivity, and one of hagiography. Seems like an odd choice of lenses, but where's he going with this?
In the gathering myth, the heroes have traits Trump and Sanders lack: open-mindedness, flexibility, listening skills, team-building skills and basic human warmth. In this saga, leaders are measured by their ability to expand relationships, not wall them off.
The gathering myth is an alternative myth — one that has the advantage of being true.
Okay, now we're on to something. So it's not a rational lens, or an openly disingenuous lens... some kind of other option. Like if you came to a fork in the road, and there was a third path, in between..... what would you call that?
I'm sure there's an army of eager Marketing people down on K street, ready to come up with a jazzy name.
EDIT I changed the title of this piece. I think it's a better fit for the tone of the article. I hope no one minds.
If I came to a fork in the road...
I'd look for a knife. As Bernie learned when Liz Warren stuck a knife in his back and twisted it, there are no friends in politics, only temporary alliances. The long knives are out. Bernie must keep watching his back.
Once again David Brooks shows how absurd he is.
He really believes all the corporate tools have "open-mindedness, flexibility, listening skills, team-building skills and basic human warmth?" What a waste of an education. I have always seen Brooks as the quintessential academic apologist for greed. He just proved it.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I predict:
We're going to cross an ocean of nervous breakdowns before this journey ends.
Maybe today even...
David Brooks
David Brooks Only Enjoys The Farts Of His Equals
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Where's the myth?
Anyone who is being honest with themselves can see that the economy has been rigged for the rich against the rest of us.
What an silly thing to say. Sure Bloomberg might have started out with not much money, but as he got richer he started getting more breaks from congress. And nothing like belittling the people who were affected by stop and frisk or had their lives ruined by it. Yeah I think that only because Bloomberg is rich. Idiotic fits better don't you think?
Groan. Warren was about identity politics then. She didn't take Bernie's views on Mike's wealth, she attacked him for being mean to women. You know..jokes.
This makes his opinion seem very hypocritical. IMO. But then it's Brock.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
"Devastatingly effective" surrogate?
@konondrum, did I read correctly in another post that you are Canadian? My people! Hi from the Ottawa area!
Born in Manitoba
I thought Brooks was an obsolete AI program
I didn't realize it was still 'functioning'.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Resurrected from the dead,
in time to spew garbage again.
I hoped never to read his voice again. I hope it doesn’t last. He's awful.
Would it offend you too much
EDIT In retrospect this should have been the title of the diary.
Not at all,
but if you do, I don't think you should include such pretty pictures ; ).
A regular column
would be great, as long as you maintain the quality.
I usually find Brooks vapid and silly, but harmless.
However, last night he brought up something that I totally agree with...
He questioned the narrative that the Russians are skewing our elections. He said that as a citizen, he wants to know exactly what they are doing and how to look for it online, and that the intelligence agencies are not providing that information.
After he said that, Mark Shields laid into Bernie in a big way. I wanted to throw something at Shields. What a tool for the DNC!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin