Truely Progressive ?

From Hanging Chads to Hanging Apps to -> Hanging Heads.

In 2000 We Had Hanging Chads, Now We Have Hanging Apps -
February 5, 2020

I listened to this podcast on the TRN website, which you could do as well, if you have nothing better to do.

Some random thoughts while listening to it:

I am for flat paper ballots with a cross behind a candidate to be counted by hand surveilled by an unconnected camera to the internet to verify proper handling of the paper ballots. Of course that is unacceptable, because avoiding the internet technology is a no-no. Avoidance and being off-line for me is a wanna-be yes-yes. The only way to not be mislead, manipulated and surveilled on the intertubes, is to not using them. But clearly the IT elites and the empire they represent will never allow that average folks could function in life without it.

I feel so old. And I have pity for the young generation and what they will have to go through not evading and cutting themselves off from that technology. Living off-grid (as they call it in some places in HI) would be nice, if it existed. But it doesn't anymore.

Off the grid living is the most promoted "experience" online, sold to the nearest millionaire who has no idea what to do with his life, while stealing land from the only folks who still eeked out their little corners of their off-the-grid homes, the native and indigineous populations. And even they barely esist anymore.

So, in fact, this generation is or will be the most oppressed and un-free generation world wide, it seems to me.

Probably I am only thoroughly depressed. What the heck. Have a nice Sunday morning, all.

13 users have voted.


Raggedy Ann's picture

this generation is or will be the most oppressed and un-free generation world wide, it seems to me.

Makes me want to try harder for my 20-something grandchildren. They are not status coup beings. I'm hoping they will favor revolution if things don't work out.

9 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

mimi's picture

@Raggedy Ann
I am not sure what I am anymore, depressed, angry, hopeless or whatever... I can't take my own feelings anymore at face value. I must find a way to see at least something in positive ways.

I love your cheerfulness. That is a constant feature of yours and it's lovable and admirable.

Kiss 3

6 users have voted.

It did for me.

5 users have voted.

Get a load of this crap.

"What our job is at the Iowa Democratic Party is to report out the official reports that we receive ... so that is what we have done. But we have this process right now, and we will see what comes in through this process," Price said at a Friday press conference. "The math worksheet is actually a legal document, it is signed by the precinct chair and the precinct captains ... so we are not allowed to change that. We have to report out what is reported to us."

Which could be translated as.

Does not seem seem OK

10 users have voted.

@humphrey So the IDP allows for a recanvass but it can only point out any inaccuracies/irregularities but not correct them?

Curious how the IDP runs its caucus. And more damning evidence to argue in favor of eliminating their cactus system. And if they don't switch to regular voting, Dems should agree in the next cycle to bypass IA and move directly to NH. One small lily-white state with no major cities should be enough to start the primary process, and at least NH seems to have its act together.

7 users have voted.

@wokkamile Accuracy be damned.

11 users have voted.
k9disc's picture


9 users have voted.

“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

Socialprogressive's picture

a math equation is an opinion. That just boggles the mind.
How do these assholes even sleep at night?

14 users have voted.

We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.

PriceRip's picture


So, according to the IDP
a math equation is an opinion.

          this makes me cry, cuss, and despair.

          Surprise is out of the question as I have been in a courtroom enough to know how lawyers too often have only a tenuous attachment to objective Reality. In fact, some even deny the existence of an objective Reality.


6 users have voted.

@humphrey @humphrey I used to work elections in a democratic machine run city. I worked a bunch of primaries. Thee number one way to vote fraud is to misreport results. It was done at either at polling place or those tallying the results. More often in my case it was at the polling place. For example, with older machines the "polling director (boss)" would go back to unseal the results logging in the machine, and if nobody was watching, he could transfer 100 votes to his candidate away from the opposition. The in ability to add and transfer properly led to some precients report more votes for a candidate than were registered in the precient.

And back in the day, hard to challenge as a candidate would have to take a machine out of storage, and then verify results. Very difficult process.

Looks like this is is going to happen in Nevada against Bernie.

7 users have voted.

But it is all legal I guess.

10 users have voted.

@humphrey Unless one has actually worked elections in corrupted communities, people think "rigging" is some solely top down conspiracy. No it is not. It is not only the DNC which is corrupt but the state parties run by establishment democrats. It is a strange thing, but once a person has picked sides in the tribal warfare within the party, you don't need to be told to cheat and defraud. In a strange way, a very decentralized method of cheating. What happened in Iowa was not possible without many activists in the state and county structure doing vote fraud. I am sure they all thought it was okay.

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OzoneTom's picture

"You expect us to unilaterally disarm?!?" /s

3 users have voted.
wendy davis's picture

also on TRNN post-peries and paul jay:

oh, goodie: john nichols: 'Democrats Must Bring Optimism and Truth to Counter Trump’s Message of Lies and Distortions', feb. 5

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