#IowaCaucus 2020 Open Thread


No live open thread?

Ok, here goes:

In my darker moments I reflect on the fact that caring about politics is a mental illness, kind of—what it is is essentially a mad and desperate search for a sense of control.

It’s to feel like you have some sort of say over what’s going to happen, even though deep down in your darkest heart you know it’s not true. You know that you are totally at the whims of history and fate, the machinations of man and beast, and that you have very little say about where you end up. Politics is a way to feel like, “maybe I can influence it.”

For the most part that’s what it is, a big displacement of one’s sense of helplessness. And that goes beyond caring about politics, it goes to voting, to being involved and everything, because it really is an illusion — politics really is beyond us for the most part. Huge forces like capitalism shape things beyond a scale that we could ever even comprehend because we’re so small.

But — and I’ve been trying to fight against this for a year now because I don’t want to lose my way, I don’t want to get stars in my eyes — but I cannot get over this feeling, even when I’m feeling at my darkest and most pessimistic, that this is a moment that is the beginning of a chance to actually get closer to putting your hand somewhere close to the levers of destiny. Not with this election, not with this primary, not even with Bernie getting in — that’s just the opening of the door. You have to step through and you have to walk.

But I really feel like that if we have an ability as a species to come together in a common recognition of humanity, that this is maybe our last chance to do it.
But we might actually be able to.

­Matt Christman, Chapo Trap House, January 30, 2020

“I think being on this planet, one of the first things people would say if we were all dumped down here is - let us say there were only ten of us and we were dropped into this planet already formed - one of the first things we would say after a moment or two will be, ‘is everybody okay?’ let's get
something to eat.’

And that should be the first thing any society says, ‘Is everybody? Ok, let's get something to eat. And we don't, because we have this ‘private property’ thing. Property rights over people's rights.

And I just think that competition got the upper hand over cooperation. This species was successful. The verge of failure that we’re on is because two wonderful qualities that made us a successful species, cooperation and competition, are way out of balance now. Competition is everything.

Cooperation happens after a flood; happens for a few days and then everybody goes back to where they were before.

We need to get that balance back. If we can get that balance back, there’s hope.”

George Carlin, 1992

A decade after the emergence of Occupy Wall Street ­­– which put a spotlight on rising inequality in the U.S. and mounted a challenge against this country’s financial and political elites — it would be easy, but wrong, to see a news segment like CBS’s as Occupy’s most lasting achievement. In promoting the story on Twitter, CBS referenced the “1 percent,” adopting Occupy’s framing. And the tone of the segment was significantly more sympathetic to activists’ central critique than coverage of the movement was at the time.

Occupy “changed the conversation,” as the saying goes. For years after the movement was violently suppressed, that explanation seemed sufficient. Now, after a decade of some of the most vibrant and exciting social movements in a generation, it’s clear that the organized left is doing much more than changing the rhetoric used by mainstream news outlets...

The rallying cry in Zuccotti Park and in encampments around the country was “all our grievances are connected.” The movement was always committed to a structural critique — and ultimately a rejection — of capitalism. Occupy activists insisted that to talk about environmental justice, and workers’ rights, and universal health care was really to be talking about different aspects of the same thing. In order to address these problems, it was necessary, if not sufficient, to name capitalism as the system linking other forms of oppression and exploitation.

That critique has gone from the fringe to the mainstream. Young people especially feel negatively about capitalism and positively about socialism. Tireless organizing has continued to give teeth to the rhetoric, as the last decade also saw some of the most exciting social movements in a generation. From The Fight For 15, to the Movement for Black Lives, to efforts to decriminalize sex work, to MeToo, to Standing Rock, to the disability-activist-led fight to defeat the repeal of Obamacare, to environmental justice and the Women’s Marches, people have organized and taken to the street to demand dignity, equality and a future worth living. Each of these movements have lineages separate and distinct from Occupy, but they exist alongside each other in a mosaic of collective struggle...

By the time Occupy arose, that mindset was still prevalent but starting to change. After the inability of the anti-war movement in 2003 to prevent the invasion of Iraq, many activists became more willing to at least consider the need to engage in electoral politics. With the resurgence of socialism as a guiding philosophy of the left, rather than the anti-consumerism and “conscious consumerism” that absorbed so much energy and attention in the ’90s, the left is no longer content to unilaterally withdraw from the halls of power. All that is to say the left hasn’t given up its outside game, but much of it is finally willing to play an inside game as well.

In 2016, many veterans of Occupy flocked to Bernie Sanders’s campaign. Here was a candidate who had fought for many of the same things as their movement. Although Sanders has faced critiques from the left, including from Black Lives Matter activists in 2015, and for his vote for the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, his many supporters on the left say the senator and those around him are receptive to good faith criticisms. “Bernie’s criminal justice platform responds to the demands of a movement that has been in the streets for the last five years,” Philip Agnew, an activist with the Movement for Black Lives and a Sanders surrogate, said in a recent interview. “His criminal justice platform is an amazing example of a campaign that is responsive to a movement, in a way that Sanders rarely gets credit for.”

That’s one of the reasons many veterans of Occupy and other activists such as those energized by U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the vision of the Green New Deal have celebrated Sanders’s rise, and his refusal to play the respectability game by distancing himself from the label of democratic socialist. He embraced that label, and his rise in 2016 — as well as the national trauma of the Trump campaign and ultimate victory — drove an explosion of leftist recruitment, primarily by the Democratic Socialists of America.


Live coverage:

The Rational National
Jimmy Dore Show
TYT Live
The Michael Brooks Show

NY Times map
Des Moines Regsiter

47 users have voted.


pswaterspirit's picture

No, democrats are different everywhere Iowa tends to sway more conservative about some stuff. On the West Coast Pete would be a republican. He will go down hard out here.

14 users have voted.
Wally's picture

First Vote Final Vote Total S.D.E.s
Candidate Votes Pct. Votes Pct. Votes Pct.
Buttigieg 1,313 17.8% 1,385 27.6% — —
Sanders 1,916 25.9 1,318 26.3 — —
Warren 1,656 22.4 1,030 20.5 — —
Biden 978 13.2 693 13.8

We don't know delegates. Bernie wins by first count. Buttigieg by second. Who's on first with delegates? This should be the death knell of caucuses. Biden is phluckeld. Mimi is a genius. Bloomberg is getting hoisted on us.

I'll stick by Bernie at least through Super Tuesday. But jeez.

11 users have voted.
Wally's picture

. . . with first round, then second round.

And they still only have

6 users have voted.
Wally's picture


3 users have voted.
smiley7's picture

past two weeks; way too early to tell and it's anyone's guess as to why this delay. Maybe they are looking for Ballot Box 13 Smile

8 users have voted.


7 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

count go up from First Alignment to Final Alignment? Everybody else's count goes down, because presumably not all of the first alignment precincts have done final alignment.

Buttigieg's goes from 1,313 in First Alignment to 1,385 in Final Alignment.

For comparison, Sanders goes from 1,916 to 1,318.

Biden goes from 978 to 693.

Warren from 1,656 to 1,030.

What the hell? Buttigieg gained so many from the second round he is overperforming precincts that haven't had their final count yet?

Edit to add:

8 users have voted.
Wally's picture


3 users have voted.


something fishy is going on there. Like they are pumping up Buttigieg's numbers.

6 users have voted.


Like they are pumping up Buttigieg's numbers.

Oh the phuckery, it burns.

6 users have voted.

“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963


But one thought is that if candidates like Klobuchar or Steyer or even Biden don't qualify in certain precincts, perhaps all their votes are going to Buttigieg, who is viable.

All the neoliberal votes ganging up kind of thing.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


would pool their....something with another candidate to boost their numbers. If this is true then is it fair? Seems like a lot of rules have flown out the window this year.

But if you have to cheat to win then it's just bogus BS!

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture



But in her next tweet she says that anyone who thinks this was rigged sounds just like Trump. Cover your assets, Neera!

5 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Centaurea's picture

about a coin toss. That's how Hillary "won" Iowa in 2016. Six coin tosses in a row all went in her favor.

Seriously, that's how the Dem caucuses have always worked. Coin tosses and pooling supporters when a candidate becomes unviable. They're the next best thing to a smoke-filled back room.

5 users have voted.

"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone


6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


It was Russia that screwed with the caucus tonight.

lol..but then the app was designed by Hillary's stooge David Brock.

Why did they change the way caucuses were done this year? Oh oh oh I know...

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

prospect of a Bernie win. So when Biden crashes and burns they drag their feet with the results, buying time to strategize on rigging the results. And at the very least they deprive Bernie of a well deserved public victory lap and the bump it would give his campaign.


Childish assholes.

12 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

Rigging the system - cheating is going on - stop Bernie at all costs. Mayo Cheat helped finance the app that is showing him as the winner. What could be more fair? Check out #MayorCheat trending on twitter - but I like Mayo Cheat better! Pleasantry

7 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Dawn's Meta's picture

@Raggedy Ann Who is Somebody Mook? He apparently has something to do with this app according to the Rising folks.

5 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

Raggedy Ann's picture

@Dawn's Meta
Former Clinton Campaign manager. Nothing to see here. Move along. Shok

7 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

no results yet worth reporting. RCP has Sanders up to 26% now, Warren at 22%. I am waiting to see how the DNC is going to steal this one. My (desperate?) hope is that if they see Warren in a strong 2nd position, they might hold their fire for this round.

8 users have voted.

Mary Bennett


13 users have voted.
Wally's picture

I can't post stuff.

There is total chaos with the vote count.

3 users have voted.
Granma's picture

@Wally maybe need to start a new live results thread.

4 users have voted.

Their ap they were going to use for reporting is all messed up and I bet people are going to have to revert to the old method. Probably get it mostly cleared up by morning.

5 users have voted.
janis b's picture

and expected to get some results of the race, but the charts were blank. I know now why, after some reading here and there - technical failures/abnormalities. Why am I not surprised, and as a result feeling concerned? Oddly, or maybe not, I am also feeling hopeful, hoping that in the end the truth will win.

Good luck, everyone.

11 users have voted.
Bollox Ref's picture


15 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

13 users have voted.
Mark from Queens's picture

I mean, exactly who are they...names, affiliation, rank, etc.

This is a complete joke. They fucked with the whole apparatus this year, yet no one seems accountable. Just heard that Robby fucking Mook developed this new system. This would be totally comical if it wasn't tragic.

Who. Is. Running. The. Show...at the Iowa state Dem party?? I want names. I want a vigorous questioning to all of these motherfuckers. It's time to get in their faces.

I mean, the public's dissatisfaction with government is already off the charts. Is the idea here to just flabbergast people to the point of apathy and inertia? I'm starting to think so.

I hope some motherfuckers take it upon themselves to go straight up to wherever these state party officials are - at this moment - look them straight in the eye, and say "what the fuck is it that you're doing? We're on to you. Look behind me; there's hundreds of us. And we're not leaving until you get to the bottom of this shit, with us right here watching."


2% more in, and now Bernie's up again:

21 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

@Mark from Queens and if Iowa was a developing country (bonus if it had oil), the American government would be planning an invasion to spread freedom.

14 users have voted.

@Mark from Queens

What a shit show.

8 users have voted.

Mark from Queens's picture

and/or posterity.

12 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Mark from Queens's picture

that the results will be given, and then announcing that "I have a feeling we'll be doing very, very well" or something, and then into a standard speech, attacking Trump, etc.

Modest tax on Wall St, we bailed the crooks out and it's time for them to help us out, climate change, pharma co's, etc.


9 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

janis b's picture

@Mark from Queens


9 users have voted.
smiley7's picture

Onward ...

8 users have voted.

12 users have voted.
janis b's picture


Thanks for that humphrey.

8 users have voted.

That is to use their cell phones to verify the results of the individual caucus sites. Mook can't be trusted!

14 users have voted.

@humphrey The results better be the same! Bernie will have the receipts.

11 users have voted.
janis b's picture


Hopefully they will be rewarded for their proactivity, while everything in this climate is so 'irregular'.

10 users have voted.
Mark from Queens's picture

Paid for by...who?

Mayo CIA Pete's campaign paid in part for this app?

This could be a Burn It Down moment.

14 users have voted.

"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Wally's picture

I have never been so freaked out in my life.

My sense is that Bernie won Iowa big,

But TPTB are going to force Bloomberg on us.

Mimi, you ain't bonkers.

11 users have voted.

He learned from the best. /S

Troy Price is an American political strategist and LGBT rights advocate who has served as the Chair of the Iowa Democratic Party since his election in July 2017. Price worked in the administration of Iowa Governor Chet Culver, and later served as a press aide for Tom Vilsack.[1] Price served as Iowa Director for the Barack Obama 2012 presidential campaign and the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign.

8 users have voted.

He flew in from all over the country all of his 5 black supporters (front row center) to serve as a backdrop for his speech.

10 users have voted.

Robbie Mook was Hillary's campaign manager in 2016. You may know Niko from Mi Casa es su Casa. He explains it here:


So I checked into TYT, and interestingly enough, Cenk could not identify the creator, just said it was related to "the Democrats."

No wonder the Des Moines Register wouldn't let us see the poll results.

Feels like puking time again ..

17 users have voted.

Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed https://tinyurl.com/vgvuhcl

janis b's picture


"and always remember people, more than anything else, mind your balance"

6 users have voted.

@janis b and despite the bouncy personality, actually very knowledgeable and experienced in Dem politics. Young, a lot of growing to do (huge ego). Also, I think the phrase he uses is "find your balance."

4 users have voted.

Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed https://tinyurl.com/vgvuhcl

janis b's picture


thanks again.

1 user has voted.

The cat is out of the bag


15 users have voted.

14 users have voted.
Wally's picture

I've been calling up friends from the east to the west coast.

it's now 1:30 am et.

7 users have voted.
Bob In Portland's picture

I wonder if Someone at the Iowa Democratic Party is trying to figure out a way to alter the results. I don't trust anyone.

14 users have voted.
mimi's picture

i am thankful for these explanations from Robert Reich.
Everything you need to know about the Presidential Primaries
Ok, can you forgive me to not have any further interest in all things primary and caucus? Can you give me a reason why to care about them? The worldwide coup of the (leave out appropriate wording here), has succeeded, the train left the station, the genie isn't out of the bottle, and if it is, it just fizzled away).

My genious brain gives up.

7 users have voted.
Wally's picture

Fuck these muthafuckas.

15 users have voted.
mimi's picture

mimi's picture
