The Best Case (So Far) Against Bloomberg's Entire Shtick, In 17 Tweets


Hope you guys appreciate this. Had to click onto each individual tweet and then hit various things to get it so that each tweet was a stand-alone and not attached to the previous one, to make the whole less disorienting to read. (This thread, if one happened to be in some such place as #PetesWineCave, should be paired with this piece, "Why Is Bloomberg's Long History of Egregious Sexism Getting a Pass? The surging Democratic presidential candidate and Bloomberg LP have fielded nearly 40 sexual harassment and discrimination lawsuits over decades," to get the full oaked (or Okie) experience of how Mike's last name really is Doomberg - an oligarch content to force the 99% to survive on grapes of wrath alone).

This is really amazing, and at this hour has over 70.5k likes:

Alas, we live in perhaps the most depressing of times. This fucking despotic, misogynistic and racist briber is attempting to be the first ever to almost completely circumvent the traditional idea of having to at least somewhat industriously campaign in and among the citizenry for votes, by instead using the pure cynically Machiavellian tactic of outright buying them or bribing their attendance at campaign stops or allegiance with endorsements with catered food and wine or funding their pet projects.

The responses at the end of this Twitter thread of hordes of Trump Derangement MSNBC zombies who just don't give a shit at all who wins the nomination, as long as they can beat Trump, is a testament to how warped and depraved we've plummeted to even further. I'm so fucking disgusted to keep hearing this stuff from these mainstream, just passive enough with their creature comforts, casual political watchers who just want their team to win so that everything will magically all be ok once the Boogey Man is banished.

They are beyond reasoning with, despite our reasoning being very simple: if you want to beat an opposition with lots of support, you'd better get behind the candidate who has an army of supporters. And you should take very seriously when they say they will not be cowed into voting for any of the Democratic candidates of which the DNC may foist to thwart Bernie's populist run.

It's incredible. This journalist Blake Zeff, whose Twitter description says he's "Director LOAN WOLVES (doc on student debt scandal, coming 2020). Bylines: Politico, Vice, Buzzfeed, Salon. Gov’t/Campaigns: Obama, NY Dems, etc." makes the strongest closing argument case ever. But these fucking bozo corporate manager dads and suburban wine box moms just feign the willful ignorance of children to look the other way, again. The fear-mongering propaganda is so effective that its convinced them to view all politics through the narrowest framework of discussion that limits everything to simple-minded partisanship loyalty based on fear, and having nothing at all to do with policy or ethics.

I'll say one thing: for the first time in many elections I'm really looking forward to tuning into a debate.

And finally, here’s a listing of Bloomberg’s “contributions” this election cycle, according to FEC records.

Scroll yourself sick, literally, as you dizzily contemplate the unending complications of such obscene amounts of money being thrown in every direction. And that’s just for elections, which doesn't include not spending for advertising, his own catered campaign events or staff salaries and junkets.

Or just watch here, which was the gift of a Chapo comrade who just made it:

Drink up, comrades. We're headed for some very interesting times.

Solidarity Forever!

38 users have voted.


Mark from Queens's picture

the gap between rich and poor I hear the echo now of Jack London writing in 1905 of the "crime and betrayal" he observed during the time he spent among the 1% of his day...

I had expected to find men who were clean, noble, and alive, whose ideals were clean, noble, and alive. I went about amongst the men who sat in the high places--the preachers, the politicians, the business men, the professors, and the editors. I ate meat with them, drank wine with them, automobiled with them, and studied them. It is true, I found many that were clean and noble; but with rare exceptions, they were not alive. I do verily believe I could count the exceptions on the fingers of my two hands. Where they were not alive with rottenness, quick with unclean life, there were merely the unburied dead--clean and noble, like well-preserved mummies, but not alive. In this connection I may especially mention the professors I met, the men who live up to that decadent university ideal, "the passionless pursuit of passionless intelligence."

I met men who invoked the name of the Prince of Peace in their diatribes against war, and who put rifles in the hands of Pinkertons with which to shoot down strikers in their own factories. I met men incoherent with indignation at the brutality of prize-fighting, and who, at the same time, were parties to the adulteration of food that killed each year more babies than even red-handed Herod had killed.

I talked in hotels and clubs and homes and Pullmans, and steamer-chairs with captains of industry, and marvelled at how little travelled they were in the realm of intellect. On the other hand, I discovered that their intellect, in the business sense, was abnormally developed. Also, I discovered that their morality, where business was concerned, was nil.

This delicate, aristocratic-featured gentleman, was a dummy director and a tool of corporations that secretly robbed widows and orphans. This gentleman, who collected fine editions and was an especial patron of literature, paid blackmail to a heavy-jowled, black-browed boss of a municipal machine. This editor, who published patent medicine advertisements and did not dare print the truth in his paper about said patent medicines for fear of losing the advertising, called me a scoundrelly demagogue because I told him that his political economy was antiquated and that his biology was contemporaneous with Pliny.

This senator was the tool and the slave, the little puppet of a gross, uneducated machine boss; so was this governor and this supreme court judge; and all three rode on railroad passes. This man, talking soberly and earnestly about the beauties of idealism and the goodness of God, had just betrayed his comrades in a business deal. This man, a pillar of the church and heavy contributor to foreign missions, worked his shop girls ten hours a day on a starvation wage and thereby directly encouraged prostitution. This man, who endowed chairs in universities, perjured himself in courts of law over a matter of dollars and cents. And this railroad magnate broke his word as a gentleman and a Christian when he granted a secret rebate to one of two captains of industry locked together in a struggle to the death.

It was the same everywhere, crime and betrayal, betrayal and crime--men who were alive, but who were neither clean nor noble, men who were clean and noble, but who were not alive. Then there was a great, hopeless mass, neither noble nor alive, but merely clean. It did not sin positively nor deliberately; but it did sin passively and ignorantly by acquiescing in the current immorality and profiting by it. Had it been noble and alive it would not have been ignorant, and it would have refused to share in the profits of betrayal and crime.

I discovered that I did not like to live on the parlour floor of society. Intellectually I was as bored. Morally and spiritually I was sickened. I remembered my intellectuals and idealists, my unfrocked preachers, broken professors, and clean-minded, class-conscious working-men. I remembered my days and nights of sunshine and starshine, where life was all a wild sweet wonder, a spiritual paradise of unselfish adventure and ethical romance. And I saw before me, ever blazing and burning, the Holy Grail.

So I went back to the working-class, in which I had been born and where I belonged. I care no longer to climb. The imposing edifice of society above my head holds no delights for me. It is the foundation of the edifice that interests me. There I am content to labour, crowbar in hand, shoulder to shoulder with intellectuals, idealists, and class-conscious working-men, getting a solid pry now and again and setting the whole edifice rocking. Some day, when we get a few more hands and crowbars to work, we'll topple it over, along with all its rotten life and unburied dead, its monstrous selfishness and sodden materialism. Then we'll cleanse the cellar and build a new habitation for mankind, in which there will be no parlour floor, in which all the rooms will be bright and airy, and where the air that is breathed will be clean, noble, and alive.

Such is my outlook. I look forward to a time when man shall progress upon something worthier and higher than his stomach, when there will be a finer incentive to impel men to action than the incentive of to-day, which is the incentive of the stomach. I retain my belief in the nobility and excellence of the human. I believe that spiritual sweetness and unselfishness will conquer the gross gluttony of to-day. And last of all, my faith is in the working-class. As some Frenchman has said, "The stairway of time is ever echoing with the wooden shoe going up, the polished boot descending."

"What Life Means To Me"

36 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

@Mark from Queens That is a beautiful quote.
Thank you so much.

12 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@Mark from Queens . He and his panel have great fun with tweets. They could bring this material to life and in so doing awaken a whole lot of folks -- while making us laugh, no less. What you did here is pure gold, and the work you put into it is very evident. Thanks so much for doing this.

2 users have voted.

Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed

IdealistCynic's picture


Thanks for this. But please put up the links to the tweets. I may have already shared some of them on Twitter. I'm frantically tweeting and retweeting everything on Twitter that I run across that is negative on Bloomberg as I find him what is called a more effective evil than Trump. I kind of resurrected my Twitter account having let it go dormant, but that seems to be a good medium to blast stuff out on this point against the PTB, better than FB.

BTW, my handle on Twitter is the same as my username on C99. I don't have a lot of followers since I really didn't use the account much until recently.

13 users have voted.

@IdealistCynic Ronnie Mitchell is my name.

6 users have voted.
IdealistCynic's picture

@aliasalias Thank you. And check out Charles Blow's tweet against Bloomberg and note all the Bloomberg apologists starting to muck it up. I RT'ed one of the worst of the responses that actually stated that Russia could outspend Bloomberg on this election. Doesn't that factually challenged idiot realize the entire Russian military budget for a year is roughly equivalent to Bloomberg's net worth (around 55-60 billion). What a maroon!

9 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Bingo. Plus a bit of old fashion buying it by buying up people's endoresement from people who know better. The number of black congress members across the country throwing their hat in with him when they know that his stop and frisk policy hurt many of the fellow blacks. This is what I can't get beyond. How many are just saying it's in the past and we 'should look forward' while police harassment against blacks is on going. If we had a function media we would learn that they killed another black person every day and it is the epidemic we should be talking about. I sure wonder how many rich white people would be saying let's look forward if cops had invaded their neighborhoods and threw out their 4th amendment? Yeah that shit would have been on the news hourly.

As for this. This is an excellent point.

Let’s be honest: Ads also enable Mike to mislead voters without being corrected. One ad portrays him as Obama’s BFF, even though Mike didn’t back him in '08 & barely did in '12, when he scolded Obama for being partisan, divisive & populist. But few will see this pushback

Mike is saying that the world will be all healed once he is in office without anyone asking just how he will accomplish it. I have seen a few of his ads and they sure sound nice, but no talk about how to achieve it.

The biggest thing though is his buying the DNC and getting Perez to change the rules that every other candidate has had to adhere to since this long road show started. And why the hell aren't people asking why candidates have to jump through new hoops to make the debates instead of hearing from all of them?

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

13 users have voted.

But here it is anyway.

17 users have voted.
Wally's picture

Anna Grabowski, a hero for our times:

16 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

pretending to believe in climate change, having a lot more money, and bribing all the Important People into pretending they love him. Sounds like Bloomberg to me.

23 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

moneysmith's picture

this is actually pretty scary, the possibility that this selfish, disgusting, wealthy man could actually purchase so much power. Instead of an election, why don't we just have an auction?

Thanks for all the work you put into this, Mark. Certainly is damning. And deserved. I had no idea he was such an awful human being.

24 users have voted.

Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare

snoopydawg's picture


just click on that and it will take you to Twitter to read.

1 user has voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


to whom I was replying to. Sorry bout that.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Hawkfish's picture

You had the two richest men in the Roman Republic (Pompey and Crassus) allied with the best politician (Caesar). For one of his consular elections, Crassus bought bread for everyone in Rome for three months.

This never ends well for the society in question. At least Crassus died an ignominious death after assuming that being a plutocrat qualified him to be a general. After the Parthians massacred him and his legions, they used his head as a stage prop for a play. (There was also a story that they poured molten gold into his mouth but I think that was some earlier incompetent greedheads.)

15 users have voted.

We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

snoopydawg's picture

A few things stand out for me.

Alas, we live in perhaps the most depressing of times. This fucking despotic, misogynistic and racist briber is attempting to be the first ever to almost completely circumvent the traditional idea of having to at least somewhat industriously campaign in and among the citizenry for votes, by instead using the pure cynically Machiavellian tactic of outright buying them or bribing their attendance at campaign stops or allegiance with endorsements with catered food and wine or funding their pet projects.

That so many people have decided to skip the rest of the primary and just decide to select Bloomberg has shown how dumb people have become since Trump became president. And especially when they skip over Bernie because he's not a democrat while overlooking the fact that neither is Bloomberg. He's not only a republican, but as you showed here he has worked against democrats in the past just because he wanted even more breaks than he has gotten or given himself. Buying a third term while people are freaking out about Trump not stepping down after the election has got to be the biggest giveaway of people losing their f'cking minds!

as long as they can beat Trump, is a testament to how warped and depraved we've plummeted to even further.

Amen. Glad you found the words I couldn't.'s just mind blowing how many centrists have jumped on the Bloomberg bandwagon.

16 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture



somehow you missed the Russian money and constant favors for Putin as he sews the USSR back together.

Oh of course it's because of Russia Russia Russia....!! SMDH over the idiocy.
This qualifies for DCOTN #6

Dumbest call of the night.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

One of the pleasures of twitter is to be able to erase somebody from your life by blocking them,and lately I've been dropping that hammer a lot.
With some people it's easy to tell that having any rational debate with them is a hopeless cause,yet I haven't blocked that fountain of vile Neera Tanden, because she has such a large following but they are getting exposed to the truth on her twitter feed by others using her platform to debunk whatever she is spewing.

8 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

out of Truthdig, I'm sending out articles to many people - as I mentioned yesterday, my brother said something about supporting Bloomberg and I put the kabosh on that, but I just sent him this article, too, as insurance. Shok

6 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Mark from Queens's picture

I Got Banned From Texting For Mike Bloomberg After Sending Hundreds of Texts From Campaign Saying Mike Hates Broads and Blacks... AMA

I'm probably going to Mike's very efficiently run gulag, but I spent the past few days sending several hundred texts from the Bloomberg campaign supporting Stop and Frisk, sharing racist and sexist Bloomberg quotes, otherwise convincing people that Mike basically wants to be God Emperor of Killing Soda. Happy to do Praxis.

Actually, funnily enough, a lot of folks who did respond who realized it was a troll job were absolutely disgusted with what was actually shared. I wasn't posting just weird performance art, it was all shit he actually has said and done. I actually spent hours doing this bullshit because it was actually convincing people he's a POS.

I'm actually convinced all his support is just purely purchased from ads or endorsements. People are horrified when they get all the receipts of his bullshit.

Best part about this heroic comrade: he’s making multiple accounts to continue his infiltration.

Fuck these people. They must be destroyed.

6 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

to talented campaign staffers, stealing them out from rival campaigns. Wonder how many of these bright young people are trying to pay off student debt? When you render the general populace poor and needy, they become easy to buy. Wage slavery.

Bloomberg cannot possibly come to a good end.

4 users have voted.

Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed