Buttigieg, just a country boy--Malta

Surfing comes natural to me. I love the water, the murkier the better, unless it interferes with snapping up dinner. George Webb is a fellow surfer, except he does it using computers. Well, I came across a couple of recent George Webb (GW) broadcasts. These concern one of our favorite Demonratic candidates, polylingual Mayor Pete Buttigieg, former Army intel and the virtuous Adam Schiff.

Here are a couple of links, somewhat longish but, like a festive meal, lots of treats included, some obvious, some subtle. So, to enjoy it most fully, take some bites in large chunks, whereas others deserve a more gentle series of nibbles. GW is perhaps the most accomplished non-MSM researcher I know. Lee Stranahan is said to be excellent but I haven't followed him much. I am absolutely certain that other fine, independent researchers into the murk otherwise. Certainly I would be remiss to not mention Max Blumenthal, editor of the Greyzone. But GW broadcasts deeper layers of swamp bottom detritus than Max. This is not to say Max doesn't dig deeply.

I've been following GW for over 3 years, starting when the Dump Bernie plot was coming into the open, early 2016. He's had lots of good stuff about Bernie's sabotage, leading to investigations into the wonderful virtuous HRC, U1, CFI, Manafort / Podesta (the gold dust twins of Ukraine), etc.

For those lacking aversion to long videos, you could learn a lot from watching his programs. I have.

In reverse order here are two of the best and most recent. In this first selection we learn of the Maltese Falcon, Pete Buttigieg's background

In case you think, Mayor Pete is a simple veteran grunt who did his duty, became mayor of South Bend and then decided to enter politics, with a prior blank slate, you should watch also Buttigieg ties to Mifsud and Iran nuke deal

In the Feb 14 video you get the more recent Mayor Pete history. Worthwhile. Pete Buttigieg IS NOT AN EMPTY SUIT. He is a CIA / Intel connected operative with ties to Adam Schiff, missile transfers. PB is a war-monger's dream stalking horse. Watch the video and you'll start to understand that PB is not simply an establishment hack, he is an arms-dealer associated individual.

You know why muckrakers are called that? By stirring up the muck hidden below the surface. Nowadays, the muck is bubbling up to the surface.

Presidents of Malta

President of Malta number 2: Anton Buttigieg. Hmm.
President number 5: Ugo Mifsud Bonnici

In these two videos you will hear of two new Awans operating both in Pakistan and the US. Tina Alvi. More stuff on Peter Strzok and his arms / money shifting. Best part of this, to me, is the connection between AS with Pakistan, Qassim Soleimany, Crowdstrike.

Tidbit about D. Alperovitch

George Webb quoting Professor Hamamoto November 9, 2019

Dmtri Alperovitch patent-holder for "Social Sharing of Security Information in a Group" (US2015326614 (A1) ― 2015-11-12 ) described as "Techniques for social sharing security information between client entities forming a group are described herein. The group of client entities is formed as a result of a security server providing one or more secure mechanisms for forming a group among client entities, the client entities each belonging to a different organization. The security service then automatically shares security information of a client entity in the group with one or more other client entities in the group." Patent applicant is listed as CROWDSTRIKE INC (US).

This seems to describe a perfect application to share information between disparate agencies and individuals, enabling coordination of complex materials. Materials like overthrowing the President, etc.

So, remember, voters, when you vote for PB you get more than a pretty face and an ability to sling bullshit in 7 different languages. Sadly, Nancy Pelosi seems to be devolving into language production similar to JoJo ByeDone.

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mimi's picture

C99p before? If yes, I missed it. If not, another guy who knows too much for my little brain.
Need at least three more cups of coffee to listen to him for an hour and more. Thanks anyway. What about your coffee in swamp land? Good coffee there?

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Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi Sometimes not.


2 users have voted.
mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed
but I forgive you, my questions are just too annoying.

1 user has voted.
Centaurea's picture


been mentioned here previously, in connection with the Seth Rich murder. George Webb did some investigating of that situation.

4 users have voted.

"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

mimi's picture

is there something, something?

1 user has voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi Go Tulsi.

2 users have voted.
mimi's picture

my brain back and can follow the stuff I scan here. I appreciate your essays a lot, the parts I do understand that is. For the rest I keep on praying. Very dark thoughts in my brain. So dark, I don't see anything anymore clearly.

5 users have voted.
mimi's picture

I do realize and understand that the GW guy is real good.
Just saying, will be in my You Tube feed now. Thanks.

2 users have voted.
mimi's picture

I want him out there. Can't get him out. WTF.

1 user has voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@mimi I can't even call Alabama--it's considered long distance.

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mimi's picture

@Alligator Ed

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mimi's picture

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I was just thinking about suggesting Webb’s Feb. 17 video to our C99 community. The problem with material like this is it’s like trying to drink out of a fire hose. There is just so much information, so many interconnections, that it’s impossible to absorb it all, particularly if you’ve not been following along regularly. I had just checked in yesterday after a brief hiatus and was absolutely drenched and chilled to the bone with the overflow of information.

Webb has a series of compilation videos designed to help newer viewers “catch up” with the years of prologue research and exposition videos. But I have to say that even as a semi regular follower for three plus years, I need to review periodically to maintain a semblance of coherence to the larger picture. If you’re new to George Webb’s compendium of research and video narratives, do not expect “easy listening” and a simple story line. Expect your understanding of many thing to be challenged and to be disabused of your notions that things are as they should be. Buckle up!

7 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

(from George Webb comment)

Thanks for the comment. A good place to start with my series is The Webb Report. In eight short alphabetically ordered video, you are up to speed. The Webb Report - Chapter One Summary - Awans, Biden Blackberries, Cover... https://youtu.be/H9sjbZhFLrc via @YouTube

7 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

Alligator Ed's picture


Webb has a series of compilation videos designed to help newer viewers “catch up” with the years of prologue research and exposition videos. But I have to say that even as a semi regular follower for three plus years, I need to review periodically to maintain a semblance of coherence to the larger picture. If you’re new to George Webb’s compendium of research and video narratives, do not expect “easy listening” and a simple story line. Expect your understanding of many thing to be challenged and to be disabused of your notions that things are as they should be. Buckle up!

Absolutely, all those interested in deeds nefarious, check out the Webb report.

1 user has voted.

about George Webb.

Discovered and was following him semi-regularly a year and a half or so back. He was following things such as the Awan brothers situation, US clandestine running of non-NATO arms into Syria from Bulgaria via Azerbaijan, the non-screening for nuclear materials brought into US ports under diplomatic immunity, the questionable entities operating major ports, Crowdstrike, Seth Rich, the non-hack of the DNC servers - following stories down whatever rabbit hole it takes

Apparently there is some online group/community/entity called Crowd-source the Truth that follows his work, collaborates, provides tips, leads, ideas - never really checked into them, though.

Webb had fallen off my radar so thank you for the heads-up. Investigative journalism-wise, he is the real deal IMHO.

FWIW - George Webb's "Webb" is his nom de guerre shout-out to the late, courageous Gary Webb who exposed the CIA's links to drug trafficking and the crack cocaine epidemic in the 1980's.

Webb's experience was the dramatized in the 2014 film "Kill the Messenger".

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@Blue Republic
and Crowdsource-the-Truth (Jason Goodman) early on, but there have been some contentious issues in the past that have put some distance between the two. Between the two of them I find George to be the more reliable of the two. There a number of talented researchers working behind the scene for George who have amassed a prodigious amount of data which is the basis for what I would call well informed speculation. Very interesting connections, to say the least.

4 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

Alligator Ed's picture

@Blue Republic Drinking out of a fire hose--great analogy. I suggest that anyone interested in the subfloors of the rotting American edifice watch George Webb at least twice a week. You won't understand what he's into otherwise. Scary to contemplate what he's uncovering.

3 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

this site. George Webb is new to me. Fascinating stuff. Ready to share with my peeps!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

@Bob In Portland
so a family connection of some sort is likely. Malta is very small, and Pete’s father had several brothers.

I can’t keep my own family tree straight so I’ll leave ferreting out the details to others!

1 user has voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

Bob In Portland's picture

to President Buttigieg? If so, how so?

2 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@Bob In Portland at least that's what George Webb said on one of the videos.

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k9disc's picture

they're all nefarious. It's complete insanity! All the way from WWII... talk about a long plan.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

The Dulles Brothers by Stephen Kinzer lays it out in great detail. Regime change for resource theft, powered by assassination, coup, propaganda, church collusion or brute military force; any method that works. The cee-eye-yay gets the job done!

The war (WWII) is over and we have no boogie man. Not a problem, we’ll create one out of our war ally, RUSSIA. Obama did not start our government propaganda organ, he only codified it so that it was officially “legal”.

The vast majority of the population would recoil at the methods we have employed for decades to keep the US and our precious dollars on top of the pig pile. To hell with anyone who stands in our way.

It’s truly shameful.

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“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

k9disc's picture

I'm well aware of the Dulles Bros, the Nazi Internationale, and Paperclip, but it just keeps bleeding over into EVERYTHING. And it's so much deeper and systemic than I could imagine.

I used to say, in all seriousness, that the Axis lost WWII but the fascists won, but I had no idea. And I keep getting a better look at the idea; everywhere I look these days. It's insane.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

@ovals49 by David Talbot is another good one, longish, full of names, places, dates, and lots of connections. Also "Family of Secrets" by Russ Baker, about the Bush family but again, full of history, dates, names, etc. Both of those books really show just what the agenda of our owners is and both need to be read more than once to really absorb it all. All those things we sort of feel as Americans, the corruption, how far back it goes, the deeply embedded connections and control these psychos have over all of us, an illustration of the big club so to speak, show just what we are truly up against. They are almost like confirmation of all those cynical thoughts we've all had about not really living in a democracy but could not put into words. After reading them it really cemented for me that all this party crap is just that; crap, diversion, distraction, and yes, false hope that someone in the ownership class might come to their proverbial senses and give a crap about the American people.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur